Tying You Down (7 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Tying You Down
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After she washed her face and put on her makeup, she picked out a chocolate brown velvet dress with crystals around the neckline that winked in low lighting. She swept her hair up and held it back with a crystal-studded clip before picking out a pair of heels that finished off the look.

Just as she finished dressing, the doorbell rang again.
Who could it be now?
Charlee was the only person who ever just dropped in without notice.

When she looked through the peephole, she caught her breath.
Heart beating faster, she unlocked and opened the door.

She drank in his handsome, sexy appearance. His Stetson shadowed his eyes and day’s stubble covered his jaws. A snug white western shirt was tucked into faded Wranglers that hugged his muscular thighs and ass, a western silver and gold rodeo buckle fastened his belt, and he wore broken in brown cowboy boots.

Her throat was dry as she said, “This is a surprise.” She opened the door wider. “Come on in.”

He stepped through the doorway and she closed the door behind him. They stood for a moment as he studied her. “You are gorgeous.” He reached up and brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “It doesn’t matter what you wear, although this is sexy as hell.” He trailed his fingers down her throat to the dress’s low neckline.

She shivered from his touch although she felt warm from his compliment. “Thank you.”

He lowered his head, bringing it closer to hers. She parted her lips, her breath hitching. And then his mouth was on hers as he gave her a sweet kiss.

When he drew away, he studied her. “Something’s bothering you.”

She shook her head. “It’s nothing.” When he kept looking at her she said, “I’m just worried about Charlee. Things are going so fast between her and David. Charlee was just here and, well, she had sex with David last night. She barely knows him and he’s so much older than her.”

Tate nodded. “I understand. I’d be concerned too, if she was my younger sister. Hell, she’s not and what happens with her still concerns me.” He was quiet for a moment. “If he does anything to hurt her, you let me know.”

She smiled at the sense of protectiveness he seemed to have over Charlee. “You didn’t come here to talk about Charlee. What’s up?”

“It’s Creed’s birthday and Danica is throwing a party for him,” Tate said. “I was wondering if you could get away from Jo-Jo’s for a while and come with me.”

She paused for a moment. “I take it everyone’s going to be there.”

“Pretty much.” Tate grinned. “At least my parents along with all of my brothers and sisters-in-law.”

She looked down at her dress before meeting his gaze again. “You’re dressed casual. Am I overdressed?”

“You look perfect.” He trailed his fingers over her shoulder. “It’s getting a bit chilly out. You might want to bring something to keep out the cold. Although,” he paused and gave her a sexy little grin, “I can always keep you warm.”

“I bet you would.” She reached up and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Okay, I’ll go with you. Be right back.”

She called Jo-Jo’s to make sure everything was going well and that she wasn’t needed, and everything seemed to be fine. They had her number if they had to get hold of her.

Once she was off the phone, she picked out a cashmere wrap that went well with the dress, then picked up the purse she’d intended to take with her tonight to the club. When she returned to the living room, Tate was looking at the family pictures on the mantel of her fireplace.

“Your dad was a fine man,” Tate said as he studied a picture of her at five with her father and mother, about a year before her mother died. “I only met your mom a couple of times, but I always thought she was a nice lady.”

Jo smiled. “They weren’t perfect, but they were great parents.” Familiar sadness drifted through her. “I miss them both.”

He looked at the pictures of her with her father and then with her half-sister, and pictures of each of them alone. She hadn’t kept any pictures of her stepmother.

When he turned away from the photos, he said, “Ready?”

She nodded and linked her arm in his. “You bet.”


Chapter 9


Jo did feel a bit overdressed when she walked into the McBride family home and saw that most were wearing casual clothing. But she knew everyone there and didn’t feel too uncomfortable. It had been years since she’d seen Mom and Dad McBride—Del and Bull.

The house was where the McBride boys had grown up. Even now it was full of noise and laughter and a kind of energy that always seemed to be noticeable around the McBride clan.

Tess hugged Jo the moment she walked into the house. Tess and Gage had just returned from their honeymoon, and Jo hadn’t had a chance to visit with her since they’d come back.

“Thanks for bringing Jenny home.” Tess drew away and smiled. “She had a good time with you and Tate.”

“I bet she’s looking forward to your upcoming Disneyland trip,” Jo said.

Tess laughed and shook back her short blonde curls. “Don’t you know it.”

Megan, Tess’s sister, hugged Jo next, and then Megan’s husband, Ryan gave her a one-armed embrace.

Cat and Danica came in along with Blake and Creed. Jo didn’t know the two women as well as she knew the others in the room, but she’d always liked them both.

Blake tended not to talk as much as his brothers and his features were a little harsher. He exuded power and virility and had a hard look to his tanned face. But when his gaze settled on Cat, his facial expression softened and Jo could tell that the woman meant everything to him.

Creed and Gage looked the most alike out of the brothers. Both had powerful builds, dark hair, and green eyes. Gage had a sexy, charming grin. It was easy to see that he’d been a lady-killer before he met Tess. Creed had an ease and confidence in his nature, but as a bull rider who’d almost been killed by a bull, he was one hell of a tough guy, a real alpha male bad boy.

Just as tall as his brothers, Ryan had denim blue eyes and a teasing nature about him. He was the perfect guy for Megan who’d been married to a real jerk in the past.

Tate rested his hand on Jo’s shoulder. “Mom and Dad will want to see you.”

Jo nodded as Tate took her hand and led her to the far end of the living room where Bull sat in a recliner and Del was curled up on a couch, close to where he was sitting.

Bull McBride was a massive man, like his name suggested, and it was clear the five McBride brothers all got their height from him. Even though each was different in looks and build, the brothers were all muscular and good looking to a one. Blake was probably closest in build to their dad.

Del had short brown hair and was pretty and slim and Jo remembered her being one of the sweetest women she’d ever met. But she was a strong woman—she’d had to be, the only female in a house of six alpha males.

Bull and Del both stood. Bull grabbed Jo in a bear hug, knocking the breath from her. “Been too damned long, girl.” He held her out where he could see her. “You were what, eleven, twelve, when you left?”

“Eleven.” Jo smiled as she caught her breath. “It’s so good to see you, Bull.”

“My turn.” Del brought Jo into her arms for another hug. “Glad you’re back in Prescott where you belong, sweetheart.”

“I’m glad too,” Jo said. “I’m happy to see you all again.”

Del held Jo at arm’s length and looked over the chocolate brown velvet dress studded with crystals. “Simply gorgeous.” Del looked at Tate. “Why didn’t you bring her home sooner?”

Tate gave his mother a grin. “Took me this long just to talk her into going with me anywhere.”

“About damn time,” Bull said in his gruff voice. “You grew up into a fine young woman, Jo-Jo.”

“Thank you.” Jo felt warmth flush through her at the compliment and because it seemed as though they’d expected Tate to bring her to see the family.

“Danica and the other girls fixed a wonderful dinner.” Del slipped her arm around Jo’s waist and they started toward the kitchen. “Mexican. We’ve just been waiting for you two.”

“It smells great.” Jo walked with the petite woman, breathing in the warm scents of spicy meats and sauces.

Jo looked at Tate as he walked with them. “They were expecting me?” she said with a raised eyebrow.

A sexy grin curved the corner of his mouth but he didn’t say anything.

The house was huge and had a separate dining room with a massive table built for ten, but they were able to squeeze in two more chairs so that all twelve of them had a place at the table.

Big pans of enchiladas, tacos, and tamales were laid out on the table, along with bowls of refried beans, Spanish rice, salad, and several kinds of hot sauces and salsas. Water and iced tea with lemon wedges were served.

Mexican food was one of her weaknesses and something Jo tried not to indulge in too often—it was that little voice in the back of her mind that she couldn’t quite get rid of that held her back. She’d probably never get rid of that voice, but she had learned to cope. Tonight she didn’t let anything deter her enjoyment of the meal or the night.

She fell easily into whatever conversation she was drawn into at the table. Not only did she feel comfortable with this bunch, but she was also used to entertaining large groups at Jo-Jo’s.

Tate sat on one side of her, Ryan on the other. She liked Ryan a lot. He and Megan had just married a couple of months ago in a beautiful wedding. Not long after that, Megan’s sister, Tess, had run off with Gage to Las Vegas, not wanting to wait like Ryan and Megan had.

For a moment Jo wondered what it would be like to be married into this family, to have Tate as a life partner. Inwardly she frowned. Her thoughts were going in crazy directions where they had no business going.

Jo turned her gaze to Tate and found him watching her. She set down her fork. “Okay, big guy, why are you staring at me?”

His lips twitched with amusement. “You’re so damned gorgeous. How could any man not be looking at you?” He glanced up and swept his gaze around the table before turning his gaze to her again. “These guys don’t count since they all have beautiful women they’re in love with.”

If it was anyone other than Tate who was complimenting her, she might wonder at his motives. She’d been used too many times to trust men easily. But Tate was so genuine and he said things in a way that made her feel good.

“I mean every word I say,” he added with an intense expression as if he’d read her mind.

“I know,” she said quietly. “Thank you.”

He squeezed her hand beneath the table. His touch and the sexiness of his smile caused wild flutters in her belly.

Jo loved how in this family, the men shooed the women out of the kitchen when it came time to clean.

“You women-folk did all of the work cooking so you can relax while we men clean up,” Bull said before kissing Del and swatting her on the bottom.

While the men cleaned everything, Del showed Jo their collection of fine western oil paintings and pencil drawings at Jo’s request. She also looked over the family portraits and smiled as memories returned when she saw pictures of the McBride boys when they were young.

There were many pictures that had been taken of them during the time she’d lived back East, showing the young men that they had grown up to be. Creed riding a bull, Tate lassoing a steer, Ryan working with 4-H kids, Blake riding a horse, Gage working on a pump in his drilling business. There were wedding pictures, too, including Bull and Del’s wedding.

“This one is probably my favorite.” Del smiled as she picked up a photo of the seven of them—the five boys, Bull, and Del. The expressions the boys wore reflected their personalities, and Del looked like the proud mother and happy woman that she was.

She set the photograph down and smiled at Jo. “Tate had a thing for you when you were young. Looks like he still does.”

Jo wasn’t sure what to say but she smiled. “He’s a good guy.”

So she was admitting it to herself and to others.
Dangerous territory, Jo,
she warned herself.
Dangerous territory.

Being with this group made her feel at home and loved. All she’d had was Charlee all of these years, and the thought of having a larger family who cared for her was almost heady.

The evening stretched on with a lot of joking and kidding around, something that Jo had remembered from years ago. The youngest of the McBride brothers, Creed, was given hell as a huge birthday cake was brought to the table with candles flickering in the dimmed light of the dining room. On the center of the cake was a bull and its rider made out of frosting.

After Creed blew out the candles, Del rubbed her son’s shoulder. “Here’s to your last year on the circuit.”

“Thank God,” Danica said from Creed’s other side, a smile tipping the corner of her mouth. “I just about have a heart attack every time Creed rides.”

“Need to settle down and get busy making us some grandkids to spoil.” Bull’s gaze went around the table. “You all do.”

There was grinning and laughter around the table and Tate winked at Jo. She flushed, heat traveling through her body. After what she’d put her body through with her anorexia, the doctors didn’t even know that she could have children. Not that she should even be thinking of that right now. Sheesh, it was only her second time out with Tate, and it wasn’t even a planned date.

“Are you going to Phoenix next weekend for Creed’s next event?” Del asked Jo.

Jo blinked. “I—”

“I haven’t had a chance to ask her.” Tate settled his arm around Jo’s shoulders as he turned to her. “I planned to when I took you home tonight.”

Jo looked from Tate to Del and back. She’d been thrown off guard, but the idea intrigued her. “I’ve been trying to find time to visit my friend, Carrie, in Phoenix,” Jo said. “I can drive down separately and see her on Sunday if she’s going to be around.”

“That sounds wonderful, dear.” Del beamed. “I’m so happy you’ll be coming.”

Del moved away to talk with Danica and Jo looked up at Tate who still had his arm around her. “Did you just set me up?”

 “Nope. But I don’t mind the way it worked out.” He grinned and shook his head. “I was planning on staying the night at a hotel and spending some time with Creed on Sunday. Rather than driving separately, we can go down together.”

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