Undertow (27 page)

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Authors: Cherry Adair

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Undertow
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´Jesus, thanks man. My guys al left for the day. I just came back to get something, and those lines were already loose.µ The younger guy was red-faced and clearly stressed as he shook Zane·s hand. Ít came in fast«µ

´Yeah,µ Zane took in the secure lines on the guy·s boat as he wiped rain out of his eyes. Ít·s hard to predict a temperamental tropical storm.µ

Ńeed help?µ the guy asked, not sounding too enthusiastic; clearly, he wanted to be out of the wind and rain.

Í·m good. Thanks.µ Zane went back to check each line as his hair blew around his face and stung his cheeks. A quick glance around showed that Teal must stil be on board. He hated not having her in sight.

´Be sure to al ow enough line to compensate for the tide surges,µ the guy yel ed as sweat and rain ran down his temples. ´They·re forecasting up to a six -foot tidal surge.µ

´That big?µ Zane nodded as the guy final y left, glad he·d made use of ground anchors as wel . The Weather Service had upgraded the tropical storm to a category one. Not huge so far as hurricanes went, but it was better to be safe than sorry. There was no such thing as too many lines, or too many attachments to secure his boat.

Satisfied that the
was as tight as they could make her, he went back on board. He met Ryan coming one way and Ben the other. They·d done a final check of al the tie -downs.

Now it was Mother Nature·s turn.

Áre you sure you won·t come back to our place?µ Maggie shouted over the wind howling outside the salon. ´We·l squeeze you in somewhere, it·l be like summer camp.µ

´Thanks, Maggie³µ Teal walked in, came straight to his side, and slipped her hand into his without a word. Zane shot her a brief smile before turning back to addressing the other woman.

Ćyd·s in New York this week, so I·l take Teal to her place to ride this out. We·l be fine.µ

Maggie glanced at their entwined fingers and sent Z ane a smile, which he returned before adding, Íf you can accommodate al the guys, that·d be great.µ He had to raise his voice to be heard over the howling wind. ´Good work, everyone.

There·s nothing else we can do here. Go with Maggie, and stay safe. We· l reconvene in the morning.µ

* * *

Teal·s eyes stung and watered as she leaned into the wind. The raucous storm -warning horns added to the chaos as she and Zane hunched against zinging, sand -spewing rain.

Ćome on Wil iams, put your back into it. We·l be inside before you know it.µ

She hoped so. She tightened her grip on the back of his T -shirt and he pul ed her against his side, tucking her under his arm. As they approached the cottage, sand, newspaper, bits of roof tile, and shredded foliage flew by, na rrowly missing them as they waded through the flotsam and jetsam of the high winds.

A few people along the way struggled to replace storm shutters that had come loose, but most had done what needed to be done days before and were snugly inside, safe and d ry.

Clouds boiled dark and thick overhead, and rain blew sideways in dense, stinging sheets.

The hil , coupled with high winds and rain, made it feel as though she was wading through thigh-deep, wet cement. Teal was grateful for the support of Zane·s strong arms around her.

By the time they reached his friend·s smal , white cottage, they were both out of breath.

Sky-blue storm shutters were firmly in place covering the windows here, Teal observed, relieved. Zane retrieved a key from a heavy stone flowerpot beside the bright blue front door. Bril iant red geraniums had been chewed by the wind, leaving just a few petals like little flags of defiance. Teal doubted the sunny yel ow pot would stil be there in the aftermath of the storm. She tried to drag it closer to the front door, but Zane shook his head to leave it.

He unlocked the door, holding it so the wind didn·t rip it from his hand. ´Make yourself at home,µ he yel ed. Í·m going to do a perimeter check. Be right back.µ

Í·l ³µ
Help you.
He disappeared around the corner of the house. Teal grabbed the front door and managed to slam it closed behind her. Her ears vibrated with the relative silence inside the extremely wel -insulated bungalow. She slid her palm along the wal , searching for a light switch as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She found the switch, flipped it, but nothing happened. She would·ve been surprised if the lights

She looked around, barely able to make out shapes in the semidarkness. One fairly big room, with a gal ey kitchen on one side, a large white sofa, indicating the sitting area, and a big bed behind a half wal . The rest was nothing more than darker blotches on the pale wal s; she presumed the only other interior door was the bathroom.

´Dry clothes, food and water while the going·s good,µ she decided out loud, then jumped, heart racing, as something heavy and metal ic³a garbage can?³slammed on the roof.

´Hurry, Zane.µ He·d probably been through dozens of these storms³and worse³living where he did. He could take care of himself.

Seeing a fat candle on a nearby sofa table, Teal opened the smal drawer beneath it, found a butane lighter, and flicked it over the wick. Accompanied by the homey scent of vanil a, she went into the smal kitchen to forage.

A gas stove and French coffee press meant Zane could come back inside to at least a hot cup of coffee. She made the coffee and rummaged around for something to eat. Finding a couple of wide-necked thermoses in a drawer, she fil ed one with coffee and started a fresh pot.

Then started building sandwiches.

She had no idea how long this latest storm would take to blow over.

The front door slammed open against the wal , letting in a cacophony of outside noise until Zane used his weight to shove it shut. Teal·s heart skittered in her chest at the sight of him.

He looked endearingly wild, with his wet, wind -blown hair, soaking clothes, and his cheeks ruddy from the stinging rain and swirling sand.

His intense blue eyes picked up the reflection of the dancing flame in twin pinpoints of light.

She loved him so intensely that her heart felt ful to bursting. Éverything okay?µ

Ćyd and Ron did a good job securing the place before they left.µ

He took in the sandwiches and thermos, and smiled as he picked up a half and took a quick bite. ´Good thinking. Especial y if twenty -seven starving teenage boys drop in. We·d better get out of these wet clothes and grab a shower while the water·s stil hot. I·l find you something dry to put on.µ

Putting the rest of his sandwich down on the counter, he stepped in front of her and gently brushed her wet, too-long bangs out of the way. Ćan·t see these pretty eyes. When this is al over, we·ve got to get you a haircut, Wil iams,µ he murmured, his voice husky, his eyes shadowy in the gloomy room. Cupping her chin, he lifted her face. ´You took about a quarter century off my age with that kidnapping st unt.

No more going off with strange men, hear me?µ

Her heart did a little tap dance. ´
a strange man.µ

strange man.µ He closed the gap and leaned down to give her a quick, hard kiss on the mouth, then stepped away, picking up the flickering candle.

´Take this with you³hang on.µ He put the candle on the counter again and clasped a compel ing hand around he r nape, using his thumb to tilt up her chin. Í need one more to hold me.µ

His lips were cool, but the inside of his mouth, as his tongue swept hers, was furnace hot, and tasted deliciously of peanut butter. Being in Zane·s arms was the safest Teal had ev er felt in her life. She squeezed her eyes shut and gave herself up to the sweetness of his kiss, feeling as though³for just a little while³she was securely wrapped in Zane·s special magic cape.

Outside, the wind howled and the windows rattled and she hea rd the neighbor·s gas-powered generator humming away as several dogs barked. The noise and mayhem outside faded to a sibilant blur as he angled his head, his fingers warm against her scalp.

She murmured her reluctance to break away, but knew she had to be practical.

Their wet clothing was dripping on the floor, and they should change and get warm and dry.
I love³µ
. ´³the way you kiss me,µ she told him, her voice a little thick with emotion. Her lips tingled. She wanted more kisses. More Zane.

He played with her ear. His touch made her insides melt like candle wax. ´
mouth is the best thing that ever happened to
mouth.µ His voice was thick, his eyes dark. ´Kissing you is a celebration.µ He brushed another kiss to her lips. ´Go shower and get d ry.µ

´That·s a contradiction in terms.µ Teal smiled as she picked up the candle.

´What about you?µ

She meant changing out of his wet clothes, but Zane being Zane grinned and said, Í·m scared of the dark. Where you and that candle go, so do I.µ

Teal laughed. Ĺead the way, I·l protect you.µ

They stopped at the closet to find dry clothes for both of them. His friend Cydney·s boyfriend lived with her. Teal didn·t want even herself to know how relieved she felt at that bit of news. She wouldn·t have felt comfortable wearing one of his girlfriends· clothes.

Although, wet as she was, she would have done it if push came to shove.

Ćyd, Ryan, Cat, and I went to school together.µ Zane informed her, nudging her hand up a little so he could see into the closet. Ŕyan had a thing for her for a while, but it never worked out. And no, before you ask, Cyd and I never hooked up.µ

She gave him an innocent look. A little exaggerated maybe. ´Did I say anything?µ

Í could hear those wel -oiled wheels in your brain catching,µ he told her dryly.

´Here, this work?µ He handed her T-shirt material shorts and a tank top from a drawer and grabbed Hawaiian swim trunks for himself.

´That water·s not going to stay hot long. This way. I think they keep the radio in here.µ

was a miniscule, windowless bathroom, barely big enough for the two of them to stand sideways. Zane placed the candle on the back of the toilet and bent down to check under the sink. The shower stal , she saw, was barely big enough for one, let alone two. B ut her heart tap-danced, and al her girl parts were doing the happy dance that she was about to be squeezed into the confined space with him.

She had to step sideways to open the door and turn on the water. Zane found the emergency radio in the sink cabinet and placed it beside the candle, then turned it on to listen to the weather report. He yanked his sopping T-shirt over his head, tossing it in the sink with a wet
. Teal·s mouth dried and her heart swel ed with emotion as her gaze played over his muscular chest and shoulders.

His skin looked as smooth as tawny silk. Good Lord! The man made her wax poetic.

He turned around to look at her. ´You have clothes on.µ He sounded affronted.

Árms up.µ He slid the wet fabric of her tank top up her chest. Teal obediently raised her arms. He paused to bend his head. His wet hair was cold against her skin, but his open mouth was hot as he closed it, not so gently, around her nipple.

He switched sides. ´Don·t want to play favorites,µ he murmured as his lips slid into the val ey, then up the smal hil of her other breast. His teeth worried the tight bud as his hands ran down the curve of her butt.

´Finish one project before you start the next, Cutter.µ she instructed as her pulses skittered and jumped in response to the sweet tug and pul of his mouth. She tangled her fingers in his hair to ground herself.

´Picky picky,µ Zane lifted his head, eyes blazing hot. Úp.µ

She lifted her arms. As soon as the tank was off, she wrapped them around his neck and pressed herself ful length against him. ´We don·t need to shower,µ

she murmured against his strong jaw, then started kissing her way across his face.

´That bed out there is nice and wide, and we·l warm up in no time.µ

Their close proximity, and the fact that she was attempting to have a rational conversation, didn·t deter him at al . He used both hands to strip her out of her coveral s and panties, and when they were around her ankles, he instructed, Śtep.

And step. Thank you.

´We don·t need either big or a bed, Wil iams,µ he whispered against her mouth as he backed her into the very smal , steamy shower, and closed the door. ´This wil do us nicely.µ His voice was throaty and sexy as he backed her against the tiles.

The stal wasn·t just tiny, it was minuscule. Í real y don·t think this is possible«µ

Teal said between his drugging kisses. Lukewarm water cascaded down her back, gluing her already wet hair to her cheeks and neck. Zane was glued to her front.

The hair on his chest tickled her breasts, his erection jumped impatiently against her bel y. In spite of the now tepid water, Teal felt feverish, and so ready her pulses raced and her skin felt ultra sensitive.

Áh,µ he nibbled on the underside of her jaw, skimming his hand down. Over her breast, too briefly brushing feather -light down her side, her hip, and settling on her upper thigh.

´Ye of little faith. Lean back³there we go.µ He hooked his hand under her knee, leaned into her, and slipped his penis inside her sheath to the hilt.

He maneuvered her where he wanted her, his hands sure, his kisses making her drunk with lust, dizzy with love. He knew how to deliver indescribable pleasure with his talented mouth, and marauding fingers. Zane took lovemaking seriously and elevated it to art form.

´You·ve done this before.µ

´Dress rehearsals, getting ready for you. I want this to be good for you.µ

The tenderness and sincerity in his voice as he kissed her neck unraveled her. Time warped and and twisted as he fil ed her senses with mind -bending kisses and touches so intense she couldn·t catch her breath.

Making love in the smal shower stal wasn·t just possible. It was mind -blowingly
Teal thought, her body limp, her mind saturated with love and lust for this man. Í·m a noodle,µ she told him as he washed her tenderly and managed to get al he r parts doing the happy dance. Despite the almost comical contortions.

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