Truth Meets Love (13 page)

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Authors: J. D. Freed

BOOK: Truth Meets Love
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I ask in a shaky half-giggling and half-excited voice, "After we work up an appetite--was that your plan?"

He chuckles and puts his hands around my waist and then slides one of his knuckles down, brushing against the outside of my panties just above my piercing, and his eyes come up and they are wide. He has an almost primal wild expression. Oh No, Skilled Infrastructure Tenant Guy! My clothes are staying on at work.

I quickly adjust and counter-attack the plan I see coming in his mind… I lean down and take his mouth with mine. I raise back up and say, "I think I already mentioned, Mr. Creed. I don't fuck my tenants. I may also need to specify that same rule applies to my co-workers, as well. If I do determine to strike either of those points from the rule book, it still wouldn't allow for them to be executed at my place of work."

I let out a giggle and I slide down Tralen's chest. I hover just above the now constant bulge he sports in my presence stating, "However, I can't watch you suffer with this any longer."

I reach up, unbuckle his belt, unbutton the waistband, and zip down his pants. He is wearing light grey boxer briefs that are a silky soft, shimmering fabric. His shaft is bent down and struggling to make an entrance. I look at this face and I wonder what he is thinking, but then his hand comes up and strokes my jaw. Then he lets it fall down to circle his thumb pad over my shirt where my nipple is peeking out behind the cloth.

I take the tip of his cock in mouth and use my hand at the base to pull him up and lick up his shaft. He lets out a low moan as he slides his hands behind my neck at the base of my hair. Tralen is holding me as I take him deep, the full length of him down my throat in quickening paces. He tastes like Tralen: leather and spice and everything so nice. He smells like a mixture of the great outdoors and a warm apple pie.

I withdraw almost fully and come back down with my mouth tight around him on my descent. He squeezes gently on my neck; he tries to pull back. I hold him down and take him even farther down my throat. Considering the location of our interlude, I would really prefer to swallow the evidence this time. Especially in this case!


HOLY FUCK. The tip of my dick just hit the back of her throat as she groaned, and I about lost it. I brought her in here to talk, but having her this close was a problem. I couldn't keep my hands off her, even though I felt like a complete douche for not being honest with her. It was ignorant to think that I really would have cared any less about her just because she was a stripper.

I have my hand gently around the back of her neck, not pushing her, but I know I am applying pressure with a squeeze when the tip of her tongue circles the underside of my dick.

Ben had his hands all over her during the presentation but she wants me. I just fucking hope it is as much I want her. I have to tell her about the reception and the loft incident. Don't I? Is it a lie, really? It will embarrass her and hurt the connection we are making. Why would I ruin that… who in their right fucking mind would risk losing this!

If she had been a stripper, then I would have learned to deal with it. She's not; she is a Mergers and Acquisitions Executive. She didn't lie to me, but I am still not sure she has provided full disclosures of her skills and experience. However, right now I couldn't be more impressed with her talents, regardless of how she got them.

The pole dancing? Maybe it's just a hobby. It is probably some crazy, fucking awesome workout routine. How else would she keep her body looking like this? I may change my own workout regimen to get in on some of that action in the future for sure.

I come apart and bite down to keep from saying her name as I reflexively try to pull out. I have never had a woman swallow my load before. That's fucking hot!

Good thing, really. What was I going to do, pump it into my hand and walk it out the door to the bathroom? Knowing my luck, I would run into Mr. Greyson while en route with a handful of fallen soldiers, ready to be laid to rest. He always shakes my hand. Although it showcases my ego and I would never admit it to Hadley, at least not out loud, I have to confess, if that really happened I would much rather Mr. Greyson knew I was in the "Wellness Room" with her than think I was jerking off in there alone!

Chapter TWELVE

It's My Destiny


Oral sex in the office--really? That is what I have resorted to? I have the haunting feeling that Mr. Greyson would be none too impressed with that behavior. I could have definitely been fired.

Why would I risk everything I have worked for… for him? He could start blackmailing me. What if that is the only reason he wants to be with me--my position in the company? Maybe he sought me out and that is why he responded to the ad so quickly? Is he using me?

I have to stop thinking that every guy out there is Luke or AJ. But aren't they? I think Tralen might be different. Please let Tralen be different. I want him. I deserve him. He's "Had-Worthy"!

I need to focus on getting through my dinner with Mr. Greyson. Ben called to let me know that instead of Mr. Greyson sending a car for me, he would just pick me up. I tried to tell him I could just drive myself but he insisted.

Ben is a very intelligent, handsome, successful guy… but he has control issues. I can feel it. He thinks even though we are peers that he can steer me and control me.

I think in the car on the way to dinner I may have a little talk with Mr. Harrison. It is not professional or appropriate for him to touch me the way he did during the meeting--in front of co-workers or anytime, really. I need to establish some personal and professional boundaries with him.

My trucker persona picks now to come alive: "
coming from the girl who just knob jobbed a Hottie in the 'Wellness Room'!

Contradictions. I am full of them. I giggle to myself and finish getting ready for dinner.

I hear a knock at the door and as I open it, I see a smug-looking Ben staring back at me as he eye-rapes me. I am wearing my white off-the-shoulder silk cream white blouse with my black flowing skirt that hits just above the knee and strappy sandals.

Ben presses into the entry uninvited, and it is behavior like this that reminds me of … AJ and Luke. Just barrel over ya; come into your home without invitation. No respect.

He doesn't wait for me to express that thought before I am grabbed roughly, gathering my wrists and pulling them up over my head. He wedges one of his knees between my legs, and his mouth is on mine.

I try to push him back; his lips feel too wet and hard; his teeth dig into my upper lip. I try to collapse down the wall but his knee presses up hard against my core and then he reaches down and tries to push his hand up under the hem of my skirt.

I know I am telling him to stop; I can hear it echo around the room. It sounds like someone else's voice, and I feel like I am having an out–of-body experience.

I get an idea of what Dez must have felt like when she was being held on the ground by that guy in the trees behind the parking lot that night we met. I remember my mom crying and trying to hold it back as AJ taunted her and terrorized her.

I am not her

Just as he pulls my skirt up, trying to get a better grip around to pull my ass in to his crotch, his finger grazes the tip of the scar at my rib. I go into survival mode. Dez is here with me; I can feel it. I let him widen his stance before I square my shoulders and knee him hard in the fucking nut-sack. He crumples to the ground, heaving and writhing on my floor.

I am not scared of him, really. I mean, he was forcing himself on me but this is not something that really rattles me anymore. It was unexpected but I find my old reflexes are still intact. He is not the first guy that has ever been on the receiving end of that maneuver.

I think now is a good time to finish establishing those boundaries I was going to discuss with Mr. Harrison in the car on the way to dinner.

I begin to explain that I am not comfortable with the way he tried to push himself on me. He hisses, "OH Destiny! I would think a girl with your kind of background might miss being treated like the whore you are."

Did I just hear him right? The pace of my blood and adrenaline from this interaction just got taken to the next level. Did this motherfucker just call me "Destiny" and a "whore"? HE KNOWS! HE KNOWS ABOUT MY PAST!

My head gets foggy and I feel lightheaded. I can't say anything; my airway feels like it has closed off and I feel bile rising into my throat.

I am brought back into the moment, the nightmare. He pushes to his feet with a cold, calculating smile on his face. He is glaring an icy stare at me and he regains his composure and holds back the anger you can see radiating from him now.

"I know all about what you did to get to the top. What? Was Greyson letting you fuck your way up the corporate food chain? That's how I got passed up to lead his company?" he grits out.

That's what this is about--he thinks Greyson picked me over him? I think it is a slightly over-dramatized version of the actual situation. He gave me a promotion. That is far from running his company. I think Ben has fucking lost it.

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

I am confused about what his angle is here. Why has he chosen now to enlighten me as to his discovery? I now understand his anger runs deeper and more resentful toward me because of my position in the company. It isn't because I turned him down with a knee to the fucking groin when it was so enthusiastically offered.

His next bomb clears it all up for me. He snaps in a mocking tone, "Draw up an agreement naming Hadley Masters as his successor, Greyson told me. Like it was the obvious next step; no consideration for alternatives. Just done. Did he honestly think a fucking stripper could do a better job running this company than me?" Ben snorts and then laughs "He thinks we could make a could team."

He looks me up and down and licks his lips staring at my chest and snarls, "I bet he is right about that and I intend to find out just how good real soon. First things first, though. I am trying to decide if I should tell Greyson all about your previous job experience--you know, to help boost your career tonight over dinner. Maybe we should invite your boyfriend to join us, too! He might want to hear what kind of girl he's been dipping his fucking stick in, huh?"

I panic and blurt out, "NO--what do you want from me?!?"

I could almost handle the scandal of being a stripper to Mr. Greyson. I would have to explain the situation. He may have to ask me resign over the reputation risk. I never really thought this would ever come up again. I thought it was buried in history. It was supposed to be behind me and it was just a means to an end. I am going to lose everything. My career.Tralen. What will I do for a living, go back to stripping? Yeah, right!

"I think we may make a good team after all… That's the spirit," he coos as he starts to walk toward me.

I am frozen. I can't move. Should I hit him again? Should I run? Do I scream? He is going ruin me and all I have worked for? How did he find out? None of that seems to matter any longer. He has his hands rubbing over my silk creme blouse in search of a hardening nipple.

I want to throw up all over him. THINK. FUCK. THINK.

I step back to give myself time to think of what say when he bites out, "This is what I want from, you cunt. I want you to make sure this fucking merger goes off without a hitch. You need to act surprised when Greyson presents you with the news tonight that you are about to fulfill his legacy."

Ben pauses as I process the news he is feeding me. "Thank him and then just follow my lead and agree to everything I say from there on out."

There is a catch. I can feel that there is something that he is not telling me so I press, "And then what?" I try to muster up enough confidence and bottle up the shock that is still making my ears ring uncontrollably.

He smiles. "You aren't as fucking stupid as I thought you girls were. That's it. We continue to work together. I already have an ironclad employment contract drafted by yours truly. I just didn't want you to turn around and think you could fuck me out of what is rightfully mine."

I am not buying it, but then it becomes a little more clear when he then states very matter-of-factly, "OH YEAH! One more thing. I want a lap dance."

I jerk my eyes back up to meet his and I see a sinister look in the blue shards prickling out of his stare. When I don't respond, he continues with a sneer, "Now--a fucking lap dance for free."

I shudder, drop my head, closing my eyes, and want to cry. He's got to be fucking kidding me--right now?


I just walked up the steps to my door. I thought she said Mr. Greyson was sending a car for her tonight. If so, why is Ben showing up here…early … while she is probably still dressing or in the shower? Maybe he needed to drop something off for her to take to the business dinner with Greyson. She said something at lunch about them reviewing an employment contract.

I can't get the scent of her perfume off of me and I refuse to take a shower. My cock is still throbbing from the sensual assault of her lips and tongue in the "Wellness Room" today. That was fucking HOT… she is so full of contradictions. I love the mystery, the sweetness, the confidence… I think I might be falling for her. Nope, pretty sure I have already fallen for her.

I decide Loosey may need to take a walk because I need to get a closer look at what that dicklick is doing at her house. I could always come up with an excuse. I should probably give her the extra set of keys to my place now that I changed out the door handle? You know, in case of an emergency and she needs to be able to get in when I am not home.

I grab Loosey's leash, attach it to her collar and make my way out the door and start down the walk toward her place. I am making my way up the walk. I hear the all-too-familiar pulse and beat of the song that was playing when I was in this same position once before.

Involuntarily my feet pick up their pace. My blood starts to run cool and images start swirling in my jumbled thoughts.

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