Unexpected Reality: Book 1: Gamer Girl

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Unexpected Reality




Book 1



The Gamer Girl



(A New Adult Romance Series)






M. Andrews






Copyright and Disclaimer


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.



Copyright © 2016 by M. Andrews


All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or inroduced  into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any forms or by any means, (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission.



The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.




Table of Contents



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10


Bonus Books




Chapter 1





The office that contained a team of gamers, testers, programmers and all of the other tech brains needed to keep ahead of the game in silicon valley, was in full swing. It looked nothing like the standard view of an office and a workplace. The employees were an assortment of men and women. They were mostly in their twenties, mostly graduates from university with computer science in their blood. Their dress was as varied as the games they played for a living and ranged from someone dressed completely in black to man with cut off trousers in wildly bright shades. There was nothing conventional about this workplace at all. Claire, Kassie and Karl had a separate area to themselves as between them they decided which way the company would progress and how they would do it.


The members of the firm all had one thing in common. They were crazy about computers and even more crazy about gaming. Having said that, they were also a pretty brainy bunch and got on with each other fairly well.


Claire Costas eased her back and flexed her fingers. She loved the new game she was testing. Technology was so advanced that the characters in the story were almost real. In fact, to her, they sometimes were more real than real life. Her friend, Kassie, called across. “Coffee?” And Claire answered with a yes please and stood up to stretch. She moved over to where Kassie was playing with the coffee machine. “This new game is going to be a major player.” She observed. “The detail is phenomenal.” Kassie agreed and handed her a mug of latte.

“When can you blog about it?” She asked because the new game was still under wraps.


“A couple of weeks maybe. We’ve more or less ironed out all the snags and the company have made a video trailer.” Claire answered and sipped at the coffee. “I have got to say the trailer grabs you instantly. It’ll be a hit.”


“Well you’re the blogging expert. It’ll be interesting to see if you’re right. Is the blog still getting you those nasty answers?” Kassie always had a niggling worry about her friend’s main job and the way that just writing your opinion on something caused so much hatred. It frightened her. Claire said that it went with the job and blogging had made her famous. “I guess it goes with the territory. Sticks and stones and all that. It’s not real life really.”


“Just the same.” Kassie told her. “Don’t go too far overboard. Too many nasty men out there.” Claire finished the coffee and collected her stuff. She was done for the day with the testing and had a blog to write.  Claire slung her bag over her shoulder and made for the parking lot. She had the trappings of a successful silicon valley entrepreneur and enjoyed them but gaming could hook her in and take her away from anything else.


The thing that had bugged her more than anything was the fact that women were not on an equal footing with men in the general run of games. The woman was often just there to be a sexy background or to be rescued from a fate worse than death. Traditionally they did not play a leading role and that she found frustrating and insulting. Claire Costas was outspoken, clever and motivated. So she had started to blog about the annoying side of gaming that ignored women as players. She was certainly as good as most men out there. Blogging as ‘fembloggirl’ she made her views known and stirred up a lot of resentment from men out there in internet land. She shrugged it off. It was only words on a screen and went on to start her crowdfunding. Amazingly the amount of people that were prepared to put in a little money to be part of new venture, made her a millionaire.


Claire started her own reviewing the game business with some of the crowdfund cash and offered up the rest for those folks with some good ideas that needed a kickstart. Some of it worked and some of it didn’t but that was what the people who paid in the money signed up for. Overall it worked.


Claire drove into her drive. She was not so into tech that she did not want a nice place to live and although the house was not huge it was humming with technology and uber comfortable. The gates hummed closed behind her and she let herself inside. Delta raced to meet her at the door. She opened her arms and he flung himself at his owner. It was a mutual delight and she sunk her face into his fur and wrapped her arms around him. Then they set off for the usual run outside in the back yard. Stick throwing and a leisurely walk around her plot. It was when Claire Costas felt most relaxed. She and the dog went inside and she put his dinner down and made herself a sandwich. Then she powered up the computer and started her blog. Delta came and lay on her feet.

Claire didn’t pull punches and she knew her business. She hated games that used women as sex titillation objects or as damsels that were useless and needed to be rescued. Claire wanted her women to be warriors and going out there on equal terms with the male characters. After all that was how she ran her own life. This time she had the pleasant task of reviewing a game she actually had really been hooked and drawn into. She blogged-


‘I’ve been looking back, folks and dividing my time between those old favourites- Majora’s Mask, Dragon Ball and other delights but never stayed with any one of them. Now there is no question about sticking with one that has me hooked. Have you seen the new version of The Witcher? I had seen my friends play it and thought it would be okay- just another game but Holy Crap it is brilliant. In a short time I was drawn in. The detail is gorgeous and the scenes are beautiful. The water is a delight and Geralt’s hair is a masterpiece. The female warrior is amazing- no damsel in distress here and the side quests are worth doing unlike a lot of games these days. It has guts, heart and detail and it has a real story that holds the interest as well as loads of fights, characters and fun parts. In short I love this game. Now that is a first for me for quite a long time.’


She posted the short piece and looked at her Twitter feed. Then she sighed. There he was again. There was one guy in particular who seemed to hate her guts for no apparent reason. It was the same old stuff- threats to rape, threats to maim and threats to kill. She wondered to herself why on earth anyone would want to commit murder over an online piece of fiction or over an opinion. This man, and she was assuming it was a man, had taken against her in a big way. Claire shivered, switched it off and looked at her emails. There were a few everyday matters and one from Adam Osoracsos that simply said “Skype me.” She smiled and felt a little flutter of excitement inside.

Claire Costas had a Mexican mother and an American father. This mixture gave her a warm skin color, long dark hair that fell in waves if left to its own devices and gentle, dark brown eyes. She was a casual dresser most of the time but could afford to indulge that effect and the dark green top she was wearing with the material twisted into roses on one shoulder and down towards the fastening at the front, said designer. The jeans clung to her hips and she was wearing color block hi tops that were smart but also very comfortable.

She loosed the hair from the tied back tail that was easier to use for work and ran a brush through it. She checked the mirror and ran a brush across the cheekbones to highlight them. Claire smiled at herself and fired up Skype. Adam’s, undoubtedly attractive, face beamed back at her from the screen. He was a director of films. They were not the huge box office hits but well known enough to get him a respectable cult following and his smaller budget productions gained excellent reviews. The two of them had been communicating for some time after he followed her blog and agreed with her views. “Hiya Lil.” He said as soon as the screen displayed. She smiled back at him and returned the greeting. “Anything new in silicon land?” Claire shook her head and told him that is was same old same old and mentioned the threats were still ongoing. Adam allowed a flicker of worry across his face. “Have you reported this?” He asked her but she brushed it off saying it was only verbal rubbish on a screen. It still did trouble him a little but he went on to give her his own news.


“Listen Lil.  I have the chance to come to Silicon Valley for a few days.” He paused. “We could meet up.” There was a moment’s silence as Claire realised what he was saying. He was suggesting getting together in real life and although the flutter in her tummy was excitement, it was a big step to take a relationship off the screen and into the everyday. For a fleeting second he thought she would turn him down and Adam was not used to that reaction but she smiled and told him it would be wonderful.

They made arrangements for his arrival and turned off the connection. Claire knew his reputation with women. Adam Osoracsos was in the film industry – notorious for fleeting liaisons- and he was a very attractive man. His Greek father had given Adam dark, curly hair, deep brown eyes that a woman could drown in and a smile that lit up the world. His six foot tall, lean figure added to the attraction and  like most people in his line of work, he worked out to maintain muscle tone. “Good lookin’ guy. Just enjoy the friendship.” Claire thought and took Delta out for a jog in the park. “Glad I’ve got you, Sweetie.” She told the Irish Setter as they set off on the daily circuit.




Chapter 2





Claire and Delta settled down in front of the television and she saw a text from Adam to say he was looking forward to meeting up. His was about to leave and she wondered how it would all pan out. It took a long while to go to sleep and she realised it was a long time since she dated anyone and he had a big reputation with women. “I wonder if it will be okay.” She asked the dog who simply licked her hand and she lay reviewing all the long conversations that she and Adam had enjoyed. They spoke on Skype, texted and emailed and she felt she knew him quite well but you never knew with these things. Eventually she drifted off to sleep thinking about where she could take him in San Francisco.

In the morning she pondered what to wear and settled for jeans, aqua colored hi tops and a rather gorgeous designer top and long sleeveless, waterfall  jacket over the top. A shoulder bag to match the shoes finished it off and she slotted an enormous amount of bangles and bracelets on both wrists . Claire twirled in front of the mirror and gave her makeup one last check/ “See you later, Delta.” She said and gave the dog a chewy treat as she left.


The couple met at his hotel which was one of the most exclusive around and he asked if she would like breakfast. “I can manage a juice, thanks.” She said. They chose from the huge buffet available and settled at a table to talk.


“Well great to finally meet.” Adam started and she laughed. “What?” He asked

“We talk for hours on the computer and text but seem tongue tied in real life.”  He reached across and touched her hand. “I am really pleased to make this trip. Honestly. You live here. What should we do today?” She felt the tingle of electricity run through her veins as he laid his hand over hers and put her other hand over the top of his. “Let’s take bikes and go to the Golden Gate Bridge and then down to Chrissy Field. We can walk or cycle or just sit but there is a lot to see there.”


“Sounds like a plan.” He said and finished the pancakes he had decided to sample. “I’ve been here before but never done any sight-seeing.” She lifted her hand and he did the same. They both rubbed at the piece of themselves that had been in contact and Adam thought that he had never been so attracted to anyone for a very long time. Claire had to acknowledge the fact that this man was drop dead gorgeous and it would be a pleasure to be seen out with him. “I’ve got my car.” She said. “So we can drive to Chrissy Field and hire bikes there.” He took her hand as they left the hotel and the man at the door said “Have a nice day, Mr Osorascos.” Adam lifted a hand in reply. In the car he asked what she was reviewing at work and they fell into a conversation about games and current trends. He was between films himself and indulging in a little time for relaxation. The strangeness of the first meeting wore off and the friendship became the same as the one they had online. Claire told herself that this man was a pleasant interlude. She liked him a lot and if this short time was all that came of it, why not just enjoy herself.

“Any more of the nasty threats and stuff?” He enquired and she admitted there had been some but she was trying to take no notice. “Don’t see why I shouldn’t have opinions about women being as good as men.” She pointed out. “I’m not gonna change so they’ll just have to live with it.”


“You should report it though.” Adam allowed himself to worry a little. “It means there is a record of the threats if you do that.” She looked across and smiled.


“Yes Momma.” She told him and he grinned back. He wondered what those lips would feel like against his own and if she would allow him to find out. Claire Costas was an intelligent, successful woman and he liked her feisty approach to life. Adam, the film producer saw too many beautiful women that would do or say anything to gain a part in a movie. He didn’t think Claire was one of those women and knew that was one of the attractions.


They parked and hired the cycles and set off side by side along the huge promenade that ran through Chrissy Field. The Golden Gate Bridge dominated the foreground and that day the San Francisco city skyline was hazy. The mountains dominated the background and because they were out quite early in the morning the area was quiet and stunning. Stopping at some picnic tables they sat and took in the views. “It was all marshland once upon a time apparently.” Claire told him. “I moved here for work and I just love it. The beach, the green areas and the space is wonderful- even when the place is busy. I bring the dog here. He loves it.” Adam listened and watched her face as she talked. He felt that this woman was very special but sensibly kept that to himself.


“Ah the man in your life- Delta.” He said and she nodded. “Do I get to meet this wonder dog?” He finished and she smiled. “Of course. Let’s do some more sight-seeing and grab some food to take back to meet Delta.”  They retrieved the cycles and rode past the refurbished hangar buildings and under the famous bridge. Back at the car Adam slumped in the passenger seat. “That’s my work out for the day anyway.”

What would you like to eat?” Claire asked as they set off towards the shops and   both of them decided pizza would be good. Passing the shops he spotted a bracelet and when she was waiting for the pizza, he walked back and bought it. Claire vaguely wondered where he had rushed off to but paid for the food and came out of the restaurant. He saw her waiting as he returned and took the bag she was carrying. “Saw this and thought about you.” He said and passed her a small packet. Claire was mystified and opened it immediately. He watched her face and she laughed. “You spotted my jewellery weakness.” She said. “This is beautiful. Thank you so much.” She slipped the expensive trinket onto her arm and stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. It was all Adam could do to restrain himself from wrapping his arms around her and kissing those lips properly. The bolt of lightning that shot through his body was not entirely unexpected but the strength of it shook his system to the core.

Claire could feel the blood humming in her veins from the contact with his skin. She covered it by holding her arm out and admiring the gift. “I love this. Thanks.” She took his arm and they went back to the car happy in each other’s company.


Back at her home, Claire wondered what he would think of it. This man was a movie producer and mixed with Hollywood’s elite. Claire lived quite a simple life apart from the endless electronic toys and gadgets. The electronic gates closed and she stepped out of the car. “Welcome to my humble abode.” She said and collected the pizza from the car. Adam liked what he saw from the very beginning and he asked if she liked gardening. Her face lit up and she told him she loved it. “Well to be honest, I love plants. Cannot resist buying them.” It was something they had never talked about before and he wondered what she would think of his enormous conservatory filled with tropicana. “I garden under glass.” He confessed. “I love tropical plants. My greenhouse is like a piece of the jungle.”


“We’ve never mentioned gardening to each other before. Amazing.” She said and handed him the pizza. Then when the door was opened she held out her arms and Delta threw himself into them. Adam followed her inside and put the food down so that he could meet this dog that obviously adored his mistress. “Hello Delta.” He said and held out a hand. Delta sniffed, looked at Claire and when she nodded put his paws on Adam’ shoulders and licked his nose. “He seems to like you.” Claire observed. “Come on through to the kitchen and let’s eat before this gets cold.”


They finished the pizza and took a coffee to the sitting room. “I like your house.” Adam said. “It’s very you.” She laughed and told him that could be either a compliment or an insult. “A compliment.” He told her. “All the up to date technology in a home that you feel right in.”


They talked about all sorts of things and Adam said he knew that the press gave him a reputation with women. “It is just not true.” He said. “I work in Hollywood. The women are beautiful and very ambitious. It is part of the job I guess but they all seem very shallow somehow.” Claire nodded. “You have to have interest in your life that are more than just wanting to be rich and famous.” She said and he agreed. She went on to tell him that she had not been out with a man for over a year. “Like you.” She added. “I think they are always wanting to get into the dot com business or want to beat me at gaming. I like my garden, my dog and lazy days at home.”


“This is a wonderful chance for me to get away from Hollywood. “ He told her. “Glamorous but overpowering.”


“Can you face a short walk with Delta? That is not glamorous at all.” She asked and the two of them set off through the neighbourhood with the dog on a lead. It seemed the most natural thing in the world for him to hold her hand as they walked and it felt like she had been seeing this guy for years. “Don’t be fooled.” Claire thought as she walked. “It would be so easy to fall for this man.”


“I have to work in the morning.” She told him. “We could meet up for lunch if you like.”


“I’ll come and pick you up and try and get a peek into this gaming hothouse.” He said and she agreed. “Kassie will be over the moon to meet the producer of ‘River of Doom’.”

“Kassie?” He queried and she laughed.


“Friend, workmate and film aficionado. She is dying to meet you. She will bombard you with questions about every film you ever made. You have been warned.” She paused. “The woman is completely absentminded but give her a game console and she is concentration personified. Also what she does not know about your film work could fit on a postage stamp.” He laughed and said she maybe remembered more than he did himself.


The two of them went back to the house and Delta headed for his favourite sofa. Claire handed Adam a mug of coffee and he took it and put it on the work top. Then he did what had been preoccupying his mind since her first set eyes on the girl. He held her face between his hands and took her lips with his own. Claire had thought that he might make a move at some stage and had thought she would return the kiss but be detached and level-headed. The instant their lips met all of those thoughts left her head and did a dance somewhere up amongst the stars. The kiss started as a gentle exploration but the feeling that came as it deepened sent Claire somewhere between the moon, the stars and fairyland. She felt reality slipping away and her hands wound themselves around his neck. Adam had meant to simply take a kiss to test her reaction but when he felt the softness and the return of the desire that she gave him, he was not prepared for the bolt of desire that stormed through his entire being. With an enormous amount of self control he pulled back and held her arms as he looked into her eyes. “Wow.” He said. “Wow.”


Claire’s nodded and regained her composure. “We should try that again sometime.” He smiled and agreed.


“I’d better go before I forget I’m being a gentleman.” He smiled and kissed her forehead. “Claire Costas you are a wonderful woman. I’ll be at your office at eleven thirty.” He got to the  door and then he laughed. “You’ll have to run me to the hotel. I forgot I didn’t have a car.” They both started to giggle and she came out to the car with him.


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