Turbulent Kisses (12 page)

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Authors: Jessica Gray

BOOK: Turbulent Kisses
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Chapter 25


Three months later…


Pearl stood on top of the 66-feet-platform, preparing for her first competitive jump this season. Rather than gasps of horror and pity, she’d received a standing ovation from the crowd when she’d stepped from the locker room, her scar there for all to see.

The admiration of her fans had propelled her all the way up to the platform where she was now standing. She took the few steps to the end of the platform and looked down. The people in the crowd looked like ants and the noise of their cheering not more than a hum up there.

A spark of fear rushed through her body, alerting all of her senses. If she ate it from this height, she might be dead or hauled away to the hospital. It was a welcome fear, because it kept her focused. And humble.

She’d opted to start with her most difficult dive. If performed perfectly, it would give her score the boost she needed to surge forward on the leader board. It would take off a lot of pressure and give her wiggle room with the next dives.

This particular dive consisted of three somersaults and one-and-a-half twists, before she’d land on the water feet first. It had the highest base score and required immense upper body strength, as well as maximum muscle control.

She’d nailed it many times from the lower platforms during training, but today was the first time she’d perform it from this high. With persistent training, she’d managed to straighten her knee ninety-nine percent of the way, and she’d have to lock her muscles extra tight to make up for the missing one percent. If she couldn’t, her entry would make a big splash and the judges would give her low scores.

Adrenaline rushed through her veins, pulsing in her ears and she took a few calming breaths, before she whispered, “I love you” to Chase’s image in her mind. Without him, she wouldn’t be standing up here and she was beyond thankful for his love and support.

She deliberately pushed all thoughts away and blanked her mind, sending a boost of extra strength to her left leg. Then she visualized the dive ahead of her.

Taking another calming breath, she positioned herself into a handstand, focused her mind and body like a laser beam and let herself freefall off the platform. The three seconds of the dive passed in slow-motion as Pearl let her body take over to complete the rotations of the somersaults and twists pike before she entered the water in a perfectly upright position.

She executed the dive brilliantly, and as she surfaced, she knew she would score well.

When she broke the surface of the water and searched for the eyes of her coach, she got drawn into the chocolate brown eyes of Chase. Her heart lurched forward.
He’s here.

In that very moment, she realized that being with him didn’t make her trapped or weak. On the contrary, he’d always be there to cheer her on, support her and force her to give her very best.

She swam to the side of the pool in a hurry.

“What are you doing here?” she asked as she climbed the ladder from the dive pool. He was supposed to have been far from Mexico, but somehow he was here.

“I got it,” he assured her. He lifted her from the water, his clothing getting soaked as she plastered herself against his front.

She vaguely heard the crowd cheering as Chase planted a passionate kiss upon her lips. The scoreboard was behind her back and the crowd was making so much noise, she couldn’t decide if they were cheering her score, or the kiss.

“Chase,” she moaned against his lips as he broke the kiss.

“Sugar,” he said to her, pulling her out of the view of the crowd and kissing her again. “I’m so proud of you. You were absolutely spectacular. Now go and win this thing. For us.”

“What are you doing here?” she had to ask again, because her mind still couldn’t fathom he was real.

“I told you I’d always be there to support you.”


“Don’t worry about it. I qualified for the finals in my first heat. I have plenty of time to get back there before tomorrow.”

Pearl shook her head at him and then pulled his head down to her own for another searing kiss, before she hurried away to perform her remaining dives.

Up on the platform, she was no longer nervous because Chase was waiting for her. In her delight, she executed the next dives with near perfection. By the time the competition was over, she had forged ahead of the second place diver by more than three points.

She was flying high as she stood upon the podium to receive her gold medal and watched the United States flag lifted high and the national anthem play.

Chase was waiting for her as she stepped down the podium. He swept her up into his arms and kissed her again.

“How much time before you have to leave?” she asked as she headed for the locker room, acknowledging the well wishes of the other competitors and spectators.

“Well, travel time is just under five hours. I will compete again in sixteen hours, so you do the math.”

Pearl couldn’t even begin to wrap her head around the fact that he had flown so far just to be with her.

“When does your plane leave?”

He grinned from ear to ear. “Whenever I say so. I called in a few favors and my sister’s fiancé loaned me his private jet.”

“Russell has a private plane?” Pearl’s head hurt. She knew doctors made a good living, but enough to own a private jet?

“No, not Russell. My other sister. Reese. She’s engaged to Nikos Petridis.”

“The billionaire shipping tycoon?” Pearl asked, not sure if he was joking.


She shook her head and then tried to voice what was going through her brain. “So, let me get this straight. You’re related to the best plastic surgeon in the United States. One of the richest men in the world. Who else haven’t you told me about?”

“The best and most famous high diving champion in the world?” he teased her, closing his lips over her with a ravenous kiss that sent her world spiraling.

“No, seriously,” she panted, when she’d recovered her breath. “Is there anything else I need to know about your family?”

He lifted his eyebrows up and down. “You’ll meet all of them soon.”

Pearl wasn’t sure if that was a promise or a threat. She quickly showered, returning to the main team room where everyone was celebrating already. Usually, they’d do a quick de-briefing, meet with the press and answer some questions, and then be wined and dined by the sponsors.

She normally enjoyed that part of competing, but today she just wanted to climb aboard the jet with Chase. She spied her coach before she could get pulled into the celebration and told him her dilemma.

Coach Dawson smiled one of his very rare smiles. “Davids, you were awesome out there today. Go with your man. But I’ll expect you at the pool Monday morning.”

Pearls heart jumped in joy and she almost hugged her coach, but thought better of it and said, “Thanks, Coach. For everything. I’ll be there.”

Then she hurried away in search of Chase and an hour later, she was on a private jet back to the states. Together with the love of her life.

The first kitesurfing competition of the season took place in the Outer Banks, and they arrived well before midnight at his place with enough time for their very own celebration of her gold medal.

The next day, she met his parents, who’d traveled down to watch him compete. While Chase took off to prepare for his competition, she was left with them.

His mother requested she call her Bridget, and took her under her wing as if she was her own child. “Pearl. I’ve heard so much about you,” Bridget chatted as they watched Chase warm up for his first heat.

“Thanks.” Pearl wasn’t sure what else to say, not having had any time to worry about meeting his parents. He’d told her it would be happening, and then suddenly they were there.

“Finally, Chase has found someone he loves. Welcome to the family.” Mitch Paxton smiled and hugged her tight with a hug that reminded her so much of her own father.

He couldn’t say anything else, because another breathtakingly handsome man with the same physique as Chase and Mitch burst in. “Hi, Dad. Sorry, Mom. I’m late.” He hugged his dad and kissed his mom before he fell into the empty seat on Pearl’s side and gave her a once over with his sparkling green eyes.

“You must be Pearl,” he said, pulling her into a warm hug. “I’m Terrence.” She’d heard his awesome velvety voice a thousand times before and it rolled down her spine like chocolate sauce.

When recognition hit her, she tore her eyes wide open. “Electric Flow. You’re Terrence from Electric Flow?”

He flashed her a grin that showed the poise of a man who was used to raving groupies launching at him. “Yup. That’s me.”

“I love your music. It’s helped me through many hard times.”

Terrence took this as an invitation to flirt with her. “Since you already love my music, we could explore what else you love.”

She gave him a full-belly laugh. “Sorry, man. My playlist may belong to you, but everything else belongs to Chase.”

He shrugged and grinned. “It was worth a try.”

A voice from the loudspeakers interrupted them, announcing the next heat between Chase Paxton and Neil Toller. Pearl leaned back in her seat and pressed the binoculars to her eyes, not wanting to miss a single movement of the man she loved so much.

Her heart spilled over with love for him and gratefulness that he’d forced her to face the past. It hadn’t made her weak. Neither had it made her a victim in the eyes of the world. No, it had reinforced the fact that Pearl Davids was a strong, self-reliant, confident female athlete.

With Chase by her side, she could take on any adversity and come out the other side victorious.             

***The End ***


This was the third book in the
Love in Sandy Beach

Book four features Ethan Paxton and Hazel Mendes. In DETERMINED KISSES Ethan soon recognized Hazel is the woman he loves. But Hazel’s life is a mess and she’s not willing to start a relationship before she has sorted out everything. Accompany them on their journey to a happily ever after.

Coming soon…..
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Want to know, how everything started with the Paxton siblings? Read EXPLOSION OF LOVE, a story of friends to lovers. Grant Paxton and Samantha Armstrong have been friends forever, until she comes running to him for consolation. Heat rises and soon they’re confronted with a totally different kind of relationship.


Thank you for taking the time to read TURBULENT KISSES. If you enjoyed it, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend.

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Please enjoy a preview of the story of Samantha and Grant



The Armstrongs, Book Six


Jessica Gray



Preview Explosion of Love

Samantha Armstrong grabbed another handful of tissues from the box in a futile attempt to get a grip on her running nose and her streaming eyes. The box fell to the floor with a bang, and she left it lying there. She had bigger problems to worry about than a stupid tissue box. Her world had just turned upside down, in more areas than one.

At the age of twenty-four, the world should be her oyster. She was a highly sought-after top model in New York, but today, she’d probably lost it all because of her temper, and the underhanded dealings of someone who’d said he cared about her. A
fter today’s debacle, you’ll be lucky if you can land a job advertising dog food.

She gave in to her tears for another few minutes and wallowed in self-pity. But if she was honest, she had to blame herself and her lack of self-control for what had happened. She pushed away that insight and dug through the pile of magazines, receipts, and other contents that had spilled from her purse, in search of her cell phone. Why did that stupid cell phone always have to hide somewhere?
The whole imbecile world is conspiring against me!

When she located it, she scrolled through her contacts until she found the one she wanted, her best friend Grant Paxton.

“Hello, Sammie. Long time no talk.” Grant answered the phone with a smile in his voice.

He was the only person in the world she let get away with calling her
Not even her brothers were allowed to do that. But with Grant, she actually liked the way he pronounced it, sweet and fun at the same time. Just like him.

“Hi, Grant.” Samantha heard his cheerful tone, but it didn’t penetrate though her sadness and despair. Not today. She struggled not to unload her sorrow on him right then and there. He’d take it in stride, but it wouldn’t make her feel any better. She needed a hug in the worst way.

Making a rash decision, she told him, “I’m coming to Chicago. Can you pick me up at the airport?”

After a slight pause Grant replied, “Sure, Sammie. When do you arrive?”

Sam mumbled something into the phone, while opening her laptop to search for a flight, and trying to dry her tears at the same time.

“I didn’t catch that. What time does your flight arrive?”

“I’m working on it.”

“What do you mean? You haven’t scheduled your flight yet?” Grant asked in disbelief.

As he spoke, she booked the last remaining seat on a flight leaving in over an hour. “I’ll be there around 6:40 tonight.”

“Say that again. Sorry, I dropped the phone and only caught the last word.”

Samantha repeated the time of her arrival, a little louder this time, but there was no way to disguise the huskiness in her voice, left behind by her tears. She’d just given herself away.

Grant’s sigh echoed over the phone line. “What is it this time?”

Damn, I can’t hide anything from him.
Sam blew her nose and answered his question on the verge of breaking out into tears: “I broke up with Craig.”
And I need you to make me feel better.

“Again?” Grant asked.

This wasn’t the first time she’d called him after breaking up with the slime bag, but it would definitely be the last one. She felt stupid because she hadn’t seen through Craig before. How stupid could a girl be and go back to the same unworthy guy time and again?

“Yes. But this time it’s for good.”

Grant said nothing, but she envisioned the eye-roll her comment produced.
He might not believe me right now, but I’m serious this time.

“So, how long are you staying?” Grant asked, moving away from the subject of her breakup. He’d made his opinion of the man known a time or two, and now she wished she’d listened to him – or to her brothers. If she wasn’t so stubborn, she might have taken their advice and kicked that guy to the curb years ago.

“I’m not sure…”

“You’re not sure.” Grant repeated her words as if there was a mystery he needed to solve. “Aren’t you a busy supermodel, who’s booked out for weeks in advance?”

“Yeah, but not right now.”
And maybe never again. I more than likely ruined my career. After my temper tantrum today, nobody will want to work with me ever again.

“Well, you know I love seeing you. Text me your flight number and I’ll pick you up. Take care.”

Samantha hung up the phone with a small sense of relief. Grant always had that special way of making her feel good. Secure. She didn’t spend much time analyzing it, but given the choice between running home to her family, or to Grant, she would always choose Grant.

The thought of her family had her trying to remember where all of her siblings were, and she sighed in relief at the realization that only one or two of them were in Chicago at the moment.

Whew! I don’t need them breathing down my neck right now.
Sure, they’d be sympathetic to her plight, threaten bodily harm to Craig for his actions, but it wouldn’t stop there. No, it would continue, becoming more than she was willing to put up with in her frame of mind.

She wasn’t up for the lectures she would more than likely receive from her brothers. They had never liked her ex-boyfriend, and as much as she hated to admit it, they’d been right all along. She just hadn’t wanted to see it or to listen to anyone. But today, she couldn’t handle even one “I told you so” from them. Getting her nose rubbed in her failures was the last thing she needed.
I need a shoulder to cry on and someone to make me feel good about myself. I need Grant.

Before rushing off to the airport, she tossed a few clothes into her suitcase, packing the essentials and nothing else. She needed out of New York, and away from the possibility of running into her ex. Fast. That douche bag had just officially ruined her career. As far as the fashion world was concerned, she was as good as dead now.

Samantha put on her huge sunglasses and hailed the first taxi to pass by her building, instructing the driver to take her straight to the airport. She’d been lucky enough to secure a seat on the last flight to Chicago this afternoon, and hoped it wouldn’t take her too long to get through airport security. With one carry-on bag, and already checked in online, she should be able to make it in time for boarding.

It’s not like you’re prepared for any instant photos anyway. If the media gets wind of what went down today, you’ll be sought after, but for the wrong reasons.

That unpleasant notion had her rehashing recent events in her mind. Again. It seemed that was all she’d done for the last few hours: replay the events of earlier today over and over in her mind. No matter how many times she rehashed things, they didn’t make her actions look any better the twentieth time around.

It hadn’t been enough for Craig to put his needs before hers. No. He’d had to destroy her in the process.
Lying piece of…

Samantha started sobbing again, drawing the attention of the taxi driver. Thankfully the driver was too occupied with rush-hour traffic, navigating the numerous cars trying to get out of the city and home for the evening, to start a conversation with her.

When the taxi arrived at the airport, she attempted to mop up her face with the soggy tissues in her hand. She swallowed several times before she stepped out of the taxi, taking the suitcase the driver was holding for her and handing him a roll of cash. “Thanks.”

She entered the terminal, eager to get on the plane and home to Grant.

Grant would know what to do. He always knew.

They had been friends for as long as she could remember. As they grew up and became adults, their friendship had stayed strong. She trusted him. He’d always had her best interests at heart, even though his brutal honesty was often a lot to cope with. Especially when he pointed out things she knew but didn’t want to admit. Like her lack of self-control, or that Craig wasn’t the right guy for her.

Their close friendship had been one of the things she’d missed most in New York. Since she’d left the Windy City four years earlier, they’d seen each other once or twice a year, at the most, and she’d missed him. A lot.


(End of Sneak Peak)

To continue reading, pick up the book of Samanta and Grant:




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