Two Loves for Alex (7 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Two Masters for Alex

BOOK: Two Loves for Alex
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“It’s time to talk about the party.”

“The party?” Alex sipped at her lemonade.

“We’re having a play party next weekend.”

“Am I invited?”

“Not only are you invited, you’ll be the center of attention, as will I. That is, if you choose to attend. Because you’re still so new to us Liam thinks you should be given the option of going or not.” Daniel tried to keep from furrowing his brow but didn’t quite succeed.

He had wanted to insist Alex come to the party and participate fully but Liam had overruled him, claiming it wasn’t right to push a sub past her limits, especially a relative novice like Alex.

He’d found himself annoyed with Liam’s decision. Wasn’t Alex supposed to be
sub? Still he knew in his heart Liam was right. Not only that, Liam had the final say, period. He owned Daniel, not the other way around. This thought comforted and warmed Daniel so he smiled as he continued.

“Liam’s been holding these parties a few times a year since before I knew him. He invites Doms and subs, mostly couples but not exclusively—people he’s met over the years in the scene. Some are heavy into the club scene, others, like us, mostly keep our play private.

“But on party night a different set of rules apply. People may come to the door as couples, as lovers, as Master and slave or Dom and sub, but once they cross the threshold every sub is to serve every Dom in the room.

“We’ll be expected to satisfy the whims and pleasures of all the dominant guests. It’s a chance for the Doms to show off how well their subs are trained. It’s also a chance for the subs to prove their obedience and willingness to submit to whomever it pleases their Master that they should.”

“Wow,” Alex enthused. “It sounds intense.”

“Oh, it is. But it’s also a lot of fun. He only invites people who are very experienced in the scene. They know better than to take advantage of someone else’s property. That doesn’t mean you won’t be whipped or even fucked by a stranger on party night but you won’t be abused.”

He was watching her, trying to gauge her reaction to party night. She looked excited. On an impulse he reached across the table and took hold of one erect nipple poking against the fabric of her sundress. He twisted it sharply, wrenching a surprised gasp of pain from Alex.

“So tell me. Do you accept the invitation? Think before you say yes because I won’t be the only one doing something like this and much more besides.” He grabbed the other nipple and pinched.

Alex shut her eyes and blew air through her lips. He knew she was mastering the pain—trying to rise above it. He twisted again and she said, “Ah,” drawing out the word, an echo of pleasure and pain in equal parts.

He let her go and stood back waiting. She opened her eyes and cupped her breasts, looking down at her crotch. “Will I have to wear this chastity belt thing?”

Daniel threw back his head and laughed. “No, you little slut. We wouldn’t want to keep the goodies from the guests, now would we?”


Liam had finished with his appointments in time to catch the 3:07 from the city, which meant he could be home by 4:30 or so, a full two hours earlier than usual. He started to call Daniel when he boarded the train to let him know but decided not to. He could give him the ten-minute heads-up when he got to his car.

Yet even then for some reason he didn’t call. Why shouldn’t he just pop in on them and see what they were doing? He wouldn’t find them waiting naked and kneeling by the door. Instead he’d catch them in the act.


The act? What was going on in his head? He trusted Daniel implicitly. Even after that one painful incident when he’d walked in them…no, he didn’t even like to remember it. Daniel had been right back then. It had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with obedience. Daniel had been punished and that was that.

If you trust him, act like it
, Liam told himself firmly.
Don’t go skulking around looking for trouble. You’ve never been a jealous man. Don’t start now. You want Alex there as much as he does.

Nodding with resolve, he took out his phone and called the number he knew best. When Daniel answered, he said, “I’ll be home in a few minutes. Sorry for the short notice.”

When he entered the foyer he was greeted by his two kneeling subs. Alex was still wearing the chastity belt. Liam’s cock stirred with the sudden desire to rip it from her and take her then and there.

He turned his attention to Daniel, stepping in front of him and tapping his shoulder. Daniel stood and Liam kissed him, at the same time grabbing his hard-muscled ass and smacking it hard. Daniel’s eyes widened at the unexpected blow and predictably his cock began to lengthen.

Liam stepped back and moved toward the girl, tapping her shoulder. She rose gracefully, her eyes still downcast. “How was your first day of chastity, Alex? How did it make you feel to lose access to your own body?”

She looked up at his direct question, biting her lip in that nervous way she had. They would have to work on that. “It was fine, I guess.”

“Fine?” He raised his eyebrows. “Let’s try again. When your Master asks you a question about how something he’s done to you makes you feel you don’t give a perfunctory answer like that. You think about it, you weigh and measure it in your mind and then you speak from your heart. You tell the truth and you provide detail. If there are things you liked about it you share that along with what you found distasteful or difficult. That doesn’t mean anything will change but it’s important we know what’s going on inside your head, especially when you’re still so new to us.”

He glanced toward Daniel for agreement and for a split second almost thought he saw a scowl there. But in a flash it was gone, replaced by a serious nod. “That’s right, Alex. Answer Liam’s question properly. You should know better by now.”

“Yes, Sir.” Alex directed this toward Daniel. Then she faced Liam. “It makes me feel, um, submissive. I mean, it’s kind of uncomfortable, getting used to the strap pulled up between my legs like that, and before Daniel loosened it, it was really tight around my waist. But I guess at the same time that discomfort made me all the more aware of it. Aware I couldn’t touch myself even if I wanted to. It made me feel kind of sexy. Also kind of vulnerable. You know, like I had to depend on someone else if I needed to use the bathroom.”

“And did you?” Liam interrupted, wishing he had been there to watch her humiliation and determined the next time she asked he would be the one to take her to the toilet.

“Did I what?”

“Did I what,
,” Daniel interjected. Dutifully Alex repeated the question, flushing slightly.

“Did you ask Daniel to let you pee and empty your bowels?”

Alex’s flush darkened. “Only to…to pee, Sir.”

“Speak up, you’re mumbling.” Liam was thoroughly enjoying the gentle humiliation. He glanced at Daniel, whose cock was also rising. Unlike Liam, he had no pants and jacket to hide it.

She repeated herself, louder this time. “Well,” Liam said ponderously. “Since I intend to engage in some anal play before dinner I suggest we go this minute to the bathroom so you can relieve yourself.”

“Oh no, I couldn’t—” Alex took a step backward.

Before Liam could respond Daniel shot forward, gripping the girl’s arm and pulling her down into a kneeling position. “Did I just hear you say
, slave? You don’t say no to us. Not ever. Understand?” He jerked her hair for emphasis.

Liam frowned. What was getting into Daniel? Yes, Alex was his toy,
while Liam was away
. This emerging dominant behavior even while in Liam’s presence was disconcerting and frankly he didn’t like it.

He wouldn’t undermine Daniel’s authority in front of Alex. He would take him aside and explain the rules better. It was probably his fault. He hadn’t been clear enough from the beginning. He reminded himself it was unfair to punish a sub for breaking rules he didn’t know existed.

Focusing on the kneeling girl, he said, “Daniel is right, Alex. If you have reservations about something you’re asked to do you can request permission to discuss it. We’ll listen to you and weigh your concerns and make our decision accordingly.”

“That’s right—” Daniel began.

This time it was Liam who interrupted. “Daniel. I’m speaking now. Kneel beside Alex and be quiet.”

Daniel looked as if he’d been struck. His cheeks, normally ruddy, became beet red and he looked down at the ground. “Yes, Sir,” he whispered, nearly breaking Liam’s heart. They would have to talk this through, but for the moment Alex had to be dealt with.

“Go on, Alex. Answer the question. What are your worries about using the toilet in front of your Masters? Don’t you know your body and its functions, all of them, belong to us? Just because we haven’t chosen to observe you in the bathroom doesn’t mean we don’t have that right, do you understand?

“If I wanted you to use newspaper on the kitchen floor and sleep in a dog bed next to the stove that’s what you’d do. That’s the level of control and submission I demand from you.

“That doesn’t mean I’ll necessarily choose to exercise that sort of control. I have a different approach than some Masters who don’t believe a slave has the right to sit on the furniture or eat off a plate. They’re kept constantly in chains and humiliated and beaten on a regular basis without any showing of love to offset the cruelty.

“That’s not for me or Daniel either. We want a loving relationship. That’s what we share with each other and what we want with you. But don’t let that lull you into a sense of equality. By definition you are not equal. You abdicated that status when you accepted those silver cuffs.

“That doesn’t mean you can’t walk out the door any time you want to. Now even, if it suits you. But for as long as you choose to stay here you belong to us and you will obey. Do I make myself clear?”

Alex looked up at him with shining eyes. He knew in that moment she was a true submissive even if she was yet to be fully trained as Daniel was. He saw and understood how his words had spoken to something deep inside her. She wanted what he offered. She longed for it. He was certain.

She began to speak. “I’m sorry, Sir. I’m not used to performing such an intimate act in front of someone. It’s, you know, icky.” He suppressed his grin, keeping his expression grave as he listened. “But I know you’re right. I do want to surrender myself to you.” She glanced toward Daniel. “To both of you. If that’s what you require of me, I am pleased to obey, Sir.”

“Nicely spoken.” He touched the top of her head with a light hand. “We’ll go upstairs to our bathroom where there’s plenty of room.” He tapped her shoulder and Alex rose. He looked toward Daniel who remained kneeling still as stone, his head bowed.

“Come on, Daniel,” Liam said gently as he touched his shoulder. “Come show me how obedient your sub girl is.”

Chapter 6

Alex stood naked save for the chastity belt. Her sex throbbed gently, still aching from Daniel’s earlier teasing and the thought of the upcoming play party. By design she was kept constantly on the edge of desire. The slightest touch from either man could make her tremble, and this thrilled her deep in her masochistic soul.

Being ordered to poop in front of two guys, even if they owned her, was another thing altogether. She did have to go but had been waiting for the chance for some privacy. Earlier that afternoon she’d done some weeding in the hot June sun and worked up a sweat. She knew Daniel would want her freshly showered and groomed before Liam got home and had planned to seize the opportunity then to use the toilet. Liam’s unexpectedly early arrival, however, had precluded her chance.

Daniel knelt in front of her, unlocking the padlocks and releasing the confining harness. She stepped out of it, reminding herself,
I signed up for this. This is what I wanted

Intellectually she understood and even agreed with Liam’s assertion if she were to belong to them she must give of herself fully—not only when she felt comfortable. She understood Daniel’s words as well, that modesty had no place in a submissive’s life.

But intellect and emotion were two very different things. She looked to Liam, who was watching her with a small enigmatic smile. She was struck not for the first time by what a handsome pair the two men made—Liam with his dark brown hair and eyes, Daniel, so sunny blond with those piercing blue-gray eyes like the color of the sea at dawn.

A sense of disbelief settled over her. Did these two accomplished, gorgeous, sexy men really want her in their lives on a long-term basis? Or would they soon tire of playing with a girl and send her away, her heart in pieces?

Stop it, drama queen. This isn’t one of your romance novels.

She realized they were both watching her—waiting. Daniel gestured toward the toilet with a jerk of his head. “Go on.”

Her stomach clutched and she knew she was blushing. She’d never felt comfortable on the toilet in front of others even in the closest of long-term relationships. This wasn’t about her comfort, she reminded herself. This was about submission. Maybe, it occurred to her, this was her first truly submissive act.

She moved toward the toilet and sat down, closing her eyes. Her gut roiled and her muscles clenched. She tried to will her body to relax. She really did have to go but wasn’t at all sure she’d be able to in front of them, even with the best of intentions.

Liam’s voice made her open her eyes. “I’m proud of you, Alex. You’re making a real effort to obey even though it’s obvious this is very difficult for you. It’s the first step to true submission. Go ahead and shower in here when you’re done. Then meet us in the playroom.”

He and Daniel left the bathroom, shutting the door with a click. Alex stared after them in open-mouthed amazement, feeling as if she’d just been pardoned at the chopping block.


“You know, I’m not sure that was the right decision. With Alex, you have to follow through or she—”

Liam cut him off. “Nobody asked you, slave boy.”

Daniel snapped his mouth shut, his cheeks reddening. Liam felt bad for him but also annoyed. This really needed to be nipped in the bud. “We need to talk, Daniel. This is my fault. I haven’t given you clear enough direction.”

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