Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy) (15 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy)
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“Oh boy, that’s sounds major,” Cassie says.

“Yes, it’s definitely a problem.”

I take another bite of my pasta wondering just a little why Enzo didn’t tell me about this sooner. He’s obviously concerned about it.

“What did the employee take?” I ask.

Enzo looks up at me and pauses before answering. “It’s not clear to me yet what has been compromised. I’ve just recently become aware of the situation. There is still much to be resolved.” He lifts my hand to his lips and gently kisses it. “Please don’t be worried. As soon as I know more, I assure you I will share it with you. You know I have very smart people working for me.” He smiles and winks, which comforts me a little.

I decide not to press the issue further. I already know that Enzo will talk about something when he is damn good and ready. Trying to force the issue will only result in a fight I am not willing to have.

We finish our meal and chat for a bit but, it’s clear Enzo is distracted. I finally suggest to him to go take care of his work so he can get back to me sooner. He excuses himself and kisses my cheek before heading off to the office.

“I’ll wash up. Why don’t you two go spend some quality time together?” I suggest.

“If by quality time you mean naked time, yeah I’m in!” Cassie says and then cackles loudly.

Chris’ face turns five shades of red, but he laughs and shakes his head as we all carry dishes back to the kitchen.

“Sounds like a good time, huh, Chris?”

“Definitely,” he replies.

After cleaning up the kitchen, I go to put on my swimsuit and grab a magazine I plan to read. On my way out, I decide to stop by Enzo’s office to check on him. As I approach I hear a very tense conversation. Part of me knows I should leave and not eavesdrop, but I’m so darn curious I have to.

“You have to do whatever it takes. This information cannot get out. Yes, I know. Did you get the camera footage from the hotel? Well get a search warrant then or a subpoena. Dammit, Alex, this is why I pay you what I do.”

Whoa, Enzo is clearly pissed off. I’m suddenly reminded of that damn book again and I really hope this isn’t yet another public scandal from one of Enzo’s former flings. I want to have a drama free life with him. I hope it’s something else, but my gut feeling is that this is personal on some level.

“The results came back clear so no problem there. Now we can focus solely on dealing with the rest of this.” I listen in the hallway and wonder what results he is talking about.

“Okay, Alex. Thank you. This is what I need. Please call if you need to, but only if it can’t wait. Ava and I were apart all weekend and I really want to spend some uninterrupted time with her. Thanks again. Ciao.”

Enzo hangs up and I quickly scamper down the hall away from his office. Walking out to our backyard, I find a lawn chair and sit down setting myself up for a few hours. I try to relax and not focus on what is going on, but I feel more than a little nervous. Shaking my head, I do my best to get the negative thoughts out of my head.

Moments later, Enzo joins me wearing his swim trunks and nothing else. He looks amazing, so toned and masculine. I love his body, every inch of it. He’s not overly muscular, but just enough definition to be sexy.

“Ciao, amore,” he says.

“Ciao. Everything alright?”

“Yes, yes. It’s fine. Like I said, I will explain it all to you once I know the extent of what is happening. I don’t want to prematurely worry you.”

“That’s fine. It just feels like you are a little shut off from me. I’m here if you need me, you know.”

“Of course I know that. I’m sorry if I am distant. I have just been focused on resolving the situation as soon as possible.”

“Okay, Enzo.” I open my magazine and pretend to be interested in it.

“What is that you’re reading, bella?” Enzo asks.

Flipping it over, I smile. “
Architectural Digest

“Ah, no more

“No. I don’t understand why anyone would want to read about other people’s lives.” I say this then start to laugh. “I guess you’ve rubbed off on me in more ways than one.”

“I’d like to rub off on you some more a bit later, no?”

“Definitely, yes.”

A few hours later I decide I’ve had enough sun. Looking over at Enzo, he’s sound asleep on the chaise lounge. I’ve never seen him so wiped out before. I nudge him gently to wake him up. He yawns and stretches before turning to face me.

“There is nothing better than opening my eyes and seeing you there,” he says, softly.

“Shall we go inside? It’s starting to get warm.”

“Yes, but first I think I’ll swim a few laps to wake myself up a bit. Then, prepare yourself, signora.” Enzo laughs as he gets to his feet.

“I’m prepared.” I watch Enzo walk to the edge of the pool and dive in. As he swims, his body rises and falls through the water that ripples over his sinewy muscles. I can’t tear my eyes from his amazing physique and a smile graces my face thinking about what that body of his feels like pressed against mine.

Enzo swims to the edge and runs his fingers through his hair to get it off his face. He smiles and it’s almost blinding how white and perfect his smile is.

“You know, Enzo, you should’ve been a model. It’s almost unfair how physically perfect you are.”

Climbing out the pool, he guffaws as I hand him a towel. “While I appreciate the compliment, I have no interest in being ogled by strangers.”

That comment causes me to laugh. “Oh, Enzo. You are constantly ogled by strangers. You’re just not paid for it.”

He glances at me and tries not to smile but he can’t help it. “Regardless, I only desire your ogling.”

“Well, you’ve got that, my prince.”

“Bravo. Andiamo? Voglio fare l’amore con te, amore mio.”

“Mmm, the rest of the day in bed with you sounds perfect. Are you sure you’re feeling up to it?”

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he presses his hips into mine. “Maybe you should feel if I’m up to it.”

“Yes, maybe I should. Let’s go inside, no?”

“Shower first?” Enzo suggests.


We walk back inside directly to our bedroom and into the bathroom where Enzo starts running the shower. I strip off my swimsuit and admire my tan in the mirror for a moment. I’m starting to look more like myself again. The color has returned to my cheeks and I’ve regained my appetite. I’m looking forward to getting back into my wardrobe. I very much welcome the return of my curvy figure.

“What are you thinking about, bella?”

“Just noticing that I’m starting to look healthy again and I’m happy about that.”

“So am I. You are absolutely gorgeous.”

“Thank you.” I smile and truly appreciate his words.

We step into the shower and wash each other, sensually rubbing soap over our bodies. It’s a lot closer to foreplay than cleaning and my entire body is tingling with passion. Just a few days away from him and it’s like it’s been a year. I crave his touch.

“I want something from you, Enzo.”

“You can have anything you want, bella. You know that.”

“Let’s get out of here.”

“As you wish.”

We step out of the shower, drying quickly and walking into our bedroom. I just want to be close to him and he feels so distant. I press my body up against him and brush my lips against his neck.

“Ava…” Enzo whispers.

“Don’t you want me?”

“Of course. More than anything.” He pushes me back until I sit down on the chaise lounge.

Spreading my legs open, he kneels down and runs his hands along the inside of my thighs, up my stomach, and across my breasts. He rolls my hardened nipples between his fingers before sucking each into his mouth. The feeling is divine and I throw my head back in pleasure as I run my fingers through his hair. His mouth moves down my body, stopping to lick and kiss every spot possible. Moans of desire escape my lips as Enzo teases my body with his lips and tongue.

Slowly, he moves down and settles between my legs and my breath catches as his warm tongue makes contact with the softest part of me. I close my eyes and revel in the sensation rippling through me as Enzo focuses on bringing me to climax.

I whisper to Enzo as he pleases me. “Enzo, baby, mmm, so good. Come inside,” I plead.

He doesn’t answer me but continues to work on me until I can’t stop my hips from bucking against his mouth. He drags his teeth gently against my clit, causing me to cry out his name and claw his arms on either side of me.

Two fingers slide inside me and swirl up and around hitting me in the perfect spot. I want Enzo to finish me off with the perfection between his legs but he seems determined to do it this way. I’m not complaining though. I’m in absolute heaven right now.

Enzo continues working on me; his tongue buried deep within me as his fingers work my clit. The climatic tension starts to build in the middle of my belly and I dig my nails into my own skin bracing for the release I’m on the verge of receiving.

As my orgasm hits, I cry out Enzo’s name again as he rests his head on me while I struggle to calm my breathing.

“You are my dreams, my aspirations. You are…” Enzo speaks softly. “You have no idea how much I love you or what I would do to protect you. I would kill for you if I had to, Ava. Do you realize that?”

I try to lift his face to mine but he won’t move. What is he talking about? Kill for me?

“No one matters more to me than you. I love you so much it’s almost unbearable.”


“Shh. Let me love you like I do. I’ll die if I can’t. If you ever take your love away, I would die.”

I can tell from his grip on me that this is more about emotion than passion at this moment. I don’t know what’s got him so freaked out, but we just lie together as I stroke his hair.

“Ava, you are so amazing. What you have, what you give me, is so…” He stops speaking suddenly and if I’m not mistaken he almost sounds like he is crying.

“Enzo, baby? What’s wrong?”

Finally he lifts his face and stares into my eyes. “Excuse me for my emotional outburst. I just felt overwhelmed suddenly.”

“You never have to apologize to me for telling me how you feel.” I stroke his hair. “Why did you say you would kill for me?”

He shrugs. “That’s just how much I love you. If it ever came to that, for any reason, you can be sure I would do whatever it takes to protect you.”

“I already know that. Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Absolutely. In fact, I’m much better now.”

“Should we move up to the bed?”

“Good idea.”

“There is still more time for love making,” I suggest.

“That sounds wonderful, but I have to admit I’m not feeling quite myself just yet. I think that little session wore me about a bit.”

I smile softly. “Well, I admit you did an amazing job. You deserve to rest for a while.”

“Grazie, amore,” Enzo says and leans over to kiss my cheek.

As we climb into bed, I just can’t shake the nagging feeling that something major is bothering Enzo. I just hope whatever it is, it passes quickly.

Enzo twists his fingers in mine. “I would do anything for you,” he whispers.

“I know,” I whisper back. “Everything is fine though, babe. I’m really happy. We have a good life.”

“Yes, everything is fine.”

Something in his tone sends a chill through me, and I can’t be sure I actually believe what he just said. I do my best to put my fears aside and settle into sleep.





I ANSWER THE ringing phone on the office desk. “Ava Milano speaking,” I say.

“Ava Milano,” the woman’s voice repeats and I realize it sounds very familiar to me. “I have some information you might be interested in.”

“Who is this?”

“Who is this? Come on, Ava, you know me. We go way back,” she says.

A feeling of discontent settles over me. It can’t be who I think it is. It just can’t be. I stay silent, deciding my best bet is to wait for her to speak again.

“I think you should know that your darling Enzo has been quite the scoundrel. The minute you left him alone he couldn’t wait to see me again. You think you’ve got him wrapped around your finger but I’ve got proof that you don’t.”

With a sinking feeling, I realize exactly who it is. Fucking Anna.

“How did you get this number?” I demand.

“It’s a public number.”

“You’re not supposed to be contacting me or Enzo. I’ll have you arrested for violating your parole.”

She laughs bitterly into the phone. “How are you going to do that? You don’t even know where I am. Did you hear what I said,
Milano?” she sneers. “I’ve already seen Enzo. It was divine too. You’re so smug thinking you’ve got him. I thought you’d like to know he’s not the faithful husband you think he is.”

My whole body shakes with anger. “Oh please. Do you really expect me to believe that Enzo cheated on me with you? That’s ludicrous, you insane bitch.”

“Are you sure about that? Maybe you should ask him about me and the International Award dinner he attended last month in Vegas. You weren’t with him, remember. Rumor has it you were home dealing with your failed attempt at being a mother.”

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