Unbound: The Pentagon Group, Book 2 (36 page)

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“A change in plans. I’m actually no longer on the board.” I said loud enough for the women to hear. Clearly, Brigit was interested as she stopped the conversation and listened intently as I spoke to Jenna. “I returned the shares to Matt. I get to keep my position and work at the company.”

“Are you two back together?” Jenna asked. Her brows furrowed inquisitively.

“More than that . We just got married.” I raised my hand up to my face showing her my rings.”

“Oh my God. Congratulations.” She said, pulling me into a hug. That’s crazy. Where is he?” Jenna asked.

“I left him with his friends.” Using the word ‘friends’ in hopes he would be welcomed and treated as such, especially by Brady. I looked over at the other ladies when I heard a sucking noise from the section where they stood. I noticed the two girls flanking Brigit were not the same women as last time. One of the girls smiled and was a tall, curvy girl, which was not the usual type for any of the other three men. I excused myself from Jenna and walked over to the ladies.

“Hi. I’m Perla Mercurio Keene.” I said easily as I looked at the kind woman, extending my hand.

“Hello. I’m Aria Tenor. Please don’t make fun of the name. My father was a musician and thought naming me Aria would be funny with a last name of Tenor.” I smiled.

“He’s brilliant. It’s my pleasure to meet you. Who are you here with?” I asked.

“Kent. Surprised? I’m sure.” She winked when I gave her a look of surprise.

“How did you two meet?”

“It’s a long story. Let’s just say he broke me down.” I laughed.

I turned to the other girl and smiled. “I’m Chloe Daniels. I’m with Lark.” I shook her hand, and the firmness was a lot better than the last girls.

“Brigit.” I nodded and gave a curt smile.

“I hear congratulations are in order.” Brigit stated. I nodded.

“Yes. I’m married now. It seems he wants to use me for an extended period of time.” I smiled. Brigit took a drink from her snifter.

“The other girls extended their ‘congratulations’. As I recounted my wedding ceremony, Jenna and Aria took interest in my story. The other two women went and sat at the table, engaged in their own conversation. It was nice to talk to two women who were kind and interesting. During our conversation, I wondered what Matt and the rest of the Pentagon men were talking about.


“I thought things were over with you two.” Brady asked when Perla walked out of the room. Little did Brady know I knew him very well, and could tell when he was pissed.

“It’s a wonderful thing when two people in love can put aside their differences and hurt to talk to each other, and finally reveal all the things they’ve gone through. Perla and I had time to talk and hash out everything. She explained a lot of things. Revealed many truths, and ultimately, we decided we’re much better together than we are apart. I don’t want to live without her and she doesn’t want to live without me.” I watched to assess his reaction to my statement. He was steadfast. However, he reached for his tumbler filled with an amber liquid.

“I’m very lucky she could forgive my part in the taking of her interests in Liberty Inn.”

“What about the sex tape, Matt? How can you forgive her for blackmailing you and us with the tape?” Kent asked.

“Funny thing about the tape, Kent, Perla told me who gave it to her.” I looked at Kent square in the eye, avoiding Brady.

“She was asked to sell the shares for a large sum of money, which she never accepted. She turned the blackmail around and used it to her advantage. She tried to protect my shares by keeping them and she hoped to spend the time working at Pentagon to learn why her blackmailer wanted to hurt me so bad. A few weeks ago she was in a car crash when a taxi driver took her way past her destination. We believe she was kidnapped, and the kidnapping was foiled by a body guard I placed on her. It may have to do with the shares she kept and the job she created for herself. We believe the same person who blackmailed her was involved in trying to take her out.” I looked at Brady. He looked right back at me, but didn’t show any emotion. He didn’t take the opportunity to admit his involvement in trying to take my shares.

“Who blackmailed her?” Zipper asked with concern in his voice.

“I was hoping the person in this room who blackmailed her would admit it since there is no way he’ll get my shares.”

“You’re claiming Perla was threatened by one of us?” Lark quickly stated. “Matty, it wasn’t me. I didn’t like how she kept the shares, but I didn’t try to hurt her.” Lark denied. Kent shook his head.

“Man, I had nothing to do with your girl being blackmailed with a sex tape. Her text was the first I heard or saw it.” Kent stated.

“I know Lark . . . Kent.” I assured both by looking at them square in the eyes.

“Then it leaves Brady because Zip would never do that to you.” Kent accused.

We all turned to look at Brady who looked green, but remained quiet. He kept his vision squarely on his drink.

“You know I helped build this business. I was the one instrumental in us making money, so I was surprised to learn the man I thought was a lifelong friend would hurt me by ensuring I not be with the woman I . . .”

“You don’t know what fucking love is.” Brady said. He shocked me into silence.

“What are you talking about? She’s the one. I told all of you many times.”

“She may be the one, but I’ve been in love with her for eighteen years.” I stood up, anger rising from deep within. Zipper put a hand on my arm to stop me from pouncing on him.

“What do you mean you’ve been in love with her? She doesn’t even know you.”

“You mean, she doesn’t remember me. But I’ve known her since she was ten when my mother used to take care of her mother.” I sat back down.

“What the hell are you saying?” I asked in surprise.

“I’ve got nothing to say. You won. You always win, Matt. You got the girl.” Brady said as he got up to leave. I reached out and pulled his arm.

“You can’t tell me you’ve been in love with my wife for eighteen years and walk away.” Brady winced when I pronounced Perla as my wife.

“I’m not discussing this tonight. There’s no business to discuss. All matters have been resolved and concluded. Meeting’s adjourned.” Brady pulled his arm out of my grip. I let him walk away. The rest of the men and I stood and looked at each other in astonishment. I was the first to leave the room, following Brady through the crowded restaurant toward the private room where the women were awaiting us to dine. I was several steps behind him when he entered the room. My heart raced, fearing he could hurt Perla.

When I finally entered, Brady was talking to Brigit, pulling her to leave. I walked to Perla, who was rising from her chair, and stood by her side.

“What’s wrong?” She asked me. I could see the worry in her eyes. The other boys came into the room. We looked as Brady was ordering Brigit to leave with him. She appeared to be refusing him, brandy in her hand. He pulled the glass out of her hands and slammed it down on the table. Brady grabbed her forearm.

“Do you remember Brady from when you were a kid?” I asked her. She shook her head.

“No. Should I have?”

“He claims he’s been in love with you since you were a kid. His mother took care of your mother. Do you remember?”

“Maggie? Maggie is the only woman who took care of my mom. She had three boys, but none of them were named Brady.” I informed.

“Brady’s real name is Seamus Clay. He changed his name to Brady, taking his mother’s maiden name as his first.” She looked confused.

“Shay?” Perla yelled out to Brady. He stopped walking away, pausing at the sound of her voice. He turned to look at her; profound sadness in his eyes. “Shay?” She called out as their eyes locked. He continued to walk out the door with Brigit in tow. “Shay?” She screamed out, trying to go after him. I held her. Perla’s breathing had become jagged.

“You remember him now?” I asked calmly.

“Yes. He was my friend. He played with me.”

“How did he play with you?” I asked confused. She grimaced, shaking her head.

“He took care of me. He never hurt me. Shay was sweet and kind. He went to my recitals during the summer when he was home. He would help me with homework when he was home on school breaks and I was still in school. Then his mother stopped taking care of my mom when he graduated school. I remember Shay didn’t live with her. I haven’t seen him since I was about twelve. I still can’t believe Shay and Brady is the same person.” She started to drift off, sifting through her memory bank.

“He says he’s been in love with you for eighteen years. Did he ever tell you he was in love with you?” I asked. She grimaced again.

“I was a little girl. He was never inappropriate and I never thought of him that way. I loved him as a big brother which is what I felt for him. But once Maggie stopped working at our home, I lost contact with him. He went away to college, somewhere out West.” I nodded.

“Maggie left to be a supervisor at another job. I felt like I lost my second mom. I couldn’t connect him to Shay. Why didn’t he just tell me?” She asked. I shrugged.

“Did he ever try to contact you over the years?” I asked.

“No. I never heard from him. I didn’t see him after the last time Maggie worked for us. It was the end of summer, and he was supposed to go away to college. He didn’t look like he does now. He was as tall, but he was skinnier. He looked like a boy. At least that’s what my memory is serving. Maggie used to call me ‘her little girl’ because she had three boys. Shay’s the youngest. When he gave me the ultimatum, he said ‘my mother would be ashamed of how her little girl turned out.’ I never connected. I didn’t know.” Perla cried, and began to sob. I brought her to me and held her tight. “I don’t know. I want to go home.” She cried harder, placing her face against my chest. My heart ached for her.

“We’ll go home.” I nodded, wanting to comply with her wishes. I worried that she was suffering heartache from the revelation of Brady’s true identity.

I turned to look at everyone. They were all watching us. “I’m sorry everyone. I’m taking my wife home. It’s been quite a day.” Perla managed to hug and say goodbye to the boys and Jenna. She shook hands with the new girls. I hugged my boys, thinking it may have been the last time we would be meeting in that capacity. Brady’s revelation about his feelings for the woman I loved confirmed there would forever be a rift in our relationship. What Brady said to Perla was finally revealed, I took what Brady thought was his—Perla.



Matt and I didn’t talk on the ride home. There was so much to say and not much energy to have a heavy discussion. Bringing a long buried memory to the surface was like digging heavy dirt and exhuming a buried body. I rarely thought of Shay, Brady, but now I couldn’t stop thinking about the sweet boy who cared about me so many years ago was the same man who hurt me. If he claimed to love me, then why did he try to destroy me?

Manny dropped us off in front of my apartment. I asked Matt to take me to my place, even though he expected me to return to his apartment. I need a comforting place to spend some time. I was too numb to consider I was spending my wedding night in a pseudo-catatonic state. From one moment to the next, I was in my bedroom. I slipped off my dress. Matt carried my heels into my closet. He picked up my dress from the floor, which I let fall at my feet. He remained quiet. I figured he had very little to say on the matter. Or maybe he felt some guilt for taking me away from Brady. However, neither of us should have felt guilty about the odd turn of events. We were unaware of Brady’s true intentions or feelings for me. My brain was in a fog, and I could no longer process the events of the day. I climbed into bed and threw the covers over my head, shutting the world out for the night.




I woke up in the middle of the night, and felt Matt beside me. His back was turned. I turned around and snuggled into his warm body. He was shirtless, only wearing his underwear. I spooned close. He stirred and grabbed my hand, enclosing it in his large arms and bringing it tight to his chest. I gently kissed his back, and he shivered slightly. I loved making him react that way.

He turned around, and found my mouth through the darkness of the cocoon which was our bed. His kisses were sweet and tender. The loving, tender, and emotional Matt showed up at the moment when I needed the safety of his love. We made love until both of us found our release, falling asleep naked in each other’s arms.

When I awoke in the morning, I extricated myself from our interwoven limbs. Matt stirred and turned into his favorite side sleeping position. I smiled as I looked down on him. My ring firmly placed on my finger was a reminder we were now husband and wife. We hadn’t discussed where we were going to live since I had my own apartment. There was so much to talk about and plan. However, I was still reeling from last night’s revelations. I went to the bathroom, freshened myself up and readied myself to make us breakfast.

When I went to the kitchen, I noticed the brown paper bag Matt brought in yesterday still set on the counter. I looked inside to find a couple of chocolate croissants and a few plain croissants. I decided against making my pancakes because it was Sunday, and I had fallen out of my usual Saturday midmorning routine. After setting the coffeemaker to make a pot of coffee, I pulled out some bacon and eggs from the fridge. I realized I didn’t have cream for him, but he’d have to suck it up and use my almond milk or nothing at all.

The combination of bacon and coffee wafting through the air must’ve awoken Matt. He walked out as I was setting up a plate for him. “Where’s my breakfast, wife?” He bellowed, as I turned off the burners. Laughing, I found it extremely funny and odd to be called ‘wife’. The levity broke the stress I was feeling.

“Good morning, babe.” I greeted. He pressed his soft lips to mine. “Let me get you a mug for your coffee. I don’t have cream, so you’re shit out of luck.” He sucked his teeth.

“I’ll just take some of your milk.” He stood behind the high counter, waiting for his coffee. I set up his mug as I knew how he preferred his drink, passing it to him when I was done.

“Thank you.” He stated. “How are you?” He sounded tentative and unsure of my response. I placed the plate of food in front of him. He dove into a piece of bacon.

“I don’t know. I guess I’m fine. I didn’t expect to cap our wedding night like that. I think I’m still in shock. Eventually, I need some answers from Sh . . . um, Brady.” Matt nodded.

“I called Zipper last night. He tried to contact Brady to check on him. The other boys did the same, and Brady didn’t answer any of them. I think he just needs time to reflect.”

“I think he’s had enough time to reflect, Matt. He set out to ruin my life and claimed it was love. That’s not love. It’s obsession. He was obsessed with the thought of a twelve-year-old girl who turned into a woman. A married woman who was settled into her role as a wife and business partner, and he ripped it away from me . . . because he loved me? Then as I’m getting back on my feet, doing better than I had in years, he hurts me and my good friends . . .” Matt remained quiet. My tirade was silenced by the sound of my personal cell phone ringing. I went to my purse on the front door table top. It was Ross’s number.

“Is everything okay?” I answered frantically, knowing his call meant Alice was not doing well.

“No, sweetheart. If you want to say goodbye, you need to come by today.”

“I’ll be there as fast as I can.” I said, and hung up. I put my phone back in my purse. To Matt, I said, “I have to go. My . . . Alice is . . . has no more time. I have to go say goodbye.” I rushed to my room. Leaving him standing at the counter. I went to my closet and found a dress and a cardigan to wear. I pulled out some flats and slipped them on. I put on a bra, fresh underwear and dressed in the clothes I selected. When I exited the bathroom, I saw Matt putting on his suit pants and undershirt.

“I’ll drive you there.” I nodded. I didn’t want to waste any time trying to figure out my next move. When Matt was ready, we went to the elevator. I tried to breathe through the panic. Matt pressed the button for the parking level. When we arrived at the floor, his convertible was stationed a few steps away. Matt had made himself at home in my building by having his own personal parking spot.

I pulled up Ross and Alice’s address on my cell phone, and requested directions for their home in Somerville. I pressed the option to have Navigation direct Matt to their address. Because Matt had to shift his convertible, he would hold and release my hand, squeezing reassuringly every once in a while until we pulled up near their house. I leapt out of the car, and ran quickly to the front door. Matt jogged to keep up behind me. The front door was ajar, a sign on the door stating to not ring the bell. I walked in and quietly walked toward the back room of the house where I knew Alice was kept in her hospital bed.

When I entered, finding a few people in the room, I flashed at my own mother’s death many years ago. Matt stood behind me, bracing me upright by my arms. He may have thought I would faint. Ross motioned me over and I went straight to her side, standing beside him. I gave him a hug. I took a deep breath before looking at Alice. When I summoned the courage, my vision took in the frail, gaunt figure before me. It was apparent she was dying from her illness and the byproduct of the inability to eat or drink. She was essentially kept alive by an intravenous delivery of nutrients and pain killers. Knowing my mother’s suffering, it was time to let Alice go.

I held her hand for a few moments, saying a silent prayer for her to pass peacefully and to continue to watch over us when she was on the other side. I leaned over her and gave her a kiss on her forehead, feeling the papery thin skin on my lips. I whispered, “I love you Alice. I will always love you as a mother and as a friend. I thank you for everything you’ve ever done for me. I will carry on your name in the business. I will make sure Liberty’s tradition and history carries on to the Pentagram Place. The Light Tower will be dedicated in your memory.” I rose up, wiping the tears from my eyes, dabbing my nose with the sleeve of my sweater. I turned to Matt and hugged him tightly. Sharing my sorrow with him was more bearable than if I were alone.

I introduced Matt to Ross. Ross was understandably surprised I was married to a man I had just started dating. I bit my tongue from saying I learned a long time ago life was too short to wait for a socially acceptable timeline. After some time chatting with Ross, we decided to leave him to his wife and family and friends. I gave Ross one final hug. A last kiss to Alice, and we departed.

Matt drove us back to his apartment to pick up a few items. He agreed to stay in my place for the week. Rejecting the discussion of what we were going to do about our living arrangements, we remained silent as we drove on in the dreary day. My wedding to Matt had been marred by the worst weekend of my life. All I could do was pray it wouldn’t get worse.

“My sisters call us Hermanas Malditas, and I always thought it was because we were unlucky in love, but I’m not just unlucky in love. I’m just plain unlucky.” I said, looking out at the passing structures as we drove back to my place.

“My life is fucked up.” I said to Matt. He looked at me and returned to look at the road. “Every time I think I’m okay, my life turns to shit. I can’t even enjoy us because of Brady and now, Alice. I don’t even know why you’re bothering with me. Come to think of it, you’re probably a little fucked up too for dealing with me.” Matt chuckled. “You laugh, but what you should really do, Matt, is run away. Run far, far away.” He gripped my hand.

“That’s not happening . . . Ever!” He said gruffly.

The rest of the afternoon was spent with us on the couch, my head lay on his lap as we watched mind numbing action films. We ordered Chinese takeout and went to bed early. I had a busy week at work. Midmorning on Monday, I was supposed to do a tour of Pentagram’s skeleton; the concrete roughing of the structure as it presently stood. I had to reassure Matt he needn’t take the day off to attend the tour with me.

Other executives and architects were attending the tour. Jealousy over Nickel may have been the cause of his offer. After our bedtime routine, we went to bed. I set my alarm to get up early. Matt didn’t try to make love. I wasn’t in the mood to be intimate when I felt such loss. It was enough to have him beside me, holding me close to his strong body, feeling his warmth against me, and being lulled to sleep by the pace of his relaxed breath.




My morning at Pentagon went as expected. Gill required details of the ceremony. I dared not reveal Brady’s manipulation of my life which led to Matt’s confrontation at the Pentagon board’s meeting. I had a couple of morning meetings with staff about the rest of the week. We wrapped the meeting and I was scheduled to take a tour of the construction site. I wore dark jeans because I didn’t want to ruin any of my pretty skirts or dresses. Gill gave me a large tote bag. When I peeked inside, a hard hat and steel toe boots were inside. I marveled at his efficiency and hugged him on my way toward the elevator.

Josh at the front desk called Manny and waited outside with me for him to arrive. Before I departed, I thanked Josh for his efforts in taking care of me and I apologized for being too independent for my own good. He was surprised by my statement. I gave him a wink and he nodded. Manny drove me to the site and told me to call him as soon as I was done. He would pick me up right where he left me, in front of the entrance of the site. There were two large trailers, which served as offices inside of the gate. I agreed to call him.

The team of observers went through the tour, led by the foreman of the project. Nickel walked with me and added extra bits of information he felt he needed to further explain. Everything was coming along as planned. The designers were working with the new architects for the newly designed waterpark in the Light Tower. I was excited to meet the team who came all the way from the West Coast to take the tour. They were excited by the project. They had many ideas for the style and colors to go with our mystical design. When we were done with the tour, Nickel led me toward the trailer to his office. He introduced me to the staff, and we walked into his space.

“So tell me about the huge diamond on your finger.” He said. Instantly, I touched my ring with the opposing thumb, and remained silent for a beat too long. “I guess you got engaged this weekend . . . to, the doctor?”

“Actually, we got married.” I could have blown him over with a feather. He was flabbergasted. When he didn’t say anything, I chimed in, “I know what you’re thinking. Sudden. Crazy. Unrealistic, but I’m tired of conforming to other people’s rules. I love him. He loves me. He’s a good man despite some mistakes he’s made. I’m not perfect either.”

“Well, if you’re happy. I’m happy for you. I’m just sorry I didn’t get a chance to ask you out. I have to confess, I’d been pining for you for years, but you were married. I thought this was my chance.” He shrugged. I shook my head.

“Nickel, you’ll find a woman who is much better for you. What about Jude? She’s a sweetheart. You two seemed to hit it off.”

“I don’t know. I may have messed up.” He admitted. I rolled my eyes.

“Oh, no. Please tell me she will still be my friend.” I asked.

“We didn’t do anything, which may have been the problem. We talked all night. I took her home. She gave me her number. And I haven’t called.” He said guiltily.

“Ugh, you men should not play by antiquated rules of the game. Give her a call. Ask her out. She’s beautiful, smart, and great at the real estate business, which you two have as a common interest. Don’t fail her or me.” I winked. “I have to get back to work for afternoon meetings. I will see you at the next meeting or tour.” We hugged. He congratulated me again. I said my ‘goodbyes’ to the staff as I made my way out of the trailer. I pulled out my cell phone to call Manny.

I felt my phone being pulled out of my hand. I turned to see Eric standing next to me, holding my phone. I exhaled a sigh of relief at seeing him. Before confirming his presence, I thought I was being attacked.

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