Twisted Affair Vol. 3 (6 page)

Read Twisted Affair Vol. 3 Online

Authors: M. S. Parker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Romance

BOOK: Twisted Affair Vol. 3
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Damn that man had a mouth on him!

His hands wrapped around my thighs, long fingers digging into my muscles as I bucked my hips against him. His tongue worked up and down, circling my clit and then flicking against the top of it before dropping down to dip into my pussy. It was the most exquisite torture I'd ever felt. I cursed and thrashed, begging him to make me come. Each time I got close, however, he'd stop and look up at me with those storm gray eyes, smiling as I called him every name I could think of in English and Czech. Then, just as my muscles began to cease their trembling, as the pressure inside me started to fade, he'd do it all over again.

When he finally took me over the edge, sucking on my clit until I came, screaming, everything went white. I didn't know how long the climax lasted, only that it felt the way I had always imagined eternity to be. Forever and an instant all at once. Beyond the concept of time.


Blayne's voice drew me back and I opened my eyes to see him hovering over me. I saw the question on his face and knew what he was asking. I wasn't entirely sure I could manage anything coherent yet so I nodded, a weak wobble, but he knew what it meant and, a moment later, I felt him slide inside my pussy, the cool latex warming instantly with our heat.

“Oh, my Kat,” he murmured as he slowly entered me. “You feel amazing.”

If another man had said that, I might've laughed, but hearing the words from Blayne made me catch my breath. Then he was all the way in, rocking against me and I gasped for a completely different reason. Every inch of my body felt like it was twice as sensitive as it had been before and he was pressing against my throbbing clit. I whimpered as he drew back and then wailed when he snapped his hips forward. He kept going like that. Slow withdrawals. Quick, hard thrusts forward. Each one drove me higher, sending pulsing, pounding pleasure over and through me. I came a second time within minutes and could feel myself working towards another when Blayne began to move faster.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist and held on as I came again. He swore as my body tightened around him, but it didn't slow him down at all. He rode me hard and fast until he buried himself deep, calling out my name.

My name.

Not hers.

He wanted me.

And I more than wanted him.



Chapter 7


As Katka snuggled closer to me, I wrapped my arm more securely around her and kissed the top of her head. It was funny, I thought. I'd never really been one for cuddling. I mean, there was always a couple minutes after a good fuck where legs weren't working properly or we both needed some time to breathe right again, but I didn't really consider that anything other than post-orgasmic down time. Even the odd time or two when I spent a weekend with a girl – the ones I remembered anyway – I didn't do the whole cuddle and talk thing. There was recovery, fucking and eventually, passing out from exhaustion. Awkward breakfast, more fucking. And usually a healthy dosage of drugs and booze.

With Katka, it was different. I generally used the necessary clean-up as an excuse to get out of bed and go somewhere else for a while. Tonight, I'd been reluctant to even move. Then, once I was done, I hadn't even thought twice about climbing back in next to her. I actually wanted to hold her, enjoy just being with her. It was the first time we'd really had that.

I knew this situation was totally fucked up. From the way we'd met to where we were now. We'd started with lies and misdirection and I'd known, as soon as I'd found out, I needed to end it. But I hadn't been able to do it then, and I sure as hell couldn't do it now. I'd slept with her once after I'd found out who she really was. I'd told myself it was a mistake and couldn't happen again.

And then I'd found myself calling her. Thinking about her. I'd asked her to come to this hotel without even giving myself the excuse that I planned to break things off and this was the best place to do it. I'd finally admitted to myself that I didn't want to let her go. Until just now, however, I hadn't acknowledged the whole truth. It wasn't only her body I wanted.

I looked down at her, studying the curve of her lips, the cheekbones that could've made her a model too. She was beautiful, one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen, and it wasn't only due to her physical appearance. There was a light in her, an energy and glow that drew me to her.

On the outside, she was just like Livie. The differences were subtle. Katka wore her hair down, while Livie pulled hers back. Katka applied her make-up to enhance her beauty while Livie used only the barest amount. Their wardrobe was just as different. But all of that was superficial. If I'd only cared about appearances, there wouldn't have been any differences between how I felt about Katka and how I felt about Livie. They would've been equally attractive to me.

While I admired Livie and enjoyed spending time with her, I knew I'd never be able to get close to her, and I didn't mean just physically. Livie had walls up all the time. I felt them every time we talked. Even when she'd confided in me about what had happened to her and Katka's parents, I had sensed a reluctance there. It was like she didn't want me to see how much witnessing her parent’s murder had affected her. I didn't know if she thought I'd think less of her or think her weak, but seeing her vulnerable wouldn't have done any of that. If anything, it would've made me see her as more human. The entire time she'd told the story, her voice had been flat. I supposed that was how she dealt with it, but it had been another example of how she appeared to not let anything touch her.

I hadn't asked Katka about her parents. Now that I knew what had happened, I wasn't going to pry. She wasn't like Livie. I had a feeling if I opened that door, it would hurt her and I didn't want to do that. Katka was strong, but in a different way than her sister. I hadn't known her long and I knew there were still a lot of things to learn about her, but I'd seen enough to know she was an open book. If she felt it, she showed it. She didn't hide herself.

Maybe that was it, I thought as I stroked her curls. I'd spent my entire life surrounded by people who hid who they really were behind masks of propriety and self-righteousness. It was one of the things I'd always hated about my family. Even Samuel, to some extent, played the game.

So did I. I frowned at the stray thought, but didn't ignore it. In a way, it was true. I didn't pretend to be some rich snob who was better than everyone else, but I wasn't entirely honest about who I was either. I just buried myself in drugs, alcohol and sex.

“Are you all right?” Katka's soft voice broke the silence.

I smiled at her and squeezed her shoulders. “Just thinking.”

“About what?” she asked, turning onto her side so that her breasts were pressed against my ribs. “Do you regret this? What we're doing?”

“No.” I kissed her forehead. “I don't regret this at all.”

That much was true. I didn't regret being with Katka. What I did wish, however, was that I had met her first. Things would have been so much easier if I'd met Katka, proposed to her, and had Livie as my sister-in-law.

Another thought popped into my head before I could stop it. What if Livie had just let me close? Would I still have fallen for Katka if Livie hadn't closed herself off to me? What if Livie hadn't set up the no contact rule? Even if she'd wanted to take things slow, would I still have slept with Katka?

Those things didn't matter though, no matter how much my brain insisted that I analyze how I felt. It was too late. Livie had set up the perimeters of our relationship and made it very clear where we stood. Whether it was because of that or because of fate, I didn't know or care, but Katka had my heart. I cared about Livie, but what I felt for Katka was so much more. Maybe it was only because she let me care about her, but it didn't change the way I felt.

“Are you doing anything next weekend?” I asked suddenly.


Her fingers were tracing patterns on my bare chest, almost distracting me. Almost. “Would you go away with me?”

Her hand stopped.

“I want you to go to New York with me so we can have a real romantic weekend. My dad knows some people in New York, but if we're careful, we can actually go out without having to worry about someone seeing us. Plus, Livie usually spends the weekends at home working, so there's a good chance anyone who saw us would think you were her.”

She had a thoughtful expression on her face and I wondered if she was preparing herself for some sort of “this was fun, but...” speech. Instead, she simply nodded and pressed her lips against my chest, kissing her way over to my nipple.

“It is now my turn to make you wait.”


Chapter 8


What the hell was I doing?

When Blayne asked me to go to New York with him, he'd said that anyone who saw me with him would think I was my sister. I'd wanted to ask him if he wanted people to think I was Livie because he
me to be her. It was silly, really, and I knew it. He was with me. He wanted me. Even though he was risking everything by continuing to see me, he never said we should stop. But I still couldn't help but wonder if he was only with me because Livie had said no sex, and sleeping with me was the next best thing since we were identical. He'd said that wasn't the case, but it was a difficult idea to shake.

These were the thoughts I had whirling around in my head all week. Part of me was excited at his invitation. A romantic weekend in New York City was like something out of a movie, but I couldn't stop the guilt. I'd never liked lying to my sister and this was the worst possible kind of lie. I tried telling myself that it was Blayne's place to tell her since I knew he'd set the same guidelines with her that he and I had discussed. Discretion and honesty, but no agreement to tell all.

It was the coward's way out, I knew. I was counting on him not wanting to tell her so that I never had to deal with it. She would forgive me for falling for him, I had no doubt. It had been her forgiveness I'd thought about when I'd first decided I was going to seduce him. Then, she would have believed I'd done it for her own good. Now, things were different. I'd gone from trying to prove that her husband was a sleaze, to enjoying sleeping with him, to whatever it was I was currently feeling. Even now, it wasn't that I was worried about her knowing. It was the lies.

The worst part was, every time I thought about her, I wanted to call her and tell her. If I actually spoke to her, I knew everything would come spilling out. So I avoided her, the guilt increasing every time I saw her name on my screen and I let it go to voicemail. Her messages were always brief, saying she was wondering how I was doing, but I could hear the worry in her voice with every new call.

I'd have to make a decision soon, I knew. Livie might think I was still angry at her for marrying Blayne and give me some space, but if I didn't at least answer a single call soon, she'd come by the apartment and I'd have to speak with her face to face. That would be so much worse.

The entire week before we left for New York, my stomach was in knots. I was so torn and I didn't know what to do. A guy had never come between Livie and me before. She said she didn't want Blayne that way, so I knew that wouldn't be an issue. It also wasn’t the point. I knew the right thing would be to tell her everything, but that would be betraying Blayne's trust. But the longer this went on without Livie knowing, the longer I was betraying her trust.

I muttered a stream of curse words as I ran my brush through my hair, the curls as tangled as the web of lies I found myself in. I yanked the bristles free and winced at the pain in my scalp. It didn't stop me though. I continued to attack my hair with a vengeance. Why couldn't things be simple? Didn't Livie and I deserve a break? It was so unfair.

I let out a bark of a laugh as I looked at my reflection. Fair. I was having an affair with my sister's husband and I was accusing the universe of being unfair to us. I'd told myself that telling everything to Livie would be the right thing to do, but I knew I was lying to myself. The right thing, the real right thing, would be to break things off with Blayne and then come clean. To not risk everything my sister was trying to build for us for some fling.

I closed my eyes, pain going through my heart. I didn't know what this was for Blayne, but it wasn't a fling for me. What I was feeling terrified me, but the thought of walking away from Blayne scared me more. I didn't think I could do it. I wasn't strong enough. If he left me, it would break my heart, but I could accept it. What I couldn't do was do it to myself.

“What am I going to do?” I whispered. This was a disaster. Everything had backfired on me and now I was stuck in this twisted affair and didn't know how to get out without hurting everyone involved.

Not for the first time, I wished Blayne Westmore had never walked into Frankie's that night. I wished he'd kept walking. While that meant I never would've known him, it also meant none of this would be happening right now. Livie and I would be together at home, wondering if anything would ever change.

I sighed. We’d gotten change alright, but it hadn't been the kind we'd hoped for. I put my hands over my face, despair flowing through me. If we weren't careful, it would destroy everything.

– End of Vol. 3 –

Twisted Affair continues in Vol. 4, release March 19
. To receive an email reminder on release date, click here:
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