Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2)
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Raven made a sound. “Nice try.” She turned to her men. “The cintamani would be in the center of the square. We still need to know one of the other corners.” She looked back at Dani.

Dani schooled her face to be blank. They didn’t know the tower was one of the other corners. “I can’t help you there. That’s as far as we’d gotten.”

Raven’s gaze was intense, like a spotlight. She scrutinized every inch of Dani’s face before turning away. “Kahn, you’re the archeologist. Work it out.”

The man swallowed. “I’ll do my—”

“Just do it, Kahn.”

The man spent some time hunched over a tablet. Suddenly, he sat up straight. “Raven…this tower…it looks like the one we passed on our way to the linga temple.”

Dani felt her heart drop.

Then she realized Raven was watching her. The woman’s mouth moved into an icy smile. “That’s it, Khan. Ms. Navarro’s dismay just confirmed it.”

Soon she found herself trudging through the jungle again, flanked by two of the Silk Road men.

They walked for what felt like hours. It was hot and steamy, and Dani was parched, but no one had given her any water.

“We’re getting closer,” Khan called out.

“Good.” Raven’s smile was back.

“Why do you work for Silk Road?” Dani suddenly asked the woman. “How can all this be worth it?”

One dark eyebrow rose. “I get to travel the world, put my unique talents to work, and make a lot of money doing it.”

Dani’s gut tightened. God, that sounded like Dani’s life. Except, she wasn’t a murdering psychopath.

“I’m not the white-picket-fence kind of woman.” Raven’s gaze dropped down Dani’s body. “You don’t seem to be, either. Traveling, doing as I please, suits me, and it allows me to avoid the messy entanglements that life always seems to thrust upon us.”

“You mean connecting with another human being.”

“You aren’t married, are you, Ms. Navarro? No significant other, no dating, and from what my men showed me of your background, you aren’t close to your family.” Raven paused in front of Dani. “So, it seems you don’t like messy entanglements, either. We really are alike.”

“No.” Yes, Dani realized she’d avoided relationships…but not because she didn’t want them. Because she’d been afraid. Protecting herself.

She wasn’t like this evil bitch. Cal had broken her open, and now, Dani wanted it all.

Suddenly, the trees disappeared. They stepped out on to the edge of the lake.

The others made startled exclamations. Dani took in the regular shape of the lake, the dark, still waters. It wasn’t a natural lake. It was a baray.

Then she frowned. This hadn’t been on the satellite maps they’d studied of the mountain. How could they have missed something like this?

“It is definitely man-made,” Khan said. “Khmer construction representing the Sea of Creation.” The man smiled. “This is the exact center of the quincunx.”

“We’re in the right place,” Raven said. “Caspar, Daniels…into the water. I want to know what’s down there.”

The men dug around in one of the large packs they’d brought with them. They pulled out goggles and tiny air tanks.

Raven smiled smugly at Dani. “We’re always prepared for anything.”

Dani was pushed to her knees at the edge of the water, and she watched silently as the two men waded in. They ducked beneath the surface.

Time stretched on. Dani said a silent prayer that the men didn’t find anything. She discreetly scanned the shoreline, hoping Cal was nearby. She had to be ready. He’d come for her.

There was a splashing sound and she jerked her attention back to the water. The men reappeared, heads above the water. Both of them were grinning.

“Raven, there’s a temple. A huge-ass temple under the water on the bottom of this lake.”

The woman nodded and grabbed herself a pair of goggles and a tank. “Casper, Daniels and Khan, you’re with me.” That steely-eyed gaze flicked toward Dani, and then to the man standing beside her. “Brock, you stay up here on lookout.”

“And the woman?”

“We don’t need her anymore.” Raven settled the goggles over her face and stepped into the water. “Kill her.”

All the air in Dani’s chest turned hard. She watched the woman and her men disappear beneath the water. Dani’s heart was a thundering pound in her ears.

She felt the man move behind her. His gun pressed to the base of her neck.

She closed her eyes, curling her hands into fists.


Down on his belly, Cal crept closer. He could hear the quiet murmur of voices ahead.

Carefully, silently, he pushed a branch away. He saw the dark pool of water and took his time to count the number of Silk Road thugs. Four plus the leader.

He cursed under his breath. It was still bad odds when they had Dani right in the middle of them. He studied her as she watched the people sink into the water.

Chin lifted, her face a little pale but composed. She was hanging in there.
Just a bit longer, beautiful.

He’d have to move around to a better vantage point and try to take a couple of them out quietly. He heard the sound of water and saw the two men had come back.

The red-headed leader sauntered forward, and a second later, the woman and three of her men disappeared into the dark-green water.

Cal grinned. That only left one. Then he frowned. Where the hell had he and Dani gone?

Cal moved again and then he saw her—and the man standing behind her with a gun pressed to her head.

Throat dry as dust, Cal surged to his feet. A red haze skimmed over his vision.
. Hell, no.
This is not happening again.
It was not happening to Dani.

He charged forward. He sprinted across the space, wishing for his gun.

But he was a former SEAL. Even his hands were deadly weapons.

The man heard him and spun. The gun fired.

Cal dived, rolled, heard the distinctive thump of bullets hitting the dirt. He leapt up and slammed into the man standing over Dani. As they went down, he saw Dani scrambling away. The man’s fist crashed into Cal’s jaw. With a grunt, he scissored his legs and punched back.

They traded more hard punches and then the man surged upward. He slammed Cal onto his back and all the air rushed out of Cal’s lungs, pain exploding in his chest.

Suddenly, two more men that Cal hadn’t seen earlier rushed out of the trees, shouting and lifting weapons.

, where the hell had they come from?

“Dani! Run,” he bellowed.

Cal and his attacker rolled again. He saw the other two sprinting toward them. Cal blocked a hard punch, then countered with his own, driving his fist into the man’s gut. With a cry, the man fell backward.

Cal jumped up and saw Dani hadn’t run. She was on her hands and knees, trying to reach the guy’s dropped weapon. She grabbed it and spun around.

The man Cal was fighting recovered, and his blow caught Cal in the side of his head. He tasted blood and arms wrapped around him, squeezing. Cal slammed the back of his head into the man’s face. The man roared and blood sprayed over them.

A gunshot cracked through trees.


The deep, accented voice made Cal pause. He turned his head. Dani had been disarmed. The two reinforcements were standing near her, one with his weapon aimed at her chest, and the other with his aimed at Cal.

Fuck. Fuck
. He dropped his arms to his sides. The man behind him released him and gave him a kick. He stepped in front of them, holding his broken nose.

“The boss wanted her dead.” The guy’s angry eyes settled on Cal. “I’m pretty sure she’d want you dead, too. He grabbed the gun from the other man and aimed it right between Cal’s eyes.

Cal looked at Dani. Their eyes locked. Helpless rage roared inside him.

“I’m falling in love with you, Dani.”

Her mouth dropped open.

The sudden, deafening boom of a shotgun made Cal start. The man aiming at him fell backward with a groan, blood covering his chest.

Cal swiveled, bending into a protective crouch…to see Morgan Kincaid walking steadily out of the trees, holding a Benelli dual-mode shotgun.

There was more fire, and Cal turned again to see Logan O’Conner walking calmly out of the trees on the other side, firing a large Desert Eagle handgun.

Cal dived and tackled Dani out of the way. As they rolled through the dirt, he heard the sound of more gunfire. He held his body over Dani’s. “Stay down. It’ll be over soon.”

When the gunfire stopped, Cal sat up. “Are you okay?” He cupped her cheek.

She gave a jerky nod. “I am now.” She threw her arms around him. “God, I was so afraid they’d killed you.”

“I got you, beautiful.” He breathed her in. A shadow crossed over them and Cal looked up. “First time ever, I’m happy to see your scruffy face, O’Connor.”

Logan grunted. “You’re welcome.”

Cal looked over and saw Morgan busy leaning down, tying up the Silk Road mercenaries. She yanked hard enough on the zip ties to make Cal wince.

“This it?” Morgan asked.

“Sorry it wasn’t enough for you.” He glanced back at Logan. “Damn glad you guys arrived when you did. Thanks.”

“There are more under the water,” Dani said. “Including the woman in charge. Raven.”

Her voice was a little shaky, but solid. Cal kept his arm wrapped tight around her. “Four in the water with short-range air tanks.”

Dani’s head dropped against his shoulder and he felt a shiver run through her. “I…I thought I was dead.”

He pressed his lips against hers, pulling her closer. The taste of her flooded him, and she made a small sound, her hands clenching on him.

“You going to introduce us?” Logan said dryly. “Or just keep devouring the woman?”

Cal lifted his head. He’d completely forgotten about Logan and Morgan. “Dani, this degenerate is Logan O’Connor. For some unknown reason, my brother and I hired him for Treasure Hunter Security. The badass with the shotgun is Morgan Kincaid. She’s very good to have on your side, and I suggest you don’t go near her bad side. Guys, Daniela Navarro.”

Dani smiled. “Hi, and it’s Dani. Thanks for the rescue.”

Logan lifted his chin.

Morgan nodded. “I have a photo of yours. A shot of Macchu Picchu with a layer of cloud resting on it. It’s one of my favorites.”

“You do?” Cal said, incredulous.

Morgan’s face turned sour. “You don’t have to sound so surprised, Ward. I like nice things.”

“I thought you decorated with guns and knives.”

“And the scalps of your victims,” Logan added.

Morgan shifted her shotgun to rest against her shoulder. “Both your scalps would look pretty good over my fireplace, now that you mention it.”

Cal tightened his hold on Dani. “Never sure if she’s joking when she says stuff like that.”

Dani smiled at Morgan. “I love that Macchu Picchu shot as well. Sounds like you have excellent taste.”

“Thank you.”

Cal was just mildly shocked when he saw the tiniest smile tip Morgan’s lips. He turned back to Dani and pulled her camera over his head. He held it out to her. “I think this belongs to you.”

Her smile was blinding. “Thank you.”

Logan shifted, staring at the pond. “Why are these bastards in the water?”

Dani let Cal help her to her feet. “A lost temple and a priceless artifact.”

Logan shook his head. “Fucking Silk Road.” Then he slapped a hand against his neck. “And fucking mosquitoes. I hate the jungle.”

“You hate everything.” Cal looked at the water. “They’re armed. The leader is a woman, and she’s meaner than you, Morgan.”

Morgan raised a brow. “We’ll see. I was just thinking I fancy a swim.” Morgan slipped her backpack off her shoulders and reached in. She pulled out some small, sleek masks.

Cal’s eyebrows rose. “You got your hands on Poseidon masks.”

“Poseidon masks?” Dani said.

Morgan shot them that faint smile again. “Experimental dive masks. Sort of an artificial gill that’ll extract oxygen from the water. They aren’t on the market yet. I have a friend.” She handed Cal a mask. “They don’t work for long, so they’re only good for short dives.”

Dani craned her head. “What else do you have in there?”

“I’m ready for anything.” Morgan patted the backpack. “We could climb a mountain, cross an ice floe, have a nice little candlelit dinner for two.”

“You can sure as hell bet she’s got more weapons in there,” Logan grumbled.

Dani fiddled with the strap on her camera and pulled out what looked like a clear plastic bag. “Marine bag. Protects my camera from water.”

Cal turned to Dani, gripping her shoulders. “I want you to stay here.”

She bristled. “To hell with that, Cal. We’ve come this far, and I’m not giving up.”

Morgan raised a brow. “Might be more dangerous for her to stay here. More of them could arrive.”

Frustration rose up to choke Cal. “Fine. But you stay by my side.” He held out a palm to Morgan. “Give me that little Condor knife you carry.”

“Fine.” Morgan pulled a small, sheathed knife from her boot and slapped it into his hand. “But you lose it, you buy me a new one.”

Cal slipped it into Dani’s pocket. “Just in case you need it.”

She nodded. Then she expertly slipped her camera in the marine bag and sealed it. “I’ve used this a lot when I’ve crossed rivers or had to enter water on the job. Even has a glass piece that fits over the lens to take shots underwater. Works great.”

“All right.” Cal turned toward the water. “Let’s go save the day.”

Everyone pulled their Poseidon masks over their mouths. He checked the fit of Dani’s mask, then led her into the water. It trickled in through his clothes. Cooler than he’d expected.

A moment later, the four of them stood waist deep, staring at the dark water. A feeling of deja vu washed over him. How many times had he stood like this, the familiar sensation of water lapping at him and his team by his side, before a SEAL mission?

But he’d never had the woman he was falling in love with by his side as he did it. Fear skittered down his spine. He’d keep her safe. Even if he died doing it.

He nodded at the others and sank beneath the surface.


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