Their Taydelaan

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Authors: Rachel Clark

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Their Taydelaan
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Their Taydelaan

How did bumping into a man in a hospital corridor develop into

dreams of red-hot threesomes?

Jade can't understand why she's dreaming of the man she literally

bumped into three months ago, but when she actually meets the

men from her dreams at her sister's party, things seem to spiral

even further out of her control. Unwilling to believe her sister's

explanation, Jade still can't deny the telepathic link she now

shares with the two men.

Zack and Mitchell have finally found their third, the woman who

completes them—their Taydelaan—but she seems intent on

denying their future together. Can they convince Jade that being

loved doesn't mean being dependent?

Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

20,558 words


Rachel Clark


Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


Copyright © 2011 by Rachel Clark

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-401-4

First E-book Publication: April 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Their Taydelaan
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For Kelli



Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

Jade entered the hospital, a part of her cringing at the need for this visit. Kayla had sounded so excited on the phone, and Jade had smiled indulgently as her sister described Jessica and David’s beautiful new baby. But when Kayla had slipped and described the child as her

daughter, Jade had realized just how much of a fantasy her sister had been living.

She’d spent the last three hours in the car worrying for her sister’s mental health. The fact that Kayla seemed to think she was in a loving relationship with a married couple had made it difficult for Jade to

stay quiet. She’d only tried to talk to her sister once about it, but the conversation had deteriorated the way they usually did when they

disagreed on something.

Jade squeezed past a group of people that seemed to be fawning

over a young mother holding a wrapped baby in her arms. Every

person was
over the small bundle, and Jade felt her heart clench just a little tighter. She’d accepted a long time ago that if the right man didn’t come along soon that she’d never have a

family of her own. She was okay with that—she really was—but

happy little family scenes like that one were usually something she


Their Taydelaan


Which is why this visit was doubly hard. Her sister was such a

sweet person, and she deserved so much more than what the universe

seemed inclined to give her. Hell, after the way one of her exes

treated her, the woman should have enough karma points to live a

long and happy life. But no, instead she’d somehow come to believe

that a married couple loved her and that they would share their baby

with her.

Trying not to look at the tiny bundle in the woman’s arms, Jade

didn’t see the big guy until she slammed into him. “Sorry,” she said instinctively, relieved to note that she’d walked into a tall, solid wall of muscle and not some frail new mother walking the corridors.

The man wrapped an arm around her middle, held her against him,

and then smiled. She wanted to look away, but somehow she couldn’t

make her eyes obey. He raised his hand and dragged the knuckles

down the side of her face in a move that felt very affectionate.

“Hello, beautiful,” he said in a deep, sexy voice. Her previously

dormant libido kicked in with surprising speed, and she gasped as she stared into the man’s perfect face. He was the beautiful one—tall,

sleek, muscular, with a smile to die for. Naughty fantasies played in her head even as she sucked in a horrified gasp of air.

Hell, for all she knew this guy was waiting for his wife to come

out of the labor ward. Surprised and embarrassed at her willingness to be held by a complete stranger, Jade wriggled frantically to move

away. After a moment’s hesitation, he released his grip and let her

stand on her own two feet.

“Ssssorry,” she managed to force past lips that seemed unwilling

to obey. She went to walk around the man, but he moved and stepped

into her path.

“What’s your name?” he asked, using that sexy smile to best


Desire unraveled in her belly, and she had to swallow twice before

she could even shake her head. She tried to step around him once

more, but he moved again, apparently unwilling to let her pass. She


Rachel Clark

shook her head anxiously as just a hint of fear wound through her

brain. It’d been nearly a year, but it didn’t stop the memory rising to the surface.

She took a deep breath, trying to control the rising panic. The

man’s head snapped back as if she’d hit him. The look he gave her

seemed full of concern, but this time when she stepped around him,

he let her go. She practically ran down the hallway, unconcerned

about where she was going. She just needed to escape.

* * * *

Mitchell watched the woman as she hurried to the end of the

hallway. Every instinct inside him screamed for him to follow her, but he’d felt her fear and didn’t want to be the cause of more. The

moment she’d fallen into his arms he’d been drawn to her in a way

that hadn’t happened since he’d met his partner Zachary. Just that

brief touch had strengthened the link he’d felt with the woman, and

now he could sense exactly where she was in the building.

He could also sense her distress. He barely held himself still, the

instinct to go to her, to protect and comfort her, nearly overwhelming every other sensible thought in his head.

He had no idea how long he stood there, mentally tracking her

movements after she’d turned the corner, but it wasn’t until he felt Zack’s telepathic touch in his mind that he roused enough to fully understand what had just happened.

“Everything okay?”
Zack asked in a quiet telepathic voice.

Mitchell nodded his head even though his lover wasn’t in the same

room. Thanks to their mate link, Zack would’ve felt everything

Mitchell felt when he’d held the woman in his arms.

“I think you need to come down to the hospital.”
He smiled as he sent the words he’d often wondered if he’d ever get the chance to say.

“I just found our Taydelaan

Their Taydelaan


* * * *

Fear was still thumping in her chest when Jade finally made it to

the room where Kayla held a newborn baby girl in her arms. But

something made her stop. Jade stood at the doorway, suddenly

worried that she’d made the wrong decision. Kayla looked so content

sitting there with a baby in her arms. Who was Jade to burst her

delusional bubble?

But it wasn’t her baby. The child wasn’t her daughter. Genetically

that just wasn’t possible.

A quick glance at the bed showed Kayla’s so-called partners

cuddled together. David had his back to the doorway, but it was very

clear that he was wrapped around his wife, holding her close.

Jade hesitated. She hadn’t seen her sister in more than six months,

and that had just been a brief visit. It had been tense and uncertain, and she’d left feeling even more wretched than the first time they’d argued over Kayla’s choice of partners.

But where did sisterly concern end and unwanted meddling begin?

Jade stepped away from the door and took a seat in the hallway. She’d once promised to try and understand Kayla’s unusual relationship. If

she upset Kayla now, would her sister push her out of her life

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