Truth vs Falsehood (40 page)

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Rationalized lack of responsibility is also exhibited by the positionalities of apologists who sympathize with the most decadent and dangerous persons in the world instead of their more obvious victims. Thus, lower mind becomes a tool of the narcissistic ego, the pathology of which in operation is so severe that it cannot differentiate between a messianic megalomaniac who calibrates at 60 and an integrous statesman who calibrates at 460 (i.e., between a friendly dog and a Komodo dragon). The infantile ego thus hates society in general but especially its representative institutions, such as governments, schools, industry, capitalism, successful commerce, big corporations, or true winners and successful people (Gibson, 2004).

In the psychoanalytic experience, it quickly becomes subjectively apparent that one’s attitudes toward authority stem from infantile fantasies and experiences of which the father figure is perceived as either threatening (hated and feared) or protective and just (trusted). Consequently, all authority becomes imbued with the projected attitudes, and one either joins and supports structure or becomes a malcontent and a revolutionary, depending on the success or failure of the resolution of the unconscious conflict/complex. These unconscious emotional attitudes were observed in patients for more than 50 years in clinical psychiatric practice. The mind automatically projects its own images and distorted belief systems onto others. The phenomenon is subjectively very real emotionally and occurs spontaneously without any prompting or interpretation by the psychoanalyst (“transference”). The Oedipal complex itself has, of course, been demonized and Freud ‘demythologized’ by those who have not resolved their own Oedipal complex and therefore project it onto society rather than becoming conscious of it. The primary value of understanding psychodynamics is not the theory of the Oedipal complex but the understanding of the ego’s mechanisms for handling conflict.

As an aside, it is of interest to note how important the consequences to society can be from an ‘unresolved oedipal complex’. In the significant German schools of philosophy of the early 1800s, Hegel was the most important respected teacher and authority. Although Marx was an early follower, he rejected father figure Hegel, especially Hegel’s primary principle of the Absolute (which calibrates at 570). Instead, Marx competitively threw out Hegel’s important comprehension and substituted a dualistic theory that calibrates at 130 and was attractive, therefore, to the inner rebellious adolescent in other revolutionaries. The confusion between progressive and revolutionary persists to this day, and it is perhaps unfortunate that there is no current, truly integrous ‘progressive’ political party as such. (It calibrated at 360 in the Midwestern United States in the 1930s and 1940s.)

It is notable that the egoism of celebrity status itself is often the slippery slope that leads to the downfall of politicians, dictators, erstwhile gurus, and political dissidents for whom Karl Marx (cal. 130) represents the cultural hero. “If by their fruits we shall know them,” then the downside fallout of the calibrated level of 180 poses perhaps the greatest danger to all societies, and even the world itself, because of its pseudo plausibility and ease of propagandizing, which preys upon the innocence of the human mind and its lack of development and maturity in large populations (seventy-eight percent worldwide and approximately fifty percent in America).

Freedom and the Brain

In the developmental process, learned behaviors influence the development of neuronal connections in the brain and cerebral cortex. This also continues on into later life. Even a specific skill, such as learning how to juggle, under experimental conditions results in the increase of neurons and the complexity of their interconnections, as well as the mass of specific areas of the brain. Disuse of the skill results in a progressive decrease in the number of neurons and the mass, which confirms the common phrase “Use it or lose it.” This is a principle with increasing significance to offset the decline of old age, but it also has major significance in the impairment of intellectual development of school dropouts and children who are parentally neglected.

A consequence of the failure of socialization and maturation results in the impairment of neuronal patterning, which thereby retains primitive configurations that impair reality testing and the development of the more intricate basic neuronal patterning and connections that are fundamental to the development of higher mind. The stultification of spiritual awareness and socialization of instinctual drives results in the preponderance of primitive reflexes as outlined in a previous chapter. A less-developed brain and resultant level of mind mean that the animal drives continue to dominate. The rationalized sophistries of lower mind therefore seek to change society instead of oneself. This more primitive undeveloped mind set then rebels against all true rationality and seeks to reinforce its weak position by proselytizing or intimidating by litigation.

Freedom Versus Sophistry

Sophistry began in ancient Greece, where it was taught to would-be politicians as persuasive rhetoric, with subtle disguise of hidden agendas. Training was provided in what is really propaganda in the form of the presentation of plausible and persuasive argument based on distortions that would slyly slip by detection by the less educated.

Joseph Goebbels was the world’s most renowned expert of recent times and was able to persuade a whole population to give up its life for the sophistries that justified the aggression of the Third Reich. The rationale of the Nazi annexation of Austria and subsequent invasion of Europe was based upon a dualistic distortion of the reality of perpetrator/victim, but with the reversal of roles. Hitler’s sophistry was that he proposed to ‘right the wrongs’ of the Versailles Treaty. The Versailles Treaty required reparations from Germany for its savage perpetrations and destructions of World War I, which could hardly be considered as innocent conduct. The infantile ego expected no consequences for its ravagings and was indignant when any responsibility or accountability was required. Therefore, as paranoids do, it sought revenge for imaginary injustices. To the infantile, any responsibility or reparation for consequences is considered an outrage.

Thus, the extremes of political positionalities, whether they are far left or far right, calibrate extremely low and represent the egocentricity of lower mind, which, as we have noted from previous levels of calibration, have a potentially extensive audience. Cultural conflict can therefore be contextualized as primarily between the representations of lower mind versus higher mind, which have quite different paradigms of social reality and expectations. As a consequence, the far left sees tradition, ethics, morality, and intellectual integrity as fascist, and the far right sees the far left as treasonous. Perception is therefore a product of brain physiology, the presence or absence of an ‘etheric’ brain, maturity, the calibrated level of consciousness, and spiritual evolution, all of which are collectively in accord with the overall evolution of the consciousness of mankind itself.

The Reality of Freedom and Happiness

Just as all that is destructive has a common source, so do freedom, success, health, and peace have a common source, which is that of spiritual truth and integrity.

Everyone is potentially free to be free. It is merely a matter of choice to follow the pathway to truth to the degree that one can discover it as identifiable, knowable, and confirmable. Instead of envying or hating success, the truly successful imitate it, copy it, identify with it, and develop the patterns. To take responsibility for one’s own actions and their consequences is, in itself, extremely powerful and almost instantly raises one’s calibrated level of consciousness to over 200.

An extremely valuable insight that is learned by all spiritually evolved persons in the course of their development is seeing one’s own personal consciousness as the decisive influence that determines all that occurs in one’s life.

Another operative principle, whose recognition results in greater respect for positionalities, is that the mind either consciously or unconsciously tends to manifest that which is held in mind. It is very helpful to see that, in reality, chocolate is not the enemy or the opposite of vanilla but represents only a contrasting option. It is also well to recognize that the infantile ego that secretly hides within is extremely needy, constantly hoping for praise and input, and is obsessed with being ‘right’, as well as nursing ‘wrongs’, ‘grievances’, injustices, and grudges. It takes little reflection to see that the ego gets much energy and benefit from negative positionalities, and that spiritual evolution is accelerated greatly by the willingness to forego these dubious payoffs in return for real gains.

Pathway to Freedom and Happiness

The steps out of failure, unhappiness, frustration, lack, want, anger, and depression are deceptively simple. Life is a voyage comparable to being out at sea in which a shift of one degree on the ship’s compass will determine by the end of the trip whether or not one is hundreds of miles off course. The strongest tool, which already exists within, is the spiritual will itself, which, when firmly set, will face and take on any obstacle. It is this spiritual will that determines the success of the venture. From subjective experience, as well as many years of clinical practice, spiritual education, and research, it is confirmed that the spiritual will is the primordial rudder that determines not only this lifetime but also the course of one’s consciousness over great expanses of time, classically termed karma (cal. 1,000).

By one simple decision, the impossible becomes possible because the lead sinkers that were attached to the cork have been released and now the cork effortlessly rises because of the density and power of the field. Thus, one can let go of the egoistic illusion that spiritual progress is difficult and that one has to do it all alone. On the contrary, illusions of lack disappear and powerful energies now help to sustain one’s progress, which is now accompanied by the pleasure of increased self-esteem, and the world magically begins to appear to be a friendly and helpful place. The brain’s neurochemistry changes in a positive direction, and like a butterfly out of a cocoon, the etheric brain springs forth as a consequence of the onset of the flow of spiritual (i.e., kundalini) energy, and the experience of life and the self in the world begins to transform.

It will be discovered that the ego consists of interlocking building blocks and that to move even one unsettles the whole pile, which then begins to fall of its own gravity. Even a seemingly small effort can have very major effects, and one discovers that just a simple smile can totally change one’s life. The many thousands of people who follow self-improvement and spiritual pathways confirm the reality of this discovery.

Following is a list of ‘winner” attitudes, all of which are quite simple to choose and have extremely long-term benefits. Life lived in the energy field of a calibration level over 200 is quite different from life lived from the consciousness calibration level of 180.

Spiritual Foundation — The Basics — Part I


Easy Going
Hard Work

The table above reveals qualities that are valued and supported by all successful societies throughout time that calibrate over 200. The road to spiritual awareness is supported by the fact that higher motivations are reinforced by energies that reflect power, whereas egoistic positions are weak, limiting, and exhausting. Just as negative qualities are intertwined with each other, positive qualities are as well, so that progress in one area brings surprising improvements in other areas that were not even consciously addressed. Whereas negative qualities are polarities and therefore trigger their opposites, above level 200, one is dealing with realities that have no opposites. Thus, ‘unfriendly’ is not the opposite of ‘friendly’ but merely the absence of friendliness.

Progression through the positive levels becomes habitual, easy, and a lifestyle in and of itself. It is discovered that each level of consciousness represents a powerful field; therefore, what one chooses to align with invisibly influences the quality of one’s life. Experientially, one discovers why “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer,” why “nothing breeds success like success,” why “like goes to like,” why “birds of a feather flock together,” or why “sleeping with dogs brings fleas.” Finally, one realizes that “stick with the winners” means to receive benefit from the overall field and to pick it up by osmosis. One then realizes that “beauty is as beauty does.”

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