Tying You Down (11 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

BOOK: Tying You Down
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All reservations, all worries slipped from her mind as he thoroughly took control of her mouth and her body. He moved his palms over her slick skin and played with her nipples, causing her to gasp. His cock was big and thick against her belly and the ache between her thighs grew stronger and stronger.

He stepped back and she opened her eyes to see him rolling a condom on his cock. She raised her brows. “You came prepared,” she said, the words coming out husky.

“Of course.” He took her by the waist and turned her around. “Brace your hands on the wall.”

A thrill went through her belly and she did what he told her to, bending over. He pressed his cock against her core grabbed her hips in his hands, and drove his cock inside her.

Her eyes widened at the sudden entrance and the thickness of his cock. He’d taken her last night, but she still wasn’t used to how big he was.

He began fucking her as water beat down on them, thrusting hard and slamming his hips against her ass. This was no easy lovemaking like last night. This was almost animal-like in its intensity.

Her breasts swayed with every thrust as he drove in and out of her. The tile felt cool beneath her palms but her body was so, so hot. The feel of him moving in and out of her had her eyes nearly crossing with pleasure.

An orgasm began building and building inside her as he slammed his cock into her. She felt it growing and knew she wasn’t going to last much longer.

He slid his hand from her hip to her mound then slipped his finger between her folds. The moment he rubbed her clit, she lost it.

With a cry she came hard, her hips jerking against his hand. He continued to stroke her clit as he fucked her and then to her surprise her body shuddered with a second orgasm that had her shouting out from the explosion within her.

He gave a loud growl and she felt his cock throbbing inside her, pulsing even as her own core continued to spasm.

When he stopped, they stayed for a moment in that position, his cock still inside her, both of them breathing hard. And then he was turning her around in his arms, kissing her, holding her, like he never intended to let her go.


* * * * *


Jo and her friend, Carrie, enjoyed an early breakfast at a little restaurant hidden away in Scottsdale. It had a vine-covered archway with a flagstone path that led to the entrance of the restaurant, which reminded her of a pretty cottage from the outside.

Inside were two dining rooms, one at the entrance and one at a slightly lower level down. Outside was a patio with more tables, but the fall morning was a little cool and they decided to eat indoors.

After they had ordered breakfast, Carrie leaned back in her chair. Her light brown hair was cut into a bob and her warm honey-colored eyes studied Jo. Carrie had gone to St. Amelia’s boarding school with Jo in New York City. She had also modeled with Jo, but had left the business before her eighteenth birthday.

“You look amazing, with a sort of glow about you.” Carrie tilted her head to the side. “At the same time it seems like something’s bothering you.”

“That transparent, huh?”

Carrie shrugged. “I’ve known you a long time, girlfriend.”

The waitress arrived and poured each of them a cup of coffee. Jo put half-and-half and sweetener into her coffee and stirred it. She drew in the rich scent before taking a sip.

“Stop procrastinating,” Carrie said, but was smiling. “Tell me.”

Jo set down her coffee cup. “I started dating a guy I knew from my childhood. I knew him before St. Amelia’s.”

“That’s great.” Carrie seemed to be watching Jo’s expression. “It is, right?”

With a sigh, Jo said, “I’m not sure. He’s a great guy, but…”

“But what?”

“We haven’t been dating that long,” Jo finally got out. “Last night things went a little beyond dating. A lot beyond it.”

“Awesome.” Carrie grinned. “You’ve been shutting yourself off for far too long. So what’s the problem if he’s a great guy?”

“I think he’s going to take having sex as something serious between us.” Jo grasped the mug of her coffee cup. The coffee was still steaming. “I don’t know that I’m ready for serious. At least not the same kind of serious I think he wants.”

“I can see where that would be a problem.” Carrie studied Jo. “But I think that you’re more interested in him than you’re trying to let on.”

“If I am, I don’t want to be,” Jo said.

Carrie had taken a sip of her coffee and set down her mug. “You’re thinking too hard. Go with it. You like the guy, so give it a chance. If it doesn’t work out you won’t have any regrets.”

“If I hurt him, I’ll regret that,” Jo said quietly.

“No doubt he’s a big boy.” Carrie crossed her legs at her knees. “He’ll get over it.”

“We’re not talking ‘boy’ here.” Jo gave her friend a little smile. “Tate’s one-hundred percent all man. He’s a cowboy, and an alpha one at that.”

The corner of Carrie’s mouth lifted in a grin. “A cowboy, eh? I’m assuming alpha in a good way.”

Jo couldn’t help a smile. “I’d say good, yes.”

“I think what you need to do is take this thing one day at a time,” Carrie said. “You’re overthinking things.”

Jo sighed. “Maybe you’re right.”

Carrie shrugged. “Of course I am.”

Jo reached for the cream pitcher. “This needs more half-and-half,” she said as she poured the white liquid into her coffee.

“You’re changing the subject,” Carrie said.

“Maybe I am.” Jo looked up as a server came toward them carrying two plates. “And just in time.”


After eating crepes with raspberry sauce and a cream cheese filling, and drinking two cups of the amazing breakfast blend coffee, Jo and Carrie headed to Carrie’s church for the late morning service.

The church campus was huge with a large worship center and floor to ceiling glass walls. Just inside the main door was a waterfall with a big rock basin. The water sounded musical as it tumbled over rocks into the pool. Everyone Carrie stopped to talk with greeted Jo like she belonged there.

They headed from the foyer into the crowded church itself with its rows and rows of pews. They slipped onto one of the benches in the back and listened to the service.

Jo sat in the aisle seat. She’d never been to Carrie’s church and she liked it. The people had been friendly, the pastor animated, yet down to earth, and he was fascinating to listen to. The music was uplifting and she joined along.

Toward the end of the service, the congregation started to sing and Jo and Carrie stood up from their bench seat to join in. A guitarist on stage led the assembly. As the congregation sang a hymn Jo didn’t recognize, she glanced up at the monitors that had the words to the song. Her gaze drifted from the monitor, as she felt compelled to look down the aisle. Two rows ahead, she saw a man’s profile that was somehow familiar but seemed out of place here, like she knew him from somewhere else. The light brown-haired man had a seat at the end of the row, just as she did, but on the opposite side of the aisle.

The man turned slightly to face the performer on the stage and she got a better look at him. Surprise made her blink. It was David Smith, the man Charlee was dating. He was seated next to three children, roughly aged four to eleven years old. It was hard to tell from where Jo was sitting, but since they were only a couple of rows ahead of her, she thought she was close in judging their ages. On the other side of the children was a pretty brunette.

Jo frowned as an odd feeling twisted in her belly. She leaned over to Carrie who was singing the hymn. “Do you know who that man is?” Jo whispered and gave a nod in David’s direction. “The one next to the three kids.”

Carrie stopped singing and shrugged. “I’ve never met him, but he’s been here with his family pretty much every Sunday that I’ve been here.”

A hot sensation washed over Jo’s body and she narrowed her gaze in David’s direction.

“What’s wrong?” Carrie asked.

“That’s the man Charlee is dating,” Jo said under her breath as she looked back at Carrie.

“Are you sure?” A surprised look had come over Carrie’s face. “I always assumed that’s his family. Maybe it’s not.”

“And maybe it is.” If he was married with children, Jo was going to string David Smith up by his balls.

The hymn ended and the pastor gave a final few words before the congregation started to leave. The crowd surged into the aisle and swallowed up David and “his family”.

Jo grasped Carrie’s hand. “Come on.”

“What are you going to do?” Carrie leaned close and said the words over the crowd noise.

Jo tightened her grip. “I’m going to have a talk with David.”

“Do you think that’s a good idea to do that here?” Carrie asked. “You wouldn’t make a scene, would you? After all you have that redheaded temper,” she teased.

“It’s a perfect time.” Jo nearly growled the words. “Don’t worry, I won’t make a scene—as long as he doesn’t push me.”

“Oookay,” Carrie said.

When they came out into the lobby of the worship center, Jo drew Carrie aside and released her hand. She watched for David, the children, and the woman to come out, which didn’t take long.

David had his arm resting around the woman’s shoulders as they walked out into the lobby. Immediately the three kids ran ahead toward the waterfall in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The little girl who looked to be four giggled as she ran and the other two chased her.

“Better get Lilly, sweetheart,” David said as he looked down at the woman. “Before she ends up in the water again.”

The woman nodded and followed the children. Before David could do the same, Jo grabbed his arm.

He turned and faced her, a look of surprise and something else flashing over his features the moment their gazes met.

“Jo.” He straightened and tugged his arm from her grip. “What are you doing here?”

“So you’re married?” Jo could barely keep from clenching her fists at her sides. She wanted to punch him so badly her teeth hurt. “I saw your wife and kids.”

He looked taken aback for a moment then shook his head. “That’s my brother, Larry’s, family. He died of leukemia and I promised to watch over them for him. I take them to church every Sunday.”

Jo wasn’t sure how to react or even if she should believe him. He looked sincere, but his gaze kept flicking to the woman and children as if he didn’t want them hearing his and Jo’s conversation. The woman had the two younger kids by the hand and was looking at David with a questioning look on her features.

“You had your arm around her and you called her sweetheart,” Jo said. “I heard you.”

David’s expression was calm. “I care about my brother’s wife. That’s all it is.”

Jo gave him a long, hard look.

“I promised to take Larry’s family to lunch.” David gave a winning artificial smile before she could say anything. “I’d better go before the little ones get too restless.” He added, “I’ll see you back in Prescott, Jo.” Without waiting for her to reply, he turned and walked toward the woman and children.

“Well, that solves that,” Carrie said from beside Jo.

Jo hadn’t even realized her friend had been standing there. “If he’s telling the truth,” Jo said as she met Carrie’s gaze. “I’d ask the woman, but that just doesn’t seem like the right thing to do. Not now.”

“Let’s go to Scottsdale Fashion Square and then later we’ll head to that Thai place I told you about.” Carrie looked at her watch. “It’s eleven so we have plenty of time to get in some shopping and then grab some lunch.”

“As long as there’s chocolate at the mall,” Jo said.

Carrie laughed. “There’s a chocolate shop with amazing peanut butter chocolate truffles that have your name on them.”

“You know my weakness.” Jo shook her head. “Peanut butter and chocolate.”

Even as she joked with her friend, Jo felt distracted by what had happened with David. She glanced one more time in the direction he had walked. He and the woman and children were gone, but her suspicions weren’t.


Chapter 15


Jo and Carrie walked down the stairs of Carrie’s Scottsdale apartment, Jo carrying her shopping bags with Carrie helping. Jo had found some cute new ankle boots and sexy heels along with a couple of dresses she imagined herself wearing just for Tate. She’d stopped at the makeup and skin care counters and replenished the items she was low on. She and Carrie had even had makeovers done just for fun.

Shopping was one of Jo’s favorite pastimes, and it usually had the effect of cheering her up. It had been fun shopping with Carrie and she’d had a great time. Lunch had also been fun at the great Thai place in Old Scottsdale.

But now that her time with Carrie was over, she felt pensive again. Was it because of her concerns over her relationship with Tate? Or did it have something to do with David? Maybe both.

Tate was waiting outside for Jo, leaning up against the truck with his arms crossing his chest and one boot resting on the concrete parking barrier in front of his truck. The sexy curve of his smile made her stomach swoop.

“O.M.G.,” Carrie said the letters slowly beneath her breath. “That’s your cowboy? If you don’t want him, I’ll take him.”

Jo felt a sudden surge of jealousy and possessiveness that caught her off guard.

Tate met them halfway and Carrie gave him a brilliant smile. “I’m Carrie.”

“I’m Tate McBride.” He gripped Carrie’s hand in a firm handshake and Jo wanted to separate the pair.

Where were these extreme reactions coming from? Jo wondered. How could she feel so jealous?

“A pleasure,” Tate was saying as he released Carrie’s hand.

As Tate took Jo’s shopping bags and put them in the back seat of the king cab, Jo hugged Carrie.

“Thanks for everything today.” Jo smiled. “I had a great time. Now you need to come to Prescott to visit me.”

“Soon.” Carrie nodded her promise. “It was so much fun spending time with you.”

After they said their goodbyes, Tate helped Jo into the truck before heading to the driver’s side and climbing in.

“Something’s wrong.” Tate studied Jo for a moment after he started his truck and backed out.

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