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Authors: Francette Phal

Undone (19 page)

BOOK: Undone
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He loomed over her
—strong, beautiful and completely male. There was blatant hunger in his obsidian eyes, hunger for her as he indolently caressed her cheek, brushing back the damp tendrils of hair from her face. “Tell me what you want, Sophie.”

Her body tingled for him, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes and everything in between vibrated from his proximity. She wanted him so badly that it was an ache. She wanted him to break through her barrier, take the one thing she’d never given to any other guy. “I want to...
,” she trailed off, color staining her cheeks as she was suddenly unable to voice the desires that burned so deep.

He grasped her chin preventing her from looking away, forcing her to meet his all-consuming gaze and see what she was denying herself. “Say it,
Soph,” he insisted, his voice gliding over her like a lover’s tongue. “I need you to tell me what you want, otherwise, we stop.”

No. He couldn’t stop. She needed him…this. “Fuck me, Roan.”

“No, Sophie,” his breath tickled her ear, eliciting goose bumps, “I’m going to love every fuckable inch of your body until you beg me to stop and then I’m going to do it over and over and over again until we’re both delirious from it.” Those words hit Sophie so sweetly between her legs, the inferno burbling over to pool between her thighs.

He began with kisses that turned into licks, his tongue and mouth converging to make her squirm in the best way possible.
He took from her, while his hands, his fingertips explored the supple contours of her exposed flesh. His fingers traipsed along her skin, absorbing every imperfectly perfect flaw. Touching her, stroking her became an exigency, a necessity he could not do without. He wanted her needy, he wanted her desperate. Roan wanted her suppliant, malleable in his capable hands. Maddened with a sweet frenzy, he made short work of her barely there lace bra. Large hands, like Japanese fans, splayed out across her macchiato skin, dancing with purpose between the valleys of her heaving chest. Her breasts, perfect, perky mounds capped with dark honey nipples, beckoned him to taste them. His tongue, eager and salivating began a measured sweep, capturing the swollen little peaks between his lips.

“Oh God, Roan…
,” she gasped, arching that eat-every-inch-of-me body up for his consumption.

A riptide of sensations thrashed inside Sophie’s veins. Her body reacted with jolting familiarity to him, awakened and answered his coaxing touch, reveled in the magic that was his mouth. When his teeth played a wicked sort of game with one nipple and his thumb and forefinger rolled the other,
Sophie melted in every way that counted.

While his mouth paid homage to her breasts, completely relentless, his hand took a walk south
, his magical fingers gliding just beyond her damp panties. She jerked at the initial touch, it was too much to remain still. A sweeping slip of one fingertip down the center had her catching a breath. Thinking became a problem.

His tongue was a vicious thing, gliding with purpose down the line of her abdomen, lingering drops of heated kisses danced on her ribcage. The hot, wet
journey of his tongue played on pulse points until she felt the warmth of his breath between her thighs. Oh, indeed, Roan Westport was very dangerous to Sophie’s sanity. Meeting beautiful eyes that smoldered with a fire that would very likely scorch them both, Sophie reached out to thread her fingers through his hair.

,” she said shakily, barely recognizing the throaty husk of the female voice as her own. “Roan…” It was a chant, a song for him to continue.

He bound Sophie to a world that was impossible to escape. And while he explored her with
his tongue, lips and teeth, she was completely shameless in her want for him. He rid her of her panties and her legs fell apart, finally exposing the pinkness of her wet heaven to his ravenous gaze. He made her see stars as she danced with him, swiveling her hips in perfect harmony with the flourishing sweep of his tongue. Her hands in his hair steered the erotic tempo until her gasps, her moans and ultimately that little death tore through the heart of her and resonated throughout the room.

When he came back up to kiss her, she tasted every bit of herself on his tongue and it was possibly the most erotic thing she’d ever experienced. He left her for a second and her body cried out, missing his weight, his warmth, his nearness. But then he was back, in her line of sight and she nearly choked at the full on sight of him. From crown to heel, Roan was sex personified
, and the root of his manhood stood at full mast, utterly beautiful in the dark thatch of curls. She wanted to fall on her knees and worship him, take into her mouth every glorious inch and make him squirm like he had her.

“They’ll be time for that later.”
He read her mind, that bit of amusement he had whenever he was around her filling his soft voice. She watched him as he brought a golden foil to his sensual mouth and tore it open with his teeth. It was a complete turn on watching him roll on the condom and then he was on her again, mouth and lips finding hers. “Look at me.” He rendered her breathless before making the demand, but Sophie met his gaze. “I’m going to be gentle, Soph,” he promised against her lips. “I’m going to make it good.” His tongue flicked out to trace her lips, the ensuing kiss distracting her from anything else. But then she felt him, right there at the center, steely cock to melting flesh. Her body yielded to him, inch by steady inch until the wall of her virginity prevented him from moving further. Sophie could feel his will, the sheer concentration and strength it took to hold himself back. He was shaking, but he held firm, gentle to the utmost. “Sophie…?” He needed her permission, asking, even at this point, whether it was okay to proceed.

“Take me, Roan.” she
said breathlessly, wrapping her legs tighter around his waist so that he had nowhere to go but forward. And then he did, thrusting his hips in once precise motion that ripped through that delicate little wall and filled Sophie to delightful completion. He swallowed her gasp, kissed the tears that glided down the side of her face away. Roan took it all within himself and gave back his tenderness, his utter adoration.

The heaviness of his cock invaded her volcanic
center like glorious sin. His lust echoed along Sophie’s skin as he looked at her, his eyes boring into her very soul. He read her like a label, knew her like a memory. And there she was, mirrored back in his obsidian gaze. His intensity, his ferocity, his passion put the fear of God in her, yet exhilaration had her craving for more. His arms wrapped around her thighs to draw her closer, to bury himself just a little deeper.

“God, so hot…so tight…” He breathed huskily, claiming her mouth with raw sexual dominance. He began a slow and steady pace, a rhythm his body taught hers to follow and she was such an eager student, rapt with attention she learned quickly. Jerky movements turned into a glide of hips in anticipation of his long and even thrust, until Sophie was riding him with an expertise of her own.
They were evenly matched, cantering to the same tempo, climbing ever higher to that renowned precipice notorious to only lovers.  Breathing as one, hearts racing, he fell deeper into her and Sophie opened herself for more.

.” The utterance of her name was a growl, a possession, a proclamation. He punctuated every jarring thrust with a kiss, drawing air from her lungs. “

He took hold of her hands above her head and intertwined their fingers, his grip bracing her. His dark gaze searched her face, unguarded in this secr
et moment, she was able to glean his emotions. She saw herself through his eyes. Saw the hunger there, but there was something else, something further beneath the depth that was so sweet and beautiful that tears came to her eyes.

Long, even thrusts grew frenzied and erratic.

Release came like a wave. Powerful, it crashed into Sophie, surging from every direction in her body to converge at the epicenter of her. She stifled her scream against his shoulder, nails raking with delicious possession down his sweat-slicked back.  His groan of pleasure/pain gave her a wicked sort of satisfaction.

Before he removed himself from her, he captured her lips in a searing kiss that further sparked the desire at her soul. He collapsed beside her, but kept a possessive hold on her, his arm encircling her waist. 


Later, they found themselves both in almost the exact position, although they’d gotten up to clean themselves off, they returned to the comforts of the bed, never more than touching distance of each other. Roan had made it so that he was half seated and half lying on the mattress, his back propped up by mound of pillows he’d placed against the headboard. Sophie’s slim body splayed out across his own, with one leg across his thighs and an arm encircling his waist
, and her head made a pillow out of Roan’s chest, her sinfully dark hair shrouding whatever naked skin the dark blue comforter did not conceal.


It was the mass of sinfully dark hair that now had Roan’s attention. He drew his hand through it, allowing the silken tresses to sift between his fingers, twisting his wrist so that it gathered and spilled from his fist. He caressed each strand, putting to memory the simple texture, the clean, sweet scent that emitted from it. He silently deliberated with himself whether he should admit defeat now or later. He didn’t even know how it’d gotten this far, how one simple action no more than two months ago had led him to the point where Sophie all but consumed his thoughts. She’d ensnared him and Roan, fool that he was, had unwittingly succumbed to her lure. 


She was under his skin, so prominent that he need only close his eyes and she was there. He was enamored by her, on the brink of something quite complicated. If he allowed himself, which he believed he was already doing, Roan feared this woman would be his undoing. She’d managed to entrench herself in his life so rapidly, so damn easily, that it was as though she belonged there, had been there all along.


He’d had his share of lovers, had dated maybe two or three girls over the years and of those, only his relationship with Sienna had been serious. Roan had been apathetic through it all, never truly bothering to offer all of himself because he hadn’t cared to. That had been one of the many reasons why it’d never worked with Sienna. She’d wanted far more than Roan had been willing to give. But now, with Sophie, Roan was finding it nearly impossible to remain indifferent where she was concerned. She stirred something in him, awakened a passion, a need in him so fierce that he not only wanted to protect her, but heal the part of her that was so damaged. She needed him and he was beginning to realize that he wanted to be needed by her.


It wasn’t even the sex that had slammed home that fact, but sex with Sophie…there were no words. She was made for him. Every inch custom-made to fit him. Lock to key. Subconsciously Roan had always known it would be her. He slid his hand down her left arm, his aim the road map of healing scars that covered her honey toned skin. Every time he saw them, touched them, he felt gutted. It pained him to know that she was suffering to such an extent that she had to mutilate herself to ease the pain.




Sophie was in a state of bliss, nearly asleep, when his voice filtered through the cotton in her ears. “Hmm…?”


“Promise me something.”




“If you ever feel the need to cut yourself, I want you to call me.”




“I’d rather you hurt me than continue doing this to yourself.”

Her eyes fluttered open as she stared around mindlessly, not sure of what to say. “It’s not something I can help,” she whispered after a short while. “I do it because it makes me not feel so dead inside.” She sat up, her
cheeks damp with tears as she looked at him with a sad smile. “I have a good life. I’m privileged that I have an amazing family who love and support me. My parents have done everything they possibly can to see that I want for nothing. But…I’ve always had this feeling inside of me. This defect, like I was born the wrong way. I don’t know how to explain it, Roan.” She brought the palm of her hand to swipe the tears away. “It’s a feeling of never quite belonging anywhere no matter how hard you try. You know…?”

He went to her, closed the little bit of space that she’d put between them and rested his forehead against hers, he settled his hand behind the curtain of burnished auburn hair, his fingers playing with the tendrils at her nape. “You can belong with me.” He grazed her lips with a whispering kiss. “You don’t have to try hard with me.”

Sophie breathed him in, initiating another kiss that encapsulated all that she felt for him but was unable to say. She said it against his lips, screamed it when his tongue caressed hers. Roan had become her sanctuary and Sophie needed him to shelter her from the maelstrom of emotions bombarding her, she needed him to temper the fire that only he knew how to kindle. But she didn’t need words to tell him, he simply knew, felt it in every pore of her fevered skin.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and maneuvered her once again beneath him, ever mindful of the gift she’d given him only an hour prior, Roan was gentle in entering her.
He inhaled sharply, slammed his eyes shut and thought of math and cold showers to keep himself from coming. She was so wet, so incredibly hot, tight like the sweetest vise. He tried to take it slow, tried to pace himself for her but hearing her maddening little sounds against his shoulder, those delicious little whimpers and moans obliterated Roan’s honorable intentions.

BOOK: Undone
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