Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy) (16 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy)
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Her words stab me inside. There is no way she would know about my miscarriage unless Enzo told her. My head spins. I’m smart enough to know this is some kind of ploy. There is no fucking way Enzo did anything with this whore. He hates her. We both do. To think I actually felt sorry for this pathetic bitch.

“I don’t have time for your nonsense, Anna. You are completely insignificant to me and my life with Enzo. Whatever you’re trying to do, you’re wasting your time. I don’t give a fuck about you.”

She laughs again. “You will. I’m going to take everything you have. It’s already started. You have no idea I’m about to ruin your perfect little existence. You’ll give a fuck by the time it’s all over with.”

Anna’s words scare the shit out of me. I already know she’s crazy enough to attempt murder, what else will she do? She’s not even supposed to be near me much less calling me or seeing Enzo. If he did see her, why didn’t he tell me? A thousand thoughts run through my head- his secret phone calls, agitated demeanor, overprotective behavior. Shit.

I do my best to maintain my composure. “Are you done now? I have work to do, and I still don’t give a fuck about you and your ridiculous threats. I will say this though, so you better listen.” I take a deep breath. “You stay the fuck away from me and my husband. If I ever see your sorry face again or hear that you came anywhere near us, you won’t have to worry about the police, Anna. I’ll kill you with my bare hands. Believe it.”

Anna remains silent for a moment and I hope I’ve somehow managed to get through to her. “You haven’t heard the last of me, Ava. You believe that.” She hangs up before I can say another word.

I close my eyes and try to calm my rattled nerves. I can’t believe the fucking nerve of this woman. I know I have to talk to Enzo and find out what he knows about this. I can’t imagine that he saw her and would keep that from me.

I dial his cell phone but my hands are shaky. I wait patiently for him to answer, knowing he had meetings at Girasole that morning, wondering just what I’m going to say if he tells me he saw her.

“Ciao, amore,” Enzo answers, cheerfully.

“Enzo, Anna called me.” I don’t waste any time on pleasantries.


“Anna fucking called me and said she’s already been in contact with you. Tell me she’s lying.” His sudden silence makes my heart sink. “Are you keeping secrets from me, Enzo?” I ask in utter disbelief.

“We need to talk about this when we both get home.”

“You saw her? You fucking saw her and didn’t tell me?!” I yell into the phone.

“Calm down, Ava.”

“Calm down?! Why the fuck haven’t I heard about it until now. Do you know how fucking humiliating this is to me to hear it from

“Ava, stop swearing at me.”

“Don’t fucking tell me what to do!”

Enzo takes a deep breath. “Ava, this is something I wanted to discuss with you but I was waiting for the right time. I refuse to do this over the phone.”

“I can’t even begin to imagine how you’re going to explain this to me. She’s not even supposed to be anywhere near us. Why haven’t you had her arrested yet?”

“I said we’ll discuss it in person.”

“Well then you better stop whatever you are doing right now and meet me at the house.” I slam down the phone, the only time I’ve ever hung up on my husband. My blood is fucking boiling right now. I know in my heart that I am not going to like what I hear. Suddenly his secretive behavior is starting to make a lot more sense.

I grab my handbag and walk quickly towards the front. Francesca sees me and rushes towards me before I can get out the door. “Yes, Ava, you look upset. What is happening?”

“Your brother has been keeping secrets from me, that is what’s happening. He saw Anna and decided that I’m just too fucking fragile to handle that information. He
Anna, Checca.”

“How did you find out about this?” she asks, averting her eyes from me.

“She called me. Fucking crazy bitch.”

“Where are you going now?”

“Home to deal with my husband.”

“Be kind to him, Ava. There must be a good reason he kept it from you.”

“Like what?” I put my hands on my hips and notice her downcast expression again. “You knew it already, didn’t you, Checca?” I ask, nausea settling over me.

“I don’t know the specifics, no, but there may have been an incident…”

“Incident?!? Jesus Christ! I cannot believe this!” I stomp out of the hotel and get into my car, doing my best to calm myself before shifting into gear. I hit the highway and press down on the gas pedal. I just can’t believe this is happening right now. How could Enzo keep this from me? Checca knows too. Am I the only person who doesn’t? I thought we had an honesty vow. Unbelievable.

In record time I pull past the gates that lead to my driveway and park in front of the house. Walking in, I slam the door behind me. Enzo is already sitting in the living room, his hands folded in front of him and his head bowed. Maximus sits next to him, his head cocked to one side.

I toss my handbag on the console table and stare at the man sitting contritely in front of me. “Spill it, Enzo. And don’t try pulling any of your bossy shit with me. Give me all the details and let me know exactly what I’m dealing with.”

Enzo looks up at me and the sadness in his eyes causes me to turn away. As each silent moment passes, I fear the words that will come out of his mouth.

“Ava, part of the reason that I haven’t told you about it is because I’m not entirely sure what happened.”

“What does that mean? Did you see that bitch or not?”

“I did.”

“When? Where?”

“In Las Vegas.”

“Did you talk to her?”


“Well then how did you know it was Anna?”

“I didn’t. She must have attended the event, but I don’t remember seeing her at all.”

“If you didn’t talk to her, how did she know I lost the baby, Enzo?”

He looks up at me and his jaw twitches. “I have no idea. I did not tell her that. At least I don’t think I did.”

“What does that mean? You are not making any sense!”

“Ava, I got up to go to the restroom because I didn’t feel well. I was very lightheaded. I honestly don’t remember anything except sometime later…” he pauses and runs his fingers through his hair. “I was in my hotel room and Checca was pounding hard on the door, calling my name. I felt like I had been hit by a freight train and stumbled to the door.”

“How did you get to your room?”

He shakes his head. “I don’t know but…”

“Spit it out.”

“Anna lured me there after drugging me. I tested positive.”

“Drugged you?”

“Yes. I can’t remember anything. I assume she must have found a way to slip something into my drink at the event. I barely remember Checca’s arrival and subsequent argument with Anna.”

“Anna was in the room with you?”

He nods but doesn’t look at me. “It was Checca that figured out it was Anna.”

I’m afraid to ask my next question but I have to. “Did fuck her, Enzo? She said you did. She said you cheated on me. Please say it isn’t true.” Dear God, don’t let it be true.

“I don’t know, Ava. I swear to you. The only thing I know is that Checca arrived and she said she didn’t think anything happened between us.”

“She doesn’t think? Oh my God, Enzo. I can’t believe you thought this was okay to keep from me!”

“What was I supposed to say, Ava? You do realize how ridiculous all of this sounds right now, don’t you? I’ve been waiting for the right time and every time I think I’m ready to tell you, I can’t find the words.” He shakes his head. “Quite frankly, I’m ashamed and horrified by it all.”

I pace across the living room, fighting the urge to cry or scream or both. What if Anna really did do something with Enzo? What if she…I stop myself. I can’t even deal with that thought right now.

“What do we do now, Enzo? She threatened me and honestly, I don’t know if I can handle this all over again with her. I thought we were done.” I finally sit down in an armchair. “There’s one thing that still doesn’t make sense to me. Why didn’t you just call the police? She violated her probation.”

“I know, but Alex said this could be a very nasty battle if she can prove that I went with her willingly. There are no witnesses except Checca. She only came to my room because she thought it was odd I left the event without saying goodbye to her. If it wasn’t for her…” His voice trails off again. “I didn’t want this to become public.”

“You were tested?”

“Yes, but by the time the doctor got to me the drug was starting to leave my system so there were only trace amounts. I also had a battery of tests to ensure that…”


“To make sure that I’m clean and didn’t contract anything from her.”

My heart sinks as I listen to my husband talk about the precautions he took.

“Can’t you remember anything?” I ask as my heart breaks while I speak.

Enzo looks up at me with a heartbreaking look in his eyes. “I’ve tried, Ava.”

I bury my hands in my face and release the tears I’ve been straining to hold back. Anna finally succeeded in coming between us. Enzo stands and walks towards me but I raise my hand to stop him. “Don’t touch me, Enzo.”

“Ava, please. You know I wouldn’t willingly do anything with her or anyone else. You know this, please don’t shut me out.”

“Does it matter if it was willingly or not, Enzo? Does that even matter? She will use this to ruin us. She will do everything in her power to come between us.”

“We can’t let her do that. What we have is bigger than her.”

“Is it?” I don’t know that it is. I don’t know that I can stand the sight of Enzo right now. For the first time since I laid eyes on him, I have a very sudden, urgent desire to get the hell away from him. I just want to be anywhere but here.

“What did she say to you, Ava?”

“She’s back to all her crazy talk. She said she was going to take everything that is mine. That she’s already started and that you cheated on me with her. She said she was going to ruin my life. What has she said to you?”

“Nothing. I haven’t spoken to her since that night. I have a private investigator trying to figure out where she is and what she’s up to. I have no intention of sitting back and waiting for her to attack my wife again.”

“Hate to break the news to you, but you’re too late. She already attacked. Knowing her, I’m sure she has much more planned.”

Enzo approaches and kneels before me, taking my hands in his, but I pull them away. “Ava, please look at me.”

I shake my head, refusing to look up. “Please, Ava.” He pulls my chin up so I have no choice.


“Please don’t leave me. I know you’re thinking it. I know this is awful. It’s the worst possible thing I could ever do to you but you know in your heart that I would never, ever, intentionally hurt you or break your trust, especially with that bitch. You know, Ava.”

“I don’t know what I believe anymore.”

“I’m begging you, Ava. We’ll get to the bottom of this. When I’m done with her, she’ll be nothing to anyone.”

“I’m so angry I’m saying things I never thought would come out of my mouth. I threatened to kill her with my bare hands and I meant it. If she gets anywhere near me, Enzo, I swear to God I will kill her. I’m done.”

“Her blood will never stain your hands, amore. I am the reason she is in your life and I will be the person who makes sure she leaves it. You have my word that she won’t get away with any of this. All I can ask of you is that you stay and not take your love away from me. I am groveling at your feet, Ava.”

I look down at my handsome husband, his beautiful blue eyes red from strain. In my heart I know there is no way he would choose Anna over me. It doesn’t change the fact that something very wrong happened between them.

“Enzo this is hard for me. You hid this from me and you lied. For the first time since I met you, I want to leave. You know how I feel about cheating. The pain in my heart is nearly intolerable.” He starts to speak but I raise my hand to make him stop. “I need some time to sort this out. I’m going to go stay somewhere else for a few nights. I expect you to respect my decision.”

“I hate it but I understand. You stay here. I’ll go.”

“Where will you go?”


He stands and steps away from me. The distance between us feels like a million miles. The look on his face is tragic.

“I will have some extra security here just in case. I don’t know where she’s at or what she’s doing yet,” Enzo explains.

I nod my head, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Ava, you have to know how sorry I am.”

I say nothing and simply stare at him. This is one time he’s not going to get off the hook easily. I can’t ignore that something this major happened and he made the decision to lie.

“Can I call you?” he asks.

“I don’t know. Right now, I don’t want to talk to you and I don’t want to talk about this.”

“Okay,” he says. He turns to walk away and I do my best to hold back the tears threatening to explode from inside me. I’m a bit surprised he’s accepting this and not fighting me more, but I’ll take it. I just need a little space to think.

I sit down on the couch as Enzo goes to our bedroom. All sorts of things rush through my mind. Anna is back and she went to drastic lengths to get to Enzo. What else is she capable of? What else can I expect to happen? She put her hands on my husband. Shaking my head, I wipe away a tear that escapes my eye. I don’t know if I can get over Enzo and her…I can’t even finish the thought.

Enzo returns from the bedroom with a small bag in his hand. He stands before me, silent, but his eyes say a lot. He doesn’t need to tell me he loves me- I know this. I know he somehow thought this was the right way to handle it, but he was wrong. Very wrong.

My eyes meet his and I want to run to him and throw myself in his arms, but then again I don’t. This is why we need some time apart. I can’t think straight in his presence.

“Ava, I…” Enzo starts but stops as his voice breaks. “You know how I feel about you and I hope you understand my misguided attempt at handling this. I hope you’ll see that we are stronger together than apart. I will give you the space you need for as long as I can but I assure you that I will not sit back and lose the only person in my life that I’ve ever loved. Not over her.”

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