Ultimate Thriller Box Set (113 page)

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Authors: Blake Crouch,Lee Goldberg,J. A. Konrath,Scott Nicholson

BOOK: Ultimate Thriller Box Set
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She pointed at photo after photo to prove her point. “Does this look like a woman who has anything to do with drugs?”

I looked at the picture. Six teenage girls standing around a printing press, their aprons covered with ink. Not one of them was Lauren.

In fact, Lauren wasn’t in a single one of the photos on that wall. I turned to Mrs. Harper and studied her. This crazy woman had created an entirely false, perfect world and inserted her vision of Lauren into it. She’d even gone so far as to put up fake childhood photos on the wall. I could only imagine what Lauren’s teenage years had really been like.

“Mrs. Harper, I don’t know who that girl is, but she isn’t Lauren,” I said. “Why don’t we start over, with the real story?”

Mrs. Harper looked at the photo, then back at me, then started to speak again, stammering, talking so fast, the words tripped over themselves. “Oh, no! You’ve got it wrong. You didn’t know. This is her. This is Lauren. It’s her before.”


She grabbed my arm and dragged me over to another photo, of herself, a man I presumed was Mr. Harper, and a teenage girl, taken in front of an old Ford Mustang. I looked into the girl’s eyes and I shivered.

“This is a picture of us, a few weeks after Lauren graduated from high school,” she said. “Brock bought that car for her as a graduation gift, but it was really more for himself. He’d always wanted a sports car.”

She sat down on the couch again. I stayed where I was, looking at the photo again. The same girl was in all of them. I’d never see her before. But I knew her.

“Brock used any excuse to drive that damn car. He was always going on a quick trip to the grocery store for things we didn’t really need and asking Lauren if he could borrow her car. Lauren always went with him,” Mrs. Harper wiped away fresh tears and struggled to continue. “The police say he was driving fifteen miles over the speed limit when a station wagon pulled out in front of him. He swerved, lost control of the car. It rolled over a dozen times. Brock was killed. Lauren was thrown clear, but she broke her arm, her ribs, and smashed up her face pretty bad.”

I stared at the family portrait. Lauren’s eyes stared back at me from another person’s face, the girl in all those photos.

I took out my picture of Lauren and held it beside the framed photo. It was the same person, only one of them was wearing a mask. I looked Lauren’s picture, her face finally revealing its meaning to me.

No wonder I thought Lauren’s beauty looked sculpted. No wonder Carol looked at the pictures and saw a woman who’d had a lot of work done.

We both saw through one of Lauren’s secrets and blew it off. How many other secrets had been revealed to me that I’d ignored?

Suddenly, a strange thought occurred to me.

My hand started to shake. To hide it, I put my picture of Lauren back in my pocket and left my hand there.

“Mrs. Harper,” I asked, hearing a tremble in my voice, “You wouldn’t happen to remember which high school Lauren went to?”

“Of course I do,” she said. “Marcus Whitman.”

The same school Jolene went to. The school that had a reunion the day Arlo suddenly disappeared.

People, places, and events were colliding in ways I could never have imagined and had an even harder time trying to understand. But all I could do was my part, to connect the obvious dots as they appeared, even if I couldn’t see the shape I was creating.

“Do you know if Lauren ever went to one of their reunions?” I asked.

“She got an invitation, but wasn’t able to make it,” Mrs. Harper said. “Since she wasn’t going to attend, the reunion people asked me for a recent picture of Lauren and some news about her life to put in a newsletter they were going to give out at the party.”

“Did you give them a picture?”

“No, that wouldn’t have been right. I just told them how well she’d done, and how she’d raised so much money for charity in Los Angeles,” she replied. “What does this have to do with Lauren’s suicide?”

Everything—I just didn’t know how yet. A few more questions might have helped me, but I didn’t get a chance to ask.

The phone rang.

I immediately headed for the door. “I better be going now, Mrs. Harper; you’ve been a tremendous help.”

“Wait, that could be Cyril,” she said, rising from the couch.

“Tell him I’m on the case.”

I was out the door and running down the hall by the time she answered the phone.





Chapter Seventeen


I went to dinner at a Home Town Buffet off the freeway between Seattle and Snohomish. I piled my plate high with fried chicken, macaroni, chow mein, tater tots, and corn on the cob and took it back to my booth.

While I ate, I looked at the people around me. They all looked suspicious. They all looked like people with secrets.

And when they looked at me, they probably thought I was one of them. Just another average person trying to eat as much as he could for six dollars and ninety-nine cents.

They didn’t know that I was a private detective. They didn’t know it was my job to see through them, to find out what they didn’t want anyone else to discover.

I wondered what they would do if they knew.

I felt like the hero of one of those old World War II movies where a rugged soldier, like Jose Ferrer or Alan Ladd, parachutes into occupied France to carry out a deadly mission. I wasn’t sitting in Home Town Buffet, I was in a small café in Bordeaux, and all the other tables were filled with German soldiers. When I talked to the waitress, would subtle mistakes in my French reveal me? Would I die at the table, doomed by a flawed past participle, before I even began my mission?

“Are you done with your plate?” the waitress asked. Her name was Dede. A sticker on her shirt told me to ask about the senior citizen specials.

I saw the Nazis at the next table eyeing me over their Teriyaki chicken wings and tacos. I tried to remain casual.

“Are you serving the mini-corn dogs tonight?” I asked Dede.

“Only on Tuesdays,” she replied. “May I take your plate?”

I nodded. The people at the next table looked away, uninterested.

I would live, at least for the moment. They thought I was one of them. Only I knew that I wasn’t any more and I was damn happy about it.

I grabbed a fresh plate and got myself some cinnamon buns while they were still hot.


I called Carol as soon as I got to the motel room. It was a good thing I did, because she was about to call the police.

I told her what I’d learned, hoping that since Carol was smarter than me, she might see stuff that I’d missed. I left out the part in my story about telling Jolene which motel I was staying at, and the idea I stole from a book I’d read. I figured there was no sense getting Carol worried. She didn’t know yet how cool and professional I’d become, though I hoped telling her about my day at least gave her a hint.

I told her my theory, that Arlo and Lauren were both involved with drugs, and that he knew her before she ran away from home, disappeared, and got a new face. Arlo probably forgot all about her, until the fateful day his ex-wife Jolene got invited to her high school reunion and showed him her yearbook. He must have seen a photo of Lauren and shit himself. Then he read the “Where Are They Now?” newsletter, saw how she’d married a wealthy man and become an active fundraiser for charity, and saw a way to make himself some quick cash.

“Here’s a guy, a loser fresh out of prison, who lucks into a woman’s deep, dark secret,” I said. “If it wasn’t obvious that Lauren was rich, Arlo might have just laughed it all off. Instead, he took a plane to LA to soak her for as much as he could. Only he pushed her too hard and she dived off an overpass.”

“But you still don’t know what the deep, dark secret is,” Carol said, “except that it has to do with drugs.”

“Arlo was a drug dealer; Lauren’s mother and her boyfriend were addicts. At least that’s the self-serving story Lauren told the Harpers,” I replied. “Now that I’ve had some experience as a liar, I’ve discovered the most convincing lies are based on truth. So, I’m assuming there’s some truth to the story, only I don’t think Lauren was the wholesome, innocent victim or Arlo wouldn’t have anything on her.”

“Maybe Lauren’s mother wasn’t the addict,” Carol said. “Maybe it was Lauren. And maybe her mother’s boyfriend didn’t seduce Lauren, maybe it was the other way around, so she could get her hands on his drugs.”

“Where does Arlo fit into that?”

“Maybe Arlo was her boyfriend,” she said. “Maybe he didn’t like her fucking her mother’s boyfriend to get drugs.”

“Or maybe Arlo was the one who put her up to it, to get drugs for both of them,” I added. “Only Arlo began to think Lauren was enjoying doing Mommy’s boyfriend too much and maybe wasn’t sharing all the dope she got. So, Arlo gets pissed, and tells Lauren’s mother what’s going on.”

“Or arranges for her mother to catch them in the act.”

And then it hit me. It was so obvious.

“No, he did better than that.” I said. “He took pictures.”

“Yeah,” Carol said softly.

That was it. We both knew. It all fit.

“So, Lauren has to run, because her mother, or the boyfriend, or both of them want to wring her neck,” Carol said. “She ends up in a dive in Seattle, lucks into a job with the Harpers, and reinvents herself. She even gets a new face. After a while, it’s almost like none of it ever happened, or if it did, it was to a totally different person.”

“Until one day,” I said, “Arlo Pelz shows up at her door with the pictures and it all comes back to haunt her.”

“It makes sense,” Carol said.

“That doesn’t mean that’s what happened.”

“It’s probably close enough,” she said.

We tried knocking around a few other scenarios, but none of them worked as good as that one. It was fun talking about them anyway. We were really enjoying the call.

Two weeks ago, all she had to tell me was office gossip about people I didn’t know or care about. Even so, that was more than I usually could contribute to a conversation. Not much happened on the night shift in a guard shack. Now we were discussing blackmail and ex-convicts and drug dealers and secret lives.

Then Carol told me what she’d been doing at work, only for the first time I was interested. She’d been so revved up by the credit stuff she’d found on Arlo that she had to do something more. So, she sat down at her computer and found a couple dozen websites that searched public records and other databases for personal information about people. She didn’t find out anything more about Lauren, but she thought that now, based on what I’d told her, she might be able to dig up more on Arlo Pelz. She’d start with the Washington State Department of Corrections and work backward from there.

“You don’t have to do that,” I said.

“I want to,” she said. “I’m enjoying this. Besides, it’s the first thing we’ve really done together.”

“No, it’s not,” I said slyly.

“It’s the first thing that doesn’t involve a TV, a pizza, or a bed.” 

Hearing her talk that way, I began to think seriously about starting a detective agency of my own. I’d do the exciting legwork, including the car chases and shoot-outs, while she did all the dull research, cleaned up the office, and fucked my brains out.

It sounded like a dream, only it wasn’t anymore. I was most of the way there. All that was left for me to do was win a houseboat in a poker game and I’d have the Travis McGee lifestyle I dreamed of, with some minor alterations. I wasn’t interested in rescuing those “wounded birds.” For some reason, I didn’t have any desire to do that part any more. Carol was enough for me and certainly more than I deserved.

“I love you, Carol.”

The words were out of my mouth before I knew I said them. And then, realizing what I’d done, I quickly added a friendly chuckle, so the remark would be taken casually, lightly, maybe even forgotten, shrugged off as just a tongue-in-cheek compliment to a chum. But like I said, Carol was smarter than me.

“I know you do, Harvey,” she said, surprising me with the matter-of-fact tone of her voice. “I’ve known for a while. I was beginning to wonder, though, when it would occur to you.”

I swallowed. I fidgeted. I shifted the receiver to my other ear.

“How long have you loved me?” I asked.

“You’re the detective now,” she replied. “You figure it out.”

There was a long moment of silence. I found myself imagining what she was wearing, where she was sitting, the expression on her face. For that moment, I didn’t give a shit about Lauren Parkus or her secret or why she killed herself. I wanted to go home and investigate this new mystery.

“Goodnight, Harvey,” she said softly. “I’d better hear from you tomorrow or I’m calling the police.”

It might have been the nicest thing anybody ever said to me.

I hung up the phone, closed the drapes, and turned off all the lights. I pulled a chair over to the window so I could peek between the drapes and not be seen. Then I sat down in the chair, took out my gun, and set it on the table next to my can of Diet Coke.

I sat there like James Bond in that scene from Dr. No and the one thirty-five years later in Tomorrow Never Dies. Just a man in a chair with his drink and his gun, waiting for danger to arrive.

It was a longer wait than I expected.

I was driving a ‘50s T-bird convertible down the Las Vegas Strip. I made a left turn at the Desert Inn, and drove around back to my place.

I drove into the garage, which was also my living room and my office. You’d think a private eye living and working out of his garage would be pathetic, but it was actually very cool.

One of things that made it cool was my assistant Carol, who had breasts the size of watermelons, really big watermelons, and was waiting for me with a tropical drink.

I climbed over the door of my car instead of opening it. It was a lot more trouble, but it was one of the carefree, cool things I did that made me irresistible to women.

“The casino called for you, Dan. They’ve got trouble.”

“What kind of trouble?”

She showed me a picture of Lauren.

“They say she’s gonna jump, unless you can help her,” Carol said.

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