Undying Love (The Introduction) (11 page)

BOOK: Undying Love (The Introduction)
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"Okay enough of the heavy shit for now. How ‘s school going?"

"It's the same...Rachel is still crazy.  
is still an over protective goof and some of your old team mates watch me like a hawk. What's up with that? Did you put them up to it?” She says with a laugh.

"I plead the fifth on that one."

She laughs and says, "Really...you have people spying on me? I can't believe you."

"Well believe it baby.” I stop laughing and I sigh. “I'm sorry to do this pretty girl. I've got to run or else I'm going to be late for practice."

"Okay, be safe babe... I love you."

I close my eyes and savor her words. "I love you more Ari."

"Yeah? How much do you love me?" She asks reverently.  

I grin to myself. "Well, I love you more than all the stars in the sky. And all the letters in all the books in the whole wide world."

"Wow! That’s a lot!”

"Yeah, are you starting to get it now?"

"I think I am Sky.”

When we hang up I feel lighter than I've felt in a while. I'm feeling optimistic about us being okay and I hope so for my sanity.




It's been a few days since my conversation with Sky. I felt good about our relationship after our talk, but now not so much. Since that day, I haven’t spoken to him much. He's so busy and I can't complain because he's on a scholarship so he has to work hard to keep it. But I miss him something fierce. Also, I'm bored. I have a lot of free time after school so I'm thinking of joining a club. But, Rachel wants me to try out for cheerleading with her.

It's after school and the hallways are a bit deserted. So we're hanging around and goofing off. Unfortunately, she hasn’t stopped nagging me. She's jumping on the balls of her feet in front of me like a Chihuahua on caffeine. "Come on Ari put your dance moves to good use." She whines.

"I hate you sometimes, you know that." I murmur.

"No you don't, and don't worry I brought extra clothes for you to change. So perk up." She says while clapping her hands repeatedly.

I roll my eyes and pout. "What if I had said no?"

Grinning she says, "Then I would have tried harder."

"Fine let's get this over with.” I murmur.

The tryouts last a little over an hour, but a few of us stay back dancing and hanging out. By the time we leave and I check my phone I have seven missed calls from Sky.

"Crap! Sky has been blowing up my phone and I've barely talked to him all week.” I shriek.

"Call him back. I'm going to jump in the shower."


I dial his number and the phone barely rings once before he answers.
"Where have you been, Arianna? I've been calling you for over two hours." He yells.

I narrow my eyes at the phone even though I know he can't see me. "Really? No hello or how are you? Or I'm so happy you're okay?”

He takes a deep breath. "Dammit, Ari I was worried sick about you. I kept calling and you weren't answering. I'm sorry…Where were you?"

I huff out a breath. "We were trying out for the cheerleading team. I'm bored since you’re not here and Rachel wanted to try out for the team so I was roped into it too."

"Well, that makes up for it. If you make the team I want a picture of you in your cheerleading outfit. Plus, you have to dance for me for almost giving me a heart attack."

I laugh and say, “Okay, deal."

"I miss you Ari."

"I miss you too...that's why I'm joining a club even if it’s not cheerleading. I don't like sitting around and waiting for your calls. It's depressing."

He sighs. "I'm sorry baby...I'm trying. Everything is just a bit overwhelming right now. I may have to get a tutor for a few classes so I can keep up."

"Do what you need to do Sky. Remember I'm rooting for you. We'll talk whenever we can." I say lifelessly.

"I'm sorry this isn't what I promised. But I'll make it up to you. I'll bring you lots and lots of chocolate."

I laugh. “Oh goodie! I'll be waiting, you know I'm a sucker for chocolate."

"I know Ari…I'm sorry to do this, but I've got to go baby."

In a disappointed voice I say, "It’s okay baby. We'll talk whenever. Love you."

I don't wait for him to respond before I hang up. I know he loves me, but I feel him slipping away, and it's scaring me.


Thank You for Reading


I want to thank everyone who took the chance on me and read my book. I hope you enjoyed Sky and Ari’s relationship because I surely did. They have lived in my head for a longtime and I’m excited that you’re finally meeting them. But it seems as if they’ve brought their friends along with them. So be on the lookout for more books. The next book in the “Undying Love” series is “The Heartbreak”.

I hope you continue you on this adventure with me!

Also don’t forget to check out the Official playlist for “The Introduction” (See the link below). These were the songs that inspired me during each chapters. But “Thinking Out Loud” is the official theme song because it was my go to song whenever writer’s block kicked in.

Love you guys! xoxo






Where do I begin? I’m so grateful and humbled from the experience I’ve received in writing this book. To my number one cheerleader, my husband I couldn’t have done this without you. You made sure I ate when I forgot to. You reminded that sleep was essential to all human beings, even me! You read my work a million times over and over. You encouraged me when I felt like I couldn’t do it. So thank you, baby. To the most awesome beta-readers in the world how I can thank you guys. Alex, Jill, and Margaret, you guys are amazing and words cannot express my love for you guys! I want to give a huge shout out to Hay
ley Bennett my editor. You are so awesome words can’t express my gratitude to you! I want to thank the staff at Fantabanner for the awesome cover. I also want to shout Funkygfx (No it’s not a typo) for an awesome book trailer. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out my YouTube channel.

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