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Authors: Francette Phal

BOOK: Undone
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Francette Phal


Copyright 2013 Francette Phal


Smashwords Edition


Thank you Kristina for being such an awesome person and my amazing cheerleader, it’s been great having you in my corner. Ami you rock for being such an excellent and thorough editor. Thank you for understanding my weird sentence structures!

Sophie Holbrook-Grayson shoved the last remnants of her clothes in her travel bag before shrugging
into her navy blue wool coat, meticulously fastening each button. Locating her cell on the nightstand, she skimmed over the touchscreen and dialed a number all too familiar to her. As she waited for an answer, she grabbed her laptop bag and swept it over her shoulder, her travel bag following suit. She took hold of her suitcase and just before she departed, she assessed her dorm room one last time assuring that she left nothing behind.

Certain that she’d packed everything
, she closed the door behind her and headed down Wexler Hall, passing students she wouldn’t see until mid-January of next year. Sophie waved goodbye to those she knew as she pushed the glass door open.

"Hello?" was the breathless reply two minutes later from the person on the other line.

"Where are you?" Exiting the sleek black car parked out front, the chauffeur made haste and quickly grabbed Sophie’s bag, all except for her laptop carrier, which she carried with her. Just before entering the interior of the car the doors to Wexler Hall burst open, revealing a tall, blond haired man, with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and a wide smile for Sophie.

"Sorry, I had to take care of a few things." He handed the chauffeur his solitary bag before following Sophie inside the warm interior of the luxury car, soundly closing the door behind him.

"I thought you'd changed your mind." Pocketing her cell, Sophie reached over and dialed the temperature knob a few degrees higher, immediately a blanket of warmth enveloped them. She took off her coat before giving her guest her undivided attention.

"Did you want me to change my mind?" Devastatingly green eyes stared back at her, acute and focused, their intensity never ceased to astound Sophie.

Those emerald eyes had been the very first thing Sophie had noticed about Andrew the first time she'd seen him in Mr. Alpine's biology lab. Andrew Hunter had been her second semester biology T.A. and out of almost every girl in the class of fifty or so students, who'd believed themselves besotted by the ruggedly handsome man, none had been more so than Sophie.

It'd taken two weeks, however, after their initial introduction for Sophie to muster the courage to approach Andrew, and
, even then, she'd needed to come up with a logical excuse to get him to even acknowledge her presence. So she'd purposely failed one of her labs and once class had ended, Andrew had asked her to stay a few minutes. As nervous as she’d been that day, nothing could've possibly stopped her from getting to know Andrew.

With a noncommittal shrug, Sophie looked away
. "You could've gone with Allie; I would've understood."

chuckled, setting his moss green eyes on her. "You're a bad liar. You hate Allie and had I decided to spend the holidays with her, you would've never spoken to me again." The dreaded ex-girlfriend who could never let go, Allison Grant, was a thorn in their fledgling relationship.

After their breakup, she'd dubbed herself Andrew's best friend and as such she was a constant presence in their lives, a malignant pest who refused to go away. Andrew found her antics amusing while Sophie thought she was a pain in the ass. Allie was one of the few things that they didn’t agree on.

"Your number would've been deleted right about now and your clothes soaked in bleach, waiting for you in the snow."

"Ouch," Andrew leaned forward with a wounded smile, "didn't know you were so vindictive."

Just before she succumbed to the onslaught of Andrew's kiss, Sophie grinned and whispered, "You have no idea."

Like their first kiss all those months ago, Sophie’s heart thundered against her chest, the sweet anticipation paid off the very moment Andrew's tongue coaxed her lips apart sensually seducing her own into compliance. It was languorous kiss, filled with sweeping tongues and teasing lips and when it was over Sophie breathlessly sighed and pressed her forehead to Andrew's. "It's a good thing you're a good kisser, otherwise
, you'd be one very sorry boyfriend."

Andrew caressed her cheek
. "I've never seen this side of you; you're usually so reserved. It's hard to know what's going on in that pretty head of yours."

"Would you rather I keep my mouth shut?"

"No, I like seeing you jealous and emotional; it means you actually care about this old man,” Andrew lightly teased and released Sophie when she pulled away.

"If I didn't care
, I wouldn't have invited you to my parents' home for the holidays," she said candidly, smiling to soften her response. "I've never brought a guy home with me, should be interesting."

"What have you told them about me?" he queried.

Sophie looked away with stained cheeks. "Not much, just that you've lasted longer than the rest."

"Oh yes, we're nearing what, eleven months now?"

"Eight months more than all the others, you should be proud,” she said with a small smile.

Eleven months ago, she wouldn't have believed this would happen. Who would've thought that, that one chilly afternoon she'd seen Andrew at the campus coffee shop and accepted his invitation for a cup of coffee, would've resulted in this? They'd gone from chilly afternoons of coffee dates at
Mean Bean
, to midnight rendezvous in her dorm room, discussing whatever topic that popped in their heads, and those conversations easily lasted into morning. The slow process of a relationship soon began. Sophie learned that Andrew was the only child to parents who were both respected doctors in their fields and as the son of two affluent physicians, it was only natural Andrew grew up to follow their footsteps. He'd made it through high school with top marks, graduating with the honor of Magna Cum Laude, and his speech as valedictorian ended up in the town paper.

With a keen outlook to the future
, he'd gone through his four years of college, gaining both his bachelor and master degrees without incident. After years of schooling, he was only now taking a few months off, before prepping himself for his doctorate.

To say Sophie had been impressed would've been greatly understated. Andrew was practically a genius and on several occasions throughout their short relationship, she’d wondered what her
thirty year old boyfriend was doing dating a twenty year old virgin who didn't know the first thing about medicine, except for the occasional aspirin she took when she had her period.

Not many knew of their relationship and those few who knew understood the delicacy of the situation and so thankfully kept their mouths shut. Student/teacher relations were heavily frowned upon at Buxom
University and if caught, the consequences were immediate—expulsion of both parties and a tarnished reputation for the professor at fault. Despite the penalties they faced, they continued to see each other, managing to sneak in a few kisses between classes and some alone time after midnight when the students of Wexler Hall were asleep and Sophie could sneak Andrew into her dorm room.

She was always grateful of her adoptive father for the luxury of a private dorm room on campus. Of course their alone time never went further than a few hours of heavy petting which Sophie managed to stop before it went too far.

It wasn't as though she hadn't wanted to take it to the next step, she adored Andrew, but some silly part of her wanted to be in love before she did something so special. Besides that, she also wanted to properly introduce Andrew to her family, especially her parents, who were aware of him but did not know anything else aside that he was Sophie’s new beau. Sophie was sure her mom was going to flip her lid and Nicholas of course would run his routine background check.

The introduction was the reason why she was bringing Andrew home with her for the holidays. She was an adult now and certainly didn't need their permission to date someone a few years older than her. Nevertheless
, Sophie wanted their approval, their love and support, and she knew she would get it.

Her family, despite the occasional skirmishes, had always been loving and supportive and always came together when it counted most. Naturally, they would be shocked, given that their eldest child was dating someone so
much older. It would be expected that they have reservations and Sophie wouldn't fault them for it, but her mom, sweet, loving understanding Mom, would come around and she'd definitely bring her more obstinate husband along.

"Are you okay? You look a little sick."

Sophie looked at him. "I'm just nervous about introducing you to my parents."

He took her hand and intertwined their fingers. “It’ll be alright, babe
,” he soothed. “I’m good at charming people.”

“You’re going to need more than charm if you want to get past my

He smirked. “Ah, the infamous Nicholas Grayson. He can’t be all that bad.”

“He’s worse,” Sophie deadpanned, recalling the incident with her one and only boyfriend back in high school and how, upon meeting Nicholas, had nearly wet himself from what her adoptive father had supposedly told him when Sophie had gone to get her purse for their date. Once the rumors spread about Sophie’s overprotective father, she’d been left boyfriend-less for pretty much the duration of her high school years. No one had dared ask her out for fear of incurring Nicholas’s wrath. “I’m serious, Andy. You have to be ready for my father. He takes overprotective to a whole new level.”

, I can understand where he’s coming from. If I had a daughter as gorgeous as you, I’d be walking around with a shotgun.”


“What will that get me?”

Sophie did not immediately answer; making an act of contemplation she tapped a finger to her lips and giggled when he reached out to grab her. She submitted to his kisses and settled against him when he finally allowed her to

She felt him brush a kiss on her head before saying
, "Whatever happens, I'll be right there with you and I promise not to say anything stupid."

"I'm glad you're coming with me."

"I can't imagine myself anywhere else."

The remainder of their
one hour trip remained uneventful and while they settled into a comfortable silence, Sophie silently prayed that the rest of their holiday occurred without incident.

Chapter 2

Isabella Holbrook-Grayson loved the holidays. It was a time of laughter and cheer, a time when her extensive family came together with her immediate family to catch up and celebrate. Her Uncle Gabe and his wife Ronnie were undoubtedly on their way right now with their cheerful brood. Aunt Madeline and Brent, her boyfriend of two years, would most likely follow since they lived the closest. Then the grandparents would probably arrive tonight being that they lived the furthest.

This was how it's been for the past six years, no matter where each person was, Mom always made sure everyone was present when the holidays rolled around and it was a tradition they'd all come to treasure dearly.

Hanging the last of the garland around the banister, she took a step back to admire her work with a satisfied smile. Ever since they'd moved in six years ago, her dad had put her in charge of decorations. So during the holidays, she and the staff would decorate the manor from top to bottom in seasonal reds and greens, hanging the occasional mistletoes and hollies where she saw fit. Her mom called her the devil with an angel's smile, because she expected nothing but perfection, which she achieved by cheerfully tormenting the staff until they got it right. She had tenacity, a trait she’d inherited from her father—the Grayson stubbornness—it was a quality Bella admired in herself.

Brushing her hair behind her ear
, she turned to critically assess the foyer, making sure she'd left nothing untagged. With the wreath at the foyer entrance hanging slightly askew, she reached up to straighten it.

Everyone would arrive soon and everything had to be flawless
; if not, then at least close to it and so far, things had gone according to plan. She needed to wrap a few presents for her cousins and ask her mom whether Sophie would like the sweater she'd picked out for her and then she'd be ready for Christmas Eve tomorrow. Bella was ecstatic to see her older sister. Sure she’d only seen her on Thanksgiving, but she was looking forward to seeing her again.

They didn't see much of Sophie anymore due to her being away at school and
, of course, Bella learned to deal with it, but she missed not having her big sis close by to talk to when she and Dylan had their arguments. Sophie was the older one, the wise one, the one she and Dylan looked to for comfort and support; her absence was something they both felt when she left. But seeing her again during the holidays always made up for her absence.

The sound of the doorbell tore Bella from her musings. "I got it!" she yelled before rushing over to open the door. The cool gust of wind did not faze her at the sight of her grandparents standing in front of her, both adorning big smiles and a bundle of bags.

"Happy holidays, Jelly Bean!" her grandfather said jovially, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "You've grown about three inches since the last time I saw you."

"Move over, Phillip, let me get a look at her!" Dina pushed Phillip aside, dropped her bags and embraced Bella in a tight grandmotherly hug that took her breath away. "Look at you." She pulled away but kept a hold on Bella’s arms, toothily appraising her teenage granddaughter. "Beautiful as the day you were born! Keep at it dear, and you'll be beating them off with a stick in no time." She pulled Bella once again in a tight hug
. "Happy holidays, Sweetheart!"

Bella laughed because she knew her grandparents always said the same things almost every time they saw her and not one minute went by that she didn't adore them for it. "Happy holidays to you too
, Nanna and Grandpa. Come in.” She stepped aside and let them through, helping with their luggage. "Mom’s in the kitchen." When they were all inside, the head butler, James, and two others came and took their bags away, having gotten their orders the evening before. They knew exactly where each of their guests were to be roomed, so they took Phillip and Dina’s belongings to the east wing, where all their guests would be staying.

"That daughter of mine," Dina said as they made their way to the kitchen, "she's been slaving away in that kitchen, hasn't she?"

"Yeah, she's been working really hard to make the food, but the staff isn't letting her work too hard, otherwise, Daddy wouldn't be very happy."

"And where is your father, dear?"

"He had to go to overseas for business, but he called last night and said he'd be here later tonight." Bella hated her father's impromptu business trips, but not as much as her mom did and as much as she pretended that it didn't matter, Bella knew the truth.

As they pushed the door to the kitchen open, a myriad of sweet aromas assaulted their senses making their mouths water. The kitchen was alive with energy, the atmosphere friendly and inviting. There was chatter and light laughter all around while everyone diligently worked, laboring over hot stoves and countertops like a well-oiled machine. With a quick assessing gaze, Bella counted ten women and
three men, including her mom, who was chopping up apples at the marble island countertop.

At the sight of them, the majority looked up and warmly smiled, wishing them a happy holiday, before returning to their work. Her mother briefly glanced up and then looked back down
. Then, as if realizing that she'd just disregarded her parents, her head snapped back up and she smiled, her face completely alight with joy.

"Mom, Dad!" She dropped the knife, swiftly wiped her hands on her apron and maneuvered around the staff to embrace them. "I'm so happy you could make it.” She pulled away from her mother, pressed a kiss to her cheek, before hugging her father. "You’re here earlier than we expected. How was your trip?"
she cheerfully asked, pulling away.

"We decided to leave early. There’s a snowstorm heading this way. The trip was uneventful, although we had to turn back twice to grab a few of your mother's things." He pointedly peered at her and she rolled her eyes.

"He's angry because I made him wait in the car for a few minutes. The way he's acting, it's as if he's never forgotten a thing in his life!" she vented, glaring back at him.

"Hey now you two, don't make me separate you. I won't have anyone arguing for the next two weeks
,” Ellie chided. "Belle, show your grandparents to their room and I'll bring some hot chocolate…"

"You'll do no such thing, I'm not an invalid and I will certainly not lounge around the manor while my daughter is cooking
a Christmas feast; I'm helping. Phillip can go with Bella, I'm sure Gabe will be along shortly to entertain him." No one dared argue and with brief hug for his daughter, and a parting kiss on Dina’s cheek, Phillip followed his granddaughter as she led him out of the kitchen.

Dina grabbed an apron from the hook by the refrigerator and swept it over her head, she effortlessly tied the white strings with the speediness of an apt chef before taking her place at the counter, with a knife in hand she took over Ellie’s chopping duties.

"Mom…," Ellie made to protest, but was quickly cut off by a stern glare.

"There's plenty to do, Ellie, either grab a knife and join me or leave the cooking to your mother." Her no nonsense voice made it impossible for Ellie to argue, so she pulled up a chair adjacent to where Dina sat and grabbed a potato peeler with one
hand and a potato with the other. With a smile on her lips, she began the task of peeling her potatoes, happy to have her mother near her.

She hadn't seen her since Thanksgiving dinner a few weeks ago but all the same, she still looked amazing. The majesty of time seemed to adore her face, leaving her as she had been seven years prior. The only true indication of her true age were the gentle creases at the corner of her eyes, the laugh lines around her mouth and the strands of white sprayed on her rich chestnut locks. She was still wonderfully fit, vivacious and one hell of a cook.



"Think you can possibly whip up your pumpkin pie for your darling daughter?"

Dina looked over
. "I heard you gobbled up the three I made for Thanksgiving all by yourself."

Color rose on Ellie’s cheeks. "Whoever told you that, is a horrible liar. I shared." Only a slice or two, but she did
. Receiving a skeptical look from her mother, Ellie’s cheeks darkened in color and she took a moment to fan herself. "Nicholas is a tattletale,” she said seconds later.

Dina laughed at her daughter’s antics
. "I'll make a few more and we'll set his aside just to be sure."

"That's fine." With a wicked grin, Ellie silently conspired to eat those too, just to teach her bigmouth husband to keep his mouth shut next time. Conversation about pumpkin pie turned to ones about life and the welfare of her children.

“How’s my sweet grandson doing, is he over his cold?” The grandson she referred to was Ellie and Nicholas’s fourth child, Noah, who’d been born three years prior in a home birth that had nearly taken both their lives. He’d been premature and had remained in the neonatal intensive care unit for a good month before they’d been allowed to take him home. In that long, agonizing month, while Ellie recuperated from the trauma of childbirth, she and Nicholas and their family had prayed for Noah not to be taken away from them. They’d suffered far too much for their child to be taken away so cruelly. Thankfully, he’d pulled through and just before taking him home, Ellie and Nicholas married in the hospital church. It’d been a very small, very private ceremony presided over by her father and Gabe and Ronnie the only witnesses. But it’d been one of the sweetest moments of their lives, the birth of Noah solidifying their unbreakable love. They’d undergone through yet another ordeal and had come out on the other side stronger and more devoted to each other.

Ellie smiled at the thought of her husband and their little miracle baby. “Just about. He’s upstairs taking his nap with Mrs. Whitman.” Rita Whitman, their live in nanny
, had been Nicholas’s idea to help Ellie manage the everyday hustle and bustle of mothering their children. Ellie had protested in the beginning, but had found Rita to be a big help, especially during those few first months when she’d needed to recuperate.

“I can’t wait until he wakes up so he and I can have our time together.”

"Nan!" Dylan's enthused voice drew Dina’s attention. She set down the knife in her hand and stood to embrace the tall seventeen year old that was her oldest grandson.

"My favorite grandson, look at you
.” As she'd done with his twin, Dina glanced down at her grandson with pride shining in her eyes. "You'll be as tall your father in no time, and this hair!" she tsked, brushing his ragged mop of chestnut locks from his eyes. "It's so long, I can't even see your handsome face. I think you need a haircut."

"Nan," he whined, gently brushing her intrusive hand aside, "the girls love this hair. It's a total chick magnet. They all think I'm soulful and deep just because I'm too lazy to get a haircut and I carry that Gibson Dad bought me last year." He grinned wickedly
, waggling his eyebrows. "I'm trying to get Stephanie James to go out with me; word around school is she likes poetry and all that junk, so..."

"You've become a poet?" Dina wittily guessed, unable to keep the laughter from her face.

"Exactly. So you see, Nan, I can't cut my hair, it goes with the whole soulful, poet shit…"


"Shtick, it goes with the whole soulful, poet
.”  He peered above his grandmother's shoulder with the same disarming smile his father carelessly wielded when trying to get back in her good graces. "Hey, Mom, looking good."

Ellie narrowed her eyes
. "You're not as cute as you think you are, you know."

"Yeah, but you love me, so it's easier to pull it off with you
.” He grinned toothily. "Where's Gramps? I want to say hi before I leave for Kyle's."

"Probably in the living room with your sister; I want you back here by five, no later, got it?"

"Yup, what time does Dad’s jet land?"

"He won't be here until late tonight."

"All right, I'm outta here. Nan, I'll see you later. Bye Mom."

"Five o'clock on the dot, Dylan!" Ellie yelled at his retreating back.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it!" he yelled back with the all-knowing attitude of a seventeen year old.

"Well," Dina intoned, returning to her place by Ellie’s side,
“he’s certainly become an interesting character."

"He goes through phases faster than he goes through his socks.
One day he's a basketball star, the next a drama geek and now a grunge poet. Hopefully the angst filled phase doesn't last too long when and if it does come."

"You'll survive, dear
,” Dina soothed. "Now, let's hurry and help these nosy old biddies, otherwise, dinner won’t get done in time." The four women closest to them, caught in the act of eavesdropping, swiftly dipped their heads down to hide the telltale flush on their cheeks. Dina clucked her tongue and headed to the fridge a few yards away.

With a smile, Ellie turned back to the counter and resumed the arduous task of peeling the potatoes; a few dozen more and she would have enough to make
her special mashed potatoes for Sophie and a normal bowl for everyone else.

Ellie couldn't wait to hold Sophie in her arms and hear the latest updates from Emerson. The first year she'd gone had been especially hard on them both. Sophie, who'd never spent any time away from home aside from the occasional sleepover at a friend's house, had phoned her mother almost every night before she'd gone to bed. And Ellie, who'd always had Sophie at her side, had called her daughter just as frequently
; hearing her voice choked with tears, she had nearly bought a ticket straight to Buxom.

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