Undeniable (Undeniable series) (8 page)

BOOK: Undeniable (Undeniable series)
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When I open my eyes I have no idea where I’m at and maybe that is because everything is dark. Slowly I roll off to the side of the bed I’m on and hit another body. Freaking out I jump, pushing whatever is near me away. Cool arms wrap around me stilling my motions before he speaks. “Gemma it’s me Beau,” he says and I stop fighting to free myself from his grasp.

“Where are we
?” I ask still feeling very drained.

“Somewhere safe for the moment, you were so weak. How are you feeling now
?” He asks moving closer to me as he feels my face for a temperature.

“Fine at the moment
.” I say trying to look stronger then I feel, but he gives me a knowing look.

,” he says bringing his arm up towards my face and immediately I’m confused by it until he cuts a one inch line across his pale skin. For a moment nothing happens then the cut turns dark red as the blood begins to spill. I know what he is offering me, but I don’t know what to do.

It is said
that when a vampire gives away his blood freely to another that their blood can heal almost any illness or disease, but it comes at a cost to them. What the cost is I don’t know. “Take it,” he says bringing his arm closer to my face.

“I’m okay
,” but I can still feel the fairies poison inside me.

“Please don’t make me force you Gemma
.” He says in a both threatening and caring way, if there is such a thing. Reopening the wound I lean down eyeing him the whole time as his blood floods my senses.

Memories flood me
, but these memories are not my own.

I watch him as a young boy from an ancient village running towards his mother. He cannot be more than five years old and even at this age I can tell it is Beau. “Mama, mama!” He says in a language I’ve never heard before, but yet strangely understand. His mother is beautiful with both his nose and his features, but not the same eyes.

“What is it my brave boy
,” she smiles down at him with such love. Beau’s face lights up by his mother’s words and slowly he opens his hand showing her what I cannot see from this angle. Her face changes in an instant as she shakes Beau’s hands hard enough that the object falls from his small hands and onto the dirt floor below. “Where did you find that?!” She says pointing down at it now and I still can’t see it. Beau says nothing and looks as if he is on the verge of tears with the way his eyes are glazed over.

Quickly she wra
ps him in her arms humming a tune to him that immediately stops his tears and even has me calmed. “It’s very important for you to tell mommy where you found this.” She says as sweetly as she talked to him before she had seen what he held in his hands, but the words don’t match her eyes.

“By the river
,” he says and she quickly turns away from him running towards a man in the distance. Walking over to the very confused Beau, I watch his youthful face before I look down at the object that has stirred such emotion from his mother. A bronze broach with striking crystals that resembles an unearthly city. His mother and the man she ran to begin screaming at each other. Her arms go up in the air over her head as she continues to shout with such passion. Beau’s breathing becomes heavy and I turn to look down at him. His eyes that where filled with unshed tears, that not that long ago held in this eyes, are now coming down his cheeks like a flood. I want to wrap my arms around the little boy to make him feel better like his mother did, but when I go to touch him my hand goes right threw him. It’s as if I’m a ghost and not really there. Beau turns around and runs back into the woods and with him the memory.

When I open my eyes again I’m back in the room I was in just a moment ago. “Gemma
,” Beau says wiping away at the tear that has come from my eye. I’m still just so wrapped up with what I just saw that I didn’t even realized that I was on the verge of tears myself.

“I saw you
,” I say backing away from his hand and his touch. “You were a boy and your mother…” I say rubbing my temples.

“What did
you see?” He asks eyes wide as he forces his way to me.

“I saw
you as a small boy and you showed your mother this broach you found by a river. She seemed mad, maybe even scared. Was that one of your memories?” I say watching him as he looks at me as I just preformed an unbelievable magic trick.

,” he says getting up to pace beside my bed and I’ve just noticed how much better I feel. “No one can just share memories like that, not even with a destined. I’ve seen others drink from our blood and never have memories been shared.” He rubs one of the pressure points on my hand easing some of my tension as I try to even my breathing.

Then it hits me and
I look at him baffled by his presents. “You are really real.” I breathe reaching out to him again, but catching myself this time pulling my hand back to my side. “Were you following me?” I ask letting whatever I’m thinking flow from my lips. My mood is all over the place.

He grins at me with a knowing smile
letting the blood exchange go for the moment. “I had to make sure you were okay.” He runs a hand down my arm. “You know you have a very dangerous job, but also very interesting,” and I can feel how proud he is of me.

“What do you do for a living other then follow me
,” I say trying to flirt when in reality it comes out awkwardly and maybe even nerdy. He stares at me for a moment letting his eyes roam my face making them heat under his gaze. Slowly he lets a finger trace the outline of my cheek bone then down to my lower lip.

“Our jobs are similar, aside f
rom the borderline stalking you.” He grins and I have forgotten what we were talking about. Taking a sharp breath in he looks down at my lips where his fingers is still at. “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on and I have been alive for a
long time.” He almost chokes up, but sad at the end and I wonder what his life must have been like. Those dazzling grey eyes meet back up with mine and I know there are millions of stories untold behind them. It’s almost as if I’m looking at the most interesting book I have ever seen and he is looking back at me as if we are thinking the same thing.

When I look away breaking the unseen spell between us he quickly lifts my ch
in to look back at him trying to reunite it.

We just look at each other until I break the silence.
“Thank you for saving us,” I say. I want to distance myself from these overwhelming feelings that I’m feeling for him. Already I can tell these feelings are undeniable. I will never be able to ever truly push them away or fight them.

He moves so close to me that his face is only inches away and one of his hands comes to cup my face.
“I would do anything for you,” he says and I blindly believe him. I lean into him needing to be as close as I possibly can to him. Everything about him draws me to him like a moth to a flame and yet everything about this situation is wrong. Not for me of course, but everything I was taught growing up. Never mix with anyone but your own kind, never trust anyone but your own, and never breed with anyone but your own. I know all of this and what the result would be, but I have this bond with him even though I don’t know him really. It’s so strong I know that it’s the true mate bond that I feel with Beau.

Just looking at him this way makes my chest ache, my eyes
glaze over with lust, and my skin feel so sensitive to even my clothes. He moves closer and I can feel his breath against my face. “Do you feel it?” He questions almost in a whisper and I nod. “Every time you touch me it makes me feel alive, like I really wasn’t living until that moment and when it’s gone I’m gone,” he says like it physically hurts. “I could feel this bond with you even when you were a little girl, of course it was different then as if I had to protect you, but now,” he sighs bringing his body flush with mine. “Now I crave you in every way. I want to know everything there is to know about you, I want to share everything about myself with you, I want to explore every inch of your body, and worship it like the temple it is.” He says the last part so full of lust that my body is on fire with desire for him. “I want to know if you feel the same way.” He ask more like a plead and I feel lost in this words, but for only a second.

“I do
,” are the only words I get out before his lips make contact with mine. The movements are so melodious that it blends in with the soft moans that escape my lips. Tenderly he lays me back onto the bed while never breaking contact. I have to be the one who breaks contact between our lips to catch my breath as he continues to trail kisses down my face towards my neck. My eyes roll back into my head as he finds a spot on my neck that makes my body ache with pleasure. I can feel his lips turn into a smile as he finds my new weakness.

I run my fingers through his thick brown hair
, then let my hands travel down his back raking my nails gently across his firm skin. “I’ve waited so long for you,” he says breaking away from my skin long enough to speak words. It was like he knew exactly what I want from him when I want it. Both his hands and his words put me in an emotional state in which I’ve never been before. We have this bond, instant chemistry that cannot be explained or defined.

Everything is escalating
so fast, but yet so natural that neither of us stops it and it continues on into something more. My back arches craving more contact with his body as his hands go wordlessly to where I desire them most. A gasping noise slips from my lips as his flat hand palms my lower abdomen and into my pants. They’re only there for a moment, it’s just long enough for him to unbutton my pants so his hands have room to roam.

No one has touch me so i
ntimately before and I think of how productive this year has been for me in this department.

He lays over me placing his face in the
nape of my neck as his finger’s better explore me and sink into me. Abnormal noises come out of my mouth as if they have done so my whole life. It makes a victorious smile come across his face and unknowingly encourages more. My own hands go everywhere, clutching either the sheets or his hair, and even digging into his back as an overwhelming pressure builds inside of me. Everything in my body tightens and my thighs try to clamp together as his fingers move in and out of me. Pulling away from my neck his eyes lock with mine and I can’t look away. He is looking down at me like I’m the only thing he treasures in this world while I come undone by his hand. After the trimmers subside, my whole body goes limp in his loving arms. A very euphoria state engulfs me.

“Your eyes are stunning,” he
says as if he is memorized by them, but I have to turn them away.

I feel so exposed emotionally to him
and it all feels right. All my doubts and fears vanish and the walls I put around myself are shattered. It’s as if they were never their and that I’m safe to be myself around him.   

Marcus screams my names so loud in my own head that my hands automatically go over my ears.

“What’s wrong?” Beau ask a
ll lust gone and now only apprehension masks his features.

,” is all I say and that might even be too much to tell. I quickly button my pants, ‘
I’m okay Marcus. Where are you?’
I send back to him just as I hear someone approaching the area Beau and I are at.

,” I whisper to Beau who has already heard and is moving to stand in front of me.  A wolf identical to my own comes charging through the door. I move to stand by Beau as Marcus shifts back to his human form.

“We are leaving now
!” Marcus growls to me, but is sending a deadly glare at Beau, who is returning the look with his fangs out.

“You will
not speak to me like that!” I yell to Marcus who has now turn his attention to me.

“What are you thinking Gemma
?” He shouts raising his hands over his head. “We are in so much shit right now and if they knew where you really are you would be finished.” As he comes over to me he loses some of his steam. “I can’t lose you too Gemma,” he says softly and my heart aches.

Calm down,” I say hugging Marcus to me and I feel him breathe in a sigh of relief. I feel bad about what I have to say next, but it needs to come off like a band aid. “Beau is my true mate,” and all the tension Marcus has just release comes back full force and the truth is out.

He pulls back slowly from me looking at me with an unknowin
g expression. “That can’t be?” He says moving farther away from me like its contagious.

“Your sister is my destined
,” Beau says and I have never heard that word.

“What! What does that mean?” Marcus says moving so quickly to Beau that it’s a blur.

“It means the same thing as a true mate and it’s never happened before that I know of. Our kind is also taught to never be with anyone other than a vampire, but the pull I feel for your sister cannot be ignored.” Beau says not backing down or showing any kind of weakness to Marcus.

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