Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey (21 page)

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“Thank you, my lord,” I said.

His hands played in my hair for a few minutes and then he untied my left hand. “Nezzie, this is where you belong,” he said as he caressed my breasts. “I need you to reaffirm your status to me. I need your assurance that I have your complete trust and submission; that you’ll stay here below me, with me, under me. It’s important as we approach this juncture. Do you understand?”

“Yes, my lord. I am yours in body, mind, and spirit. I trust you and belong to you wholly, without hesitation. I am here below for your taking, for your pleasure and for your mind. Take me, my lord. I am yours.”

Ty’s words,
I got your back
, echoed in my mind. Sunny’s smile:
He's a good man, Miss Nez
. I said a silent prayer that I was not making the biggest mistake of my life.


I had not told Mr. Delacroix that Ty was coming, but somehow he knew. Maybe Ty contacted Sunny and told him. Among the four of us, there were no more secrets and for the first time in my life, I knew I was safe. Everyone loved me, respected me, and valued me. Never had I known such acceptance. Wild horses could not drag me away.

“Good morning, my lady, I trust you slept well?” Mr. Delacroix came into the bedroom with a tray carrying a small French press, ornate porcelain coffee cup, a small matching creamer, and a bowl of fruit and yogurt. I sat, painfully, to receive my morning nourishment from my loving lord.

“Nezzie, are you okay?”

“Yes, my lord, just a little tenderness,” I said as I adjusted my back-side.

“Oh, Nezzie, your poor little delicate ass,” he said as he set the tray in front of me. “Not to worry, my dear. Eat up now and I promise I’ll make it all better.”

I pressed my coffee as he stood at the window, transferring his weight from one foot to the other as if he were rocking a baby. His ass was hard and his arms crossed in front of him showing well-defined triceps that flexed and relaxed with the movement. His hair was getting longer. The dark chocolate curls fell in skimming waves and touched his neck.

“It’s a cloudy day,” he said as he turned his electric blue eyes to me. He stopped midsentence and dialed into my admiration; his for me reflected in his eyes. “Nezzie, you have no idea how deeply you touch me,” he sighed.

I sipped my coffee in silence and watched him as he gazed through the window. The daylight was muted grays and greens, but the light in our room, the light he and I shared, was brighter than the sun.

He came to my side and fed me a strawberry with his fingers. “We’re getting close to the last of them for this year. It’s getting warm.”

“Are these from the farm at Twisted Oak, sir?” I asked.

“Yep, good old Louisiana strawberries, they don’t get any better than this.” He lifted another to my mouth. “Soon they’ll be your strawberries.”

I was confounded by his need for submission the previous evening, almost bringing me to the point of using a safe word, and now he was telling me that it was all going to belong to me?

“Is it your intention to be obscure, my lord?” I asked, feeling cross because my backside hurt. I set my empty bowl down and sipped the last of my coffee.

“Oh love, I am sorrier than you’ll ever know that I am a pain in your delicate ass this morning. Let me help you,” he said as he took the tray away.

“Don’t try to be funny and don’t change the subject, sir. I’m confused and I depend on you for everything, so I need you to be serious and clarify. My lord, if it’s my submission you want, you have it, but I can only give it completely if I’m not confused.”

“As you wish, my lady. It’s my job to maintain your dream, as you say.” He set the tray on the nightstand and went to the bathroom to start my bath.

I stood, stretched my arms, and rubbed my backside, renewing the illicit sensation of a hand wet with my juices spanking it. The pain I felt in my anus only elicited more memories. He gently urged me to come into the bathroom.

“Come and bathe with me, my sweet submissive being,” Mr. Delacroix said as he dropped his pants and stepped into the tub. “Let’s you and I sit and clarify everything, shall we?”

I took his hand and he gently helped me down into the hot, soothing water.

“How’s that, my love? Is it to your specifications?”

The water was hot, but it was a perfect antidote to the pain. I leaned back and allowed the water to move underneath my sore, excited ass as it now began to ache for more.

Mr. Delacroix sat between my legs and the water rose. “Penny for your oh so fuckable thoughts, cher,” he said, and began to massage my breasts.

“My lord, please clarify before you succeed in distracting me,” I said with closed eyes. I could feel his manhood floating around my vagina.

“You’re begging again.” His hands began to move to my thighs that were open to him.

“I’m begging for clarity, sir. I’m still confused.” I leaned back, making my breasts sink under the water.

“All right, I’ll clarify, and then after you’re set straight, I will impale you with my dick.”

“Thank you, my lord.”

“Didn’t I tell you from the very beginning that you have the power?”

“Yes, sir,” I said as his hands found the point at which my thighs met my groin. My hips moved. The sound of ripples in the water voiced my hunger.

“Neige, everything I do, I do for you. All your service and your suffering for me give you power. Very simply, I am for you.”

“But the strawberries, my lord, how can they ever be mine? They’re of the earth and not affected by power.” It seemed as if he had a secret plan. If he meant marriage or a lifelong commitment, I needed to know.

“So fucking cerebral; I wish I could stick my dick in your ear and fuck your brain. You drive me mad with it, Nez, sheer fucking madness.”

“There you go again, playing games,” I said.

“Playing games
?” He twisted my nipple and I winced.

“Sorry, sir, my lord.”

“Good girl. Now where were we?”

“Strawberries, my lord, how can they be mine?”

“Oh, my love, that’s easy. They’ll be yours because I’ll die before you do.”

I came out of my reverie and looked him in the eye. “Sir, how do you know you’ll die before me, and how do you know we’ll still be together when you do?”

“One step at a time, my love. But now you know that I intend to maintain your dream until I die.” His blue eyes were eager and childlike as he lifted me in a blissful embrace and lowered me onto his hardness. My insides crumbled and rushed to meet him. The orgasm came on quickly, but lasted an eternity, an expression of thanksgiving as he filled me with his juice of life.

We sat in our embrace until the water became tepid. We showered together, washing one another and enjoying the simplicity of getting clean.

“Got a big day planned today. Sunny and Ty will be coming around for a late brunch. I’ve got champagne chilling and a catered meal,” he said as he brushed his hair.

“I didn’t realize you knew Ty was coming, my lord.”

“Sunny told me this morning when he got up for breakfast, but I told him to go to bed till later, that I’d be serving you this morning. I guess he’s probably still in bed. His place has been busier lately since he put Abby in charge of finding bands. Sunny’s is turning out to be quite a rock and roll venue. I hope he doesn’t miss it too much when he leaves.”

“It’s not like Twisted Oak is on another planet, my lord. He can still come a few days a week, if he wishes,” I pointed out as I put one last curl to my hair.

“True, and we’ll always have this place for when we want to come too. I’ll miss the city, for sure.” He pulled a new pair of silken pants on, golden tan this time.

“I know I will, my lord,” I sighed.

“Don’t worry, it’ll still be our home. It’s not like in Monique’s time when it took over a day to get from Twisted Oak. It’s only a two-and-a-half hour drive. Come, Nez, lie down on the bed so I can put some medicine on that fine ass of yours.”

I laid face down while he dabbed some kind of sweet-smelling salve in and around my anus. The pain went away and then he rubbed it on my cheeks, giving me a tingling sensation. His hands massaged me delicately. He placed his hand up underneath and cupped my most sensitive parts; my legs instinctively spread, pushing my ass upward.

“Nezzie, I appreciate your eagerness, but we’ve got plans,” he said as he pushed his fingers into my vagina and then slapped my ass with his wet fingers. “Stay ready, though.”

He went to the armoire. “Wear this today. I need you to be comfortable. There’ll be some physical activity before we dine.” He winked at me and I raised my eyebrows. “I won’t remind you again, my love, that I fuck when, what, where, and how I want, so be prepared for anything at any time. You’re called on to maintain my dreams too, Nezzie.”

“Yes, sir,” I said as I slipped on a short gauzy silken teddy that matched the color of his pants. The neckline and short hem showed nearly everything I had to show.

“Nezzie, your body is so beautiful. I wanna show it off to everyone,” he sighed, “but I covet you too. I find your body best adored when seen, but out of reach. You’re ravishing, my love, simply decadent.”

“Thank you, my lord,” I said as I examined myself in the mirror.

“I wanna fuck you, but we have to wait. There’s more fun in store today because we’re celebrating again.” He smiled and opened the bedroom door to the sound of Sunny’s sweet voice and gentle fingers strumming. He looked up and smiled to see Mr. Delacroix and me listening. To my surprise, Mr. Delacroix left my side and went to him. Sunny set his guitar aside and stood to receive him.

“Sunny, I’m so grateful that you’re coming home with us.”

Their kiss was magical, every bit as soulful as when Mr. Delacroix kissed me. When two people are in love, that precious emotion transcends the physical. It does not matter who or what you are, only love matters.

They let go of each other, and Sunny sat on the floor. I was comfortable with their relationship because I had come to know the root of it, that they were family, my family, and this is how we love one another. I was secure in Mr. Delacroix’s devotion to me. I just wished I could be as secure with his ability to control his temper. I shook the negative thought from my mind.

“Good morning,” I said to Sunny as I sat on my pillow. “I guess Ty must have called you. I’m sorry. I should have called you back last night.”

“It’s okay, Miss Nez. When I sent Ty your message I told him he was to stop by after he left. He wasn’t here very long. He was cryptic about what was going on, but he told me you helped him decide to come to Twisted Oak. How’d you do that? What’d you say?”

“I said ‘please’ in my special kind of way that apparently you men can’t say no to,” I joked. Mr. Delacroix listened in silence, his expression neutral.

“Miss Nez, you’re something else. I won’t push it, though, because I’m glad he’s coming and I know your heart’s in the right place,” Sunny said as he set to work tuning his guitar. “I appreciate your special connection with Ty.”

“Just think of it this way, Sunny. I think Ty finally understands that he isn’t the only one with demons,” I said. Mr. Delacroix shifted in his seat, but remained stoic. Sunny did not notice.

“Ya sure got that right, Miss Nez. Ya sure got that right.”

Mr. Delacroix went to the kitchen to collect crystal champagne flutes, strawberries, and some sweet cream to dip them in. He came back with a tray adorned with a single white rose with pink edges. “Things are gonna be so much better at Twisted Oak when we all get there. It’ll be a happy place again like it was when I was a kid. Mr. Scott and my dad would have the best times together. The music you play reminds me of them sometimes, Sunny.”

Sunny began his soothing absent-minded strumming. The champagne was cold. It went perfectly with the strawberries and cream.

“Brandy cream sauce from across the square,” Mr. Delacroix said, popping a cream-covered berry into his mouth. “Good stuff, but to be eaten in moderation.”

The door buzzer went off. “Must be Ty,” Sunny said, and moments later, Ty was beaming when he entered the room. “Finally, we all where we s’posed ta be!” We all raised our glasses in unison.

Sunny sat down in his spot and patted the floor next to him for Ty to sit. “We’ve got a lot to go over this afternoon, so don’t get too high off that champagne.”

“No, sir,” said Ty as he sat dutifully by Sunny’s side. “I been havin’ enough a dat las night. My gettin’ high days is over now, ya heah? I be a clean machine.”

I recalled Ty telling me he was going to do so much cocaine last night he would not feel a thing. He looked okay, but somewhat shaky. I still could not completely shake the pangs of addiction myself.

“Ty,” Sunny said, “what would you like me to play for you?”

“Oh damn, boss, I dunno. Let me think a bit,” he said, and put his finger to his chin. “I know. Play ‘Wonderful World’ for me, sir. I’d like it if you did.”

Sunny began: “
I see trees of green, red roses too. See them bloom, for me and you. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world . . .

Ty was so pleased he almost spilled his champagne. Sunny sounded perfect. I looked at Mr. Delacroix and he had his head leaned back on the sofa and was listening with his eyes closed. I wondered how Sunny could remember all the music. He knew so many songs by heart, like a human jukebox.

Sunny set his guitar aside and reached over to the coffee table. Dipping a strawberry into the cream, he fed one to Ty. He watched closely as Ty chewed; when Ty was ready to swallow, Sunny gently put his hand on Ty’s throat. You could see when Ty’s Adam’s apple moved because Sunny’s hand responded as if cresting a wave. Sunny was on his knees when he pulled Ty in by the throat and bent to kiss him long and hard. Ty turned into that caramel goo I remembered from weeks ago.

My groin fluttered with excitement and Mr. Delacroix patted my shoulder. I ached for it and he knew it. “Patience, little slut,” he whispered. I closed my eyes. My clit throbbed.

I opened my eyes as Sunny, facing Ty, dropped his purple silk pants. Immediately, without Sunny saying a word, Ty got up on his haunches and had Sunny’s dick in his mouth.

“That’s good, boy, real good.” Sunny’s hips started moving. He had a great ass; solid, bronze, smooth, and perfect in complexion. The muscles tightened with each hip thrust. I began to fidget and Mr. Delacroix reminded me that wiggling is not nice by giving me a soft slap on the face. Of course, Ty was speechless, but I could see the painful-looking bulge in his jeans.

Sunny backed away and turned around, leaving Ty imbalanced and groping for more, the bulging jeans looking painful as ever. Sunny’s penis was long, but not as thick as Mr. Delacroix’s. It was stunning from this perspective and my breath caught. Mr. Delacroix put his finger in my mouth and I greedily sucked. I felt a stir inside; that familiar orgasmic wave. I sucked harder as Sunny sat against the bookshelves, his penis so rigid that he appeared to have difficulty bending to sit. He took a bottle of lubricant from the shelf and began to stroke himself with it.

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