Saved By Her Dragon

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Authors: Julia Mills

Tags: #romance, #gothic, #witches, #dragon, #shifters, #witches and wizards, #dragon shifter romance, #dragon romance paranormal, #witches and magic, #dragon erotic romance

BOOK: Saved By Her Dragon
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Saved By Her
Dragon Guard
Series #5



There Are No Coincidences.

The Universe Does Not Make Mistakes.

Fate Will Not Be Denied.

© 2014 Julia Mills

Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be
reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express
written permission of the author except for the use of brief
quotations in a book review.

: This is a work of fiction.
Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are
either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a
fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This is an adult erotic
paranormal romance with love scenes and mature situations. It is
only intended for adult readers over the age of 18.


Smashwords Edition, License Notes


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Edited by
Lisa Miller, Angel Editing Services

by Rose Holub

Cover Designed by Linda Boulanger with Tell Tale Book



TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!! Without you none of this would be
possible. I am humbled and incredibly blessed. YOU


A BIG HUGE THANK YOU goes to my beta readers, Tonya Allen,
Cindy Barton, Charlene Bauer, Stacey Bradley, Charlene Cain,
Tammy Hall, Rosemary Hendry, Rose Holub, Danielle
James, Laurie Johnson, Rebecca Larsen, Audi Lewis, Karen Mikhael,
Lisa Miller, Susan Newman, Anna Salamatin, Jacklynn Sizemore, Robin
Smith, Bridget Thomas-Parker, Mystipul Stacy Rakkastaja, Carol Ray,
Patti Kalosky-Snyder, Lisa Crosby Taylor, Cindy Turner, Sandy Elens
Vogel, Janna Ward, Melanie Williams, Annmarie Amy Young -


Thanks to
Lisa Miller, who wades through my lack of commas and the insane way
I say things to get a finished product I am proud to say is


Thank you
to Linda Boulanger, who from my crazy character descriptions
creates the most breathtaking covers I could ever imagine. She is



Also by
Julia Mills


Dragon to Slay, Dragon Guard Series #1

Dragon’s Fire, Dragon Guard Series #2

by Her Dragon, Dragon Guard Series #3

For the
Love of Her Dragon, Dragon Guard Series #4



You can do anything you put your mind to…All you have to do


Thank you, God.


To my girls, Liz and Em, I Love You. Every day, every way,


To Emma Edwards, the absolute best writing partner in the
world. You are BEAUTIFULLY BRILLIANT in every way. Is it Wine Day


To Charlene Bauer, absolutely the best right hand anyone
could ever have. She is my friend, my sounding board and cracks a
mean whip. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I couldn’t do it
without you.






Index of the Words of Love of Original
the Dragon Kin



Male Dragons

Female Dragons

Young Dragons, either male
or female

Mo chroi
My Heart

Mo ghra’
My Love


Ta’mo chroi istigh ionat
My Heart Is
Within You

A Thaisce
My Treasure

Soul Mate

A Chumann


True Love

Mo’ ghra’ ru’nda
You Are My

Beag amha’in
Little One

Is breá liom tú anois agus go
Love to
His Heart

E’adromar a anam
Light to His

Ta’ su’il a anseo
Hope to His


Mianach Ini’on Daughter Mine

Oiche mhaith a
Good night, my treasure



“I hope you can hear what I’m saying. If not, I’ve been
sitting here for the last ten days talking to myself. It would be a
real shame if they carted me off to a padded room before I even
knew your name.” Devon chuckled as he brushed his mate’s long, dark
hair, wishing with all his heart that she would open her eyes,
move, talk…

The nurses were letting him handle more of her daily care. It
made him feel useful and like he was helping her. The connection
they already shared was deeper than any he had ever heard of,
defying the history of his kin. That they could actually mind speak
before the official mating ceremony and marking was unfathomable
among his kin, and it made him long to know
the ways their union would be

His mate was special; he felt it in the depths of his soul.
Devon smiled as he remembered all the times over the years he had
heard the exact same words from his brethren. It was just their
way; every dragon shifter thought
mate was the most extraordinary
creature ever created– how could he not? The Universe made one
astonishing woman for each dragon shifter…and
him. She completed him and the
dragon within in every way possible. A dragon’s mate brought light
to their soul and love to their life. But
was so much more. It was
reflected in every person…dragon, mate, or human…that came into
contact with her. They were drawn to her, as she was the light that
would fill their darkness.

At first he thought it was because of her condition, combined
with a desire to help. But the longer he cared for her the more it
became clear that
was the reason. They wanted to be near
; almost like being in her orbit
would somehow make them better people. At least that’s how he
thought of it, because if he didn’t, his jealousy and that of his
beast would become unbearable.

Even the physicians that were very clinical in their dealings
with his mate had a difficult time giving up hope. Each gave him a
daily report that was logical, clinical, and detached, but he
was more they wanted to say. Their comments consisted of things
like, “the longer the coma lasts, the less likely she is to wake,
but nothing is impossible” or “she shows no sign of deteriorating
or improving, she is just existing, but she is strong so there is
hope”. But then they would give her another long look and he could
see them wishing her well. It only further proved that she was

marveled at the way her long, dark lashes curled lightly atop the
curve of her high cheek bones. Her soft, olive skin glowed, and
even under the harsh fluorescent hospital lighting still held a
slight blush. His fingers slid from her hair to the slope of her
neck and tingled at the connection. His mate, soft and warm to the
touch, was absolutely captivating. His mouth watered to taste the
very spot his fingers caressed. He willed the strong emotions he
already felt for her through their growing mating bond and he
prayed she could feel how important she was to him. For just a
moment, he closed his eyes and let dreams of their future follow
the feelings he shared. He grew impatient for some change in her
condition and was willing to try damn near anything to get her out
of that bed and into his arms.

He quickly squashed his maudlin thoughts, instead letting them
drift to her daily sponge baths. He had been pleasantly surprised
when the nurses had asked him to help, but turned away when they
uncovered her breasts or pubic area, no matter how much he wanted
to look. Not that looking away did anything to stop his
imagination. Those brief moments had fueled some of his best erotic
dreams. The nurses chuckled at his modesty, but he’d explained that
it was a matter of respect and trust to the one that already held
his heart. The women had
and told him what a great guy he was, making him
regret his decision to share. What her caregivers didn’t understand
and he couldn’t explain, was that although she was to be his for
all time, they hadn’t
met yet, and when she did wake, he wanted her to
know that her needs
came first…
in every

He knew in his heart that everything would work out. There was
no way the Universe, in Her infinite wisdom, would bring them
together only to rip
from his grasp before he had the chance to do
anything other than watch her motionless form in a hospital bed.
wake up.
to wake

Unwilling to think of any other alternative, he thought of her
voice and the way it caressed him from the inside out when she
spoke directly into his mind. It completed him in a
way he had only imagined, and miraculously, his
dragon was content for the first time in years. Unfortunately, it
was also exasperating and confusing, because no matter how hard he
tried, it was always the same…beautiful but
She would call out and he
would answer; there would be a pause and then she would call out
again. He was sure that she heard his voice by the way she would
ask if he was still there, but for some reason she never answered
his questions or responded to anything he said. It made him wonder
if she heard the
of his voice but not the words, making true communication with
his mate just out of reach. Devon’s most earnest prayer was to have
her in his arms. However, the longer her condition remained
unchanged, the harder he searched for ‘unconventional’ ways to
bring her back to the land of the living.

the dark thoughts that threatened his optimism, he instead
continued his one-sided conversation with his mate. “You’ve been
quiet the last few days. I even took a nap to see if maybe you
would talk to me then. Sam says you’re probably saving up your
strength for when you wake. I’m sure that’s the case but…I miss
you.” The last three words were whispered for her ears

Devon sank into the recliner he kept beside her bed, wrapped
his hand around hers, and brought it to his lips. He gently kissed
the back of her hand and continued to stare at her face, imaging
the first glimpse of her smile or the utter joy of witnessing
passion reflected in her eyes. He knew from the hundreds of times
the doctors and nurses had checked her pupils that they were the
palest green, with just a touch of blue, reminding him of the sea
as it met the coastline where he had played as a child. His heart
ached to see them sparkle as she giggled or light with fire when
she gave him hell for one of the many things he was sure she would
get after him about;
but the dullness that came from her

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