Read Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) Online
Authors: Rachel Burns
shh . . ,” He kissed my stomach again and then looked at me.
I called out making him jump a little. “There must be some mistake.
I'm not pregnant. Well, at least not that pregnant. I've been here
for what, eight days now. No one would get morning sickness that
fast. I just had a bit of a scare there; but the problem is you think
I'm pregnant.
things go that fast on your home planet? Yeah, they probably do. But
on earth it takes a whole nine months for a baby to develop inside
its mother's womb. Morning sickness would first start a month later.
It's just too soon. A pity too, I was starting to like the idea. We
could have each taught the baby our own languages and then it could
have told us what the other one was saying. That would have been
nice.” I sighed. I now had the big task of explaining to him that I
wasn't expecting and that I was most likely being poisoned.
I laid
my hands on my stomach. “No baby.” My face automatically frowned
as I said the words. I shook my head. “You are disappointed, aren't
just looked so shocked. He kissed my stomach again.
rubbed my hand over my stomach. It was full and round. My eyes
widened. I looked to him to explain what was going on once again.
“Why is my stomach so big?”
smiled at me and made the rocking motion with arms. I stared at him
in wonder. I was the only one who got to see him this way. This was
just for me. He was smiling, rocking his arms and kissing my tummy.
you sure?” I looked from him to my stomach and back again. I smiled
at him in wonder. He had done this to me. He had slept with me and
gotten pregnant. He loved me enough to give me a child. And I wanted
it with all my heart. “Our baby, a baby just for us?”
he pointed to me and then to himself, “Aideyoung.” And then he
smiled and rocked his arms again.
the baby is growing so fast, is it healthy? Does the doctor know? Is
everything okay?” I grabbed onto his shoulders and looked in his
eyes. “You can't understand me anyway.” I let go. “Which is
probably good because you would have had to listen to a lot of
babbling. It is better to leave you thinking that I might have said
something intelligent.” I looked back at him and he looked like he
was hiding a smile.
baby, that explains a lot. It also means that I can eat again and
that I'm not dying. I will surprise you with my appetite at supper. I
think I'm starving.”
said something to the intercom and smiled at me. He was all smiles
today. “You are clearly happy about this, right? I wonder if this
means you will keep me?” I pondered. He threw his arms around me
and held me tight.
was a knock on the door. He jumped up and went to the door naked. Our
servant woman came in with a tablet full of food. She didn't even
look at his nakedness. He must come from a planet that was a lot more
liberal about things like that.
was I saying? We had sex on the dining room table for all to see
twice. Yeah, his planet was a lot more liberal than mine.
she left he brought the tablet of food over to me. He grabbed a bowl
and started feeding me right away. I was so hungry that I ate a lot
and quickly too. He still had a playful look in his eyes. He took
some of the pudding and circled my nipples with it. The pudding was
cold and it made my nipples stand out.
looked at his handiwork for a moment and lowered his head to my
breast. The sensation of him suckling there, like our baby soon
would, made my breath catch. My hand went to his head and caressed
him lovingly.
I felt
a need to cradle him in my arms.
I thought about it I slipped my finger into the pudding and rubbed it
on his lips. I leaned in to kiss it off. He was so still that I
remembered that I wasn't allowed to do that.
sorry. I forgot.” My hand flew to my mouth, shocked at what I had
done. “Please, don't hit me.”
grabbed me by both of my wrists. He looked at the food and then at my
fingers and shook his head.
wish you would explain why not? Do I have to starve if you ever get
He was
laughing at something. I looked at myself wherever I could see and
the only odd thing I saw was my stomach. I looked at it even closer.
It was bigger than what it had been a few minutes ago.
my stomach just grow?” I was ignoring his scolding and he didn't
like that but my stomach was just so much more interesting.
twisted my hand and laid his hands on my tummy. It felt like the baby
was moving. I looked at him surprised.
our baby moving already?”
threw me off for a second but then I realized, what else would
someone say in that moment.
slowly moved my hands to my tummy too. “May I?”
slowly moved his hands away. I laid my hands down. I felt a kick.
“The baby wants to play with us.” I grabbed one of his hands back
to my stomach. We each had one on my tummy. The baby kicked us again
and again. I had a picture in my head like the baby liked this game.
I smiled at Aide even though I was crying.
a beautiful moment. I hope, I will never forget it.”
nodded He looked like he understood me.
love you. I'm sorry I didn't believe you about the baby. It's just
that human babies grow a lot slower. I wish you could tell me when
the baby is due.”
. . .” He looked me deeply in the eyes. I could tell he had been
moved by the baby's first kicks.
kissed me and moved on top of me. He was very careful of my stomach
as he entered me. He gently made love to me.
I laid
my arms lovingly on his shoulders. “You're right, the baby should
feel that Mommy and Daddy love each other.”
stopped at looked at me again. I'd never get used to him staring in
my eyes like that. He gave me the impression like he understood me.
He probably did. I too could read things out of his eyes, too.
must have eaten too much last night again. I'm sorry.” I looked at
Aide who was sitting behind me on the bathroom floor. “The baby is
just growing so fast that my body just can't keep up.” I was
sobbing as I do when I throw up. My parents used to roll their eyes
at that but Aide looked like his heart was breaking.
helped me up and walked me over to the sink. He left his arm around
me or I would have surely fallen to the floor again.
so sorry that I'm being so disgusting. I'm not doing it on purpose.
I'm sorry.”
walked me back to bed and moved in close again. I grabbed his hand
and held it for a while. He was laying so still so he wouldn't upset
my stomach again.
looked down into my eyes. “You need to go and eat breakfast. The
others can't start until you get there. And besides that, you need to
keep up your strength so you can carry me back and forth to the
He was
laughing at me. His whole body was shaking from it.
stop. Please stop.” My hand moved up to my mouth. “Bathroom, now
lifted me up and had me in the bathroom in the wink of an eye. The
whole throwing up and apologizing thing started all over again. He
spoke with the intercom again. He brought me back to bed and I fell
asleep on his chest.
I woke
up alone. I was lonely and I didn't want to be. I wanted Aide. I was
sobbing and calling out his name. I laid my head on my knees and
cried my heart out.
I felt
arms being wrapped around me. It was Aide. “You came. I was so
alone. Please take me with you when you leave. I just can't be
without you.”
grabbed my clothes and tried to put them on me but they didn't fit
anymore. My breasts had gotten too big and my stomach too. That
brought on more tears. I sobbed on my knees again. “I've gotten so
ugly and big.”
picked me up and stood me on my feet. He grabbed me around my waist
again. His hand came down on my backside eleven times. I had already
been in tears before he had started but I was bawling by the times he
He sat
down on the bed and pulled my on his lap. I started right in
apologizing again. I was a wreck. I knew I was acting bizarrely but I
just couldn't stop.
servant came in and laid new clothes down on the bed. He picked up
the new bodice and carefully dressed me in it. It was a little big.
“You wanted it big so it will fit tomorrow too, right?”
gave me a look that said, I warning you. I shut my mouth and stopped
complaining. I sniffled as I sat on his lap. He had me stand up and
helped me step into my new skirt.
looked like a tent. I laid my hands on my stomach. I was obviously
pregnant. The bump that was my tummy was bigger than yesterday. I
laid my hands on it.
so sorry. I don't know why I am acting this way.” He was closing up
my skirt from behind. I looked behind me. He concentrated on the
laces. When he was finished he stood up and pulled me along with him
out the door.
went back to his court. I sat on his lap. The whole room seemed to be
focused on my tummy. Aide was grinning from ear to ear. He probably
felt very manly and potent. He had gotten me pregnant.
leaned into his chest and took a nap.
When I
woke up we were still in the throne room. Our servant gave Aide a
bowl of my favorite pudding. My stomach was rumbling. Aide was
watching me, as was everyone else. He dipped his finger in the
pudding and started to feed me. I was starving. I licked his finger
clean and waited for more. He was quick to give me more. I noticed
that the whole court was waiting for me to be fed so it could
continue. They didn't seem to mind. They were watching me like my
older brother watch sports on TV. They weren't blinking either.
I made
my hand movement for water.
snapped his fingers and off went our servant woman. He continued to
feed me. Keeping the baby happy seemed very important to him. I
wondered about my spanking from before. What had he spanked me for? I
had made sense at the time. I said something mean about myself and he
spanked me but how could he have known?
I was
being ridiculous. He spanked me because I was whining and because I
was annoying him. I was annoying myself too for that matter. He was
so caring about everything. I should be more thankful.
you for taking such good care of me.” I looked into his purple eyes
as they softened as he smiled at me. He really did love me.
leaned down to me and kissed me on my forehead.
finished my bowl of food and slowly drank the water the servant woman
brought me. Why didn't she have any clothes on, I wondered? I leaned
into Aide and looked down at my tummy. It seemed bigger again. At
this rate the baby would be due in a couple of days.
would be a family then. I wanted to know what I was to him. Maybe if
I asked him? We were both getting better at reading thoughts out of
each others eyes. I wanted to hear that he would keep me forever but
that probably wasn't true. He had known how my body would respond to
him better than I had. He was most certainly an experienced lover
Maybe this wasn't even his first child. I took a sip of water so no
one could see that I was crying again.
he just take the baby and throw me away after the baby was born? I
hide my head in his chest and let my hair cover my face. I was about
to fall asleep when I heard a woman complaining that a man had stolen
her food, directly from her plate. Her voice sounded so familiar.
peeked out at her. I knew her, she had been in a class with me in my
first year. We had gotten along really well. It had been a class
about the history of movies. I had sat next to her and made jokes
about Rosebud. I sat up straight and looked at her.
eyes met. She remembered me too. I got up and wanted to go to her.
Her eyes fell to my stomach. I stopped and laid my hands protectively
over my baby.
turned and looked at Aide. He held his arm out for me to return to
his knee. I couldn't risk the baby. I wasn't sure if it could survive
a normal spanking. He had been gentle enough about the spanking when
we were alone but in front of others he would have to show that he
had me under control.
I went
to him and sat down. “I want her to be properly feed. She is a very
nice girl.” I looked at her and not at Aide.
said something and she bowed down before us. “Thank you, Melissa.”
tensed. Every muscle in his body grew hard. I looked him in the eye.
“Where I come from it would have been very rude if she hadn't
addressed me and thanked me.”
knew it. You can understand me. I bet you have been since you got
your earring.” I looked at it closer. It must be changing the
things I said into his language. “I have to get one too, don't I?”
smiled at me.
scared,” I whispered.
pulled me closer and continued his work. I thought about that
terrible machine that shot the bug things into the ears. It made
sense to put them in the cartilage part of the ear. It could change
the vibrations in the ear but I was afraid of the pain.
pain of birthing baby seemed to be just around the corner too. I had
known a lot of pain here. The spankings, losing my virginity, the
public embarrassments and the bathtub burning from the red light. I
wasn't a chicken or anything but if pain could be avoided I would
choose that route.
birth to this giant's baby was probably going to hurt, a lot. And if
no one was allowed to touch me than who would catch the baby when it
came out? Or would it be strong enough to rips it way out of my body?
Was that the my purpose to be here as a baby carrier? Of course I
would be willingly to die for our baby but I would rather be there to
see him growing up.