Uninhibited (Unlikely Lovers) (29 page)

BOOK: Uninhibited (Unlikely Lovers)
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And yet, they’d been granted this opportunity as the result of some bizarre cosmic alignment, act of God, or twist of fate that made the impossible possible.

And I shouldn’t question the luck that brought us together

For once in her life, she
decided not to look that gift horse in the mouth. No matter what happened next, this was the best time of her life. She would enjoy it while it lasted, which would hopefully turn out to be forever.

Easing back under the blankets, she felt his warmth flow back toward her and realized how much she’d missed having a man in her bed.
Unlike the others, he was more than someone to keep it warm for her. He was someone to hold onto and care for.

And love.

’d never been in love before. She knew that now. No one had ever inspired such passion or such tenderness. Not the way she felt about Alan. Losing him would wound far more than her pride or her heart. His loss would damage her

No matter what happened, she wasn’t letting go of him. He was hers now. Come hell or high water.

* * * *

The alarm on Alan’s watch woke her exactly forty minutes later. She was about to roll over and go back to sleep when she remembered her car was still sitting in the parking lot at Farmer’s Foods.


Alan leaned closer and dropped a kiss on her cheek.
“Good morning to you, too, Sunshine.”

“Not that I’d change anything about the drive home last night, but I’m beginning to wish we’d driven to dinner separately.”

His brief frown was quickly replaced by a nod of comprehension. “Good thing I didn’t decide to go home last night.”

“Yeah. Amazing the stuff you can forget w
hen you’ve got a hot cock in your hand.” She shot him an impish grin. “Or in your mouth or in your ass.”

between your— Did I fuck your tits last night?”

She scratched her head. “Can’t remember—no, wait. You ejaculated on them, but you didn’t actually fuck them.”

“I feel so remiss,” he said without a trace of remorse. “I shall remedy that omission at your earliest convenience.”

She rolled her eyes. “Which I suppose would be right this very moment?”

“Nope. Need to piss first.
I’ll nail your tits.”

“Sounds painful.”

“It won’t be. But then, you already knew that.”

“True.” She sat up, mentally calculating how long it would take to shower, have breakfast, and drive back and forth from the grocery. “Not sure we have time.”

“My dear Emily, how many times must I remind you who the dude is who’ll be fucking your luscious, scrumptious, stupendous tits?”

She glanced down at her C-cups. “I’ll give you luscious and scrumptious, but
? Makes them sound like triple E’s on a stripper.”

“Infinitely better.” Hopping
up, he jogged toward the bathroom then grabbed the doorjamb and swung around to face her. “We could save some serious time by doing it in the shower.”

Waving a hand, she swung her legs
over the side of the bed. “Be right there.”

Just as he’d predicted, her soapy boobs got him off in less than thirty seconds. “See? Nobody will be late for work.”

Since she’d had a sort of mini-gasm when his semen hit the underside of her chin, she couldn’t complain. “Long as I don’t have to jack you off in the Jeep.”

“Nope. I’m good for now. But you’d better be ready when I get here tonight. Whoa, momma, are you gonna get nailed.”

“Good thing generic antibiotics are cheap.”

her into his arms, he kissed her until her knees turned to rubber. “Are you taking your cranberry pills?”

“Yes, I’m taking my cranberry pills
,” she grumbled. “
drinking enough water to float a pontoon. I had to get up to pee twice during the night.”

“Sorry. I really hate the thought of making you sick. Makes me feel like a creep.”

She gave him a quick hug. “You’re not a creep. And don’t worry, we’ll figure out a way to prevent it. Trust me, I am
letting a bladder infection screw this up.”

He nodded as though reassured, but given the spectacular ways
he’d been dumped, she could understand his concern.

“I’ll do some research
,” he said. “Maybe there’s something else we can do.”

“I doubt it.” She poked him in the belly. “I
used to take a pill every time I had sex, which wasn’t all that often. The way we’ve been going, I’ll have to take one at least twice a day. You just have to quit fucking me into such a stupor I can’t get up to pee right away.”

Shaking his head, he
slid his hand down to her hip. “Not sure I can do that. You’re irresistible. You know that, don’t you?”

No, she
know that, but considering his sexual appetites, Alan probably thought every woman he’d ever been with was irresistible. “So are you.” She wasn’t lying, either. He really was

He kissed her again.
“Dangerous combination, isn’t it?”

“Oh, yeah.”

Like death by chocolate.


* * * *

“Well, well, well…” Jason said as Alan unlocked the door
to the grocery at six-fifteen. “Nice to see you’ve been keeping yourself all warm and cozy with your new woman while I’m standing out here freezing my nuts off.”

“Sorry,” Alan said with a wince. “We’d have been here sooner, but—” He stopped there, afraid to say anything else—especially the truth. “We, um, lost track of time.”

“Uh-huh,” Jason said with a scathing nod. “Bet I can guess why.”

We didn’t intend to leave her car here last night. It just sort of…happened.”

Although Jason made no further comments, Alan almost wished he had. At least that way
Alan could cite better reasons for punching his lights out than that annoying, continuous smirk.

The day dragged by like a
n overloaded freight train in a Montana blizzard. His warning to Emily hadn’t been a joke. He hoped she was ready for it.

Will it be like this every day?

He wasn’t sure whether that was a good thing or not. If the “blue balls” effect was any indication, being in a constant state of arousal couldn’t be good for a man. He figured he’d get over it in time—he only wished he knew how much.

Fortunately, the last shipment of fresh, organic turkeys arrived, necessitating some heavy lifting to unload the truck. Thank God for people who forgot to buy a frozen turkey in time to thaw it out for Christmas dinner. There was usually a big rush
for them on Christmas Eve, and they hardly ever had any left after the holidays.

After that flurry of activity, however, he
found himself with time to think about Emily, which gave him another painful boner—especially when his thoughts turned to the memory of her glistening, lathered tits as he slid his dick between them. He considered jacking off in the restroom, but opted for herbal tea and extra dark chocolate instead. It didn’t diminish his erection, but at least it tasted good.

He was in the
deli making his famous tofu salad when it hit him.

Holy shit.
I haven’t gotten her a gift yet.

A year’s supply of cranberry extract was the first idea that came to mind, but that was sort of selfish in a way. If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t need it.

“Yo, Alan. You okay?” Shona asked. “You look like you just sucked down some bad tofu.”

He cleared his throat with an effort. “The tofu’s fine. I just remembered something I forgot.”

Shona’s snicker was almost as annoying as Jason’s smirk. “Let me guess. Birth control?”

“No. I haven’t gotten Emily anything for Christmas.”

Her snicker became more of a snort. “You mean finding
under the tree won’t be enough?”

“Probably not.” From his
perspective, finding Emily under the tree was better than discovering the key to a Maserati in his stocking, but he didn’t think she’d view the matter in quite the same light. This was their first Christmas together. If he screwed it up by giving her something stupid—or nothing at all—she’d remember it until they were both old and gray.

His mouth fell open as th
e full implication of those thoughts sank in.

First Christmas
... Old and gray…

Had he ever contemplated the
years ahead with anyone besides Emily? He was pretty sure he hadn’t. Thus far, his only concerns for the future had revolved around how long it would be before he got laid again. He would go to sleep with Emily on Christmas Eve and would wake up with her on Christmas morning—or so he hoped. They had a good day and a half before bedtime on the twenty-fourth. God only knew what might happen between now and then.

never had a girlfriend during the holidays—had never bought a present for any woman aside from his mother and his sister…

No wonder
he’d never been able to hang onto a woman. He was a selfish shithead, only concerned with his own insatiable needs. The spoon slipped through his fingers to clatter in the bowl.


Shona actually sounded worried this time—with good reason. Alan had never truly succumbed to a panic attack before, but he was doing it now. Hands shaking and knees weak, he backed away from the bowl of tofu like Superman confronted with Kryptonite.

Shona whipped around the counter and grabbed a stool, sliding it under his ass before
he hit the floor. She put a hand on his forehead. “Are you sick?”

.” His voice was a hoarse whisper. “I’ll be all right. Just give me a minute.”

“You are
all right,” she said. “You’re wringing wet! Are you having a heart attack or what?”

“I doubt it.” He was too young and healthy for a heart attack, wasn’t he? Although the stabbing pain in his chest brought tears to his eyes, he couldn’t help believing this was something else. Something

Then again, stress had been known to kill other apparently healthy young men, and he’d been under
a ton of it for the past year. How ironic that it should catch up with him now that everything was going so well.

Or was it? He’d spent a year trying to squelch his sexual urges. Now they’d been given free rein.

This wasn’t about sex.

his was about love, family, Christmas, and Emily.

“Soap. She said she wanted to learn how to make soap.”

“Okay, you’re
scaring me now,” Shona snapped. “I’m calling 911.”

“No, don’t. Just tell me where I can buy soap-making

his question, Shona took hold of his wrist as though feeling for a pulse. “Hmm…kinda fast, but at least it’s regular. Maybe I should call the local looney bin and have them come pick you up instead.”

“A hobby store, maybe?” he mused. “There’s one over by the mall.”
Alan stood up and pulled off his apron. His head swam slightly, but his knees had regained their strength. “I’ll be right back.”


Chapter 21

Emily had worked her way through plenty of “pre-Christmas rush” days, but this one was about to kill her. Try as she might, she couldn’t keep her mind on much of anything—except Alan.

Tell me again why we’re doing this?” she asked.

Kathy gave her a patient smile.
“Since we opted to take Thursday and Friday off this week and work Christmas Eve, we’re supposed to get the statements for January ready to send out tomorrow night so we don’t have to do it all when we come back after the weekend. Actually, it was my idea,” she added with a touch of pride. “My brain is never ready for that after Christmas.”

“My brain isn’t ready for it now,” Emily grumbled.

Neither was her body. Alan might have thought he was good to go after the titty fuck in the shower, but his dick’s idea of a leisurely breakfast consisted of wolfing down a bowl of oatmeal and then nailing her ass on the kitchen table. If he kept on being late to work, she might have to reinstate those nasty limits. Of course, the hand job in the parking lot probably had more to do with his tardiness than the episode in the kitchen. One thing for sure, she was never leaving her car parked at the grocery again.

Back when they’d voted on which days to be off for the holiday, she’d only had plans for Christmas Day.
Now that she and Alan were dating, she had two more family get-togethers to prepare for, and despite all the shopping she’d done ostensibly looking for his gift, she hadn’t bought a damn thing for him. Organizing a month’s worth of statements would mean staying late tonight if she intended to leave early tomorrow. Something told her Alan’s balls would rupture if she wasn’t home when he got there.

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