Unknown (4 page)

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Authors: Christina Quinn

Tags: #Vampire, #Paranormal Romance, #Erotic Paranormal Romance, #Vampire Ballet, #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: Unknown
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I stepped out of my bedroom with the curlers still in my hair. On the island in the kitchen, Kendra had a cup of coffee waiting for me as she sipped tea. I nursed my coffee and sighed softly.

“If you had been there you’d be just as confused as I am.”

“I’m not going to acquiesce him to you just yet.” She smirked at me and I just stared.
Be nice she’s your friend.

“Ken, I would expect nothing less.” I forced myself to smile at her as I peeked up from my coffee.

“Well then, let the games begin.”
You just lost him, Autumn. He’s better suited for her.

“Good luck.” I offered her a smile before I slipped out of the chair and headed back to the bedroom, removing the curlers from my hair. I shook out my long dark tresses and fanned my fingers through the curls before spritzing with hairspray.

“I bet I can get him to cancel.” Kendra teased from the other side of the door. My jaw tightened and I frowned at the mirror before I started applying my makeup. “It only makes sense that I’d get him first. I had Garrett first too. Maybe you should try for Dmitri? He’d want you to lose twenty pounds first, but I’ve broken him in for you.” I stared at my reflection, frozen as Kendra continued to speak, but I tuned her out.
She’s just coping with insecurity.
I double checked my lipstick in the mirror and smoothed my hair.
And so are you.

I grabbed my coat off of my coat rack and tied the belt around my waist before slipping into my favorite pair of knee-high black boots. We left my apartment in silence and took our respective trains to opposite sides of the city. She went to the theater and I went to the University. Oddly enough, I wasn’t even late.




Six-forty-five found me slipping into rehearsal room B at the theater. Rehearsal was still in session. That remixed song from before played as Aleksi danced with Kendra. The addition of a partner made what seemed suggestive before borderline obscene. Their bodies were always inches from one another as they twirled, flowing from movement to movement. Even I could pick out the difference between a vampire and human dancer. Compared to Aleksi, Kendra seemed almost clumsy.

“That’s all wrong!” The music stopped. “I get it you want to fuck him, but Freda doesn’t want him.” A vampire with curly blonde hair and a clipboard raged. “Freda is trying to resist him. I sensed no struggle in you. You’re not supposed to be seducing him, he is supposed to seduce you to no avail.” The blonde huffed out. Aleksi’s eyes fell on me and I could feel the heat of his gaze. “I know Aleksi is very good at it, but try to not let your cunt rule you while you’re dancing.” My eyes darted to Kendra, she looked like she was about to cry. “Or, do I need to recast your part, Lovely Kendra?”

“No, Tristan. I’ll try harder.” She answered almost mechanically.

“Good. That’s all I ask, now you can leave. I expect to see you Monday; bright eyed, bushy tailed and at least ten percent less shitty.” That blonde vampire smirked as Kendra ran out of the room. She didn’t even look up to see me. No, she was far too focused on trying not to cry.

“I think she broke or sprained something,” Aleksi commented dryly.

“Ah, to be human again and so fragile.” Tristan sighed out rolling his eyes.

“Wasn’t that the point of having a human dancer?”

“That and the publicity. Humans are barbarous; they love to watch a lone lamb in a cage full of starving lions. The lion salivating as it roars and circles in on unknowing prey. It’s practically pornographic to them. I was tempted to cast that delicious little morsel Garrett in the part… But I get a distinct whiff of wet dog from him.” Tristan sucked his teeth and I turned to leave, my hand resting on the door. “We know you’re there poppet. There is no hiding that candy red pulse of yours from us. That quickened breath. I could write sonnets about that heartbeat.” Tristan purred out. I could see him holding the clipboard and practically swooning with a smirk on his small lips. Aleksi turned to Tristan abruptly. There was a moment of utter still silence.

Their eyes were locked on one another as something passed between them. Unspoken threats filled the empty space separating them. I could see the anger flash behind both of their eyes; like two large lions facing off for dominance. It made me uneasy, but still I lingered. Why? I haven’t the slightest clue why I didn’t leave. No, I was compelled to stay. I was the lamb in the cage with the salivating lions.

“It was a pleasure Ophelia,” Tristan snickered heading for the door. A few moments passed.

“M-m… my name is Autumn.” I finally corrected him when he reached the door.

“But you are Ophelia, my dear. Or at least that’s what you will be. You see Hamlet is a sullen, selfish prick.” His lips curl into a smile and he turned back to look at us, flashing that bright, luminous smile. “I hope you both have a lovely evening. I’m off to see Gertrude. I’ll give her your love Hamlet.” With that simple sentiment, he disappeared into the hall leaving me alone with Aleksi.
You should leave. Make up an excuse and leave. This was a mistake.

The room felt dark and foreboding as we stood in silence. My hands smoothed my skirt, as I took a slow breath. My mind raced back to the shower this morning as we stood there alone in the empty rehearsal studio. Our reflections revealed everything. I could see the tension in his shoulders as those smoldering eyes focused on me. Watching him was like watching a massive cat that desperately wanted to pounce an object just out of reach.

“And there you are. Frozen again as your mind considers the situation and the proper thing to do,” Aleksi’s voice slithered out almost a whisper. With that supple, sensual sound my skin broke out in gooseflesh. He licked his lips. “You’re shivering.”
I pulled my coat tighter around me, my fingers trailing up to smooth over the line of my bangs.

“It’s…” I almost said it’s cold, but I stopped myself. It wasn’t cold in the studio
. If you worried so much about the proper thing to do, you wouldn’t be here.

“Come closer.”
. I hesitated with furrowed brows. The request was so simple. Come closer, it was so benign and yet I found myself torn.
. Ignoring the voice in my head, I took a step closer to him. My heels sounding off on the wood floor made every step seem heavy and blaring.
Ophelia goes mad and kills herself.
I continued to walk to him.
Hamlet neglects her and denounces her a whore.
My heart was high in my chest as he held up his hand for me to stop about half way to him. I paused mid-step with a swallow.
He’s a cat toying with his food.
“Before you come any closer I feel I should warn you, I have not fed yet.”

“O-oh. Should… should I go?” My eyes went to the door for a moment, and my hands went to their nervous preening. My fingers rested on the simple strand of pearls at my throat.

“Do you want to go?”
My lips parted at his question and I tilted my head from side to side.

Yes, you want to go.
I shook my head. “If you would prefer it. I wouldn’t want to… intrude.” My eyes raised to his and that cerulean was nuclear. His gaze was intense enough to make me quiver. I pressed my knees together and that smile on his lips widened triumphantly.

“It would please me immensely if you stayed, but I should warn you.”

“Warn me?”

He nodded. “Mhm. Though the media gets a great deal of it wrong, vampires are dangerous to be around. We are vicious, territorial, possessive creatures.” He turned from me and started walking to the door. “Essentially we are humanity amplified.”

“Why haven’t you fed?” His footsteps paused at my question. He turned and stared at me with a smirk.

“Because as much as you crave control, I crave to control. My body, my actions, those around me. I’m going to change, rehearsal ran late. Kendra…” He trailed off and he became unreadable.
See she’s won already.
I fought the urge to pout, biting my bottom lip.
Stop that, you’re being unladylike enough as is by being here.

“She is a beautiful dancer.” I offered smoothing my coat and straightening my lapels.

“Yes, amongst a myriad of other things.” He sighed, “This is the time for second thoughts. If you are unsure about being with me tonight, you may leave. I can well imagine how daunting it is to find oneself the object of a vampire’s desires.”
Something inside me perked up with that admission from his lips. My mind wandered to my little fantasy in the shower and I let out a shaky breath as he left.


With the voice inside my head, the illustrious Miss Manners momentarily quieted by his admission of desire I was free to pace the studio. I slipped out of my boots and watched myself in the mirror. Shedding my coat, I set it on top of the forgotten black grand piano and brushed my fingers over the nearby CD player. I pressed play and that song came back on. With a shaky, shuddered breath, I raised en point and aped the routine I had seen Kendra and Aleksi attempting. It had been years since I danced, and it showed. I kept spying my form in the mirrors, sloppy would have been an understatement.
You were made to quit for a reason.
I stilled and stared at myself in the mirror with a swallow.

Seated by the piano was Aleksi in a black tank top and dark jeans. In his lap under his folded hands was a black leather jacket. The dark colors brought out the pallor of his skin and the azure of his eyes. That long dark hair was still in its loose, almost unraveled bun. The gathered hair rested just under his jaw with the thin trail of the end of his ponytail dusting his shoulders. I didn’t have enough adjectives in my vocabulary to describe how beautiful he looked sitting there.

Our gazes locked in the mirror and a smile spread across his lips granting me a flash of those white fangs. But oh how those eyes of his were almost navy with darkened lust. My eyes trailed him as he stood and walked to the heavy metal door. He twisted the deadbolt, and the click of the lock latching almost echoed over the song.
No escape now.
Something low in my body twisted.

“You dance beautifully,” He whispered as he approached me.

My pulse was at my throat again, and my breathing quickened to breathy sighs. He wasn’t even touching me and I was already seconds from melting.
That word echoed in my mind as he stood inches from me. I could smell the scent of his cologne, it was something spicy and sweet.

“Th-thank you. Though, I am certain most would disagree,” I confessed as I felt my cheeks grow hot with blush.

“Dancing beautifully is not all form and technique. It is also passion, and… the ability to offer yourself up to the music. To surrender yourself.” His lips twitched. “You are innately gifted in that respect, Autumn.”

“How does one who cherishes being in control surrender oneself?” I cocked my head to the side. My voice only held a slight warble. He leaned in and those amazing eyes of his slid to the side.

“It’s a secret,” He whispered into my ear. The chill of his breath on my neck made me tremble.

“I…” I stuttered out followed by a soft, shaky sigh.

“Shhh,” He purred softly to me. Those lips of his lowered to my throat and brushed against my frantic pulse. My eyes rolled back in my head and a soft moan broke my lips.
My eyes went wide and my stomach twisted. I was mortified.

“I’m… Oh god. I’m sorry.” I stammered stepping back from him. I met him twice before this, and both times he had said a handful of words to me. What the hell was I doing?
You should have left.
My hands went to cover my face.

“What do you have to be sorry for? Is it a crime to enjoy yourself?” His eyes keened in displeasure and my brows furrowed as my hands fell away.

“I barely know you…”

“You know my name. You know my vocation, and you know what I am.” He stepped back from me and glided over to the piano fetching my coat and boots.

“I’m sorry, I… I don’t know what to say. Please don’t be mad.” I pleaded with him. I was unsure why I felt the need to beg, but it felt like I should.
Because you’re desperate for him.

“Oh, lovely girl. I’m not mad.” Though his words seemed amicable and the perfect thing to say, there was something else there. Those words were pregnant with some unspoken dark whisperings as he held my coat and boots out to me. I took my boots from him and quickly pulled them on. He helped me with my coat like a true gentleman. “We’ll go to my place. You will drink good wine and I will comply with all of the pleasantries of the traditional first date.” Though he smiled, I could still sense a thread of disappointment or disapproval which made me slightly apprehensive.

“I’m sorry if I ruined your plans I just…” I trailed off as we neared the door. His smile widened and he leaned down to place a kiss on my forehead. His lips were freezing, the cool flesh made me quiver and my knees grow weak.

“No need to explain, Autumn. Those apologetic words speak volumes.” He unlocked the door. “This evening will be an exercise in control— for the both of us.” His smile sweetened. I shivered again and this time it had nothing to do with his flesh.

“So you intend to get me drunk and take advantage of me?”


“Oh.” I couldn’t keep the sadness from reaching my voice. That sadness only seemed to sweeten his smile.




He drove us from the Westley Theater in an old Mercedes convertible with a shiny new black paint job. There was no music, just the hum of the engine and the scent of him. It was intoxicating being so close to him. The prolonged exposure even shut up that bitchy little voice in my head—that was until we pulled up at what I could only guess was his apartment building.

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