Trust Me (32 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Trust Me
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“That was incredible,” she whispered several long moments later, causing him to chuckle; the sound vibrating across her tender breasts and stomach.

“I knew you could do it,” he said, his tone filled with admiration. Creighton rolled off her and pulled her into his embrace, tugging the bed cover over them both. Sandra smiled and yawned as she snuggled closer to his hot, damp chest. She no longer cared about henchmen, runaways or mafia kings as she slowly drifted into a blissful sleep; listening to the steady beating of her lover’s heart beneath her ear.



The pang of a full bladder woke her up from a peaceful, sound sleep and she blinked against the light shining through the open window. Slowly Sandra stretched her sore limbs and rolled over, burying her face in the warm chest beside her. She didn’t want to wake up, she didn’t want to face the day, she was warm and comfortable and very happy, but as she moved she realized she had to use the bathroom, bad.

Reluctantly, Sandra struggled to sit up and slowly swung her legs over the side of the bed. She was sore from her toes to her head and everything in between. Her nipples throbbed and her arms and legs felt like she had run a marathon. She very quietly stood up trying not to moan against the radiate ache that raced through her muscles and padded softly to the closed door.

The bathroom tile was cool against her feet as she shut the door quietly behind her and made her way to the toilet. She sat down on the cool wooden seat and stretched her feet out in front of her, wiggling her toes and yawning as the door opened to reveal a very sleepy Creighton, his hair mussed and his face covered in a dark shadow of a beard. In his hand was her phone and she frowned. He reached it toward her as he stepped to the sink.

“It’s your sister again,” he grumbled. Sandra took the phone and watched silently as he turned on the water and splashed it over his face.

“Hello Cathy,” she said a little sarcastic.

“Is he going to make a habit of answering your phone?” her sister snapped across the line.

“Probably. What do you want; I just talked to you a few hours ago?”

“Don’t you use that tone of voice with me, little girl,” Cathy snarled. “I called because I have some very interesting news about your boyfriend. I did a back ground check on him and found out a few things he probably failed to tell you.”

“Like what?” Sandra asked with a yawn, watching as the man removed his toothbrush and toothpaste from the drawer.
Even brushing his teeth, he was sexy
, she thought with a smile. Creighton saw her watching him from the reflection in the mirror and winked at her, causing her to blush.

“Did you hear me, Sandra? Are you still there?”
, she thought, she had totally just tuned her sister out and didn’t hear a thing she said.

“Sorry Cathy, bad connection. You were saying?” Sandra turned her face away from the man and looked down, suddenly remembering she was sitting naked on the toilet.

“I said your boyfriend is not what he appears to be,” she said again. “Did you know he is a multimillionaire?” Sandra frowned; she knew he was wealthy, or at least assumed he was based on his actions and what he had told her about having multiple companies, but a millionaire?

“Actually, I did know, Cathy. He told me.” Lying was becoming a habit, she scolded herself.

“He did?” Cathy asked in a very shocked tone.

“Cathy, I told you, I trust Creighton and I don’t need to know what all you found out about him. Why don’t you compile a listing of all of his faults and we’ll review them when I return to Kansas.” Sandra glanced up and saw the man still staring at her through the mirror, a frown on his handsome face. “In the meantime,” she continued with a little more vigor. “We have a lot of plans and I don’t have time to deal with your crazy accusations. I’ll call you when I get a chance and I’ll send you pictures from Paris. Love you, bye.” Sandra quickly hung up and just as quickly pushed the button to shut the phone off completely, and looked back up to Creighton who had turned toward her, leaning naked against the counter.

“There,” she told him with a smile. “Now she can’t call again.”

“So what did she find out about me?” he asked. “You looked shocked when she told you something.” Sandra blushed.

“She said she learned you were a sexual deviate and you had a habit of walking in on women who were using the toilet.”

“Very funny,” he said, the frown never leaving his face. “After everything we’ve done to each other and for each other, I care little if you’re in the loo or not. Now what did your sister tell you about me?”

“She said you were very rich,” she said flatly.

“I told you that. Does it bother you?” he asked.

“No, actually I don’t care. I assumed you were wealthy after you told me your little nipple clamps were diamonds and gold, so it didn’t come as a huge surprise. Besides, I don’t plan on using you for your money. It’s your body I’m interested in.” The man continued to stare at her, slowly smiling as he leaned down and kissed her swollen lips, lifting her breast in his hand and caressing the tender nipple with his thumb.

“And my body loves to be used by you,” he whispered, sliding his tongue into her mouth, sparring with hers for several moments.

“We arrived in Hyères late last night,” he told her as he straightened up. “We need to eat and get moving. I had Abigail wash your clothes, so they are at least clean for you, but I still want to buy you more. There is a little shop in port that Sabrina loves; she practically buys everything in the place whenever she’s here, so I thought we should be able to find some things for you. I have a car waiting for us and I’ve made hotel reservations for the night in Loiret. We’ll meet with Aryana and Daniel tomorrow afternoon.”

“I still don’t like the idea of you buying me clothes.”

“We’ve already been through this. I’m going to buy you some clothes because yours are currently in the custody of the authorities, as they try to find out who broke into your room. Unless you’re going to travel completely naked, which I wouldn’t object to in the least, you will have to consent to letting me purchase you what you need. End of discussion.”

“But Creighton, I have my own money,” she began, receiving a very stern look from him.

“I don’t care. As your sister has already pointed out I have a considerable amount of wealth and I am not used to people telling me no. So I would suggest you end the arguing now, or you’ll be driving the next two hours with a very, very sore backside. Understand?” Sandra narrowed her eyes as she stared up at the man from the toilet.

“This is not the end of the argument, no matter how much you threaten me. Now if you don’t mind, I would like to complete my reason for coming in here and take a shower before we leave. I smell like a brothel.”

“It is over and I don’t mind in the least, and when were you ever in a brothel?” He teased; smiling at the irritated look she supplied him. “I need a shower as well, so I would suggest you hurry up and brush your teeth, and join me. Otherwise, you won’t have time to eat before we have to leave.” Creighton walked to the shower, turned on the faucets and adjusted the temperature. He completely ignored her as he stepped into the tiled surround and under the spray of water.

Sandra narrowed her eyes in irritation, but chose to finish as instructed. She was sore and knew she smelled of sweat and sex and wanted to be clean for their trip. She quickly finished up on the toilet and smiled as she flushed it, listening to the man’s vulgar cursing as he was sprayed with a blast of hot water. She brushed her teeth with leisure before cautiously entering the shower stall.

Creighton was rinsing the shampoo from his hair and blinked through the stream of water at her. He was gloriously handsome, even wet and she had a very hard time not reaching out and touching him. His muscles rippled, his flat stomach moved steadily as he breathed, his long legs parted for balance and his arousal was vivid, as it stood firm and pulsating in front of him.

“Keep it up and we’ll never get back on dry land,” he warned her, his tone light and his smile knowing. Sandra blushed.

“Come, let me wash you so we can get dressed and eat.” Sandra stood there a moment too long for the man’s liking, so he reached out and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into his wet, warm embrace. He kissed her briefly, slapping her bottom and turning her away from him.

“I like defiance, especially from you,” he said as he reached for the soap and poured a liberal amount on the loofah.

“You do?” she asked, feeling rather alluring as the scented soap began to wash away yesterday’s activities.

“Yes. When you defy me, it excites me. I know you won’t object if I put you over my knee, and I like to spank when I’m faced with defiance.”

“Do you spank your employees as well?” She reached behind her and wrapped her hand around his hard erection, ignoring the gasp he offered at her touch.

“Never, I just fire them. You are the only one who drives me to the point of no return. I either want to shag the hell out of you, or spank it out of you; preferably the later followed by the former.”

“You are a deviant,” she said with a soft chuckle.

“You should know baby. I think I’ve demonstrated it to you at least once.” Creighton finished washing her slender body, before shampooing her hair and trying hard to ignore her firm grip on his body.

“Sandra, I want you, but we don’t have the time.” She turned to him and smiled dropping to her knees without warning and began to lick the tip of his manhood. Creighton swayed slightly at her sudden attack and as much as he wanted to resist, he just stood there and allowed her to explore him with her tongue.

“Now who’s the deviant?” he whispered and she wrapped her lips around his shaft, sucking it into her mouth. He moaned as she sucked on him for a few moments before sliding him out of her mouth, licking the tip again.

“You are very good at this,” he growled, his hands sliding into her wet hair, holding her gently behind the ears.

She slid him back into her mouth and sucked hard. Sandra could feel the length of him thickening and knew he was about to react to her touch, listening to his primal growl when she slid him down her throat and held him there for a few heartbeats, then slid him back out.

“Oh God Sandra, you’re incredible.”

“Tell me when you’re going to come or I’ll stop,” she said, repeating his words from the previous night. He looked down at her, narrowed his eyes and pulled her head back against him, leading her mouth across him for several long moments, his hands holding her head firmly. She could tell he was resisting his release, trying to make it deep and splendid, but as he began to grow even harder in her mouth, she knew he was losing the battle.

“I’m coming Sandra,” he growled and she removed him from her mouth, stroking him hard and fast. He groaned in surprise as he released into her hand, growling as he came. He drew a deep breath a moment later to help steady his nerves and looked down at her, shivering as she licked the underside of his quivering penis. She leaned back and lifted her hand, looking at the sticky white liquid he had spilled.

“So this is what it looks like,” she said amazed. He reached down and pulled her up by the shoulders, pushing her against the back of the shower stall.

“I will never cease to be amazed by you,” he growled, pressing his mouth against her hard and demanding, his tongue thrusting deep into her. She moaned against him as he removed his lips all too soon, her hand still filled with the result of her assault on him.

“Do you like how it feels?” he asked her and she looked down at her hand. She smiled at him and nodded. It was hot and sticky, but no unpleasant. It was erotic to watch him have an orgasm; his sticky semen exploded from his enlarged, purple head like a stream of hot syrup. Creighton took her hand and pressed it against her breast, watching her eyes widen in surprise.

“Massage it in,” he ordered and watched as she did just that. It was a strange action, but erotic at the same time. He groaned, kissing her lips as she caressed her chest with his seed. Creighton reached between her legs and slowly massaged the heat of her clitoris. The sensations were incredible, a mixture between exploration and desire found a quick path through her veins, causing her to pant against his lips.

Creighton lifted her leg in his hand and quickly thrust his penis into her, renewed energy surging through him as he moved quickly in and out of her tight body. Sandra couldn’t believe how arousing this was and found her release quickly as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing her shoulders into the wall, her hips tilted slightly so his thrusts deepened causing her to moan into his mouth.
  She tried to move her head, but he held her steady with his mouth, absorbing her cries with his tongue until he joined her, thrusting into her harder and quicker, growling into her mouth.

When he at last released her lips, they were breathless, panting and gasping for air. Sandra was pressed tight against his chest, his hands wrapped around her waist, his head against her shoulder.

“You have set us behind on our itinerary,” he accused, looking into her face.

“Are you complaining?” she asked, causing him to chuckle.

“Never, but I believe this morning you have officially become the deviant.” Sandra blushed, giggling at the look he gave her as he leaned his forehead against hers. “We need to get rewashed and out of here.” He told her, turning her toward the water to rinse off both of them. Once they were clean - again he briefly kissed her neck and slapped her backside before reaching around her to shut off the water.

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