Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) (16 page)

BOOK: Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)
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don't understand the word, Melissa.”


if there are complications.”

man was explaining everything to her.

nodded wide-eyed, shocked at what he said. “It is a husbands place
to be there for his wife in her time of need.”

word husband interested me the most. Then it hit me that he would be
alone with me. What if I acted like a baby and disappointed him.

you ever delivered a baby before?”

smiled and shook his head.

you know how? Because I don't.” I was sure that I was wide-eyed

smiled. He didn't look worried.

looked over at Francesca before she could leave. “How is your ear?”

fine now. It only hurt a couple of hours.”

wish we could talk like this again. Thank you, for everything.”

course, your Majesty.” She bowed and she and her man or was he her
husband left.

looked back at Aide. “So you are my husband?”

nodded. I could tell that he was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I am your wife?”

nodded again.

earth a husband and wife stay together all their lives. Is that true
here too?”

He was
grinning broadly as he nodded. I threw my arms around his neck.
“Okay, I'm ready to get an ear thing. I don't have to worry that
you will say that you don't want me.”

. . .” He was shocked that I would think anything different. He
wanted to spank me, I could tell but he knew I was already suffering.

not trying to make you mad, honest. This is just all so new and it
happened so suddenly and it could have ended just as quickly. Do you
love me?”

nodded again.

though I am acting so crazy?”

laughed and kissed me. He laid down next to me and pulled me close.
“Melsa . . .”

love you too.”

He fed
me and opened my laptop to make music for me. I slept a lot but
always in his arms.


feed me before he held court. He visited me a lot. My laptop could
still tell me the date and time so I knew that he never felt me alone
for longer than an hour. I had woken up huge today. My bellybutton
was even pressing outwards now. Aide rubbed my tummy and talked to

you think we will be good parents?”

shrugged his shoulders. I had kind of expected him to nod, like he
usually did.

right. That is for the baby to decide, not us.”

looked at me surprised. There was a lot of truth in my words.

think the baby could be born any second now, don't you?”

laid his hands on my tummy and nodded. He looked excited to finally
be able to hold the baby in his arms. I still felt that this was all
going too fast.

baby will need a name. A good strong name for a strong baby.”

nodded and said something I didn't understand.

I just
looked at him confused. “I didn't understand that.”

shrugged and continued to play with the baby. He would gently push in
on my stomach and the baby would kick him.

He fed
me again and kissed me passionately before he left. I knew he would
be back soon.

I got
up and went to the bathroom to stare at my huge tummy in the mirror.
I ran my hands over my tummy and sang to the baby.

came in and laid his hands around me and rested them on my tummy.

cried because it felt so special. “I think this is the nicest
moment in all my life.”

nodded too with tears in his eyes.

glad you picked me to be your wife. I love you so.”

said words that I could already recognize as I love you.

stood there like that for a while in a beautiful family hug.

baby will know that he is loved, right from the start.”

nodded very seriously at me. He agreed with me, that meant the world
to me. He brought me to bed and fed me before he left again. I ate
and slept all day. He got more and more nervous as the day went on.

I got
more and more relaxed. My mood was serene. I was no longer a crazy
woman but he was turning into a crazy man.


I woke
up with a smile and stretched my arms out wide. Aide jumped at my
moment and also woke up. His hands flew to my tummy. I laid my hands
over his and said good morning to the baby and to him. He carried me
to the bathroom and washed me and brushed my hair. All the while he
looked in my eye like he was trying to catch me in pain.

turned to him and took his hands. “I feel fine, just fine. Don't
worry.” I waddle past him to the sofa. He followed me worried about


He was
right there at my side, looking very concerned.

didn't know how to put this but I wanted him . . . In that special
way. How could I put that? Would he want to? I was very big and
probably not all that attractive for him. I looked down at my feet
but I couldn't see them anymore. Of course he wouldn't want to sleep
with me.

tilted my head up so I was looking at him. “Melsa?”

need you.”

hands flew to my tummy.

I need you, not the baby.” I cast my eyes down. “I want you.” I
was beet red.

I saw
the moment that he understood me. He turned me away from him and laid
his hands over my breasts. He played with my nipples.

leaned back into him and moaned in pleasure. I wanted him so much.

bent me forward over the sofa. My hands flew forward to balance
myself. He entered me from behind. I started right in moaning and
gasping for air. He thrust into me again and again. I felt my
pleasure building. I came so quickly that I was surprised. He was
still going and my next climax was building again. I screamed so loud
as I came. He came than too.

I was
panting and trying to touch him in any way I could. He pulled himself
out of me took me in his arms and kissed me again. He chuckled.

started to cry. “Please don't laugh at me.”

He hugged me and kissed me. He carried me to bed and tucked me in.
“Shh Melsa shh.”

I fell
asleep again.

I felt
a sharp pain in my back. It was very uncomfortable. I got up and
walked around until it went away. Was that a contraction? I got my
laptop out and started timing. The next one came ten minutes later. I
wasn't sure what to do. I went to the bathroom and waited for him to
come. He didn't. I went back to bed and slept.

When I
woke up I saw that he had been here. There was food next to the bed
on the nightstand. I timed the contractions again. Every five
minutes. The pain was so bad that it brought me to my knees. I didn't
know what to do. I felt so alone. “Aide, I need you.” After the
contraction was over I paced up and down.

door opened and he came running in. He was at my side in a second.

time. The baby is coming, now.” I was panting again but for a
different reason than before. I paced up and down while he stood
there helpless watching me. The contraction was over and I sat down
and looked at him.

never done this before.” I looked up at him.


don't know what to expect. What if I embarrass myself? Will you think
less of me if I cry?” That was a stupid question because I was
already crying.

shook his head and took me in his arms. I laid in his arms for a
couple of minutes but then the next contraction came and I was up
pacing and breathing loudly again. I grabbed onto his hand as I past
by him and he walked with me. When the contraction was over I looked
up at him again. He picked me up and sat us down on the sofa with me
on his lap. That was very comfortable until the next contraction
came. I pushed away from him. The extra pressure of him touching me
was too much for me to take. I squatted down and held my stomach
which was rock hard. When the contraction was over I laid down on the
sofa. He rubbed my shoulders and said something soothing.

next contraction came and I grabbed his hands and laid them on my
stomach. I looked at him. “Is that normal?” I panted in pain.

spoke with the intercom and it answered him. He smiled and nodded at


smiled and nodded again. He had a look of pity in his eyes for me.

love you. Thank you for being here with me.”

leaned in and kissed me. The next contraction came. I jumped up again
and went to the wall and tried to press my back into it. Maybe if I
got my back perfectly straight it wouldn't hurt so much. I sank to
the floor when the pain stopped. He hovered over me looking helpless.
I patted the floor next to me.

went on like this for a couple of hours. I checked my laptop every
ten minutes or so to see how things were moving along. I apologized
again and again that I was so slow about everything. After the
accelerated pregnancy I expected to the birth to be over with quickly
too. I played slow songs on my laptop. I even sang along sometimes.
Aide was being so nice to me. I thanked him again and again as we

I take a bath?”

jumped up eager to do something. He held me in the water for a long
time and the pain was hardly noticeable in the water. I relax in his
strong arms.

need to pace again,” I announced. He jumped out of the tub and
helped me out. I paced up and down in the bathroom. When I was dry I
went out to the living room and paced there. He paced with me while
he held my hands careful not to touch me anywhere else.

next contraction brought me to my knees. Before I knew it I had
thrown up again. I was so surprised and shocked at what I had done.
He picked me up and brought to the bathroom. Where I promptly sick
again. He washed me in the bathtub as I cried softly.

I felt
a terrible need to push. I couldn't stop myself. “I want to lie
down in bed. It's time! Now!”

plucked me out of the tub and laid me down on the corner of the bed.
He placed my feet on his shoulders. This seemed like the moment he
was waiting for. I grabbed his hands and pushed with all my might. I
gasped for air. It was time to push again. I looked at my laptop
again and again for the time. When was this going to be over with? I
was crying but otherwise I was very quiet. I thought women usually
screamed while they give birth.

worried about his hands. I was squeezing them so hard that he had to
shake them in between contractions.

next contraction came and he didn't give me his hands but he was
saying something. I grabbed hold of my knees and felt the baby come
out. I fell back to the bed. My heart was racing and my entire body
was shaking.

heard the baby cry. I tried to look and see him but I couldn't move
anymore. All my energy was gone. Aide was making soft noises and
talking to him. He spoke loudly to the intercom. I heard a cheer
sound. It must be coming from the entire ship.

tried to smile but I was tired. “Can I see him?”

moved towards me with the baby in his hands. The baby wasn't crying
anymore. He was looking at Aide.

looks just like you. He is so beautiful.”

doctor came in. He looked at the baby and at me. He shot the bug
thing in my ear before I knew what was happening. My breath caught in
my throat.

did you do that? She is already in so much pain. Melissa, are you
okay? Sweetheart?” I had never heard his voice before. At least not
when I could understand him but it was the same voice. I looked at
him and concentrated on my breathing.

talk to me.” He held onto the baby but his eyes were on me. I
remembered worrying that he just wanted the baby.

everything alright with the baby?” I asked.

smiled at me. “We will go check. Can I leave you alone for a few


men went into the bathroom with our precious little baby. I listened
to them talk. They were very pleased with him. The doctor came out
and picked me up and laid me in the bathtub. He used the red beam to
heal me. When he was finished I felt so much better. I was still very
tired but otherwise nothing hurt anymore. The doctor helped me out of
the water and I was able to stand on my own. The doctor left with a
quick congratulations. Aide laid the baby in my arms and I stared at
him and kissed his forehead and sobbed for happiness. Aide brushed my
hair. He kept opening his mouth to say something and then closed it.

laid down my brush and laid a hand on my shoulder.

guided us to the bedroom. He smiled at me and at our baby.

are a family now. Melissa, you're a mother and I'm a father.” He
had tears in his eyes.

I laid
the baby in the middle of the bed and went around to my side of the
bed. I moved in very close to the baby and cuddled with him. I
pretended to eat his feet and fingers. He waved his little hands. “He
is so big.” I touched his little nose. Aide was rubbing his back
and smiling too.

were very brave. I'm so proud of you. Did it hurt terribly much?”

doesn't matter, look what we got.” I beamed at my precious little
baby. “Thank you so much for giving me to me.”

you gave him to me.”

not argue and just agree that we made him with lots of love.”

love you, Melissa. I am so glad I saved you.”

did you know I was in the building that was on fire?”

felt a pull to go. I'm not allowed to leave the ship like that. As
king I have to stay here but I just had to go. When I saw you huddled
together on the floor so tiny and scared. You were covered with soot.
I had to save you. There was something about you. And then you
touched me in the water. No one but Mayra is allowed to touch me.”

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