Turbulent Kisses (7 page)

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Authors: Jessica Gray

BOOK: Turbulent Kisses
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Chapter 13


The next morning, they met at the beach and ran with each other. Chase looked angry and she decided to keep quiet and wait.

She didn’t have to wait for long. Soon enough he accused her. “You lied to me. You’re a professional athlete, for God’s sake. Not some random diving coach.”

The accusation took her by surprise and while it was justified, she didn’t want to give him this satisfaction. “Me lie? It was none of your business. Who do you think you are, by the way? And you have certainly no business lecturing me on honesty.”

“What?” he growled, speeding up his pace.

“Why didn’t you tell me Russell Barkin is related to you?”

Chase stopped running and glared at her. “What?! You have got to be kidding me! I didn’t even know you knew him, and why would I tell you about my sister’s fiancé?”

She stopped beside him and stared at him. For some reason, the way he got upset and glared at her, like he wanted to jump at her, sent butterflies into her stomach. Damn it, this man got only hotter when he was angry.

When he met her stare, the anger in his eyes transformed into burning passion and the chemistry between them threatened to go nuclear. Pearl dropped her gaze and shoved her hands into the pockets of her hoodie.

It took him a few moments before he talked to her again, his voice much softer now. “Pearl, I can’t believe you think I lied to you because I didn’t tell you about every one of my relatives and who they know. That’s just plain dumb.”

Pearl finally dared to look up into his mesmerizing chocolate brown eyes. His smile took her off guard and the softness in his glance threatened to swallow her. “Guess I might have gone a little overboard. Truce?”

He nodded. “I will never understand you women.”

They started running again, and she was smiling this time. They finished their run, went through some stretches and strengthening exercises before she said goodbye to him and took off on her own.

This pattern continued for several days, and Chase did his best to honor her rules, never once trying to touch or kiss her. Everything was going like clockwork, so why was she, every day, a little more disappointed when they went their separate ways?

Pearl looked forward to their training sessions each day, and being with him was great. She really enjoyed herself, but she longed for so much more.

It was pure torture to look at his muscled body for hours on end, without allowing herself to touch him. To run her fingers through his tousled hair, along his stubbled jawline, and cover his lips with her own.

But she wouldn’t allow herself to go down that path.




“Come on, just a few more. You can do it,” he cajoled her, making her groan at him in response. He was very demanding, and now that he knew what the stakes were, he’d been pushing her to her limits each and every time they trained together.

“Leave me alone,” she complained.

Chase put his hands on his hips. “I thought you wanted to compete this season?”

“I do,” she answered, panting. Her entire body was aching and she needed a break.

“Well, you don’t get there by slugging around.”

“Slave driver,” she groaned, thinking he was worse, much worse, than her coach. And her coach was as cut-throat as they came. He was the reason she’d excelled in her field, because he always pushed her to become better, never satisfied with the fact she was at the top of her game.

But even her coach paled in comparison to Chase’s exigency. She secretly wondered if he pushed her so hard to punish her. But she wouldn’t beg him to stop for nothing in the world. No, she’d fight through this and come out winning on the other side.

During these last five days with Chase, she’d schooled her expressions and gestures to send him the signals she wasn’t interested in him, even though she knew it was a lie. She had never wanted any man more than him. With her heart, soul, and her body.

Whenever he didn’t look, she kept stealing glances at him, his hot body turning her on beyond imagination. She was stealing one such glance when he turned his head and caught her checking him out – again.

“See something you like?” he challenged her, standing over her as she continued the leg lifts.

“You wish!” she shot back, trying to act as if she had no idea to what he was referring.

“Why can’t you just be honest with me? Or with yourself for that matter?” he asked her, placing his hands on his hips and staring her down.

“Sorry to break it to you, but I’ve seen better.”

Chase flashed her an I’m-yours-for-the-taking grin. “Lady, this is the best package you’ll ever see.”

Pearl knew it was. But she couldn’t let him know that. She had to concentrate on her training, not on him. “Chase. Remember the rules.”

He waved his hands in the air. “Look. No touching. And you never said I couldn’t talk or look at you.”

That was true. And while he’d stuck to her rules, she knew he was still trying to hit on her. This man didn’t give up easily. But she’d show him who had the upper hand in this game.


What a great challenge. He’d find out that she wasn’t swayed by his charms once she made up her mind. Ever.

She finished the exercise and he showed her the next exercise, standing beside her while she went through the reps. When she stopped in the middle of the third set, he cheered her on. “Come on, you can finish. Never stop in the middle of a rep.”

Pearl struggled to complete the move, but her body was spent, aching, and her heart wasn’t in it anymore.
I need a rest.

“No stopping. Keep going.”

“I need a break!” she fired back at him, her eyes closed as she tried to find the strength to finish this last set.

“Why don’t we call it a day since you can’t do anymore?” he said in a patronizing voice, grabbing his water bottle and preparing to head home.

She opened her eyes and blazed fire at him. Anger burned in her stomach. “No way! I will finish this set. Don’t you dare accuse me of giving up.”


“Just…don’t.” She took a deep breath and used her anger to fuel the last four moves. Once she had completed the rep, she rolled over and got to her feet. “I. Do. Not. Quit. Ever.”

Chapter 14


Chase hid his grin behind clenched teeth. He admired her tenacity, thinking it was the same response he would have had if someone had accused him of quitting or giving up.

But he hadn’t expected such a vehement reaction from a woman.
Maybe you’ve been hanging out with the wrong sort of women all these years.

Ignoring the voice in his head, he watched her complete the rep and then get to her feet. The urge to kiss her overwhelmed him, but just in time he remembered what happened the last time and pushed his hands into his pockets.

When she finished her impassioned speech, he moved towards her without thinking about it, because he was so proud of her. Moments later, their eyes locked and he stopped in his tracks. Would he ever understand this woman? Her eyes sent out confusing signals, passion and desire, but also…fear.
How can she be afraid of me?

She moved backwards away from him and tripped over a rock behind her, crashing to the ground before he could reach her.


She lay there looking up at him before she closed her eyes in pain.

“Are you okay?” he asked her, squatting down to eye level.

“Yes.” She tried to move and moaned in pain. “No.”

“What hurts? Your leg?”

Tears pooled in in her eyes and he caught the slight tremble in her voice when she answered. “Yeah. My leg. Can you help me up?”

He reached for her and helped her to her feet. “I’m sorry. This was all my fault.” He never expected her reaction.

She shoved him away and screamed at him, “No. It wasn’t your fault. And I’m not a victim. I’m not.”

“Whoa. Hold up there. Where is this coming from? No one said you were a victim.”

The daggers she glared at him could have killed. But he didn’t mind. At last, he’d understood part of her fear.

“Pearl, you’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met. You’re like a walking superhero. But even they need help once in a while.”

She kept all the weight off her left leg, so he did what any gallant knight would do and swept her up in his arms to carry her home.

“Put me down,” she protested.

“Not until we see what’s wrong with your leg.” Chase didn’t stop walking.

“I can look at it myself.”

“Uh huh.” Chase ignored her repeated requests to be put down, closing his ears to her protest. He was taking her home, and he was going to see for himself that she hadn’t seriously injured herself. Then they would see about the rest.

He waited while she opened her apartment door and then carried her inside, sitting her down on the couch. “Strip.”

“Excuse me?” She glared at him.

“Take your pants off so I can see how badly you’re injured.”

“I won’t. And you can leave. I’m fine.” She tried to get up, but winced and fell back on the couch.

“I can see that.” Chase crossed his arms over his chest. Why did she have to be so stubborn? Didn’t she see he was only trying to help?

“I’m not taking my pants off in front of you.”

He couldn’t hold back a grin. “You can keep your panties on. Now take them off so I can check out your knee.”

She glared at him, and he glared right back. “I’m not going anywhere until I see for myself that you’re alright.”

“Why are you so mean?”

“I’m not mean. I’m worried about your health. Now take the damn pants off!”

“No.” She winced in pain again.

Chase heaved a sigh. “Fine. If you won’t take them down willingly, I’ll have to help you.”

“When hell freezes over you will.”

This was getting ridiculous, all he wanted was to make sure her knee was okay, but she behaved as if he was trying to rape her.

He took a step towards her, watching her lean back against the couch and lowered his voice. “Pearl, there’s blood seeping through the fabric. You might have torn your incision open when you fell. Please. Let me look at it.”

But his well-meant intention accomplished the opposite of what he’d wanted. Pearl jumped up from the couch and screamed in pain, trying to get away from him. She basically fell back. She simply couldn’t maintain her balance on her bad leg.

Before he could hold the words back, he shouted at her, “Take the damn pants off, or I will cut them off of you. Either way, I’m going to look at your knee.”

Her face paled at his threat, and she started to tremble uncontrollably. What the hell had happened now? Chase started to doubt that he’d ever get on workable terms with this woman.

“Pearl. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to shout at you.”

She nodded, but her eyes were filled with terror and her body language showed him she expected the worst. Did she actually fear he’d hurt her? That thought seemed so far-fetched to him, he didn’t worry about it further.

She didn’t resist him anymore and let him slip her tennis shoes off and help her to stand up. She slowly peeled her pants down her hips, making his pulse go faster.

He watched her through narrowed eyes, as she moved away from him and bent over to pull the pants from her ankles. Her glorious ass was right in his face and he had to clench his hands at his sides to keep from reaching for her. Possessing her.

His body was far beyond boiling point, and her little striptease had him hanging on by a thread. As soon as her pants were off, she fell back down on the couch and pulled a blanket over her lap.

Chase looked at her, but she wouldn’t meet his eyes and her face was still much too pale. He gingerly probed along her knee, identifying the place where a small wound had opened up. “I don’t think this needs stitches. But you should probably get it checked out at the hospital anyway.”

“Good. I’ll do that first thing in the morning. I have a PT appointment anyway,” she said, her voice too quiet and almost shaky. It tore like a knife into his heart to see her suffering.

He was squatting in front of her, and as he moved his head to meet her eyes, the edge of her scar caught his attention. Curiosity got the best of him and he pushed her hands and the blanket away, gaping at the nasty red scar running from her hip to a few inches above her knee.

The enormity of her injury almost knocked him over. That scar could never have been from a training accident – not unless she’d dove knee first onto a knife.

When he met her gaze with a question in his eyes, he didn’t have the time to formulate a sentence.

“Now you’ve seen it. Now you can leave!” she shouted at him and covered herself from head to knee with the blanket.

Chase felt a rush of tenderness towards her and slowly shook his head. Now he’d seen it. But leaving was the last thing on his mind.

Chapter 15



Pearl was terrified. She’d tried to keep the scar hidden by the blanket, hoping he’d look at her knee and then leave. But then he’d spied the end of the scar and pushed the blanket away. She felt like she’d been stripped raw and grabbed onto anger to try and deflect the hurt she knew was coming.

She didn’t want his pity, or feel like a victim. Or be reminded. That wasn’t who she was.

But instead of being horrified and leaving like she’d requested, he leaned forward and tugged softly at the blanket until she let if fall down with a sigh.

Oh my god. What will happen now?

She didn’t have to wait long for an answer, because Chase placed a tender kiss on the end of the scar, and slowly worked his way up to the top of her hip where it began.

His touch was so gentle. She closed her eyes both to hide from him, and to better savor the sensations he was creating in her body. The tingling of her skin. The brush of his hair against her leg…

She tensed, unpleasant memories trying to destroy the moment. Unpleasant ugly memories that had frightened her enough to last a lifetime. She didn’t want to let them control this situation. Not now.

Pearl reached down and pulled Chase up to fuse their lips together. She kissed him with all the pent up emotion from the last several days. He returned her kiss with the same passion and soon she wasn’t thinking anymore.

Her hands rubbed across his shoulders and down his back. She’d admired his muscles before, but getting her hands on him was pure heaven.

He slipped his hands beneath her hoodie and pulled it off her, built-in bra and all.

“Pearl. You’re so goddamn beautiful.” She could feel flushes of heat move over her skin at his rough voice filled with desire.

And he took full advantage of her bare state. His big calloused hands weighed her breasts, squeezing them and finding her nipples, which had already gone tight in anticipation of his touch.

His lips traced a path down her neck, feasting on her breasts while his hands journeyed south. When she tired of touching on top of his running shirt, she pulled at it until he backed off and pulled it over his head.

“Better?” he asked her with a warm and seductive voice.

Her answer came in the scratch of her nails down his back. His response was to pull her off the couch so that she straddled his legs. The position left her spread open for him, and her skimpy underwear were little protection from his searching fingertips.

He played her like an expert, taking her passion and arousal to a level she didn’t even know she was capable of. His hands ignited her body, and his finger left trails of burning flesh behind their path. A thousand ants crawled across her skin and heightened every one of her senses. Until he touched her left leg, and reminded her of…she tensed up and moved his hand away. This was too good to be spoiled by horrific memories.

Thankfully, Chase was a very thoughtful lover and after the second time she removed his hand from her leg, he carefully avoided touching that section altogether.

She reached between them and undid the tie holding his jogging pants up. Chase stopped kissing her breasts for a moment and stood up to shuck his shoes and his pants.

When he stood naked in front of her, she inhaled sharply, marveling at the expanse of tanned flesh she had at her disposal. She couldn’t wait to feel skin on skin, to press her body against his and feel him inside her.

He lifted her up, carrying her to the bedroom and laid her down gently on the comforter. His eyes darkened with desire and she could see his huge erection waiting for her.

But he wouldn’t hurry things. Instead, he pulled her ankles apart until she was spread-eagle in front of him and then lowered his body until he buried his head between her thighs.

His tongue reached her most sensitive spot and she thought she’d explode. She sucked in a breath when he licked and sucked her down there, while his hands wandered up to her breasts again.

“God, you taste fantastic.”

She was beyond words as he ramped up her desire once again. Touches here. Kisses there. Everywhere he ventured started a new blaze of need in her body.

When she was frantically holding on the edge, he paused for a slight moment and she moaned in dire need to have his lips on her core again. Her legs were shaking when he rubbed a finger over her folds. She gasped out his name as electrifying jolts burst through her.

His finger pressed hard circles until he thrust it deep inside her and took her sensitive spot between his lips again. She whimpered her pleasure and he whispered in an insanely seductive voice, “Come for me. Come for me now.”

His words, coupled with his mouth and tongue sent her over the edge. Her muscles clenched around his finger, her muscles convulsing under the force of her orgasm.

When she regained her breath, he kissed her one last time.


Chase was far from finished with her. He’d experienced the incredible pleasure of having the most beautiful woman in the world come apart in his arms. And now he wanted to feel her muscles tighten around him when she came again.

She clasped her hand around him, and he felt himself thicken even more. The pleasure of her caress was so intense, he had to grit his teeth in a feeble attempt to restrain himself.

“Pearl,” he barely could whisper her name. “Protection?”

“Top drawer of the nightstand.”

He reached over her and found what he was looking for. She took the condom out of his hand and sheathed him, stroking and rubbing his entire length.

Holy mother of all sexyness. If she continued like that, he’d explode before he could count to three. He took her hands into his, and then settled back over her body. He met eyes with her as he slowly made them one. When she closed her eyes, he nipped her chin, “Watch me, baby.”

She struggled to do as he requested, but finally he caught her gaze with his own and watched her eyes go dark with pleasure as he sank into her repeatedly. Her body was an open book for him to read and enjoy. He matched his rhythm to her moves and moans.

When a hundred marvelous sensations rushed through him, he could no longer hold back, and with one last deep thrust, she toppled off the precipice into bliss right alongside of him.

His breath was ragged and his body replete and for a moment, he worried that he’d gone too fast, but then she leaned up and kissed him tenderly. “That was awesome.”

She curled into his arms and sighed. Her body was no longer tense, and she was no longer fighting his touch. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift in the aftermath of pleasure. It had been a battle, but in the end, they had both won.

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