Read Twelve Days of Pleasure Online

Authors: Deborah Fletcher Mello

Twelve Days of Pleasure (14 page)

BOOK: Twelve Days of Pleasure
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Kendrick chuckled softly. “He wiped out your account but we'd saved your files weeks ago.”

She nodded. “So what was on them? Why were they so important to him?”

Kendrick reached a hand out to brush a strand of hair out of her eyes. “It's actually quite a scandal. Marcus supplied underage prostitutes to the senator and a group of his friends. You actually caught the congressman and one of the girls on tape. You also videotaped them paying off Marcus to keep it quiet. They were already under investigation and your film was pretty incriminating.”

“What would you have done if Marcus hadn't come?”

Kendrick laughed. “I knew he'd come. You hurt his ego and he's all about his image. He had something to prove.”

She tossed his comment around in her head then dismissed it. “I really thought Liam was a bad guy.”

“I know. So did they. Liam fed them information we wanted them to have and they fell for it. That's why he works for me. He's good at his job.”

There was a moment's pause as she took it all in, sorting through the last few pieces of the puzzle. She shifted her body, turning to stare at him.

“What?” Kendrick questioned. “Why are you giving me that look?”

“You said you loved me.”

He nodded. “I did.”

She waited for him to say more but he didn't. But she didn't need him to say more. Knowing how he felt was more than enough. She took a deep breath, blowing it slowly past her lips. She reached for his hand, pulling his fingers to her lips. She kissed his palm, then folded his fingers into a tight fist, clutching it between both her hands. “So what now?”

Kendrick leaned in to kiss her mouth, allowing his lips to linger for a quick moment. As he pulled away he shrugged. “We still have to find a Christmas gift for my mother,” he said.


Chapter 15

abrielle played quietly on the king-size bed as Vanessa finally unpacked her bags. She had been home for a few days, readjusting to life and no longer having to hide from Marcus Bennett. Kendrick had personally dropped her off, staying long enough to meet her parents. Over her mother's pork
and lime margaritas, her father had expressed how much they appreciated everything Kendrick had done to protect her. He'd made quite an impression and her mother was still talking about him.

Saying goodbye to him had been the hardest thing Vanessa had ever done. He'd kissed her sweetly, wiping away her tears, and had promised that she would hear from him soon. Then he'd disappeared. That had been almost a week ago and she hadn't heard anything at all from him. She blew a deep sigh.

Gabrielle suddenly tossed a toy in her direction.

“Stop, Gabi,” Vanessa snapped.

Gabrielle slung a second stuffed bear in her direction, the toy slamming her in the face.

,” Valeria Harrison-Braga scolded, moving into the room from the hallway. She shook her index finger at the little girl. “You do not be a bad girl,” she said as she moved all of the toys out of Gabrielle's reach.

Gabi began to cry, muffling her sobs into a pillow. Vanessa rolled her eyes as she rubbed her cheek.

“Will you be a good girl?” Valeria asked. She patted Gabi against her back. The little girl sat back up and nodded her head as she swiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Valeria then nodded, returning one toy to Gabi's smiling face.

“You must have patience with her,” Valeria said.

“She's a handful,” Vanessa said.

Her mother nodded. “She has been through a lot. Now she needs some stability.”

Vanessa dropped down onto the side of the bed. “So where are we with finding her grandparents?” she asked.

Valeria took a seat beside her. “That is what I want to talk to you about. Your brother found Paolo's parents. They are living in
a small village north of
Nuevo Vallarta

“That's good!” Vanessa exclaimed. “They must be so excited.”

Her mother shook her head. “Not so much,” she said. “The grandfather is very ill. They are old and their living conditions prohibit them from raising the child, even with the money Paolo left for them.”

Vanessa blew a deep sigh. “So what now? What will happen to her?

Valeria tapped a thin hand against her daughter's knee. “Alexandra and Paolo designated you to be Gabrielle's guardian in the event his parents were unable to care for the child.”

Vanessa's eyes widened. “Me? They wanted me to be responsible for her?”

Her mother nodded. “So it would seem. Your father's lawyer will explain it all to you.”

Her mother rose to her feet. “Have you heard from that nice man?”

There was a brief moment of pause before she shook her head. “No. Kendrick hasn't called.”

Valeria moved to the door. “Patience, daughter. I'm sure you will hear from him soon.”

“He's a government agent, Mama. He was just doing his job.”

“That might be so but he cares for you. And you have love for him, too.”

Vanessa shrugged, unable to find the words to tell her mother just how much she loved Kendrick. She also preferred not to reveal just how much they'd shared in such a short amount of time.

Her mother spoke instead. “He is a good man, that one! Your father and I like Kendrick very much. I am certain that we will see him again.” Turning, the woman moved out of the room.

As Vanessa pondered her mother's comments, Gabrielle moved against her back, wrapping her arms around Vanessa's neck. “Lub you!” she chimed, her tiny voice singing in Vanessa's ear. “Lub you, Nessa!”

Vanessa smiled. “I love you, too, Gabi.”

* * *

Katherine Boudreaux wrapped her arms around her son's neck, hugging him warmly. “Congratulations!” she chimed, excitement shining across her face. “That was the perfect Christmas gift to give yourself!”

“Thanks, Mom,” Kendrick said as he juggled the keys to his new home between his fingers.

“So, when are you moving in?” Maitlyn asked.

Kendrick shrugged. “I still have some things I need to take care of,” he said. “Maybe sometime after the first of the year.”

Maitlyn nodded. “Well, you know the minute Tarah and Kamaya find out they're going to start decorating.”

Katherine shook her head. “You'll need to put the brakes on your sisters. No woman is going to want some other woman decorating her home.”

Kendrick turned to stare at his mother. “What woman, Mama?”

His mother fanned her hand at him. “You know who I'm talking about. Vanessa. Don't act like you didn't buy that house for you and her to be living in.”

Kendrick cut his eye at his sister, who lifted her hands, waving them defensively.

Katherine laughed. “Maitlyn didn't tell me about you and Vanessa. Zak spilled those beans.”

Maitlyn laughed as her brother shook his head, his eyes rolling deep in his head.

“Mama, I don't know if Vanessa is going to move in with me,” he said. He tossed his sister a look, his eyes pleading for a little assistance.

“Kendrick and Vanessa are still getting to know each other,” Maitlyn interjected.

Katherine dropped her hands to her hips. “Oh, you know. And I'm telling you now, don't be living with that girl without the benefits of a marriage license. Your father and I won't have y'all shackin' up like you ain't been raised right. You love her so you better do right by her. Understand me?”

Maitlyn appeared as if she was fighting hard not to laugh.

Katherine repeated herself. “I said, do you understand me?”

“Yes, ma'am,” Kendrick answered, feeling as if he'd just been scolded.

Katherine moved to his side and leaned to kiss his cheek. “I just knew we were going to marry Kamaya off before you,” she muttered. “I don't know how I got that one wrong.”

Maitlyn and Kendrick both burst out laughing as their mother made her way out of the room.

Kendrick pointed a finger at his sister. “I'm going to kill your husband,” he said.

“I'm starting to think he needs to go back to work. He's definitely got too much time on his hands,” Maitlyn teased.

The two laughed again, amusement dancing through the afternoon air.

Maitlyn shuffled through the pile of papers on the tabletop in front of her. “So, will you be with us for Christmas?”

Kendrick nodded. “That's the plan. I'm on hiatus for a minute. It's been a while since I've had some time off.”

“What about Vanessa? Are you bringing her to Texas?”

Kendrick suddenly went quiet. He met the look his sister was giving him and shrugged his shoulders.

Maitlyn shook her head, annoyance crossing her face. “God, you men kill me! You haven't even called her since you got back, have you?”

“It's complicated,” Kendrick said. “You wouldn't understand.”

“Oh, I understand. You're having doubts. You're not sure if what you two shared was real. You had a great time together but you're wondering if it was only about the romantic setting and the stressful situation you were in. You're afraid that now that you two are back in the real world you won't be able to keep that momentum going. Am I close?”

There was a slight smile on Kendrick's face. “Did you inherit our mother's sixth sense? Or are you a mind reader now?”

Maitlyn laughed. “Let me tell you something. When my divorce became final I thought the world was going to end. I couldn't fathom being any sadder. Life got substantially better on that cruise. But when Zak left and I didn't hear from him those two months, I discovered what real unhappiness was. I felt like something inside me had died. I don't ever want to feel that again. I love him that much.

“Now, I can see it on your face that you miss her already. And if I'm right, Vanessa's experiencing the same unhappiness right now and she shouldn't have to. Trust your heart. It won't steer you wrong.”

Kendrick nodded, swiping his eyes with his fingers. “Were you scared?”

Maitlyn laughed. “Hell yeah! I'd already had one relationship crash and burn. I didn't have a clue if I could survive another.”

“So why'd you risk it?”

“Your boy stole my heart. Everything about the two of us together felt right. Just like it feels right with you and Vanessa.”

He took another deep breath.

“So are you bringing Vanessa with you to Texas?” Maitlyn asked again impatiently. “I need to finalize our room needs at the ranch for Marah.”

“And if I say yes?”

“Then you need to let me know if you want to share a room together or if you want her to bunk with Tarah, in which case I'll put you in a room with Donovan.”

“Obviously, I'll need to see if she'll have me but put us down,” he said as he nodded his head. “And I am not sleeping with Donovan. He snores.”

Maitlyn smiled. “So what are you getting her for Christmas?”

“I have a few things in mind. What are you getting Mom?”

“Zak and I bought her a spa membership. It's one year of facials, manicures, pedicures and massages whenever she wants.”

He nodded his approval. “I like that. Vanessa gave me a couple of ideas but I haven't gotten her gift yet.”

“Do you want to know what I got Zak?” Maitlyn asked, her voice dropping to a loud whisper.

Kendrick smiled. “Oh, yeah! What could you possibly get the man who has everything?”

“He doesn't have everything,” she said as she rose from the table. She moved to a collection of shopping bags that sat off in the corner of the room. She searched one and then another until she found a medium-size box, which she pulled into her hands. Moving back to the kitchen table she sat down, pushing the box in her brother's direction.

“I'm going to trust you to keep this a secret,” she said, meeting his eyes.

Kendrick laughed. “If you want it to be a secret then I'm the
one you can tell,” he teased.

Maitlyn laughed with him, watching as he pulled the top off the gift box and peered inside.

Tears suddenly pushed past his lashes. He cut his eye at her as he looked down at the object inside. “Really?” he whispered.

Maitlyn nodded, tears misting her eyes.

Kendrick pulled out a framed photo from inside. The black-and-white sonogram image looked like a large kidney bean with stubs for arms and legs. The silver frame was engraved with the words
Baby Sayed

“Do you know yet what it is?” he asked.

She shook her head. “Not yet. That was taken yesterday and I'm only six weeks along,” she whispered back. “And you know I expect you to be our baby's godfather.”

“So Zak doesn't know?”

“And you better not spoil my surprise,” she said as she took the present from his hands and returned it to her hiding spot.

As she sat back down Kendrick leaned to wrap his arms around her. He hugged her close then kissed her cheek. “Congratulations. I am so happy for you!”

The two were still talking when Katherine made her way back into the room. “Maitlyn, I almost have your daddy's bags packed. I might need your help to get some of these presents packed if you have the time.”

“No problem, Mom.”

The matriarch nodded. “Kendrick, when are you and Vanessa getting to Dallas?”

Maitlyn laughed as Kendrick shook his head. “I'm not sure yet, Mama.”

“I'm planning on doing Christmas Eve dinner. It'd be nice if all of us were together since you missed Thanksgiving with us.”

“Yes, ma'am,” Kendrick said, taking the hint.

After pouring a large glass of milk and filling a saucer with cookies, Katherine eased herself to the table and set the snack down in front of Maitlyn.

“What's this?” she asked, eyeing her mother curiously.

Katherine leaned to kiss her child's cheek, gently patting her abdomen. “You need to keep up your energy,” she said, heading back out the door.

When she disappeared into the other room Kendrick locked gazes with his older sister. Maitlyn's eyes were wide, a look of astonishment on her face.

Kendrick shook his head. “I swear,” he said, “nothing gets past our mother!”

* * *

Vanessa's arms were full with heavy shopping bags as she maneuvered her way into the family home. Last-minute Christmas shopping had taxed her nerves and she was past ready for the holiday to be over. She was half expecting Gabrielle to come running and when she didn't Vanessa had to wonder what the little munchkin was up to.

Her mother called her name, voices coming from the formal living room. “Vanessa, dear, we have a guest. Come say hello!”

Vanessa took a deep breath, rolling her eyes toward the ceiling. She'd grown weary of all the guests her mother had forced her to come say hello to. Her family had been entertaining friends and associates since she'd come home and despite her best efforts Vanessa didn't have any holiday spirit.

She moved to the hall closet, hung up her winter coat and tucked her purchases inside. Checking her reflection in the front hall mirror she took a deep breath and forced a smile onto her face.

Laughter rang warmly in the living space as Vanessa eased her way down the hall. Gabrielle was laughing, her little-girl chortle carefree and easy. Vanessa couldn't help but wish she felt as joyous.

Turning the corner into the room she saw her brothers first. Stephen and Shawn Harrison-Braga were both tall and thin, looking like identical clones of their father. Both turned as she entered the space, Shawn rushing to her side and sweeping her into his arms in a deep bear hug. Vanessa laughed heartily as she kissed one and then the other.

BOOK: Twelve Days of Pleasure
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