Twisted Affair Vol. 3 (2 page)

Read Twisted Affair Vol. 3 Online

Authors: M. S. Parker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Romance

BOOK: Twisted Affair Vol. 3
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My heart clenched at the sound of my name. I hadn't realized how badly I'd wanted to hear him say
name and not hers, not until now.

“I need to talk to you.” I fought to keep my voice steady. It was funny, I thought. Livie had once told me that the way she'd gotten through working in situations where she'd had to pretend to be friendly with strangers was to ask herself what I would say or do. I had always been the out-going one, the social one. And for the first time in my life, I was completely and utterly speechless.


Chapter 2


Ever since the disastrous date with Livie the night before, I hadn't been able to think straight. I doubted she knew anything bad had happened, but I'd always been good at pretending to be okay when I wasn't. We'd finished our meal and continued with the whole 'getting to know you' conversation, but I'd been reeling the entire time, consumed with the revelation that the two times I'd had sex with my wife, it hadn't been with my wife at all.

It wasn’t until we'd gotten back to the apartment and I'd been able to think that I realized I had no idea
my wife's twin sister would've pretended to be Livie. Twice.

If it had been some sort of accident, where we'd both been drunk and fallen into bed together, that would've been one thing, but that hadn't been the case on either occasion.

This Katka had deliberately come to see me at the club and pretended to be Livie. We might've been a little buzzed, but there was no doubt in my mind that we'd both been completely aware of what we'd been doing. The second time had been even more planned.

I'd spent most of last night and pretty much all of today trying to figure out what to do now. Livie had gone out for some business thing, which I was glad about, but I still had no clue how I wanted to handle this mess. I had a bad feeling Katka's intentions towards me had been less than honorable and it didn't take much of a leap to get to blackmail. Now that I knew of her existence, I wondered if I should try to find her, get things out in the open. Livie seemed to think her sister was some sort of sainted free spirit. Not perfect, but not someone who'd try to hurt her either. If that was the case, I didn't know why Katka would sleep with me. Unless the pair had been in it together.

Was it possible that Livie and her sister had cooked this whole thing up? Livie knew the terms of my agreement with my father. Had she set me up to sleep with her sister, knowing my father would never believe some story about me not recognizing my wife? All she'd need to do is have pictures or some other proof of the sexual encounters and threaten to tell my father. Maybe she thought if she could prove infidelity, she could still get money out of me before my father cut me off.

That was the theory I was working on when someone knocked on my door.

The last person I expected to see was

And I knew it was her, not Livie. I could see the differences now. How she carried herself. The way she wore her hair. Even the look in her eyes wasn't the same.

She said she wanted to talk and even though I knew it was a bad idea, I motioned for her to come inside.

“You want to talk,” I said, folding my arms across my chest. “Talk.” I knew I was being rude, but considering the circumstances, I didn't think it was an entirely inappropriate reaction.

My emotions were all over the place and I struggled to keep them all in check as she walked inside and then turned to face me. Her face was an open book and I could see how upset she was. It should have made me mad. What right did she have to be upset when I was the one who'd been wronged? Instead, the near-anguish in her eyes tempered my anger.

“When did you figure it out?” she asked.

“Does it really matter?”

She shook her head, looking down at her hands. “I suppose not.”

She raised her head, a stubborn set to her jaw I'd seen on her sister's face. In that moment, they really were identical. Then she shook her head and her loose curls obscured her face and the moment was gone. It was just Katka.

“I did not trust you,” she blurted out. A flush stained her cheeks, but she kept going. “When my sister told me she was marrying a man who I had heard was known for his...” She paused and I could tell that she was looking for the right words.

The fact that she didn't seem to want to insult me was amusing and I decided to help. “Keep going. I know what my reputation is.”

She nodded. “Then you can understand why I did not approve of this marriage. Why I did not attend the wedding.”

I'd wondered about that too. Why I'd never met this mysterious sister. Her explanation made sense.

“When Livie stopped talking to me while you were in Europe, telling me that I had to accept her actions, I decided to prove to her that you were not the man she thought you were.”

That surprised me. I'd never really given much thought to the kind of man Livie thought I was. Not really.

“Livie forgot to disconnect the messaging system that sends our text messages to our tablet as well,” Katka continued. “So I received the message to meet at the club and went in my sister's place. My plan was to prove to Livie that you would try to seduce her despite the rules she had set.”

I opened my mouth to defend my actions, but Katka raised a hand.

“The fault lies solely with me. You did nothing wrong.”

I laughed. “I slept with my wife's sister. I'm pretty sure that's frowned upon in most places.”

“You did not know it was me,” she said. “I take the blame.”

I could see the tears shimmering in her eyes and I felt a pang in my heart.

“I only wanted to protect my sister from being hurt. I never dreamed it would become so complicated.”

“It's actually simple,” I said. “We let it go. Livie never has to know. We let her introduce us and pretend we don't know each other.”

“She does not know?” Katka gestured between the two of us. “That we...”

“No.” I shook my head. “At least I don't think so. She didn't say anything to me. I figured it out when she told me she had an identical twin who was a bit...” The corner of my mouth twitched. “Wild.”

“Is that what you wish?” Her expression was blank and I knew she was trying to hide something from me. “For me to walk away?”

My stomach twisted at the thought of her walking out that door and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I took a step towards her. “Is that what you want? Be honest with me. You owe me that.”

She took a shaky breath and her eyes met mine. “I do owe you honesty, but I am afraid.”

I swallowed hard. She'd lied to me. Attempted to ruin everything I'd carefully constructed. But the attraction I'd felt in the club – the one that had gone beyond pure physicality or the admiration I had for Livie's strength and determination – was still there.

“You don't have to be afraid of me,” I said softly. “Tell me what you want and I'll respect it.”

“You,” she whispered. Tears spilled over. “I know I should not, but I cannot stop the way I feel.”

“Me either,” I admitted in a low voice.

This was a bad idea, I knew. Probably the worst one I'd ever had. What I was feeling could hurt Livie, could ruin my life, but at the moment, all I could see were the tears on Katka's cheeks and the way her lips were trembling.

I closed the distance between us and cupped her face in my hands. The kiss started gentle, but quickly became fierce as she pressed her body against mine, lips parting eagerly. I had enough presence of mind to know that doing this in the living room wasn't wise, so I slid my hands down her back and cupped her ass, giving it a squeeze before lifting her up. She was tall, but I was taller. She gasped, but I didn't release her mouth for her to protest. Her legs automatically wrapped around my waist and I carried her to my bedroom without breaking the kiss.

I didn't really register our clothes coming off, only that, one moment, there were layers between us, and the next, my hands found bare skin. Before, I had questioned the wisdom of my actions, but mostly because I hadn't been thoroughly convinced my attentions had been welcomed. Now, there was no hesitation. I'd made the decision and I knew she wanted me. I was at least going to enjoy myself and make damn sure she did as well.

I held her breasts, one in each hand, my thumbs brushing across the soft skin. “Beautiful,” I murmured before lowering my head. I kissed and licked my way across her pale flesh, every breathless moan making me harder. When I circled her nipple with my tongue, she said something in Czech. When I took it between my lips, she swore. My fingers paid attention to her other nipple as I began to suck on the one in my mouth. Her back arched and I felt her fingers in my hair, holding my head in place. As if I'd intended to go anywhere else. Eventually, I wanted my mouth other, more delicate places, but only after I'd finished here.

I worried at the sensitive skin with my teeth as my free hand slid down Katka's stomach. I felt her spread her legs to grant my hand access and I rewarded her with a flick of my tongue across the top of her nipple. My fingers slid through the thin layer of golden curls until I was able to slip a single digit between her folds. She moaned loudly as I lightly stroked her clit.

Within a couple minutes, her breathing quickened and she gasped out my name. I closed my eyes. Fuck. She'd said my name before, but this time, we were both clear about what we were doing, what we wanted. This time, when I said her name, it would be the right one.

I released her nipple and moved down between her legs even as her orgasm began to subside. I used my fingers to bare her pussy and then went to work. I'd never been averse to going down on a woman. Aside from the fact that it made it easier for me since I wasn't exactly small, I enjoyed getting my partners off. I wanted to come too, but of all the shortcomings I had, being a selfish lover wasn't one of them.

With Katka, however, it was more than any of that. I didn't just want to pleasure her because of my ego. I genuinely wanted her to come harder and more times than she ever had before. I wanted to make this experience better than the other two, better than anything she'd ever had.

I'd never shown such single-minded determination in my life. I teased her clit with my tongue as I slid a finger into her wet pussy. I kept the strokes even, never going too deep or too hard. When I finally added a second finger, I began to suck on her clit. The suction was gentle as I wanted to take her to the edge nice and slow.

“Blayne,” she whimpered, reaching down to dig her fingers into my hair.

I kept my fingers pumping into her even as I raised my head. “I've got you.”

I turned and pressed my lips against the inside of her thigh before returning my attention to the task at hand. The tip of my tongue circled her clit as I began to twist my fingers, searching for the spot I'd found before.

Suddenly, her back arched and she let out a wail, her entire body stiffening. I swore as her pussy tightened around my fingers, her hands gripping my hair hard enough to bring tears to my eyes. I began to lick every inch of quivering flesh, wanting to draw out her pleasure as much as possible. I didn't stop until she began to gasp, her fingers twitching against my scalp.

I pushed myself up on my knees and looked down at the beautiful body stretched out before me. I reached over to my side table and inside the top drawer for a condom. I may have tried to avoid bringing women back to the penthouse, but I'd always made sure to keep the condoms in the same place so that even drunk me could find them.

Katka muttered something in Czech as she looked up at me, eyes almost black with desire.

“One day,” I said as I rolled the condom onto my throbbing erection. “You're going to have to tell me what some of those phrases you're always saying mean.”

She pushed herself up on her elbows and then into a sitting position. “I just said it is my turn to be on top.”

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me down onto the bed. I wasn't about to argue with her. I'd have been lying if I said I hadn't fantasized about what it would be like to have those gorgeous breasts bouncing as she rode me.

I laid down and she straddled me, positioning herself until she was right above my cock. Then she hesitated.

“Are you certain?” she asked. “That you want me and not my sister?”

I stared at her. “Are you kidding me?”

“Before,” she explained. “You thought I was her. Do you want me now because you cannot have her?”

I propped myself on my elbows and tried to ignore the primal need screaming at me to bury myself inside her. “Katka.” Her name sounded right. “I want the woman who joked with me at the club. The woman who wore sexy lingerie and had such quick wit.” I reached up to wrap a few curls around my fingers. “I want you, my Kat.”

Something deeper than desire went across her eyes and then she was sinking onto me and I forgot to care about anything but the tight heat surrounding my cock. I dropped back onto the bed with a groan. My hands went to her hips, but only to steady her. Her body was already moving, up and down, back and forth, an ancient dance that relied more on instinct than knowledge. I'd had enough lovers to know that experience could turn a bad lover into a good one, a good one into a great one, but I also knew there were some people who could have very little experience and be amazing in bed. Some people felt it, understood it, and Katka was one of those women. She let herself go, completely abandoned any pretense, let herself feel.

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