Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC (7 page)

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Authors: Jordan Marie

Tags: #Romance, #MC, #Fiction

BOOK: Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC
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“Yeah, me and Doc have been dating for the last six months,” I tell him and I know he can see the ownership stamped in my eyes. He better take fucking heed to it and stay away from her.

“I wasn’t aware of that,” he says, as he looks between me and Skye. For some reason his entire attitude is pissing me off.

“Why would you?”

“Well I am Skye’s boss, as well as her friend.”

I look over my shoulder at Skye. She seems frozen and unsure of what to say. I get the feeling I’m missing a very important piece to the puzzle, but I’ll find it out later. It’s time I put this asshole in his place.

“Yeah, me and sugar-tits here have been keeping it quiet. We didn’t really want to put it out there until we knew for sure it was going to work. You know Doc, she likes to move slowly.”

I hear Skye gasp behind me. I’m probably going to pay for that sugar-tits remark. I can’t find a reason to care. She should be proud I haven’t decked this guy yet.

“Well, she would because of Matthew.”

The fact that he knows about Doc’s son pisses me off. If it was just because he works with her, that’d be one thing. But, it’s as clear as the nose on his face that he wants my woman. That’s a problem, because she’s mine.

“Walter, I was just…”

phone rings, interrupting her, and I’m damn glad.

“One minute, Skye,” he says holding his hand up. He steps away from us to take his call, and that better be the last fucking time he uses her first name.

Skye tugs, trying to get away from me. “Sugar-tits?”

“God’s honest truth, Doc, I wake up hard thinking about how sweet they will taste or feel wrapped around my cock.”

“Will you keep your voice down? Oh my God! What are you doing? Why are you letting my boss think we are a couple? Are you certifiably insane?” she whispers in anger. Her face is red, not quite as red as her hair, but damn cute.

Skye is a gorgeous woman. I’m man enough to admit that was her draw at first. She’s tall and curvy and has the kind of legs a man wants wrapped around him all night long. Her sparkling blue eyes with flecks of gold in them, have haunted my dreams over the last few months. Her hair is a deep auburn red with hints of sunshine running through it. And her tits…large enough a man could bury his dick between and fuck them hard. Just the thought makes my already hard cock jerk and beg in reaction.

“Bull!” she huffs. “Let me go!” she demands when I don’t answer her.

“We are a couple, right? Or have you been talking to any other motherfucker every day and eating lunch with them or kissing them goodnight?”

“What? Well no, but we haven’t actually…”

“Would you rather I tell your boss how you’ve stepped over the edge of professional courtesy since day one? How he saw you playing with my dick and if he had been ten more minutes he would have seen you gagging on my cock, because you love sucking me? I know because you’ve done it numerous times, right here in this very exam room.”

“What? I haven’t!”

“He won’t know that, will he? After what he just saw, I figure he’d believe me over you.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

She’s spitting fire at me and I should feel at least a little bit guilty. I don’t. I’m enjoying this, like I haven’t enjoyed anything in forever. Skye makes me feel alive again.

“Try me, sugar-tits,” I tell her using the nickname she hates. “Wouldn’t it be better for him to think we’re dating, or that you’ve been using me for sex, while patients sit out there needing medical treatment?”

“Who are you?”

“The man you’ve drove to the point of madness. And while we’re on the subject, I’m also the man who’s not about to let Walter-boy think he has a fucking shot with you. I told you Skye. We are happening. It’s better he knows now, before I have to beat the hell out of him. Which I will still do, if he doesn’t stop looking at your tits like he has been.”

“Oh my God! I think I hate you now!”

“Is that anyway to treat the love of your life? Now smile, Walter-boy is coming back over here,” I tell her, pulling her back to me and squeezing her ass.

“I’ll kill you for this,” she growls.

“Sure, right after you explain why your boss seems to think he has a shot with you.”

“What?” she stutters, and I was right. Oh Walter-boy has been putting the moves on my woman. Good thing I got here today. “Smile, it’s show time, lover,” I whisper.

“That was Dr. Hoffensinger. The emergency bioprosethic valve replacement surgery is a go. I had thought it would be something you’d like to scrub in on, but of course if your attention is diverted, I can find…”

“No! No, I want to be there, Walter. You know how important this is to me,” Skye speaks up and the way she keeps calling him
annoys the fuck out of me.

“Very well, if you want, you can walk with me,” he answers, looking between us, and I don’t think it’s my imagination when I notice the way he’s looking at me—as if he has won a battle. He might have, but I don’t think
realizes, just what kind of war I can wage.

“Definitely,” she says and pulls away from me. That annoys me too, but I don’t let her go. I let her walk until the grip I have on her hand pulls her back. She looks over her shoulder, as if she just remembers I’m standing here. That
pisses me off.

“Bull, I need to…”

I jerk her back so that she stops mid-sentence. She falls onto my chest. Her hands brace against me and I like the way her nails bite into my skin. I put my fingers under her chin and bring her face up to mine. Her warm breath stutters over my chin and neck. Awareness runs through my body. Why does she feel so perfect in my arms?

“You forgot to kiss me goodbye, Doc. That can’t be allowed,” I warn her and then my lips find hers. I drink from her, my tongue seeking hers out. It takes some coaxing but when my hand cups her breast, her tongue starts sliding against mine, dancing against it. The kiss deepens, and I swallow the moan she gives when my thumb brushes against her plump nipple. I can tell, even through her clothes and lab coat, that her nipples are big. Fuck, I’d love to have them in my mouth to tease and torture….

“Really! Doctor Walker!”

Fucking, Walter
. I’m going to have to do something to take care of that fool. Skye’s body goes rigid and she pulls away from me. Her eyes seek mine out, hers are full of confusion, but her lips are swollen and well kissed.
By me.
Which is what I wanted.

She doesn’t say anything, instead she follows Walter-boy out. When she gets to the door she looks back at me. I don’t know what it means, but when she licks her lips, I figure it can’t be all bad.


She touched him!
I don’t like that at all. I thought getting her away from Judy would help, but apparently I was wrong. Instead, Skye acts upon the carnal thoughts Judy put in her mind. He’s pushing her into something she doesn’t want. I can see it in her eyes, but if she doesn’t start staying him away I will have to act.

I’m not ready. Things like this can’t be rushed. It looks like I will have to bring Skye down to the bottom so I can be the one to console her. She needs to learn it is me that she can turn to. She must learn that I am her salvation, her master.

It makes me sad that it must be this way.
Why does she make it more painful? Does she crave it? That’s something to consider. I will watch her a little longer to see exactly what path I must take. I have to be careful. I don’t want this to end wrong like the last time.

This time it must be different. Skye must be forever.

Chapter 11


have a
problem, and it’s a very
problem. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me. I should be telling Bull exactly where to go, not going along with this stupid game. Walter would be pissed, but he’d get over it. I don’t think he would fire me, I’m pretty sure he’d believe me. Except I’ve already had two bad reports against me from Dr. Eldridge and Nurse Allen. Walter is the reason I’ve not really felt the heat from those. I know it’s because he wants more than friendship with me. He’s become more and more insistent about that the last month. The sane thing to do would be to extricate myself from all of it. What’s the worst that could happen? So, maybe I’d have to go to another hospital to finish my residency. Would that really be so bad? I wanted London because I needed a town that was less stressful and busy. I needed a place where both Matty and I could be happy. London seemed like the answer to a prayer. Now, I’m not so sure.

Walter has been bad-tempered with me since we left Bull. In truth, he spoke down to me in the operating room. The other nurses and doctors were giving me strange looks, I know they picked up on it. I should have walked out, but I wanted to be there. I hope to specialize in cardiothoracic surgery. I have three more years of general surgical residency and then I can actually spend my time learning the heart full time. In the meantime, I live for moments like the ones just thrown in my lap. I can’t just give them up. When I hold a heart in my hand and gently coax it back to beating, it’s a feeling I can’t describe.

I take off my surgery covering and toss them in the bin. It’s beyond my break time and after the bitchiness of the last two hours, I need some air.

“Dr. Walker, we should talk about what happened earlier,” I look around to see Walter standing by the door that leads into the operating room.

“It’s nothing. Trust me, it won’t happen again.”

He wants to talk further, I can see it in his expression, but the rest of the OR staff starts filing out, and I get to escape. I stop by my locker to shed my damn lab coat. I’m done for the night. I just need to get my head straight so I can drive home to Matty. I freeze when I see the note. This wasn’t what I needed tonight.

You’re too pure to be defiled—AW

What the hell does that mean? I wad it up in my hand. I should be glad I guess. Maybe that means rape isn’t on the weirdo’s radar. Maybe I should report it to the police? I make a note to go by hospital security again tomorrow.

Right now, I just need out of here. I start walking, and I don’t stop until I reach the door to the stairs. I’m taking big gulping breaths by the time I’m out on the roof. I bend over, grab my knees sucking air in, and try to slow my heartbeat.

How did I get here in my life? So many mistakes are behind me, the road is littered with them. That’s the real reason I’m terrified of Bull. I wasn’t lying. I can’t afford more mistakes, and Bull has the potential to be the one mistake I can’t recover from.

Thinking about my past always leads me back to the one thing in my life that altered my future and continues to do so. Matty means everything to me. I never meant to get pregnant at sixteen. It was one stupid night in the bed of an old Ford truck. Luke was the local football stud, and the most popular guy in the entire school. I thought I was lucky to have him look twice at me. We dated for a month and I thought we were in love. When he took me out to the top of the mountain where kids went to party, I knew what it meant. He had thrown an old mattress in the back of the truck and we laid on it and talked for hours, gazing up at the stars. I thought I was ready for what came next. A failed rubber, a jock who later told me he had a hundred dollars riding on whether or not he could
‘bust my cherry’
, and parents who disowned me, told me I wasn’t ready—
not at all
. Not even a little bit.

I walk over to the edge of the roof to look out over the evening sky and lights below. The sun is just starting to set, and the lights from the parking lot and businesses surrounding the hospital are coming on, one at a time. This is my favorite time of the day and the scene below calms me. I need to call Blair, my neighbor, to check on Matty and tell him I’ll be home to tuck him in. It’s been hard putting myself through medical school and now doing my residency with a young child. My late hours since starting my residency have definitely been the hardest part. I couldn’t do it without Blair and her husband David. They’re lifesavers, but I hate that I’m not there for Matty, like I need to be.

I turn away from the view. I need to walk back to my locker and get my phone. Just as I’m about to, Bull comes through the door. We stare at each other for what seems like forever. I don’t want to see him. Not here, not right now, and definitely not with my emotions still raw from the memory of our kiss.

“Hey, Doc,” he says, looking at me as if he has all of life’s mysteries solved. I think I could hate him a little at this moment. He’s managed to sneak past my defenses, and I can’t seem to push him back out. He gets to me like a man hasn’t in a long time. Hell, I’m lying. I doubt
man has
gotten to me like he does. There hasn’t been a lot of room for men in my life. Still, what he pulled today and the mess it’s made with Walter is huge.

Walter has been at me for months to go out with him. I have put him off, telling him Matty has to be my number one priority, and there’s just no time for anything left over. I know he’s going to ask me why I’ve been seeing another man, if I wasn’t ready to date. I need to run away from Bull and yet, here I am glad to see him. You would think my past would have zapped all the stupidity out of me.

Apparently not

Chapter 12


aven’t you caused
enough trouble for one day?” Skye asks me.

She looks so tired…she looks
. I don’t want that. I like Doc with fire in her eyes. Hell, I don’t even mind when she’s spitting it at me. It turns me on. Then again, everything she does seems to do that.

“I saw you running up the stairs, I wanted to check on you.”

“Not right now, Bull. It’s late, and I’ve had a bad day,” she says, turning away from me.

I can’t resist. I know I’ve pushed her hard, but I can’t stop. Fuck, I tried to stay away, but I needed her. That kiss we just shared, the time we’ve spent together? It’s all just made my initial attraction to her stronger.
I need this woman
. I come up behind her, placing my hands on her shoulders, and rub the spot in her neck that is tight with tension.

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