Unbound: The Pentagon Group, Book 2 (35 page)

BOOK: Unbound: The Pentagon Group, Book 2
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“I fear it may make him angrier.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “It’s the way he looks at me. The way he talked about watching the video over and over again. Watching me . . .” I drifted off, remembering the meeting in my office. My daydream was broken when Matt pulled me into his arms.

“Are you afraid of him?” He asked.

“I don’t know if I’m afraid so much as wonder how and why I seemed to have been the object of his company takeovers. I told you before, I don’t think it was coincidental that I was targeted and removed from Parisi which ended my marriage. And then I go work at Liberty which Pentagon needed to finish Pentagram.” I looked at Matt. I saw a glint of agreement.

“After you left the restaurant that night, he was adamant about how he orchestrated being the one to get involved with you, but I took over. He was angry about it, and didn’t hold back by letting me know.” He pulled me in tight for a hug. “We still have to sign the prenup and get married. I put everything in motion for us to get married this afternoon, if you agree.” He stated. I lowered my head, thinking it was all happening so fast. “I’ll keep you safe. I promise. Nothing will change with security as long as we have your captor out on the loose.” Matt snaked his fingers into my hair, holding my head in his large hands. He gripped and pulled back gently, tilting my head up and kissing my lips with even pressure. My heart melted. I pulled back and looked deep into his eyes. I nodded. He smiled, “Say the words, Perla.”

“Yes. I’ll marry you. We’ve both gone insane.”

“Absolutely. I’m crazy over you.” He kissed me. His tongue pierced through my lips and playfully tagged my tongue. He pulled away before we got too deep into the emotion of our passion. “I need you to get ready. There’s a messenger coming to have us sign the prenup. The security crew will serve as witnesses. I called a friend who’s a judge. He’ll marry us this afternoon, and file the license on Monday to make it legal.”

“Did you talk to Zipper?”

“No. I’m not telling any of them. I think it’s for the best to tell everyone at dinner tonight.” The anxiety spread from my chest, down my arms, and to my hands. I was shaking, not because of the marriage, but because of our encounter with the board members after the marriage.

Before I could change my mind, Matt got down on one knee. My heart beat wildly. The blood rushed to my head, making me feel dizzy. My breath halted as he pulled out an engagement ring from his jean’s pocket. “Perla, I knew from the moment I saw you standing in my examination room in your little black shorts you were the woman I wanted in my life. I didn’t know how I would get you to be with me. The months we’ve spent together have been the happiest of my life. The worst day of my life, which let me know I couldn’t live without you, was the day you discovered my secret and walked away.” He choked. “I promise you I will keep you safe. I will take care of you for the rest of our lives. You’ll never want for anything. Not love, attention, or passion shall you lack. I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you. I promise you will not suffer at my hands anymore. From this day forward, if you accept my ring and proposal, I will make you the happiest woman in the world. Perla, will you marry me?” I nodded, tears streaming down my face.

“I will. I think we’re crazy, but I will. I love you.” Matt took my shaking hand, slipping the vintage ring with large center diamond surrounded by small diamonds, and a channel of diamonds on either side. I didn’t know if it would fit. I was surprised when it fit comfortably on my finger. I lowered down, clutched his shoulders for balance, and kissed him deeply.

Matt pulled away, sucking in a deep breath. “We’ve got to get ready. Find something nice to wear. I have to go to my place to change, and the judge will meet us at his office in the Federal building near the pier.” He explained the plan.

“I’ll wait for you here while you go change.”

“No. Messenger is delivering here. Security, who will witness, are here. Manny will drive us to my place. I’ll change. Then off to get married. We’ll go to dinner with the Board together, and we’re staying the whole time. I need to gauge his reaction and behavior toward us.” Matt declared. I was worried for us. He smacked my ass, and exclaimed, “Go get ready!” I shivered at his roughness. I liked the controlling side of him.

I got up and went to my closet to select a dress which would serve as my wedding dress. I found a blush colored tea length dress with soft cap sleeves and D’Orsay heels in nude. I went to the bathroom for a shower and to fix my hair and makeup. I quickly readied for signing the prenup papers. Once I was dressed, I walked out to the living room where I found Matt talking on the phone.

“What are you still doing here?” I asked Gill. He remained even after the catering company picked up their supplies.

“Dr. Keene told me the good news. He wants me to stick around and make sure I help you with whatever you need.” I looked at Matt who was still on the phone. My glance returned to Gill, who looked so excited for me. I trusted him, but was concerned about involving too many people. The doorbell rang, and I attempted to go get it. “Let me.” Gill walked to the front door. When he opened it, Ken was standing outside in the hall. Gill looked up at the large man, who instantly calmed me. I walked swiftly toward him and gave him a great big hug.

“Ms. Perla. I’m happy you’re doing well.” He said as I pulled him in. Behind him, Faith entered, a bit sheepishly.

“Faith.” I released Ken and walked to her. “Thank you for taking care of me.” She smiled.

“I didn’t break your confidence.” She whispered. I nodded.

“He told me. No worries.” I smiled in affirmation. Behind us, I heard Matt’s voice speaking.

“Ken, are those the papers?”

“Yes, sir.” Ken handed Matt a large, yellow envelope containing the prenuptial agreement we’d hashed out weeks ago. I walked to sit down on the dining room table. Matt laid out three bundles with signature tabs on them. They were the same papers I’d rejected several weeks earlier. A pang of regret waved over me for not signing when we’d planned.

“Did Zipper send these?”

“No. I kept them in my office. I asked my nurse to find them and have them sent over to Faith’s apartment.” Matt handed me a pen. “I want you to sign first.” I nodded. He wanted to ensure I signed without hesitation; unlike the last time.

I took the pen and signed on my signature line. With each duplicate form I signed, I felt the stress of being owner of twenty percent of Pentagon shares melt away. I could remain the executive I deserved to be. Matt signed on each form. In turn, Faith signed and then Ken, witnessing our sound mind and body to make the decision to marry with full knowledge of our contributions to the marriage and without duress. I noticed there was a line for a notary.

“We don’t have a notary here, Matt.” I looked at him in distress.

“That’s why I’m here.” Gill chimed in.


“I went and got my notary stamp from the office while you were getting ready. Dr. Keene asked me if I could find a notary on short notice, and I just so happen to be one. It makes it easier for us to send out signed contracts. I guess I never told you.” Gill smiled. Gill signed each form and pressed his embossed seal on each piece of paper. It was final. Matt and I were ready to marry.

“Is Manny ready?” Matt asked Ken while gathering the documents and putting them back in the envelope.

“Yes, sir. He’s downstairs waiting for you two.” I grabbed my purse and keys. We all filed out of the apartment. I locked it up behind me, and we were off.




After Matt showered, shaved and dressed in a light grey suit with a spring green tie, Manny drove us down to the Federal building. Matt held my hand as we walked into the judge’s office. In the other hand Matt carried a leather folio. Judge Calvin Porter was a family friend of Matt’s parents. They’d all gone to the same boarding school and their families had established a lifelong connection. Matt admitted everyone became part of an exclusive club of elite individuals who contributed greatly to the progress of each other and their offspring. Matt told me that in his world, it wasn’t about ‘what you know, but who you know’. Judge Porter had been a federal judge for the last eleven years, and would be able to make our marriage legal and file the certificate for us. From the folio, Matt pulled out the marriage certificate we’d obtained before I was forced to change my mind. The certificate had not expired, still having a few more weeks of validity.

While the ceremony was simple, I still felt a lot of love coursing between us. It was a loving and intimate moment of voicing our solemn vows to each other in the civil ceremony. We kissed longingly. Judge Porter had to clear his throat to stop us from being consumed by each other. We apologized, smiling sheepishly. I hugged him and Matt shook his hand. Before we left the building, we kissed deeply. I felt so much love, and another emotion coursed through me: regret. I regretted the time lost, despite it only being a month apart.




Manny waited for us outside. We had an hour before we’d have to go to the meeting with the board. We went for drinks at a restaurant and ate appetizers before the big confrontation with the Pentagon men. Live music played, and when people started dancing to the live band at the open space of the restaurant, Matt and I joined along. It was fun dancing close and intermittently kissing to the Reggae beat. My thoughts never traveled far from the reveal, and I got a little nauseas. Matt looked at his cellphone.

“It’s time to go. Are you ready?” He asked. I nodded, clutching my purse tightly under my arm.

We’d already discussed how the meeting would be conducted. I would take the lead, and Matt would then take over. We entered the restaurant, holding hands. I must’ve gripped him tightly because he asked if I was ‘okay’. It looked like the inside of a ship, dark woods everywhere with really low lighting. Because we were on an actual ship, the restaurant swayed imperceptibly, but it was enough for me to notice. The hostess walked us to a side room where she told us everyone was already gathered. She lead us to the room where the board was meeting. Matt took my hand, kissing the back, and whispered, “I love you.” I nodded, and pulled the door open.

I entered first. Everyone was already there: Brady, Kent, Lark, and Zipper. Their faces changed when they saw Matt walk in behind me. “Good evening.” I extended to everyone with a smile. I kept my rock covered hand out of sight.

“Matt?” Kent was the first to break the quiet. “What brings you to the meeting?”

“Actually, Kent, I’m escorting Matt to this meeting because I’m no longer a board member.”

“What do you mean?” Brady asked. I turned to look at him.

“I’ve returned the shares to Matt. He now holds control over his shares. I no longer have designee rights. He’s restored on the board which is what you all wanted right?” I looked at Brady, and then turned my attention to the rest of Matt’s friends. They looked surprised.

“The only way that was supposed to happen is if you two got married.” Zipper chimed in. I nodded. Matt spoke up.

“That’s right. We got married this afternoon. We realized we’re better together than apart. She will remain in her position at Pentagon. It’s about time my shares are represented within the company. Perla will remain as VP per her contract terms and rights. None of you have ever complained about her performance. In fact, I’ve heard nothing but praise for how she’s changed the design and marketing strategy of the project. As my friends, I’m sure you’re happy for us.”

“Of course, Matty.” Zipper beamed and walked over to him, giving him a big bear hug. I laughed when Zipper unsuccessfully tried to pick him up. Zipper walked to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug, congratulating me in my ear. I nodded and smiled. Kent was next to give Matt a hug, patting him on the back. He came to me and gave me a hug, which I reciprocated with similar vigor.

“Matty, congrats!” Lark said, walking to him extending his hand. Matt took his hand and hugged him.

“Birdie, I’m sorry for last time. Thank you for supporting me.” Lark nodded.

“Brady? No congrats from you?” Matt asked. Brady looked at him. His face was devoid of emotion. When Kent slapped him on the arm, Brady seemed to come out of a trance.

“Congratulations to the both of you.” Brady said irritably. He made no moves to offer his hand in congratulations or a hug. Everyone remained quiet for a few beats.

“Why don’t you see where the ladies are dining? Wait for us there. We have a lot to talk about.” Matt kissed me. I looked nervously at him. “It’s okay, babe.” He whispered, assurance in his eyes. I gave him one final peck and stepped out of the room, wishing I were a fly.

I went back to the front room and found a hostess. The same young lady walked me to the dining area upstairs where the girlfriends were awaiting the men. I smiled at the thought I was the only wife. Even Brigit would be surprised to see me, wearing my large diamond engagement ring which also served as my wedding ring.

Jenna, Zipper’s girlfriend, was the first to spot me. “Oh my God. What are you doing here?”

“Hi, Jenna. Nice to see you again.” I beamed, completely ignoring the three women standing in the corner.

“Zipper said you’d be meeting with them and wouldn’t join us for dinner.”

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