Unexpected Reality: Book 1: Gamer Girl (12 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Reality: Book 1: Gamer Girl
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 Several weeks after makingher plans to go to Cancun for her week long vacation, Maddie and Brad were scheduled for a routine in a San Diego show. The show was of course spectacular, and the crowds were out in full to see the dancing troupe show as it came to their city. Lights were all alight, buzzing in fluorescent power as it lighted the stage for all of them. Camera's rolling, filming the show for posterity. Happy with the outcome, the show went on as it normally went. Fans came to watch. Reporters came out to write, critique, and discuss the show, and the art behind it. The dancers themselves were starting to become full of adrenaline, prepared to dance their hearts out and make sure that those that came got their money's worth, and that they would leave with happy memories. Nervous producers and directors hoping everything goes fully as planned, and no mistakes were made at all during the production.


 Naturally the show went off without any problems at all. The dancers themselves performing flawlessly. Music and dialogue perfect pitch, and the crowd standing in ovation to the work that had gone into the performance as the curtains slowly closed. Maddie, satisfied highly at her own performance, slinked off from the rest of the cast in the after party where the dancers sat, rested, drank water, and cooled down in various cooling off exercises to prevent cramping, Looking for Brad, to tell him the good news of her decision, and to ask him if he'd accompany her on her vacation. However, she ended up coming upon him, not as she had expected him to be.


 Beneath the production and maintenance crews ladders, hidden away into the recesses of the shows props, there was Brad, cloistered away from all prying eyes. Brad however was not alone, but was in the arms of another woman. Their embrace held close together as Brad has done with Maddie. Their lips locked upon one another as the sound of their passions echoed off of the wooden walls all around them. It was at that moment that Maddie realized the truth of Brad, and saw him for the person that he was. That indeed, he might be handsome, and intelligent, and funny. But he truly was a snake in the grass, and that to Brad, his intentions were all about what Brad could have, and not about their feelings for one another. Betrayed, once more, and dismayed at her discovery, Maddie turned and left. Her heart broken, but hardened to any future plight that Brad might find himself in, having given him her heart, only to have it shattered once more.


 So she left back to her private room. Tears welling up in her eyes as it stung her. Her mind reeling at what she should do now. She was set to leave for Cancun in several days time, but now she had the funds for an extra ticket, but no one to go with her. Her mind thinking to the situation she now found herself in, and the euphoria that she had had for the last several months just seemingly being ruined in one fell swoop. Feeling sorry for herself, her mind raced back to her previous life, within the small town she had left behind. Finally drifting slowly to her friend that she had left behind as well. An idea forming in her mind as she decided, perhaps she should allow someone else the opportunity to come with her. Someone who deserved it more than Brad. Someone who had always been there for her.


 So she reached for the phone that was in her room. And called up her friend Jordan. Knowing it was going to be quite the long night indeed.


 Relaxation came finally to Maddie almost half a week later. The thrill of it all having died down to a dull, quieted, relaxation numbness as she laid upon the beaches of Cancun. The first half of her vacation an exhileration as she had called Jordan after her ordeal with the discovery of Brad in the arms of another woman. Wiring him money, getting him on a plane as soon as he could get himself packed, first thing in the evening. Followed by the nervousness of finally seeing him when she met him at the airport when his flight had arrived. Their surprise at seeing each other, almost seemingly so different from one another at first creating the awkward silence between them before Maddie, surprised and happy at him, nearly leapt into his arms, hugging her friend so close to herself as she enjoyed his embrace. And for him, he hugged her back to himself. They both seemingly so different than they were before, despite the half of a year difference from the last time they had seen each other. Herself more full, more feminine, but stronger and sinewy. Jordan  himself relatively the same, minus his glasses, and with longer hair that reached down to his shoulder. Maddies hair for once being cropped short, the difference between them seemingly have swapped. Though blue eyes happily looked to sapphire gaze as they spent their week in paradise together.


 And now, upon the beaches, they laid together in a relatively quiet part of the beach. Barely anyone walking around to disturb them as they stared up at the sky. Crystal clear water washing up in tidal waves, lapping close to their feet, the yellow-white sand all around them stretchnig for miles upon miles, and the sky above as clear as the water, the endless blue stretching on forever, threatening to swallow the world should it ever fall upwards into it. A slight breeze blowing by, tickling the water chilled soles of their feet as silence once more surrounded them. However, not an awkward silence, but one of relaxation as they simply enjoyed their luck to be in a place so far from home together.


 Jordan of course slowly turned, looking over towards Maddie as she laid there with her eyes close. Almost angelic in a way, seemingly asleep as he smiled, in spite of himself. Reaching over with his elbow to nudge her gently as he spoke. "Maddie?" he asked. Herself murmuring in acceptance that she was not asleep as she slowly turned her gaze to look over towards him. Her eyes opening to look upon him.


"You know, I'm glad you invited me out here. In all honesty. I didn't think we'd ever see each other again." He said, slowly turning to look up towards the sky as she continued to look at him. "You remember the night you left? You know I was out there, and I saw you leave on the bus. I was too late to talk to you that night." He continued on.


"I didn't know Jordan. I thought you were too busy to come see me." She said as she too slowly looked up towards the sky with him. Listening to his words, and nearly drinking them in as he continued on.


"No, no. I was there. I guess I was just late, like I said. I actually wanted to tell you something. I was too afraid to tell you before, and I guess in a way, I'm still a little scared to tell you now. But I thought you should know."


 She turned once more, looking upon him, letting him finish as he continued to speak, listening to Jordan take a deep breath before the words came out. "Maddie. I love you, alright? I don't know how to really say it other than just like that. But I've loved you for a long time now, and I guess I was just always scared of saying it. I do Maddie. I think about you a lot, even after you left, and you're always on my mind."


 Maddie blinked at his words as she inhaled deeply. The realization coming to her, hitting her so suddenly that it sent her mind reeling. She realized for the first time ever that she's always loved Jordan as well. That he's been there for her ever since they had known each other. Right by her side, urging her on, cheering her, supporting her in her endeavors. She had been so hurt before, that she never really realized it, and was scared to admit it to herself. But Jordan was everything she ever wanted. Caring, patient, considerate, and there for her. She started to lament the path in their lives that they've taken, only wishing that perhaps she should have realized sooner. Maybe she could have taken Jordan with her, or something could have happened. Tears welling into her eyes for the moment that they had together as she looked back to her. Slowly scooting closer towards him in response. Pressing against the side of his body. The silence once more breaking out between them, but for this, no words needed to be spoken. The other understanding what the other meant fully now.


 However. Like all good things in life, Maddie's vacation had to come to a close earlier than she had anticipated. Her boss having had to recall her from Cancun early, to come back to practice the new routines for the new shows that were coming up, telling Maddie to fly out towards Houston, Texas, as that was where the show was heaving in it's next stop. A tearful goodbye was shared between Maddie and Jordan, and a tight embrace between them as she stepped upon the airport terminal. Promises made between them both that they'll see each other again, that after what they both shared with one another, they'll always have each other.


 Upon her return to the dancing troupe, things started to look up for Maddie once more. Her life slowly becoming complete with all that she wanted. Fearing the eventual run-in with Brad, it had turned out that he had been replaced, and sent off to another show entirely and stripped of his team leader status, having been caught with one of the newer dancers, taking advantage of her naivete, and fearing a lawsuit, sent him away. Relief of course coming to Maddie, as her reunion with Brad as her opposite was something she was not looking forward to at all.


 But the completeness of her life finally came upon opening night of their first show after spending the first week up day and night learning the dance steps, and new choreography that was needed to be learned. Peering from behind the corners of the curtains on the first night, she looked out to view the crowd. A familiar face sticking out as she looked, a smile creeping upon her face. Jordan was there, sitting within the first row seat, center. The best, and most expensive, seat of the house. Apparently having spent the time and money to come out to see her. Beaming proudly as he prepared to watch the show of the woman he loved and had supported. Maddie realizing that after tonight, she has everything that she's ever wanted. A career she is proud of that allows her to experience life to it's fullest. And the love of a man that she loves in turn, and trusts. That was all that she had ever wanted, and she couldn't have asked for anything more.







My throat was dried. My hands quaked as I tried to scoop the glass of water. Sipping the water and engulfing the lump in my throat, I surveyed my vicinity. A police investigator entered the room, slamming the door behind him.

“Hey Mart.” He greeted me, thwacking the bulky files on the table.

“H… Hey...” I reciprocated with a broken voice.


“You listened to this?” He quizzed and chuckled.

He enhanced the volume of radio and directed me to listen carefully.

“Dr. Mart Harty or Mart the rapist or Mart the murderer? From his luxurious life to the Jail life. Let the courts decide.” The radio buzzed and a voice started uttering the string of words.

“Wanna say something or join your fellows in the jail?” The investigator asked, chewing the gum.

I took a deep breath and tried to balm my lungs.






Chapter 1



The scorching heat of sun blazed. Silence flooded the room and sound of her footsteps increased as she moved to the end of row. All of the candidates were busy as beaver and the ticking of clock punctured the silence. I craned my neck and tried to find her. She sailed through the row and stopped by me.

“You done?” She, Maria, asked, biting her lower, pinkish, lip.

“Yes... Yes Ma’am”

She resumed her stroll to the start of row and her beauty mesmerised me. Maria, 32, was an invigilator for my finals of my specialisation exams. I rolled my eyes down, glancing at her big buttocks which wiggled at every step forward taken by her. Her figure was like an upturned glass of wine. Her, mighty, tits pressed by her bra seduced me. The pink bra was visible from her white top and I was lost in the whirl pool of her sexy thoughts.

“Time to leave hall. Please leave the hall and leave the paper on your desk.” The male invigilator patted my back and whispered.

My thoughts were snapped by his abrupt interruption. Shaken, I jerked onto my foot and moved out of my chair.


“You got boner... Sir” he murmured with a naughty smile stretched over his face.

“Oh… Fuck… Shit.” I purred, dragging my shirt and pulling my jeans to hide it.



Two years earlier



The Good News



I swivelled my neck and darted a glance at the clock. It was 9AM sharp. Lying on my bed, I

breathed deeply and stretched my hand, trying to pick up my cell phone. I rubbed my eyes

and unlocked my phone. Swiping through the menu, I opened my mail box, getting out of

my bed and tip toeing to the door.

“No update…” I whispered, locking and throwing my phone on the bed.

After getting fresh, I exited the room, closing the door slowly because I wanted it not to

make any noise and interrupt my mother’s slumber. I moved downstairs and a saccharine

voice grabbed my attention.

“You up?? Oh God, my son got up earlier... Thanks majesty” she said, laughing.

I giggled and inched towards her. She sat on the breakfast table, waiting for me and reading

her favourite cook book. I stooped down and gave her a slivery kiss. Happiness pumped

through her body as I kissed her. Her trembling hands enveloped my face and she kissed me.

I dashed to the door, gouging out the toast placed in the plate and turning the knob of door,

I exited my home.

“Here’s your paper sir” the newspaper boy shouted and threw the newspaper in the lawn,

waving his hand and paddling his bicycle.

I waved my hand in reply to his greeting and walked to my mail box. Opening it, I ejected the

mail in it. I was drowned in the pool of curiosity so I teared up the packet and starting

reading the mail.

“Dear Mr. Mart Harty,

Congrats for being selected as assistant of the head of our urology department. Your

experience and capabilities forced us to give you a chance to join our hospital. You are

requested to attend our briefing and welcome event going to held on 15th of October at

7PM Sharp. You can join us by the end of this week and let us make you proud of your


Kind Regards,

Kings Hospital, NY.”

I read it again and again, trying to believe my eyes and stormed into my home. My mom

glared at me with her eyes widely opened. I took her in my arms and hugged her tightly. My

happiness knew no bounds and limits.

“Everything okay baby?” She asked with a trembling voice.


“I got a briefing session tomorrow for my first job as urologist” I shrieked as tears rolled

down my cheeks and handed over the letter to her.

“You made it… Really, you did it…” She read it repeatedly and saw at my face with glee.




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