Two Loves for Alex (9 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

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“I already have. Now let me ask you something.”

“Yes, Sir?”

“Who do you belong to?”

Daniel felt himself melting inside. Those five words had a way of sending him directly to a peaceful, deeply calming and sensual place he realized he hadn’t been occupying lately. While it was thrilling to dominate Alex
was where he belonged.

“You, Sir,” he whispered, slipping from the sofa to kneel at Liam’s feet. “I’m sorry I forgot. I won’t forget again.”

“Thank you, Daniel. Go wait with Alex. Talk to her and let her know we’re okay. Make sure she understands the dynamic between us.” He tapped Daniel’s shoulder and Daniel rose to go.

As he was walking out the door, his step lighter and his heart at ease, Liam said, “Oh and, Daniel?”

He turned backed expectantly. “Yes, Sir?”

“I love you.”


When Daniel entered the bedroom, Alex was lying on one side of the bed looking small and vulnerable. He lay down beside her and stroked her smooth bare thigh. “I know that was hard on you, being forced to participate in my discipline. I needed reminding and Liam did the right thing. You do understand you still belong to me, right?”

Alex nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

Even though Liam had been right to punish him, he couldn’t help but wonder how Alex’s participation in and witnessing of it would affect his relationship with her as her Dom. It was a strange situation to be in.

Alex distracted him from his thoughts. “Daniel, may I speak?”

“What? Yes. Yes, of course.”

In a small voice she asked, “What about me?”


He waited. She was clearly agitated. Finally she mumbled, “I don’t know.” She turned her body away from him.

He reached for her, gently pulling her back to face him. “Yes you do. It’s okay to speak freely. What’s going on? What about you?”

She took a deep breath. “It’s just…”

“Go on.” He pulled her to him and she snuggled against his chest and he held her close.

“You and Liam. You’re so in love and…”

All at once he knew. This brash young woman who had come tumbling into their lives, confidently assuring them she wasn’t looking for love but only a true submissive experience had now changed her mind or at least her heart. She was looking for something more.

Was it possible for three people to be in love? Did he have room in his heart for Alex? Did Liam? Once he would have completely dismissed the idea out of hand, but now, holding the sweet feisty girl in his arms, he was no longer so sure. D/s was by its nature a certain kind of love. But was it enough?

He waited for Alex to continue, to force the issue to the forefront, but all she said was, “Nothing. Never mind.”

Chapter 7

Alex sat in the alcove off the living room in her favorite spot for writing, her laptop perched on her bare thighs. It was hard to believe it was already Friday. She hadn’t written much since she’d been back, too busy living out her real-life fantasies to write about them.

She’d had four novels published, each one featuring heroines who more or less fell into a D/s situation and found true love in the process. Her last novel had been pure fantasy, featuring a beautiful but sheltered young princess who was captured during a battle between powerful warlords and forced into sexual servitude that somehow evolved into true love.

The current work in progress was set in the present day. It was about a young woman who tries her hand as the sexual submissive to two men. Alex was having great fun writing it, though in her story the heroine was tall with long, rippling red hair and flashing eyes, and the two heroes were straight, both vying for her love.

Even if she couldn’t script this particular adventure she was living, she had to admit she was having the time of her life. She felt more alive than she’d ever felt. Each moment was erotically charged. She was constantly on fire and they let her come more often than not. Even when they denied her this only served to stoke her masochistic fires.

Mundane chores like polishing the oak stairs and dusting the baseboards had taken on an erotic aspect. Any chore not completed with perfection was met with Daniel’s hard, sexy hand on her ass. She did her best to please him but he always found at least one area for improvement each day. She couldn’t help but notice his erection when he spanked her. He got off as much as she did on the so-called punishments he meted out before Liam came home each day.

Daniel was out at his favorite seafood market picking up fresh lobster for the bisque he planned to make that evening. He’d told her after she finished putting clean sheets on the all the beds she could have free time.

Too bad he’d put on the chastity belt before he left. She’d been teased and sexually tortured unmercifully yesterday and not permitted to come. Daniel no doubt knew the temptation to let her fingers stray would be too much for her. She cupped the leather codpiece that kept her from touching herself.

She found if she pressed her thighs together in a certain way she could exert enough pressure on her clit to ease some of the ache though not enough to actually climax. She did this now, rocking back and forth, the image of Liam fucking Daniel in her mind’s eye. She loved watching the two hard-bodied beautiful men moving together in that perfect erotic ballet, Liam’s long cock sliding in and out of Daniel’s firm ass.

Because they were longtime lovers they didn’t use condoms with each other. When she had arrived for the initial week of training she’d produced a clean bill of sexual health courtesy of the local clinic and they’d produced their current lab results as well. They were still inclined to use condoms with her the few times they’d fucked her even though she’d assured them she was on birth control.

She hated condoms. More than that though, she, right or wrong, saw their use of condoms with her as a way of maintaining a distance they didn’t keep with each other. She knew she should be grateful for what she got and in fact she was. She was lucky they took her into their bed as often as they did.

A few times after extensive training sessions they had made love to her. Afterward, however, she was always sent to her room to sleep. Sometimes it took every ounce of control not to beg to be permitted to stay with them all night. She didn’t though. Not because of pride or obedience but because she knew she couldn’t stand the feeling of utter rejection when they refused.

Better to focus on the positive. Like the upcoming play party. As the day approached, it had become a major topic of conversation at the dinner table with Daniel and Liam discussing the guest list at length as well as details of the party planning.

They were having it catered and staffed by servers so Daniel wasn’t distracted from his primary task as Liam’s sub. They were going to use a small company they’d used in the past, the owner of which was heavily into the scene and happy to dress his waiters, who were also his personal slaves, in suitable slave gear. Since the fare would be an assortment of appetizers Daniel was less particular than if they’d been catering a sit-down meal.

Food would be set out buffet style in the dining room with the waitstaff moving among the guests with trays of goodies and flutes of champagne. Serious play would take place upstairs in the playroom, but that didn’t preclude scenes from happening wherever the whim of the Doms at the party took them.

She was to wear a white silk camisole and white silk thong panties. All the subs would be wearing white, the Doms in black. Alex was excited by the idea of being forced to submit to any and everyone in the room. Intercourse wasn’t permitted at the party but pretty much everything else was.

Liam and Daniel had already told Alex she would be expected to stop whatever she was doing and present herself when ordered. She’d been told they planned to put her through her paces to show the other Masters what a submissive slave girl they owned. Bubbles of nervous excitement burst in her tummy every time she tried to imagine just what was in store for her.

She heard Daniel’s truck pulling into the driveway and hurried from the alcove to the front hall. Like Liam, Daniel had Alex kneel for him when he came home from his occasional errand. He liked for her to kneel down, her head touching the floor, her arms behind her back. As an added touch he liked her to face away from the door so her upraised ass greeted him. This both embarrassed and aroused Alex, two prevailing emotions in her submissive training.

She heard the door open and shut and the sound of grocery bags being set down. Daniel’s large hands moved over her bare ass and she shivered. She felt the tug at her belt and heard the tiny click as the locks were released. The device was pulled away from her body.

“Are you hot for me?” Daniel’s voice was husky. His fingers pushed at once into both her pussy and ass, catching Alex off guard. The question caught her even more off guard. He’d never asked her something like that before. What did he care? He only had eyes for Liam.

He moved his fingers roughly inside her. “Answer the question.”

“Yes, Sir. Always, Sir,” she answered honestly. The fingers were withdrawn and Daniel hauled her to her feet. He was wearing jeans and a bright yellow T-shirt that brought out the rich bronzed tan of his muscular arms. He looked good enough to eat and Alex swallowed to keep from choking on her own saliva.

“Get on your knees and suck my cock.”

Alex obeyed at once, eagerly pulling at his fly. He helped her, pushing his jeans and underwear to his knees. Why was he doing this? He wasn’t allowed to come without Liam’s express permission.

His beautiful thick cock sprang fully erect, the skin hot from the summer day and its confinement in his jeans. Greedily Alex took it into her mouth, sucking and licking the fat head before moving forward slowly to take its full length.

Daniel moaned and put his hands on either side of her head. “Good. Yes. Yes. Like that…” He let her please him for several minutes. Her sex was throbbing and she shifted her legs, pressing her thighs together in an attempt to ease the ache.

Was he going to come without Liam’s presence? Would she say anything if he did? No, she would not. It was not her place. Still the idea filled her with disquiet. She knew how Daniel worshipped Liam. To come without his permission was a betrayal of his beliefs. She didn’t want to be a part of that betrayal.

He too had been sexually tortured and teased the night before and sent to bed with a raging, unspent erection. Liam said he wanted his subs extra needy the night of the party. Knowing Daniel was trying to sleep with the same unrequited desire she had faced had made her night alone in her bed a little less lonely.

He began to pant, thrusting his hips in a way she’d come to recognize that signaled his impending release. What should she do? Would he be able to control himself? Was her allegiance first to him or to Liam? Was there a rule book on this stuff and could she get a copy?

She knew how awful Daniel would feel if he disobeyed Liam, whether or not Liam knew about it. Deciding to risk overstepping, Alex pulled back just long enough to say, “Sir? Liam’s directive?”

Daniel’s eyes flew open and he gasped, not with pleasure. She realized then he’d been seconds away from orgasm. His eyes focused on her and darkened. “Are you questioning me?” He slapped her cheek, startling her. Tears sprang to her eyes and she touched the hot skin, not sure how to answer.

Daniel pulled his pants back up and zipped the fly. He knelt beside her. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for. You’re right to question me. We both belong to him before anything else. Liam called me while I was out. He wants me on the edge for tomorrow’s party. He told me to come home and have you suck my cock. He warned me not to come.”

Daniel pushed his hair out of his face and blew out a breath. “Thanks for looking out for me.” He cupped one of Alex’s breasts. Her nipples strained toward him. In a low voice he added, “Liam gave me further instruction. Lie down and spread your legs.”

Alex obeyed, watching with amazement as Daniel crouched between her legs. He leaned down and drew his tongue over her spread, already-very-wet pussy. Alex shivered and moaned. Daniel slapped her spread cunt with his open palm and she yelped, unprepared.

will not come
.” He emphasized each word. “He wants us both on fire. Understood? I’m going to take you to the edge, but if you slip over, you’ll spend the next twenty-four hours in the cage. Got it?”

“Yes, Sir,” Alex whispered.

Daniel leaned forward again, snaking his tongue over her sensitive folds until she was squirming and sighing. It felt so good. Too good. After only a few minutes she knew she had to stop him or she’d be in serious trouble.

“Daniel…Sir…please…” He ignored her, licking and lapping as if he were actually enjoying himself. “No…you’ve got to…” Weakly she pushed at his head, though her effort was halfhearted. It felt so damn good…just a little more…

All at once he pulled back and Alex realized she had been a nanosecond from orgasm. She lay limp with legs spread, the sticky petals of her sex swollen from his kisses.

“Get up. We have work to do.” Alex forced herself to obey though her bones felt like rubber. Daniel retrieved the chastity belt and locked it in place. He pulled the straps tight and patted her leather-covered sex. He lifted his eyebrows. “You would have come if I hadn’t stopped, am I right?”

Alex couldn’t deny it. She smiled sheepishly. “Thanks for looking out for me.”


Alex and Daniel stood side by side, their arms at their sides, their eyes straight ahead. Alex was wearing a silky top that hugged the curves of her high, full breasts and cascaded in pretty folds from her perking nipples. Her panties barely covered her shaven mons, thin straps of lace along her hips holding the white silk and disappearing into the crack of her shapely ass.

Daniel was wearing white silk lounge pants that fit loosely over his muscular ass and legs. His cock and balls were bound in a white cotton strap that separated his balls and forced his cock into a pleasing erection beneath the silk. His bronzed muscular chest was bare.

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