Twenty Tones of Red (33 page)

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Authors: Pauline Montford

BOOK: Twenty Tones of Red
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Chapter Fifteen



Her slavery was complete. Jame
s announced it while she sat at his feet in the drawing room and he reviewed their life together. As he spoke she couldn’t help being impressed at how dramatic their progress had been. Because their kinky play had developed bit by bit she’d never taken the time to step back and look at what they’d actually achieved but he was in a reflective mood and he gave her performance a glowing report.

He started by complementing her body
and she realised she could never tire of hearing his praise. Reaching out to softly stroke her he talked about how he adored her long slender legs and gym-hardened muscles. He got her to kneel up then ran his hand over her tummy and the tight high curves of her buttocks. His fingers went to her breasts then up to her throat and rested on the silver collar that denoted his ownership. He told her how he loved the tone of her skin, her freckles and the way the blood rose so quickly to her throat and between her breasts. She sat basking in both his words and the heat from the flickering fire and he went on to applaud her abilities as a slave.

, he reminded her of how good she was at snapping into one of her five submissive positions. It was true. The behavioural training that he’d built up hour by hour and day by day meant that she would move into any of the poses instantly and without thought. He only had to point to the corner and say the phrase ‘naughty girl’ and she would drop to her knees and put her hands behind her head. She now reacted so instantly that she was sure that if he gave any of the commands in public she would find it difficult not to respond.

He went on to applaud her ability to endure hardship
and control her reactions. He recognised that even more demanding than the muscle tone required for the slave postures was her ability to restrain her sexual climax. He had trained her so that he could bring her right to the very edge without allowing her to tip over. She allowed herself to be teased this way knowing that the eventual release when she was given permission was incredibly satisfying and intense.

As he described the different aspects of their sexual life together it
was obvious that he was becoming increasingly aroused. His language got more graphic and he started to focus on some of the more sexual and intimate duties that she was required to provide. He started by talking about her ‘oral devotion’. This was at the very heart of how she met his sexual needs and she was now so well conditioned that with a single word or gesture she would fall to her knees and worship first his feet and then his cock. She would now frequently spend the length of an entire television programme with some part of him held gently in her mouth while he sat back and relaxed. To others it might have appeared demeaning but he still loved it. She’d never been much of a fan of soap operas or reality shows and found that serving her partner physically was far more pleasurable and satisfying.

e was now so turned on that his he lost track of his summary and decided that he needed some of her attention. With a short command he got her to turn and press her face to his crotch. He pulled down his trousers and underwear then commanded her to take him in her mouth. She quickly obeyed, keen to feel the heat of his pulsing flesh against her tongue. Once she had enveloped him he left her in the worship position. This meant her taking as much of him as she could in her mouth then holding herself perfectly still. Staying motionless was the challenge. Her aim was to cradle his erection in the warmth and wet of her mouth but not to start pleasuring him. This meant that eventually her own saliva would start to dribble out of her mouth but that was the point. She wasn’t allowed to swallow or move her tongue. It was all about control and he would sometimes leave her in this position for as long as ten or fifteen minutes. It served many deeply erotic psychological purposes. It made her feel like an object of servitude that could be switched on and off and she loved the way it de-humanised her. She had to wait like a machine until his next command and this took enormous amounts of self-discipline and control.

This was how he left her while he continued with his overview of her
life as a slave. With his cock filling her mouth and pressing almost into her throat she knelt and listened. He continued by confessing how arousing it was to have her pleasuring him and swallowing every drop of his ejaculations. He described how deeply satisfying it was to feel her dutifully sucking him and licking him clean after his climax and it was clear that he got a very genuine sense of joy from her devotions. He was now so turned on that his sentences had become short and disjointed and his voice even softer and huskier.

For a while he seemed entirely lost in his own thoughts then he said something that sur
prised her. He made a comment about how good she’d been to wear the permanent collar and how sexy it was that she was walking around with his name on the inscription. He then hinted that he had another similar bondage device for her. She was immediately intrigued but was powerless to find out more. Not only were slaves not allowed to question or comment without being asked but she also had her mouth very much full. The thought amused her. She’d always been taught not to speak with her mouth full and she wondered if her mother would approve of her current display of manners.

er curiosity was increased further when he mentioned that this piece of equipment was more serious and restrictive than the metal collar she was already wearing. Her kinky mind sprang into action and she came to a quick conclusion. They’d recently read
Story of O
together and had both been aroused by the descriptions of O having her outer lips pierced and being forced to wear a short dangling chain between her legs. The more she thought about it the more certain she became that he had to be referring to some kind of intimate ring or stud. It seemed that he wasn’t going to present her with the item until later that weekend so she had plenty of time to ponder the matter.

aving come to the end of his very positive summary he lifted her head from his cock and grabbed her by the hair. He was behaving with the urgent dominant motions of a man who was massively aroused and she was loving it. His excitement seemed to grow and now very much in a hurry he pushed her in front of him up the stairs to the bedroom. There was to be no long drawn out foreplay. As soon as he got her inside the pushed her down onto the bed and slipped himself inside her. They fucked quickly and passionately and she soon found herself letting out pants that turned into moans. As he thrust harder and faster she felt herself starting to grow towards an orgasm. “Can I come please master?” she asked between desperate breaths.

No bitch you may not.” That just made it worse. Although it was her who’d encouraged him to be rough with her and to use the strongest language he could, at that moment he was so totally turned on and carried away it really sounded like he was abusing her. His hand was still grasping the knot of hair at the back of her head and he held her tight against the mattress as he fucked her from behind. She had to concentrate hard on not coming but feeling his own excitement and thinking about how severe the punishment would be if she did orgasm only made the situation worse. She gritted her teeth and used all her mental discipline to stop herself reaching a climax. She thought about all the women nearby who at some time that weekend would begin their ten minutes of weekly vanilla sex and concentrate hard on trying to cum. Most of the time she had the opposite problem and it was the humour and wry irony of this situation that managed to distract her.

t that moment James came in a series of blissful jolts and shudders then collapsed on her hot sweaty back and started to bite kiss and nibble at her shoulder. “Oh my love, my love” he said softly. “That wasn’t what I had planned for tonight at all but sometimes you just have to go with the flow.” He released her then slid off sideways and they exchanged tender kisses. “You do my dear.” she replied softly. “Sometimes you absolutely have to go with the flow.” With that they climbed under the covers and drifted into a peaceful doze.


The weekend continued in much the same vein. On the Saturday morning James again took her hair and forced her to fellate him before fucking her as hard and fast as he could. Once again she begged him to let her cum and once again he denied her.

He gave her a couple of hours off in the mid-morn
ing to go to the gym and do some shopping then they met for lunch and drifted back home. After completing some admin tasks and a few chores around the house he summoned her to the drawing room and commanded her back into slavery. She immediately stripped and knelt naked at his feet. Despite their two intense previous sessions he still seemed to be very keen to play and she was delighted with the attention he lavished on her. She spent most of the rest of the Saturday afternoon bound with rope on the floor of the basement dungeon. He spent hours teasing and tormenting her, putting wooden clothes pegs on her nipples and all the tender places of the body of her body only to pull them off and follow up the sting of pain with moments of delicious pleasure delivered at the tip of the Hitachi Magic Wand.

Again and again she came close to orgasm and again and again he denied her any release. As she squirmed h
elplessly at his touch he mentioned the permanent slave device that he had in store for her and she carefully noted his plans. It seemed that after dinner the next day he was going to challenge her to wear this new piece of intimate apparel. She grew increasingly intrigued she was now certain that it would be a piercing. She hadn’t fully decided on her answer and decided to make her decision in the heat of the moment. She knew that he wouldn’t mind too much if she refused. He always respected her decisions and an intimate ring or stud was obviously something that needed to be her own choice. She was glad that he kept pushing the terms of her slavery. It didn’t need to be much, but as each week went by she felt the need to be a little bit more enslaved and dominated.

After a very sexy Sunday morning together they went for a
lazy walk around the Common then to one of the local pubs for a delicious roast lunch. While they were eating he announced that he was going to present her with the new piece of attire later that night but first he was going to cook her one of their favourite meals and they were going to have one of their ‘cocktail evenings’. This was their description for a special way of spending a glamorous and intimate time together. It meant that they would make extra efforts to decorate the house using as many candles and sprays of fresh flowers as possible and when every room was subtly lit and fragrant they would put on their favourite romantic music and both go to dress up.

evening he really went to town. After lunch he sent her to the florists by the underground station and she bought so many lilies and roses that her order had to be delivered in a van. They tidied and decorated the house together then he clicked his fingers and changed her from a normal person into her slave persona. She immediately stripped naked and knelt at his feet and he ordered her to follow him upstairs.

What followed was
one of her favourite parts of their romantic evenings. With the house candlelit and romantic arias playing in every room she had to help her master bathe and dress. Scurrying like a Victorian chamber maid between the main bathroom and his bedroom she ran him a deep hot bath whilst helping him undress. He deliberately did absolutely nothing while she worked and she had to time it to perfection so that the moment he was undressed the water would be ready for him. As usual he was excited and erect and before he lowered himself into his bath he clicked his fingers to indicate that she should pleasure him with her mouth. Kneeling on the thick warm mat she took his length between her lips and sucked gently while he stood casually scratching and yawning above her. A firm shove from his hand brushed her head away then he stepped into the tub and lowered himself slowly into the steaming water. Her job was to wash him and taking an old-fashioned loofah and some soap she started meticulously scrubbing every inch his body. When she’d finished he sent her to fetch the newspaper then made her kneel in the first slave position while he sat back and read. It was a routine they’d performed many times before and it still titillated and excited her.

When he’d finished relaxing
he called her back to his side and she dabbed him with towels then helped him slip into his robe. When he was dry they moved to the bedroom where she acted as his dresser. Darting quickly between his chest of drawers and wardrobe she produced socks and underwear and a starched white shirt and dark suit for him. Again he did nothing while she helped him into each garment and worked on every button and zip. When he was happy with his presentation he left her without a word and went downstairs to begin the cooking.             

She could now
begin her favourite part. After a wash and a long soak she went to her own grand bedroom and started to dress. Her brief for this type of evening was always the same. She had to look like an elegant lady attending a red carpet event then add details that revealed her to be a slave. This was a challenge that she enjoyed tremendously and she set to it with real pleasure.

hile still in her robe she worked on her hair and makeup. She did her eyes and lips far more dramatically than she would’ve done for a normal evening then started on her underwear. She clipped on a suspender belt then pulled up a brand-new pair of seamed stockings. The main element of the outfit was a dramatic emerald green evening gown. It would have looked ridiculous in any other setting but in the house’s big formal dining room with candles glittering in the chandeliers and a roaring fire in the big hearth it worked perfectly. Once she’d managed to zip it up she added a pair of dark green three inch stilettos and some diamante jewellery. She covered her lower arms with opera gloves and was almost finished. The final stage was to add the slave details. She wrapped a thick black patent leather belt around her waist and then when she’d fastened it she lifted the front of her dress and tucked it into the belt. She pulled through the loop of material until the dress was fully raised at the front exposing her smooth shaved pubic area to view. Next she added leather cuffs to her ankles and wrists. As James preferred her natural smell to any perfume there was nothing else to apply and she then trod carefully and gracefully down the long curving staircase to greet her master.

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