Uninhibited (Unlikely Lovers) (13 page)

BOOK: Uninhibited (Unlikely Lovers)
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“We haven’t had the STD/birth control discussion yet.” Snaking an arm around her waist, he pulled her up against him and fucked hard and fast for a several strokes, then came with a
warm gush down her legs.

She cleared her throat. “
Right. We haven’t. I’ll go first. Currently on the Pill and carrying no communicable diseases—at least none that I’m aware of.”

Panting slightly, he caught her earlobe in his teeth before replying.
“Not on the Pill, and have
to prove I’m not carrying anything nasty.”

Then actually fucking me is an option?”

“Is it?
I think I messed up earlier. I was kinda bummed out until I realized you never really said you didn’t want me to. Plus, when I woke up, you had your hand on my butt. Seemed like a good sign.” He sucked in a ragged breath. “So, do you want me to fuck you or not?”

I thought you’d never ask.
“Absolutely. But I must admit, I’m intrigued by these alternative methods.”

You’re not trying to wear me out first, are you?”

She shook her head. “I’m not sure that’s possible.
Is it?”

“I honestly don’t know,” he replied.

That settles it.
“Okay. Let’s see some alternatives. A vagina can take quite a pounding, but not indefinitely.”


Hearing the words vagina, pounding, and indefinitely in the same sentence nearly made Alan come again.

Shaking it off, he
sat up. “Mind if I turn on a light? I want to be able to see you.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Fumbling for the lamp on the nightstand, he switched it on and held his breath as he turned to look at her. Soft shadows filled her curves, and her pupils were huge in the dim light. His eyes roamed over breasts that he knew the feel of already, but not the taste…

Rolling onto his stomach, he
suckled her nipples until they felt like pebbles—raking them with his teeth, teasing them with his tongue. Her moans of pleasure were his incentive.

“Anyone ever give you a pearl necklace?”

A soft laugh escaped her. “I take it you don’t mean the kind of pearls that come from oysters.”

He frowned. “Depends on the kind o
f slang you’re using.”

never mind. Got it.”

Getting up on his knees, he straddled her chest.
“Hold your boobs together and I’ll fuck them for you.”

Alan had been told that a titty fuck felt exactly like fucking pussy.
. You couldn’t slam into tits like you could a pussy. Still, the feeling was fabulous and simply watching his dick slide through the tunnel she made with her breasts was enough to trigger another climax. He drew back as he came, carefully controlling his ejaculation to adorn the base of her neck with a string of pearly semen.


She barely gave him time to drink in the vision before raising her head and pulling him closer. For once, he was actually a little soft, but the sight of her nose buried in his pubic hair along with the rake of her teeth on his shaft did wonders for his erectile function.

“That’s it
, baby. Make me hard.”

his cock no longer fit, forcing him away from her. Still straddling her chest, he began a slow, steady fuck. He’d never met a woman who liked to suck as much as Emily did—or one who truly enjoyed being shot in the face with a round of cum. Pulling out as he came, he jizzed all over her face, her body jackknifing as she let out a shout of ecstasy rivaling his own.

With a satisfied grunt, he
turned around. Flattening his body on top of hers, he buried his face between her legs. The head of his penis rested against her throat, and as he began licking her clit, she pulled him back to lick his scrotum, teasing him mercilessly before sucking a testicle into her mouth. Between that and her firm grip on his cock, he didn’t last very long.

Seconds later, his dick erupted, splattering her chest with cum. Alan gave himself a moment to
recover before going down on her clit again, deriving a great deal of satisfaction from the way she writhed and squirmed beneath him.

When she came a
t last, he turned and nudged her legs apart. “I’m gonna fuck you now, baby. Hold on, it might get a little...wild.”

Wild? What do you mean,
My clit is throbbing, I fingered your ass, I’m covered with cum, and I sucked your balls. How much wilder could it possibly get?”

“You’re about to find out.”

They were both so wet that he hilted himself with one thrust.

y God, what a pussy!

He’d lost track of how many times he’d come that night, but
this was the ultimate treat. Ramming into her so hard every stroke shoved her away, he couldn’t settle into a rhythm until she braced her hands against the headboard.

Rutting fast and deep, h
is balls slapped her butt while his sweat dripped onto her chest to mingle with his cum. Hooking his arms under her legs, he drove in further, stretching her to the limit, aiming to find every sweet spot in her body.

He found

“I kinda feel like I have to—oh, my
.” Her eyes widened as she repeated those words until they ran together to become a long, high-pitched wail. Seconds later, her mouth fell open and her body imploded.

The ensuing yank on his cock was like bein
g sucked dick-first into a black hole.

“Great mother of—
” she gasped. “No one has
fucked me hard enough to make me come.

And I’m not
even done yet.

g for sheer joy, Alan unleashed an even greater frenzy of passion, pumping into her without mercy or relent. Her eyes drifted shut and her body went slack—her legs would’ve slithered to the bed if he hadn’t been holding them up. A blissful smile curved her lips, and though she glanced up from time to time, the effort was apparently too great to maintain.

Fucked into a stupor and
still not complaining. Oh, God…

On that thought, h
is breath caught in his throat and he stiffened, shooting her full of cream before collapsing on her with the most deeply satisfied sigh of his life.

Convinced that nothing could
ever top the perfection of having Emily sprawled fully sated beneath him, Alan hated to move. Unfortunately, if he didn’t get up soon, she might never be able to walk again.

she began as he shifted his weight off her. “Is that the sort of thing I can expect all the time, or have you been saving it up?”

Dunno,” he mumbled. “It
been a while.” He sucked a breath in through his teeth. “But if you’ll give me a minute, I’m pretty sure I can do it again.”


Chapter 10


A minute?
What in the world would he do if she gave him an hour, or a day, or a week? Emily couldn’t imagine anything more intense that wouldn’t wind up killing her.

That’s it. He’ll
probably fuck me to death.

was beginning to understand the restraining order threats that had been made against him. The man was dangerous. Sure, it was wonderful, but too much sex—like too much wine, chocolate, or anything else, for that matter—could be deadly.

Alan’s head popped up.
“Did you like it? I mean, I
you did. You did, didn’t you? I can’t believe it. You really did.” He hesitated, peering at her with suspicion. “You aren’t lying just to get rid of me, are you?”

“I didn’t say anything of the kind. I
only asked if that was typical.” 

” He seemed to wilt a tad. “Yeah. Right. That
what you said, isn’t it? Damn… I jumped—sorry. Guess I’ll have to ask, then. Did you like it?”

Emily wasn’t sure how to reply. Too much enthusiasm might set him off again. Not enough might burst his bubble.
“Well…it was certainly...vigorous.”

Do you like it that way?”

Apparently, I do—in case you didn’t notice, that was one great mother of an orgasm—and your dick didn’t peter out before you were done, which is certainly an improvement over the last time I tried this. You’ve got a real diehard tool there.”

He chuckled
. “I know. I bet you thought I’d come too quick, but I can go longer when I’m fucking pussy than I can with anything else. The other ways are faster, especially if I’m doing an ass.”

was why women couldn’t stand him! If he knocked on the back door as hard as he did the front, he’d probably put more than one woman in the hospital. The mere thought made Emily’s butt cheeks tighten. She made a mental note never to fall asleep with her back to him again, and if they ever showered together, soap on rope was an absolute necessity.

“Like the back way, do you?”
she ventured.

“Actually, I like being sucked the best, but the quickest way to get me to come is in the ass—although what you did with your
finger a while back was fuckin’ awesome. No one’s ever done that to me before.”

“It was a first for me
, too,” she admitted. “Seemed like the thing to do at the time, though. You’ve got a pretty cute butt.”

“Do I?”
He sounded rather pleased. “Actually, I’ve had a couple of gay guys tell me that, but you’re the first woman to say it.”

Really? You astonish me.” She made a mental note to keep him away from Stephen. “What did you tell them?”

“That they’d have to get me really, really drunk before they tried it.”

“And did they?”

“No, but one of them squeeze
d my crotch to see if I had a boner. He didn’t find one, so I guess he figured I was a lost cause.”

“As much as you like sex, I’m surprised you didn’t try it.”

“No, I only like girls.” His eyes took on a dreamy cast and his voice dropped to a throaty whisper. “Especially girls with thick, soft hair, green eyes, perky little noses and candy-sweet smiles.” A tiny grin tugged the corner of his mouth, dimpling his cheek. “Not to mention the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted.” He licked his lips. “Thick, creamy, delicious… Better than a Jamocha Fudge Indulgence.”

Truth be told, he tasted pretty good himself. “No,

His smile
somehow managed to be adorable
diabolical. “Bet we end up sixty-nining ourselves to death.”

—but not right now. My clitoral turnaround time is
like yours.”

“Oh, I’ll leave it alone for a while,” he promised. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t tongue fuck you—slide my tongue into your cum-slick cunt and

Alan didn’t
waste any time performing the act he’d just described. Getting up on his hands and knees, he reversed his position to reveal a dick every bit as hard as it was before.

She slapped
him on the ass. “Dammit, Alan! What does it take to stop you? Don’t you ever quit and go to sleep?”

did,” he insisted. “But I’m rested now. I can probably keep going until morning.” He peered over his shoulder. “You’re already getting sick of me, aren’t you?”

“I wouldn’t put it that way, exactly
. But a little break now and then would be nice.”

Yes, but I’ve
had a break.”

She stared at him in disbelief.
“Are you sure you don’t run women off on purpose? You can’t possibly need that much sex. Nobody does. It’s—it’s unnatural.”

His body sagged in the middle like a swaybacked horse.
“See? I told you this would happen. Want me to fill out the restraining order for you, or would you rather do it yourself?”

Emily couldn’t help but laugh.
“If you’re trying to get sympathy from me, kiddo, you’re not going to get it. I said I’d give this a shot, and I will—but your wants and needs shouldn’t always come before mine. Right now, I’d like to get some sleep.”

Alan’s expression bordered
on panic-stricken. “Promise you won’t tie me up.”

“I won’t
. Besides, we’re at my house, remember?”

“I keep forgetting,” he whispered. “
scares me.”

“Well, then, don’t tempt me
to do it. Just remember that when I say I’ve had enough, I really do mean I’ve had enough.” Emily couldn’t believe she’d actually had to say that to a man. She was surprised the words themselves didn’t choke her.

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