Tutankhamen (45 page)

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Authors: Joyce Tyldesley

BOOK: Tutankhamen
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Bradstreet, A.H.
Breastead, James Henry
British Empire Exhibition (Wembley, 1924)
British Museum, London
commissions a new gravestone for Carter
‘Treasures of Tutankhamen' exhibition (1972)
Brugsch, Émile
Brugsch, Heinrich
Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis
By Nile and Tigris
Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism
Bunker, H.J.
Burghclere, Lady Winifred
Buried History and Antiquity
Burton, Harry
Cairo Agricultural Museum
Cairo Museum
and head from KV
KV 55 artefacts
mummy room
Museum shop
removal of mask and innermost coffin to
Smith examines KV 55 bones
Tutankhamen's golden face
Tutankhamen's grave goods
Yuya and Thuya burial assemblage
Callender, Arthur R.
canopic jars
canopic shrines
Carnarvon, George Edward Stanhope Molyneux
Herbert, 5th Earl of
acts as a guide to visitors
allows Carter one last gamble
Aswan trip
in the Burial Chamber
Carter's archaeological partner
congratulated by Lacau
death of
exclusive contract with
The Times
expensive interests
family archive destroyed
first sees the Antechamber
health weakened by a car crash
official opening of Burial Chamber
quarrels with Carter
returns to England
role in the Tutankhamen tomb discovery
on the sale of his collection
theories about his death
Carnarvon, Henry Herbert, 6th Earl of
Carnarvon, Henry Herbert, 7th Earl of
Carnarvon, Lady (née Almina Victoria Maria Alexandra Wombwell)
Carnarvon collection
Carnarvon family
Carnegie Hall, New York City
Carter, Howard
and autopsy
bombarded with correspondence
and British Empire Exhibition
in the Burial Chamber
and Carnarvon's collection
and the Chariot Tomb
Chief Inspector of Antiquities, southern Egypt
his collection
commitment to lecture in America and Canada
Davis pays for EAS excavations
deals in antiques
death (1939)
denies existence of a curse
describes ‘Golden Throne'
describes ‘Little Golden Shrine'
determined to find Tutankhamen's body
discovers the Tomb of the Horse
and discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb
discusses future of the tomb with Egyptian prime minister
on the gold mask and the coffins
grave of
and immunity to histoplasma
innovative approach to conservation
and the KV 4 head
lack of academic recognition
lecture tour (1924)
lives in Cairo
‘lost writings' issue
numbering of grave goods in Tutankhamen's tomb
official opening of Burial Chamber
papers deposited at Griffith Institute
partnered by Carnarvon
quarrels with Carnarvon
resigns from the EAS
Sakkara Affair
speculates on jewellery stolen from Tutankhamen's tomb
his team
up-market tourist guide
watercolour paintings
worsening relationship with Lacau
‘The Tomb of the Bird'
The Tomb of Tut.ank.Amen
(with Mace)
Carter, Samuel John
Carter, Vernet
burial among divine ancestors
potent magic of
Champollion, Jean-François
Chelmsford, Bishop of
Cheops (Greek version of Egyptian Khufu)
City of Hull Museums
civil service
Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt
colossi from Temple of Ay and Horemheb
Colossi of Memnon
computerised tomography (CT) scans
Connaught, Duke of
Connolly, Robert
Continental Hotel, Cairo
Corelli, Marie
cotton trade entrepreneurs
Cromer, Lord
blue crown
double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt
Daily Express
Daily Mail
Daily Telegraph
Dancer on the Nile
Daressy, Georges
David, Professor Rosalie
Davis, Theodore Monroe
Carter paints watercolours for him
the Chariot Tomb
desire to find an intact royal tomb
excavation costs
finds Queen Tawosret's jewellery
gives up the Valley concession
and the KV 55 tomb
pays for EAS excavations
refuses share of KV 46 artefacts
the Valley concession
visits KV 46
wealthy amateur
Weigall stops excavating for him
The Tomb of Queen Tiyi
The Tombs of Harmhabi and Touatânkhamanou
Deir el-Bahri tombs
Dean, Geoffrey
Décauville railway
Deir el-Bahri: memorial temple of Hatshepsut
Deir el-Bahri (DB) tombs
later used as a mummy cache
Pinodjem II's family tomb
tomb numbers
Deir el-Medina
Derry, Douglas
Description de l'Égypte
(1809 – 29)
Devonshire, Duke of
Diodorus Siculus
Douglas, Dr James
Doyle, Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan
‘Lot No. 249'
‘The Ring of Thoth'
Dra Abu el-Naga cemetery, Thebes
Duamutef (guardian of the stomach)
Edinburgh Museum
Edwards, Amelia B.
Edwards, I.E.S.
assassination of Sir Lee Stack
becomes a modern, independent state
British Protectorate comes to an end
effect of Akhenaten's dissolution of state temples
impact of Tutankhamen's tomb discovery
riots end the Mubarak regime (2011)
unification (
3100 BC)
Egypt Exploration Fund
Egypt Exploration Society
Egypt, King of (King Fuad I)
Egyptian Antiquities Service (EAS)
and autopsy of Tutankhamen
Carter as Chief of Antiquities
Carter resigns
and Carter's closure of the tomb
demands a list of Carter's excavation staff
forced to tidy up monuments
genetic analysis
keen for Tutankhamen's tomb to be cleared
ownership of excavated articles
survey of Tutankhamen's tomb
visitor permits
Egyptian Consulate, London
‘Egyptian History of the Pyramids, The' (trans. Vortier)
Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities
Egyptian University: Medical Faculty
becomes a respectable subject for academic study
development into a science
museum collections in England
popular appeal of
Elder Lady (KV 35EL)
Élisabeth, Queen of the Belgians
embalming house
Engelbach, Reginald
Engelbach, Rex
Eugénie, Empress
Evelyn-White, Hugh
Fahmy Bey, Prince Ali Kemal
Tutankhamen's father: Akhenaten?
Tutankhamen's father/brother: KV 55 revisited
Tutankhamen's mother: an unknown harem queen?
Tutankhamen's mother: Kiya?
Tutankhamen's mother: Meketaten?
Tutankhamen's mother: Meritaten?
Tutankhamen's mother: Nefertiti?
Tutankhamen's mother: Sitamen?
Tutankhamen's mother: Tadukhepa of Mitanni?
Tutankhamen's mother: the Younger Lady?
Faras, Lower Nubia
Farouk, King
Field Museum, Chicago
Field of Reeds
Filer, Joyce
First Intermediate Period
First World War
flu pandemic (1918 – 20)
Foreign Office
Fox-Davies, J.
Franklin Institute, Philadelphia
Frayling, Christopher
The Face of Tutankhamen
funerary texts
funerary wreaths
Gardiner, Sir Alan Henderson
Gautier, Théophile:
The Romance of a Mummy
Gebel Barkel
genetic testing
George V, King
Gerigar, Reis Ahmed
Goldacre, Ben
Goldwyn Picture Company
Gorst, Sir Eldon
grave goods, changing attitude to
Great Northern Ravine
Great Pyramid
Great Sphinx
Griffith Institute, Oxford University
Tutankhamun: Anatomy of an Excavation
Guides to the Afterlife
Hadrian, Emperor
Haggard, Sir Henry Rider
‘Smith and the Pharaohs'
Hall, Lindsley Foote
Hamdi, Dr Saleh Bey
Hands on History Museum, Hull
Hanna, Morcos Bey
Hapy (guardian of the lungs)
Harer, Benson
Harper's Magazine
Harris, James E.
Harris, John
Harrison, Professor Ronald
builder and diplomat
memorial temple at Deir el-Bahri
pillaged tomb (KV 20)
Hauser, Walter
Hawass, Dr Zahi
Herbert, Aubrey
Herbert, Lady Evelyn
Herbert, Mervyn
Herbert family
Hermopolis Magna (modern Ashmunein)
decoded by Champollion
knowledge of the script lost
in the KV 55 coffin
lack of vowels in
quoted on Carter's gravestone
Highclere, Berkshire
in the Amarna Period
memorial temple
pillaged tomb (KV 57)
rules from Thebes and Memphis
succeeds Ay
‘House of Nebkheperure [Tutankhamen]'
Hoving, Thomas
Tutankhamun: The Untold Story
Hull, east Yorkshire
Hussein, Reis
Huya, Steward of Tiy
Illustrated London News
Imseti (guardian of the liver)
architect to Tuthmosis I
his tomb (TT 81)
infertility theory
Ingram, Bruce
James, T.G.H.:
Howard Carter: The Path to Tutankhamen
Jesus Christ
Johnson, Dr
(the spiritual essence, or life-force, of the deceased)
Kadashman-Enlil I, King of Babylonia
Kadesh, Syria
Karnak: ‘Restoration Stela'
Karnak Temple
Kawa, Nubia
King Lists
deciphering of
in temples built by Seti I and Ramesses II
Tutankhamen excluded
King's Valley (KV) tombs
KV 4: Ramesses XI's incomplete tomb
KV 8: Meremptah's tomb
KV 9: Ramesses VI's tomb
KV 15 (Seti II)
KV 16: Ramesses I' unfinished tomb
KV 18
KV 20: Hatshepsut's pillaged tomb
KV 21A
KV 35
Amenhotep II's tomb
Elder Lady (KV35EL)
later used as a mummy cache
KV 46: Thuya's and Yuya's tomb
KV 51 53
KV 54
a stone-lined pit
storage jars and contents
KV 55
Ayrton's brief report
the coffin
funerary shrine
grave goods
home to a secondary Amarna burial
misidentified as the tomb of Queen Tiy
the mummy
part of group of three non-royal tombs including that of Tutankhamen
a single-chambered corridor tomb
KV 57: Horemheb's pillaged tomb
KV 58 (Chariot Tomb)
62 see
Tutankhamen's tomb
KV 63
discovery of
part of group of three non-royal tombs including that of Tutankhamen

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