Uninhibited (Unlikely Lovers) (11 page)

BOOK: Uninhibited (Unlikely Lovers)
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She traced the edge of the
crown, eliciting a powerful pelvic contraction that sent fluid gushing from his slit. Covering the head of his cock with an open-mouthed kiss, she sucked up his juice then withdrew, seeming to savor its flavor before going back for another taste. When he obliged her by pumping out more, she bathed her face with it, gliding his cockhead over her cheek in a caress so smooth and warm it triggered another involuntary spurt. Her soft moans escalated to a growl, culminating in a spasm that shook her like an earthquake.

The timing
threw him off, so it was a moment before he recognized her reaction for what it was. Simply rubbing his dick on her face had actually triggered an orgasm. He’d never seen anything like it.

Alan reached down, tangling his fingers in her hair, massaging her scalp until she finally relaxed.

“Suck me, Em. I want to come for you again.”

Rising up, she pressed her lips to his cockhead
and opened her mouth. Heat enveloped his dick as she went down on him. Using her whole mouth, she sucked him slowly and deliberately, gliding up and down on his dick—tasting, licking,

She paused for a moment, backing off
as she slipped her hands underneath him. Grasping his butt, she urged him to take a more active role.

“Fuck me, Alan. Fuck my mouth.”

Another first.

He moved
carefully at first, then faster, harder, stronger until his back arched and he erupted again. His eyes rolled back in his head as she skimmed the cum off his shaft with her lips.

glanced up to find her green-eyed gaze caressing him. Cupping her cheeks, he held her face in his hands.

The face of love…

Gasping in ecstasy, he lost all control
, his body gripped with paroxysms even stronger than before. Simply looking at her made him come again, and he showered her with his essence, raining pearly droplets down on her skin.

tling her face in his groin, she inhaled deeply before laying her head in the hollow above his thigh. With a sigh, she ran a finger along the length of his cock. “I could fall asleep like this.”

was fulfilling his desires in ways no one else ever had, and, to top it all off, she was still dressed. He’d been fairly passive thus far—which made him wonder if she would be able to tolerate being fucked as hard and as often as he liked.

that was why women didn’t like him. He was too rough. He tried to be careful, but he
been known to lose control.

Then there was his dick. Most of the time it was the right size to
keep a woman happy—but at home…well, that was a different story. So far, Emily hadn’t seen fit to complain about the size, and he couldn’t wait to drive her wild with it. The mere thought of her writhing naked and sweaty beneath him nearly sent him over the edge.

Then again, he hadn’t fucked her yet.
She might not like it.

Think positively, Alan.

But what if his body wasn’t the problem? One girl said he treated her like a cheap slut, which wasn’t true. If anything,
was the cheap slut. He’d never been one to spout poetic phrases, and he certainly couldn’t recall ever having told a woman she looked like love before. He had no idea where those words had come from, though they might’ve been a line from a movie or the words of a song. Still, regardless of their origins, they’d made Emily a little misty-eyed.

, that had to count for something.

* * * *

Emily awoke to find Alan wide awake, his dick rock-hard and dripping. He must have been lying about that six or seven times a day thing. Six or seven times an hour would’ve been more accurate—although she hadn’t consulted her watch to verify that estimate.

She glanced up, meeting his amused grin.

“Will you
take off your clothes?” he begged. “My imagination has done wonders, but I’m dying for the real thing—and I wouldn’t mind moving to the bedroom. This couch is a little cramped.”

Since Emily
had actually slid off the edge and was sitting on the floor, her legs tingling from the lack of circulation, she couldn’t disagree—nor could she stand up. She was about to suggest doing it on the floor when he got up and held out a hand. With his assistance, she was able to stand, but had a little trouble remaining upright.

Alan didn’t seem to mind. Heaving her onto his shoulder, he carried her into the bedroom,
dropped her on the bed, and stripped off her clothes.

“Oh, that’s much better
.” Sighing, he crawled in beside her and pulled up the blankets. Drawing her close, he held her tighter than she’d ever been held before, reminding her of his reluctance to let go of her long enough to pay for the ice cream. Confining as well as a bit stifling, she figured he’d let go eventually.

He didn’t.

In the end, rather than allowing herself to go mad as a result, with a bit of twisting and fidgeting, she managed to pry herself loose—for about a second.

“If you don’t want me to run away screaming like a deranged banshee, you’d better give me some space
, Alan. I can only stand that for just so long.”

. I can’t help it.”

You’re going to have to try. I’m okay with it up to a point, but there have to be limits.” Her tone was firm, as though reprimanding a child. “When I need to move, you have to let me go. I can’t sleep with anyone touching me.”

His eyes widened in horror.
“I can’t even have an arm over you?”

. I have to be able to move, and you have to stay on your side of the bed. This is no different than sleeping alone.”

“But it
different,” he insisted. “I’ll go nuts if I know you’re there and can’t touch you.”

Time to compromise.
“I might be able to stand having a hand on my hip.” That is, if he waited until she was asleep.

“It’ll have to do
—if that’s all I can get.”

ould it help if I put a hand on you?”

“Maybe. W
e could try it, anyway.”

“It mig
ht have to be over the sheet,” she reflected. “You know how when two people are skin to skin for a while, the sweat tends to accumulate there? I hate that.”

Contact sweat doesn’t bother me. I love the skin to skin thing.”

didn’t surprise Emily in the slightest. The problem was how to deal with two people who were so diametrically opposed to one another on the subject.

Hmm… Maybe we could get you a dog to sleep with.”

“Too hairy,” he said.
“I’d know the difference.”

eterred, she searched her memory for the right breed. “How about a greyhound? They don’t have much hair, and they’ve got adoption programs for ex-racers. We could adopt one, and you could pretend it was me.”

He rolled his eyes
. “Don’t you think I’d already have a dog if I thought it would help?”

“Oh, come on, Alan
,” she pleaded. “Work with me here.”

“Work with you?” he echoed. “Emily, I want to do more than that
. I want to do
with you.”


He paused as though considering the implications. “Yeah, everything.”

“Too much togetherness can stifle a relationship.” At least she thought it might. She certainly couldn’t speak from experience.

“You’re probably right.” He blew out a sigh. “I’m already driving you nuts, aren’t I?”

t yet. There are still a few things we haven’t tried.”

Nothing painful or kinky, I hope.”

Emily gaped at him.
“Is that what it’s taken before?”

He nodded.
“Ever read any Stephen King novels?”

“Not many, why?”

“I forget the title, but there’s one where a guy handcuffs his wife to the bed to have some kinky sex, but then he has a heart attack and dies, and she’s left out in the middle of nowhere, handcuffed to the bed with a dead husband on the floor and wolves prowling around.”

Emily shuddered.
“Sounds horrible. How did she get out of it?”

Alan shook his head. “I don’t know. I didn’t read any f
urther, but something like that happened to me once. It wasn’t handcuffs, so I worked my way loose eventually, but—”

Are you saying she

“No,” he replied. “Just tied me up
to give her time to escape. That one was a tough pill to swallow, too. When Carol left me, she just never came out of the restroom. At least she didn’t feel the need to take my car keys or leave me stranded out in the middle of nowhere with wild dogs trying to eat me alive.”

Despite th
e horrendous nature of his story, his expression of sheepish chagrin triggered a fit of the giggles that quickly progressed to complete and utter hysteria. “You
to be making that up,” Emily declared between peals of laughter. “No one would do that.”

He laughed—a little.
“Unfortunately, most of it’s true.”

“Where were you?”

“My apartment,” he replied. “Honestly, all she had to do was tell me she wanted to leave. She didn’t need to tie me up. I’m not

“Did you at least learn something from that experience?”

“Yeah, I learned that bondage is not my thing—at least, not if it involves tying
up. I should have realized what she meant when she said she was going to give me a taste of my own medicine. She certainly knew how to handle me—I’ll give her that much. Said it’d be the best sex I’d ever had, so, stupid me, I went along with her. Once she had me secure, she got dressed and left. Said she’d get a restraining order if I ever came near her again.”

“What do you
to people?”

He shook his he
ad and shrugged. “I don’t know, but shit like that happens to me all the time. I’ll swear off women for a while, then someone else comes along, and before I know it, I’m right back where I started. I keep hoping I’ll find the right one, but I’m not sure she exists.”

to think, I searched high and low for this man.

Maybe if
she sucked his dick continuously for a week…

No, my j
aw would lock up.

“Has anyone ever
tried giving you a taste of your own medicine? I mean actually done it?”

Not surprisingly, he seemed a bit leery.
“Like what?”

Oh, you know…hang all over you, demand sex constantly, never leave you alone, follow you to the bathroom—that sort of thing.”

He winced. “
I’ve never given anyone the chance. I’m usually too busy doing that shit to them.”

You aren’t doing anything right now,” Emily observed.

“Yes, I am,”
he insisted. “I’m in bed with you and we’re both naked. I’ve got my arms around you—sort of—and, if I’m not mistaken, my cock is drooling all over your leg. I could hold you a little tighter, I suppose, but—”

on me?” The mere thought triggered an overwhelming desire to suck him again. “Pre-cum? Cock syrup? Joy juice?”

At least he
laughed. “There might be a little cum in there, too.”

Even better.” She dove beneath the covers. “Holy shit! There’s a frickin’ river under here. I love that stuff. Keep it coming.”


Oh, yeah. You’ve never gotten enough sex, and I’ve never gotten enough juice.”

“Wow. M
ost women won’t even suck a guy’s dick, let alone enjoy what comes out of it.”

That’s where I’m different, I guess. Want to hear something kinky?”

s long as you don’t have to tie me up to tell me.”

“No, you don’t have to be tied up
,” she grumbled. “I’ve always wanted a whole bunch of guys at the same time. Remember what you said about taking a bath in semen? I’d probably like that. Guys lining up to cover me with cum.”

Aha! You see? We
perfect for each other. I can come pretty often—almost fast enough to cover you with it.”

s, but you keep putting me off with all this talk about women hating you, tying you up and leaving you, when all you really have to do is shove your dick in my mouth. You know, that might be the problem more than the need for contact.”

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