Read Twelve Days of Pleasure Online

Authors: Deborah Fletcher Mello

Twelve Days of Pleasure (15 page)

BOOK: Twelve Days of Pleasure
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“I didn't think you two were coming for Christmas!” she exclaimed. She was genuinely excited to see them both, especially after discovering her parents had planned to fly to Mexico for the holiday, leaving her and Gabi alone.

Stephen shrugged. “We're not. We're headed to the Middle East for Christmas.”

“I swear!” Vanessa exclaimed. “You two might as well live in Dubai. Every time I turn around that's where you are.”

“Beautiful women will do that to you,” Shawn teased.

Vanessa tossed her mother a look. “You said we had company. They aren't company.”

Valeria nodded. “I wasn't talking about your brothers,” she said as she pointed to the corner behind Vanessa.

Turning, Vanessa's eyes suddenly widened. Kendrick stood with Gabrielle in his arms, nuzzling the little girl's cheek. Her father was beside him, a wide grin across his face.

“Look!” Gabrielle exclaimed as she tightened her arms around Kendrick's neck. “Look, Nessa!”

Vanessa laughed, her eyes misting. “I see, Gabi! I see Kendrick!”

Gabrielle kicked her legs to get down. Once Kendrick placed the little girl on the floor she raced to Vanessa's mother, jumping into the woman's lap. “Eat, eat?”

Valeria nodded as she hugged the little girl to her. “That's a good idea, Gabrielle. Why don't you boys come into the kitchen with Gabi and me. I'm sure the cook has dinner ready by now, so we can all eat. Let's give your sister a little privacy with her friend.” The woman moved to the door. “Kendrick, I hope you'll stay for dinner?”

Kendrick nodded. “I'd love to, Mrs. Braga.”

Ambassador Braga shook Kendrick's hand. “I look forward to finishing our conversation,” her father said. He leaned to kiss his daughter's cheek before making his exit, following behind his family.

The two stood staring at each other as the laughter moved down the hall to the other side of the family's home. Vanessa remained frozen, unable to believe that Kendrick was actually standing in the room with her.

“Hi,” she finally whispered.

Kendrick closed the space between them, moving to her side. “Hi,” he said as he eased an arm around her waist and gently pulled her to him.

Vanessa began to shake, tears welling in her eyes. She released the breath she'd been holding and gasped for air. “You didn't call me,” she finally muttered.

He nodded. “I know. I came for you instead,” he said.

“How long before you leave me again?”

“I'm not. When I go, you're going with me.”

“Really? You want that?”

“I do, if you do. Do you?”

She took a deep breath, her eyes flitting from side to side. “I want forever, Kendrick. I don't want for the moment.”

He chuckled softly. “I told you I loved you, remember?”

She nodded.

“I don't plan to say that to any other woman who isn't my mother or my sister. And I know I will never feel this way about any other woman except you.”

Vanessa eased her arms around his neck. She was wearing flats so she rose up on her toes to press her cheek against his. “I love you, too,” she whispered.

Kendrick held her, his lips dancing over her face. In that moment, she knew, beyond any doubts, that he would never let her go again.


Chapter 16

oise and laughter rang throughout the Stallion home. Vanessa was in awe of all the activity that surrounded her. Even with everyone home, holidays with her family had never been quite so exuberant.

Katherine greeted her warmly, wrapping her in a deep hug. “It's so good to see you again, Vanessa,” she said. “And look at that precious baby! It looks like she has grown since y'all were at my house.” She gave Gabi a kiss on her cheek.

“It's good to see you, too, Mrs. Boudreaux, and thank you for inviting me to spend the holiday with you and your family.”

Katherine waved a hand at Kendrick. “Find your sister or Marah. One of them will be able to tell you where you're sleeping. I need to get back into the kitchen to check on the food.”

Kendrick kissed his mother's cheek. “It smells good. What are you cooking?”

“Seafood gumbo!” his mother exclaimed as she rushed off.

Kendrick shook his head. “Come on,” he said as he pressed a wide palm against her lower back. “Let's see if we can find my sister.”

Moving through the house Vanessa was thoroughly impressed. Briscoe-Stallion Estate was over eight hundred acres of working cattle ranch and an equestrian center. Back in the day, its original owner, Edward Briscoe, had been one of the first black cowboys. Since the expansion of Mr. Briscoe's longhorn operation, the family had added an entertainment complex that specialized in corporate and private client services. The property housed two event barns that were twenty-thousand square feet big, a country bed-and-breakfast and a wedding chapel. And the family home seemed to go on forever.

They peeked their heads into the formal dining room. Edward Briscoe, Senior Boudreaux and Matthew Stallion sat in discussion. Kendrick introduced her as he shook hands with his father and brother-in-law. “I think the women are out on the patio,” Matthew said, pointing outside.

With a quick stop in the kitchen he introduced her to Edward's wife, Juanita, who, along with Katherine Boudreaux, was putting the final touches on the evening meal.

At an oversize, hand-hewn wood table John, Mark and Luke Stallion sat with Kendrick's brothers. They all greeted her warmly and she instantly felt comfortable. Continuing outside, they finally found Marah Stallion and Maitlyn.

Maitlyn embraced her warmly. “Hey, Vanessa! I'm so glad you came!”

“Thank you! I'm glad to be here, too,” Vanessa replied, hugging her back.

Maitlyn introduced her to Marah.

“Just make yourself at home,” Marah said. “We're very casual around here. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate that.”

“So where do you want us to go?” Kendrick asked.

Marah gestured for them to follow her as she led the way to the second floor and the sleeping quarters. On their way she made a quick pit stop by the home's expansive playroom. The noise level increased tenfold, children screaming and running without a care in the world. Her eyes wide, Gabrielle practically leaped out of Kendrick's arms to get to the toys. She instantly bonded with a little girl in a pair of red cowboy boots.

“How old is she?” Marah asked.

“Not quite two,” Vanessa answered.

“She's an absolute doll baby,” Marah replied, a wistful look crossing her face.

“Hi, Irene!” Kendrick called, waving in the other child's direction.

Irene Stallion paused, eyeing him suspiciously. She tossed him a dirty look, then turned back to Gabi, pulling the little girl behind her.

Marah laughed. “I don't know what it is, Kendrick, but Irene isn't feeling you.”

Kendrick laughed with her. “You'd think I stole her lollipop or something,” he said.

“They're all too cute,” Vanessa said.

Marah pointed. “Irene is Mark and Michelle's little girl. The little one on the hobby horse over there is Jake.”

“Jake is my sister Katrina's little boy,” Kendrick added. “She's married to Matthew Stallion.”

“He was sitting with your father and Mr. Briscoe,” Vanessa said, trying to connect all the dots.

Kendrick nodded. “Mr. Briscoe is Marah's father and Juanita is her stepmother.”

Vanessa nodded.

Marah continued, “The two boys jumping on the trampoline are Michael and Edison. Michael is my sister Marla's son and Edison is my sister Eden's little boy.”

“Wow!” Vanessa said, trying to keep the names and faces straight in her head.

Marah laughed. “I'm sure you'll know who's who before the night is out.”

“I hope so!”

Marah waved them into the nursery. The room was bright and comfortable with bassinets and rocking chairs. A jungle theme was painted on the wall and just stepping through the door made Vanessa smile.

Kendrick's two sisters-in-law Camryn and Dahlia were inside. Dahlia was nursing one of her infant twins while Camryn cuddled the other against her very pregnant belly. The two women waved excitedly.

Kendrick squinted one eye closed as he leaned to kiss Dahlia's cheek and then Camryn's. “This is Vanessa,” he said, pointing in her direction.

“We've heard a lot about you,” Dahlia said. “Welcome to the family.”

“Thank you!” Vanessa smiled. “I can't believe I'm meeting you,” she said, trying to contain her excitement over meeting the famous producer. “I loved your movie
Passionate Premiere

Dahlia laughed. “Thank you.”

Marah smiled. “I think that's Cicely on the booby juice and Sidney is in Camryn's arms,” she said. “Or vice versa. I can only tell them apart when I'm changing their diapers.”

Camryn laughed. “I think Sidney has more hair than his sister. I wish you'd dress them in pink and blue to make it easier for us.”

“My babies don't look alike,” Dahlia said.

Vanessa smiled. “When are you due?” she asked, pointing at Camryn's very pregnant belly.

“Valentine's Day,” she said.

“Wow!” Kendrick said. “That baby is going to be huge!”

Camryn cut her eye at her brother-in-law. “Thank you, Kendrick.”

“I'm just saying!”

The women all laughed.

On the way out the door, Vanessa saw Gabrielle and Irene standing in front of a teenaged boy who was playing a game of catch with them. Kendrick gave the young man a wave.

“Hey, Uncle Kendrick!” he called back.

“That's my nephew Collin,” Kendrick said, making the introduction. “Collin is my sister Katrina's oldest son.”

“Let me show you where you'll be sleeping,” Marah said, leading them from the room.

“Is it okay to leave Gabi?” Vanessa asked.

Marah nodded her head. “She'll be fine. Collin is great with the kids, plus he knows he'll earn a little extra allowance babysitting. And there are four nannies. She'll be well taken care of.”

* * *

It was some ridiculous hour in the morning when the adults found their way to bed. Between last-minute wrapping, the construction of toys and just the merriment of laughing and being together, it had been a long night. Vanessa couldn't remember the last time she'd had so much fun with such a big crowd. But it had been a great time.

There had been games played: Pin the Tail on Santa and Hide the Elf. There'd been a gingerbread house contest, which had paired her and Tarah against Kendrick and John Stallion. Victory for the ladies had bonded the two women. Christmas caroling, eggnog shots and stories of holidays past had made the night memorable. Turning over in the bed Vanessa finally opened her eyes.

“Merry Christmas,” Kendrick whispered, rolling his body against hers.

Vanessa turned in his arms. “Merry Christmas! What time is it?”

Kendrick yawned. “Almost seven o'clock.”

Shaking herself awake Vanessa lifted herself upright. “Where's Gabi?” she asked, looking to the empty crib against the wall.

Kendrick laughed. “She's been up since daybreak. Irene knocked on the door looking for her and they took off. They're up in the playroom.”

Vanessa shook her head. “I didn't even hear them. I'm going to be a horrible mother!”

Kendrick laughed. “I think you'll do just fine.”

Vanessa dropped her torso back against the pillows. “I don't know,” she said. “I have to be honest, Kendrick, I don't think I'm ready for this. I love Gabrielle to death but I don't think I'm ready for the responsibility.”

He took a deep breath. “So what are your options?”

She shrugged. “I'm not sure. As her legal guardian I really have to figure out what's going to be best for her. I really want to finish school and that means going back to New York to finish out the semester. Then I have to think about our relationship. It's just so much!”

Kendrick nodded. “We'll figure it out together, baby. It will all work itself out.”

She gave him an easy smile. “Is there anything that makes you crazy? Or are you always so darn calm about everything?”

He laughed. “I'm always calm.”

She smiled as Kendrick nuzzled his body against hers, wrapping his arms tightly around her torso. They lay together for some time, warm and comfortable together. A knock on the door pulled them from the quiet.

“Come in!” Kendrick called out.

Maitlyn peeked her head inside. “Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas!” the two chimed in unison.

“The kids are going crazy to open their gifts and breakfast is almost ready,” she said. “Y'all need to get up.”

Kendrick nodded. “We're on our way. Zak get his gift yet?”

Maitlyn smiled. “Not yet. Did Vanessa get hers?”

Kendrick laughed. “Thank you, Mattie!”

His sister winked an eye before easing back out of the room.

Vanessa jumped up excitedly. “What did Santa bring me?” she asked, her expression childlike.

He shook his head. “You want it now or do you want to open it in front of everyone?”

“That depends. What is it?”

He shook his head. Tossing his legs off the bed he stood up, moving to the closet. He pulled a beautifully wrapped box from his carry-on bag. Moving back to the bed he passed the gift to Vanessa.

Excitement shone on her face as she pulled at the wrapping paper. Inside, there was a silver key ring. The Boudreaux name was engraved on one side. Two keys and a diamond ring were twisted on the band. Vanessa's eyes widened as her gaze flew back and forth between the gift and him.

He pulled the key ring from her hand. Sliding off the diamond he rose from the bed, pulling her to her feet with him. Then he dropped down onto one knee. Lifting his gaze to hers, he gave her a bright smile.

“Vanessa Harrison, will you marry me?” he said.

Her excitement was combustible as she nodded her head yes, throwing her arms around his neck. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she shouted, clinging to him.

Kendrick kissed her lips, feeling as if everything was right in the world. He pulled her onto his lap as he sat down on the bed. He held out the keys.

“I bought us a home in New Orleans. It's not much, but it's a start. I figure we'll live in New York until you're done with school and then we can go back to Louisiana until we decide what's next for us.”

“What about your job?” she asked.

“I have a new job. I was recently hired to handle security for Boudreaux International Hotels and Resorts. It's a suit-and-tie gig with benefits. There's some travel involved but there won't be people shooting at me.”

Vanessa threw her arms around his neck a second time and kissed him passionately. “I love you so much!”

* * *

The family was on full throttle by the time Vanessa and Kendrick made it downstairs. Delicious smells of food scented the air and laughter was already abundant. Gabrielle sat on John Stallion's lap, watching as Marah cut a waffle into small pieces for her. She sat nicely as she picked the food with her hands, dipping it into a serving of maple syrup Marah had poured on the plate.

“Merry Christmas!” rang throughout the rooms.

“Did you two get any sleep?” John asked, gesturing for the two of them to take a seat.

Kendrick laughed. “Who needs sleep?”

“I hope she hasn't been too much trouble,” Vanessa said, gesturing toward Gabi.

John shook his head. “Not at all. Marah and I've been having a good time with her.”

Marah nodded in agreement. “She's got an appetite! I've never seen someone so little eat so much!”

Vanessa laughed. “She can eat.”

As if on cue Gabi held out a chubby hand gesturing for more. “Bacon, pease!”

John laughed. “She and I are going to be good friends!”

Suddenly an ear-piercing scream rang from across the room. Tarah rushed to where they were standing, pulling at Vanessa's hand. “You got engaged?”

Vanessa laughed, her head bobbing excitedly.

Kendrick shook his head. “Really, Tarah?”

Congratulations rang from one end of the home to the other. Katherine wrapped them both in a warm embrace, tears misting her eyes. Senior gave Vanessa a warm hug, then shook his son's hand.

“Did you speak with her father?” the patriarch questioned.

Kendrick nodded. “Yes, sir. I had a very nice conversation with her father and he gave us his blessing.”

The older man nodded. “Good job, son!”

Tarah tossed up her hands. “My God, you people are so old-fashioned!”

Her father dropped an arm around her shoulder. “Call it what you want but any boy wanting to marry you better come see me first if he knows what's good for him.”

Kendrick laughed. “I don't think you'll have to worry about that, Senior. Tarah runs them away too fast for any man to even think about marrying her.”

His sister shot him a dirty look. “I was happy for you, big brother, but now I think I'm going to tell Vanessa all your dirty secrets. She might change her mind about you once she knows the truth.”

BOOK: Twelve Days of Pleasure
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