Read Trust Me Online

Authors: Anna Wells

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Trust Me (22 page)

BOOK: Trust Me
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“Are you sore?” he asked concerned.

She nodded, “A little bit, but I’ll be okay.”

“Ride me.  Set your own pace.”

Placing her hands on his shoulders she began moving
her hips up and down.  His hands grabbed her ass firmly encouraging her
movements but letting her set the speed.  They had made love numerous
times this afternoon and she was feeling slightly sore, but the soreness was
becoming a painful pleasure.  He was so big inside her and as she moved up
and down his cock stroked against the walls of her aching pussy causing both
pain and pleasure.   Her clit swelled and throbbed begging for
release.  Her head dropped against his shoulders as she concentrated on
her body’s needs.

“Don’t close your eyes Alaina.  I want to look at
you while you come,” he demanded. He gently tugged on her hair pulling her head

She looked him in the eyes while she ground against
him ribbing her clit against his pelvis.  She was very close, just a
little more and she would come.  She began to ride his cock faster seeking
the relief she so desperately needed.

“That’s it
ride me as
hard as you want.”

Never losing eye contact she did as he instructed
following her body’s instinct.  His fingers bit into her ass as her pace
picked up.  Her vagina gripped his cock as it began to throb.  She
cried out as her body shuddered and the waves of release coursed through her
body.  Her eyes never left Donovan’s while her body pulsed.  Donovan
let loose a guttural cry as his orgasm followed hers.  She dropped her
head on his shoulder, noticing how damp their bodies were from perspiration.

Breathing heavily she said, “I think we really need to
shower, but I don’t know if I can stand.”

He chuckled. “How about I carry you to the bath and
that way you don’t have to stand at all.”

“That sounds like a plan.”

He picked her up and carried her to the
bathroom.  He set her down and then began to run the bath.  He looked
around and found bubble bath on the edge of the tub and added some.

They got into the bath together and she lay with her
back on his chest. “Hmm, this is nice.”

He kissed the top of her head.
bad for a first date, huh?”

“I usually don’t end up in the bathtub on a first
date,” she said dryly.

“Obviously you’ve been dating the wrong men,” he said
as he stroked her arms.

“Obviously, but Donovan there is one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“What are we going to do on our second
date?   I think we’ve tried every position.”

Donovan laughed. “Oh sweetie, we’ve just barely

Chapter Sixteen

Alaina sat at her desk trying unsuccessfully to
concentrate on her work.  She had missed almost a week at the office and
had a great deal of catching up to do.  She certainly didn't have time to
sit here with a stupid grin on her face day dreaming about Donovan Prentice and
yet that was exactly what she was doing. 

Her cell phone rang, and she picked it up seeing that
it was Elise calling.  She had texted Elise earlier to let her know she
was back in the office.

“Hey girlfriend, how are you?”

“How am I?  Forget about me.  Tell me
everything.  What’s going on?” Elise demanded.

“It’s a really long story.  Why don’t we meet
after work for a coffee and I'll explain everything.”

“You mean there’s more to this story than you doing
the nasty with Mr. Drugstore?”  Curiosity was evident in Elise's voice.

“Yes, but you're just going to have to wait until
after work.  Speaking of which, I'm meeting Donovan at my place at seven,
so I can't stay out all night with you, is that okay?”

“I feel so much better. When you were calling me from
Washington I was sure something was wrong and now I find out you just stayed on
longer for hot sex.”

“Elise you didn't have to worry, I told you I was all

“Look, I know you better than anyone, and to me you
sounded like you were hiding something,” Elise insisted.

Alaina shook her head, thinking that Elise was right;
she certainly did know her well. “You were right I was, but I'll tell you all
about that later,” she admitted. “Right now I have to get back to work.
 I've got a lot of catching up to do.”

“Now I'm dying of curiosity.  I’ll see you
tonight.  Bye.”

“Bye.”  Alaina returned as she ended the
call.  With a great amount of effort she blocked Donovan from her mind,
and threw herself into her work.


Donovan had spent the afternoon at the San Diego Area
Office, writing up a report on the case for his supervisor.  It had
provided him with the opportunity to go through every fragment of information
that related to the Tom Simmons/OAS case. As he documented the facts of the
case in his report, he became sure that they had missed something. 
Donovan couldn't get it out of his mind that Tom Simmons wouldn't have been
stupid enough to place vital information with the historical society.  The
only explanation was that he had wanted the incriminating records to be
recovered by the FBI.  Which left the question, why would he want to have
the information found?  What could possibly be Simmons' motive?

Until he figured out what the missing pieces to the
case were he wouldn't be confident that Alaina was safe.  He felt a twinge
of guilt at his previous suspicion of Alaina; someday he would be able to tell
her the complete truth, but now was not the time. Now that she was eliminated
as a suspect, he should be able to focus on other elements of the case. 
In a few days he hoped to gain access to Tom Simmons' documents that had been
secured by the FBI lawyers from the historical society.  He hoped to find
something there. Donovan had to make sure the case was truly over, leaving him
and Alaina free to go forward.

Looking at his watch he noticed it was
six-thirty.  He was meeting Alaina at her house at seven. He must have
checked the clock a thousand times today waiting for the time he could meet
her.  It was becoming a major distraction.  Never in his life had
anything or anyone been able to divert him from his work, but now he found it
hard to concentrate on anything else except Alaina. 

He felt like a young boy experiencing first love, which
was crazy, he was over thirty and he'd had many relationships through his adult
life.  Yet he had sat here today like a love-sick adolescent thinking
about Alaina, her gorgeous dark brown hair, the way she ran her hand threw it
when she was agitated or how her determined little chin jutted out when she was
angry.  Anything she said or did seemed to hold some sort of special
fascination for him.

When he had left her this morning after making love to
her all night, he'd found it almost impossible to tear himself away. 
Previously in any relationship he had, he'd had no problems putting the woman
to the back of his mind.  It was not as if he hadn't cared for the ones
who had been in his life before.  They had been companions, friends,
lovers, but they had not consumed his thoughts every minute.  Alaina was
all he could think about, it was almost as if she had crawled into his soul and
become a part of him.  The thought should disturb him, but it didn't,
instead he found it almost comforting.

Donovan put the files away. He'd return to them
tomorrow, maybe then whatever was nagging at his brain would become
apparent.  For now he was too anxious to see Alaina again and not to think
about the OAS case any longer.  He was afraid his inability to focus on
anything but Alaina might be preventing him from closing this investigation to
his satisfaction, inadvertently putting her in continued danger. 
Tomorrow, for her sake, he'd concentrate on the files. If anything happened to
her because he had failed to examine every detail, he'd never forgive himself.


After work Alaina met Elise, and explained everything
that had happened in the past couple of weeks.  They met at a local coffee
house that was situated at a halfway point for both of them.  It was a
trendy type of cafe, decorated in what appeared to be a rather haphazard
manner.  No chair or table was alike; giving the place an eclectic charm.
They sat together drinking cappuccinos while Alaina proceeded to relate the
incredible events she had experienced.  Since the two of them were so
close, none of the details of her evolving relationship had been left
out.  Frankly, it hadn’t even occurred to Alaina not to tell Elise the
whole story, they had always shared everything. Elise naturally had been
shocked to hear about the bombings her father had been responsible for, but she
had been unable to believe Alaina had actually been shot at and had spent the
last week in hiding.  The whole thing, as far as Elise was concerned, was
too far-fetched for words.   Alaina could only agree the situation
was nothing short of incredible, but thankfully it was finally over.

Elise shook her head in bewilderment.  “To think
your father would have placed you in such a terrible position.  Do you
think he planned it that way?”

Alaina shrugged, letting out a disappointed sigh, “I
have no idea, I've come to the conclusion that I really never knew him at all,
I just thought I did.”

“Well thank God you were never around when any of the
bombings took place.”

“That's one thing I can be grateful for, I guess,” she
paused, “Or was I around?”  

That's when something clicked in Alaina's head, that
same click you get when you've been staring at a crossword puzzle for hours and
you finally realize what the clue means.  “Elise, maybe I was there!”

“What do you mean maybe you were there?”  She
looked perplexed.  “I remember those bombings, but I never remember you
being in any of the cities when one of the bombings took place.”

Everything was falling terrifyingly into place.  “I
was never there when the explosions occurred, but I think I was there just
before they occurred and my father had been there with me.”

“You're just realizing this now?” Elise asked,

“Well it isn't as apparent as it seems.” The pieces
were coming together. “You remember how I was traveling all over the country
doing research for that professor?”  Elise nodded her head in confirmation
as Alaina continued, “Well, my father used to come and visit me while I was in
different cities.  I thought he was a sales rep for a computer company,
and he would tell me he had arranged his business plans to coincide with
mine.  At the time I never thought anything of it, I thought he was making
an effort to get to know me.  Now I realize I was just a front. I didn't
see it before because if you'll remember the news of those bombings didn't make
the national news until it became apparent it was a series of related terrorist
acts.  When they finally did make the news nationally, I never linked my
prior visits to those cities to the dates of the bombings.  The other
reason I never made the connection before now, is that many of the cities where
my father met me never suffered an attack.”

“You're saying, in effect, the cities that were bombed
were hidden amongst many other cities you were at that weren't bombed?” 

Alaina nodded at her question. 

Elise looked as horrified as Alaina did at this
discovery.  “You mean you think your father followed you all over the
country to camouflage his terrorist activities?”

Alaina nodded her head once again in
confirmation.  “I do now.  You know Donovan showed me the FBI file on
my father to convince me of his guilt. At the time I knew there something there
that was bothering me, I just couldn't figure out what that was.  It
wasn't until now that I realized I had been to all of those cities with my
father.  I'm sure if I check the dates I'll discover I was there just
prior to each of the bombings.”

“You know considering you were always there with your
father, I'm surprised that the FBI didn't think you were involved.”

Alaina looked as if she had been struck, as the impact
of Elise's words sunk in.  It had never occurred to her she had been a
suspect, but now it made perfect sense.  She had been with her father
prior to all of the bombing incidents, and the FBI probably knew that. 
Donovan had been watching her for months. He had even admitted to her that her
phones had been tapped.  He had originally misrepresented who he was, so
in effect he had been under cover.  He had told her it had all been done
for her protection, and that they were trying to trap the OAS members. 
Now it seemed as though the FBI and Donovan had probably believed she was a
member.  Betrayal swept through her as the knowledge of Donovan's
deception penetrated her brain.  How could Donovan have made love to her
if he had thought she was a participant in terrorist activities?  She had
considered it earlier on in their relationship that he might be sexually
manipulating her, but those thoughts had been forgotten long ago.  Now she
was faced with the possibility that her entire relationship with Donovan was
nothing but a lie. The sound of Elise's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

“Alaina, what's wrong?  Are you okay?” 
Elise asked
the concern in her voice was evident.

BOOK: Trust Me
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