Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2)
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Dani’s eyebrows snapped up to her hairline. Gemma and Sam were pressed up against the stone wall of the tower. The tech guy had his hands clamped on the archeologist’s ass, and Gemma had her hands down Sam’s loosened pants.

“Ah…sorry.” Dani took a backward step.

Sam jerked back like he’d been electrocuted. His eyes were just a little wide, and he swiped his hand across his mouth. “Um… I’d better get back to work. Dr. O wanted me to finish getting photos of the engravings.”

Gemma looked unconcerned, and took her time tucking her shirt back into her trousers. She shot Dani a smile. “I like younger men. They’re so…energetic and enthusiastic.” Her smile widened. “They trip over themselves to do everything I ask.”

Dani made what she hoped was an appropriate noise.

“Of course, I wouldn’t mind a crack at something as sexy and dangerous as Cal. A man like that gives a woman ideas.”

An ugly feeling slashed through Dani’s gut, her hands clamping around her camera.

Gemma redid the tie in her hair. “Those older, more experienced tough guys bring something very different to the table.” Now Gemma winked. “Or should I say bed… Or even a ruined temple.”

Dani couldn’t help but snort out a laugh.

“But I get when guys aren’t that interested in me.” Gemma walked toward Dani. “And Callum Ward is not taken by my charms.” She stopped, shoulder-to-shoulder with Dani. “You need to grab that hard body, girl, explore every inch of it, then ride him into exhaustion.”

Dani’s breath hitched. “I’m not really into meaningless sex.”

Gemma’s eyebrows rose. “You need a ring?”

“No. But some sort of commitment…”

Gemma shook her head. “Dani, there is nothing wrong with a strong, sexual woman taking what makes her feel good. If you want my advice—”

“Not really, but I get the feeling you’re going to give it to me anyway.”

Gemma grinned. “Yep. Enjoy the right now. Especially if it looks like Callum Ward.”

The archeologist walked away and Dani let out a long breath. She tilted her camera and flipped through some shots until she spotted one of Cal. He was standing tall, sexy stubble on his face, sweat dampening his shirt, and the machete in hand. All that fierce concentration…

With a shake of her head, Dani gingerly stepped over broken stones that had fallen from the tower. She needed to get a few more shots of the ruin and the team before they moved on.

She’d only taken a few steps, when someone slammed a hand over her mouth. Panic and adrenaline pumped through her. She jabbed an elbow back and heard a man grunt.

She exploded into action. She elbowed him again, and twisted. Kicking him was too awkward, so she focused on breaking his hold. She shoved her arms down hard.

He cursed in what sounded like Russian, and she got a flash of dark hair and dark eyes. And a scarf pulled over his face.

He made another sound—an annoyed one—then clamped his arms harder around her, trapping her arms against her sides. He started dragging her back toward the trees.

Dani kept fighting. She slammed her head back into his face.

With a yowl, he let her go. She was already turning to punch him, when Cal stormed past her.

Cal’s blow hit the man in the side of the head. He struck back, but Cal was ready, blocking him and delivering another vicious hit to the back of the man’s neck. Her attacker grunted, then spun and charged at Cal.

The man’s arms wrapped around Cal’s middle and both men went flying. They knocked into Dani, and she fell forward on her hands and knees, rotting leaves sticking to her fingers.

She scrambled away, her camera bumping against her chest. She spun and saw Cal and her attacker wrestling on the ground.

Neither of them made much noise, and it was clear both of them knew how to fight. Cal landed a brutal chop against the man’s arm. The man retaliated, striking out with a fist, but Cal moved, quick as a snake, and dodged. Dani tried to see the attacker’s face, but the scarf hid most of it. He was a little shorter than Cal, but stocky and muscular.

Cal kicked the man in the gut, the man stumbling backward. Cal moved in, and with two more vicious hits, the man fell to his knees and then slumped to the ground, unconscious.

The fight was over.

Cal pulled out some zip ties and secured the man. “Okay?” Cal crouched beside Dani and touched her face.

She nodded. “I’m fine. Thank you.”

“Looked like you were doing okay on your own.” He grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet. He looked back at the tower. “We need to get to the others. You need to stay quiet. I think there are more of them.”

Her stomach cramped. More of them? “Who the hell are they?”

Cal’s face hardened. “I have my suspicions.”

She followed behind Cal as they circled the ruin. She wondered how the hell he could move so quietly. His steps were silent, while with every one of hers she heard the crunch of twigs and leaves under her boots.

Suddenly, he stopped, and lifted his hand. She froze right behind him, her hand pressed against the cool rock of the tower. The sound of conversation carried to her ears.

“What do you want?” It was Dr. Oakley’s strained voice.

She heard the sound of someone being hit. Dr. Oakley let out a cry, and Dani heard Gemma’s sob.

“I’m okay.” Dr. Oakley’s voice was more subdued now.

Cal crouched and peered around the tower. Dani followed his movements.

She stifled a gasp. Their team members were all on their knees and four men were standing nearby, all wearing black scarves over their faces. One man was emptying out everyone’s backpacks and their other bags.

“Stay here.” Cal’s voice was a quiet whisper. He pulled his gun from his holster.

Dani swallowed. “I can help you.”

“No.” His voice brooked no argument. “I need you to stay here. That’s what will help me. I don’t need to worry about you.” His blue eyes flashed.

“Four against one, Cal. That isn’t good odds.”

“I’ve had worse.”

“I can help.”



“Dammit,” he bit out. “You are so stubborn.”

“I won’t do anything stupid,” she promised.

“Here.” He grabbed the machete off his belt and handed it to her. “Anyone comes your way, you swing it at them.”

Dani hadn’t realized how heavy the damn thing was. She nodded.

Then she watched as Cal’s face changed. The sexy, easygoing charm melted away. It left a hard, serious face that shouted “don’t fuck with me.”

Cal suddenly cupped the back of her head and yanked her forward. The kiss was quick and hard. “Stay safe.” Then he turned and stalked toward the group.

Dani followed behind, staying back and out of his way. If he needed help, she’d be ready.

Cal didn’t rush and he didn’t look concerned. Before the attackers noticed him, Cal raised his weapon.
Bam. Bam. Bam

Her eyes widened. With just three shots, three of the black-scarved men fell to the ground. They were all clutching their shoulders.

Shouting and confusion erupted. The archeologists all sprung to their feet. Cal rushed forward and slammed the butt of his gun into the final attacker’s shocked face. The man tried to fight back, but a second later he was unconscious on the ground.

Dani moved in now, too. She spotted one of the men Cal had shot fumbling for his weapon. She raced over and pressed the tip of the machete to the man’s neck. “I wouldn’t.”

Angry, dark eyes glared up at her.

She reached down, grabbed the handgun and tossed it away. She looked up and saw Cal checking the other men and divesting them of any weapons. He pulled some black zip ties from his pocket, and set about tying the men up.

She blinked as she watched him. This was a man she didn’t know. This was the skilled, well-trained soldier. A man who’d risked his life to protect others.

He stood, his gaze running over her before he looked at the archeologists. “Everyone okay? Anyone hurt?”

They looked a little battered. Sam had an arm around a disheveled Gemma. Jean-Luc was helping Dr. Oakley to his feet.

“Oakley?” Cal asked. “You took a punch.”

The older archeologist waved a hand. “I’m fine. A little tender, that’s all.”

“Everyone sure they’re okay?” Cal asked again.

The team nodded.

“The way you took those guys down…” Sam shook his head. “You are badass, man.”

“Badass is my job, Sam.”

Dr. Oakley cleared his throat. “Thank you, Cal.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” He turned to look at the attackers. “Jean-Luc, Sakada, there is another one of these guys tied up on the other side of the temple. Bring him around.” Cal glanced their way. “He was out cold. You might need to carry him.”

Jean-Luc nodded. “We will get him.”

Cal studied their attackers. “Why did you attack us?”

The men all stared at the ground.

“They’re opportunists, right?” Gemma said. “Looking for some quick cash?”

“I don’t think so,” Cal said in an icy tone that raised the hairs on the back of Dani’s neck. “Why did you attack us?”

One of the men lifted his head, his dark eyes burning. “Fuck you.”

Cal crouched, lifting his handgun. “Who do you work for?”

The man looked belligerently over Cal’s shoulder. Dani felt her stomach tighten. She got the feeling these weren’t simple bandits.

“Do you work for Silk Road?” Cal asked.

Silk Road? Everything in Dani went cold. She’d heard of them, especially their ruthless attack on the dig in Egypt in an attempt to capture the oasis of Zerzura.

The man uttered something in another language. Even though she didn’t know what it meant, she knew it was a curse.

Cal sighed. “The hard way, then.”


Cal stomped through the jungle, his mind whirling.

He’d had no luck getting their attackers to talk. They’d clammed up and said nothing. He’d left them tied up and bleeding, but that didn’t soothe his nerves.

There was more to the attack. He was sure of it. He’d tried to contact Darcy but hadn’t had any luck getting a satellite connection.

Dani appeared at his shoulder. “It’ll be dark soon.”

“Yeah. We’ll make camp shortly.”

“You’re angry.”

He pulled in a breath. “I wanted to find out what those men wanted.”

“You don’t think they were just after valuables?”


She sighed. “Me neither.”

Cal detected something in her voice. “What is it?”

“One of them…I’m pretty sure he was the man who attacked me in Siem Reap and tried to snatch my camera.”

. Cal’s jaw clenched. He wasn’t surprised. “I need to call my office.” He’d climb a tree if he had to.

“You really think they’re Silk Road?” she asked.

He stilled. “What do you know about Silk Road?”

“Only what’s been in the press.”

“I don’t know for sure, but Silk Road is dangerous. You don’t want to mess with them.”

They’d reached a small clearing. It would have to do. He turned to face the others. “We’ll set up camp here for the night. Sam, slash some of this undergrowth away. Everyone else, get your tents up. Eat, rest.”

Once everyone was busy, Cal pulled out his satellite phone. He had a fifty-fifty chance the thing would work in this clearing. Jungles and satellite phones were not the best of friends.

When he turned it on, it was showing signal. He punched in the THS office number and waited.

“God, Cal, I’ve been trying to contact you all day.” Darcy’s harried voice came through, a little crackly, but clear.

“What’s going on, D?”

“I got a call from Agent Arrogant and Annoying.”

Cal choked back a laugh. Darcy’s dislike of Special Agent Alastair Burke from the FBI’s Art Crime Team was legendary. “What did he do to piss you off now?”

“Breathe,” she said tartly. “But he sent me through some info. He got a ping on the passports of some people his team have been monitoring. People he suspects work for Silk Road.”

Cal’s gut went hard. Looked like his instincts had been right.

“Forty-eight hours ago, these people entered Cambodia. Their boss, a woman named Raven, has been in the country for two weeks. Burke says the rumor is they’re after some ancient artifact in the jungle.”

The hairs on the back of Cal’s neck rose. “Fuck. D, my group was attacked a couple of hours ago. No one’s hurt…except the attackers. They were trying to look like thieves out to rob us, but I knew there was something off about them.”

“Cal, you need to be careful.” He could hear his sister tapping on a keyboard. “Have your archeologists mentioned any valuable artifacts? Silk Road doesn’t go for stone statues and ruined temples. They want rare, unique, and priceless.”

“Nothing like that. An old temple that’s probably falling to pieces.”

“You need help.” More tapping. “I’m contacting Logan and Morgan now. I’ll have them there as soon as I can.”

Other than Declan, Cal couldn’t think of two people he’d prefer to have at his back in a fight. “Okay. Hopefully it’ll be nothing, and we’ll have blown money on flights for nothing.”

“Hopefully,” Darcy said, doubt coloring her voice.

“Okay, my darling D. I have to go.”

“Take care of yourself, Callum. And don’t miss your next scheduled check-in. If you’re even a minute late, I’m sending in an army.”

“Roger that.”

A short while later, he stood, his back against a tree, munching on a pre-packed meal, and listening to the archeologists talking. They had a small, battery-powered lantern set up, and they were huddled around it. They seemed to be recovering from the attack.

Dani moved out of the darkness. “Wow, it is really dark in the jungle.”

Cal nodded. “You did well today, when we were attacked.”


He grabbed her arm. “But you shouldn’t have argued with me. You should have listened and stayed safe.”

In the dim light, he saw her stubborn chin lift. “You may as well save your breath.”

Yeah, he figured she was going to say something like that. “I don’t want you hurt.”

He felt the tension in her muscles ease a little. “Did your sister have any news?”

“Yes. Several Silk Road mercenaries are in the country and looking for an artifact in the jungle. They’re thieves who are known to stop at nothing to get their hands on valuable artifacts.”

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