Trust Me (27 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Trust Me
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Creighton turned to her as the woman he had been speaking with left the front of the shop. He was intrigued with where her eyes were traveling and caught sight of a dark burgundy, sleeveless dress that fell mid-calf on one of the plastic figures. It was trimmed in rhinestones and had a lower than normal V-neck front. A wide two inch rhinestone strap wrapped around the middle twice, tying in a bow at the front, hanging down in long tails. It was quite beautiful and Sandra couldn’t stop staring at it.

“Do you like it?” he asked, bringing her attention back to him.

“It’s really lovely, they all are. I like the colors.”

“I’ll be sure and tell Sabrina you said so,” he told her proudly.

“These are hers?”

“Yes. Marie Marchant has been helping Sabrina put her designs to fabric. She’s a very good seamstress and was just saying that they have had several inquiries into Sabrina’s designs. With a little hard work, I’m sure she’ll be quite a wonderful designer before long.”

“She has talent,” Sandra said as the older woman appeared from the back room, carrying a large pile of white satin and lace. She said something to Creighton, frowning as she spoke. He listened to her for a few moments and turned to Sandra.

“She said the girl that was supposed to model the gown for the pictures came down ill this morning and wasn’t able to make it. They have another one set up for tomorrow, but my sister needs this gown and the photos by the day after tomorrow and there won’t be enough time to get it to her in time to organize her final project if we wait.”

“What are you going to do?” Sandra asked watching Creighton shake his head.

“I guess I’ll just have to ship it to her as is and hope we can arrange for a model in London.”

“Maybe I can help?” she offered. “I know I’m not tall enough to be a model, but maybe if I stand on a stool or wear some really high heeled shoes, I could model it for her. I’d be willing to help if I can.” Creighton smiled at her proudly.

“Another reason why I love you,” he said cheerfully. “You’re willing to go out of your way to help people you don’t even know.” He turned back to Marie speaking to her again as Sandra watched the excited expression cross her pale face as she answered him in French.

“She’s agreed and will help you change; she just wants to call the photographer. Fortunately it is her son-in-law so it shouldn’t take long. She understands that you don’t speak French so I’ll translate for the two of you.” Sandra nodded watching the woman as she spoke on her cell phone then quickly flipping it closed. She said something to Creighton who turned to Sandra.

“She said the photographer will be here in thirty minutes, so it should give you enough time to change and touch up your make up. You need it to be a bit darker for the photos.” Sandra nodded and walked with her into the back room, followed close behind by Creighton.

The older woman set the large pile of material on the small velvet settee and motioned for Sandra to sit down at the vanity. She flipped on the lights surrounding the mirror and Sandra did as ordered, feeling the sudden eruption of nerves. Marie proved to be very skillful, not just with clothing but with hair and makeup; pinning Sandra’s long sandy-brown hair to the top of her head in a soft bun, combing her bangs down across her forehead. She touched up Sandra’s makeup just slightly telling Creighton that they would apply the lipstick once she was in the gown.

She explained to Creighton how Sandra was to put on the dress; first the cream stockings and garter belt, which caused her to blush; the bustier and slip were next followed by the gown, while the train and veil would be added last. Sandra was slightly overwhelmed and very warm as she stepped behind the curtain in the corner to dress. Creighton told her to put on the stockings, bustier and slip and to come out to finish dressing where she could get help.

The stockings were the silkiest she had ever felt as she very carefully slid her legs into them and secured them with the garter belt. She didn’t have another pair of panties and was concerned since those she wore were black. Creighton told her to leave them off and she blushed scarlet at the deep, husky tone in which he told her. Once she had the bustier fastened and the slip in place, she stepped out from behind the drapes. Creighton’s eyes lit up and Marie applauded softly, coming around to help adjust the clothing. The bustier was a little too tight; causing Sandra’s breasts to bulge above it, but the woman insisted that it would aide in showing off the bodice of the gown.

Sandra carefully stepped into the gown and slid the arms up around her, paying careful attention to the delicate material so she would not rip it. The dress was sleeveless and Sandra found herself very happy that she had unfastened her top when she sunbathed so she didn’t have strap lines. The wide shoulder straps of the gown were made of the thinnest, most delicate lace she had ever seen, very soft and laid against her like a second skin. The bodice was a V-neck design and was decorated in a vine design of shiny rhinestones. It was quite snug and was sheer just above the bustier allowing her swell of breasts to show perfectly between the opening. The delicate vines wound around the long skirt of the gown; it was a straight cut with no flair, but not too tight for walking or dancing; essential since it was a wedding gown. It was obviously made for a model at least four inches taller than she, but it was perfect for Sandra, hiding her feet beneath a layer of lace and rhinestones vines.

The train was attached to the back of the skirt at the waist and flowed a good four feet behind. It wasn’t very wide, perhaps two feet or so, but was made of the same delicate lace as that of the bodice straps and had the same delicate vines etching the outer edges. Sandra allowed the woman to apply a soft color of lip-gloss to her mouth just as the door to the shop opened and the sound of a male voice echoed through the shop. Marie quickly excused herself, explaining to Creighton that the photographer had arrived and asked that he help Sandra into the outer room where they would take the photos. Once she had left the two of them alone, Sandra looked up into the dark eyes and blushed.

“How do I look?” she asked watching a strange emotion dance across his face.

“It looks like it was made just for you,” he whispered, stepping in front of her and kissing her cheek. “I have never seen anyone more beautiful.”

“It’s a bit tight,” she said hiding her embarrassment and trying to forego the desire that she knew he would soon burn to life. Creighton sighed, stepping back to admire her.

“I think it’s perfect,” he assured her. “I like how you hint at how much is hiding from sight. It makes me want to change my name to Woody.” Sandra blushed scarlet when he winked at her, licking his bottom lip while his eyes roamed hungrily over her slender body.

“We better get out there and get these pictures taken before you mess up your sister’s gown.” Creighton held out his arm and smiled as she walked carefully beside him.

Sandra found herself standing on top a very small stool with a pair of white shoes poking out from beneath it, so the gown was extended to its full length, the train draped around the small platform where the mirrors had been, but were now covered by thick black cloth. She had yet to see how she looked other than from her own perspective, but assumed it would be wonderful, just from everyone’s expression. The veil was a wreath of white silk flowers and rhinestones with a long lace trail that hung down to her hips. It was slipped carefully over the bun that Marie had
pinned her hair in and a pair of pearl earrings and matching necklace had been used to complete the picture. Marie told Creighton there were gloves but she would rather Sandra hold them with the bouquet, as not to hide the beautiful ring she wore.

The pictures took another forty-five minutes to complete and by the time she was allowed to step down from the stool, Sandra found herself quite hot and in need of a drink. She carefully slipped out of the layers and unfastened her hair, but chose to keep the makeup on, since it wasn’t much darker than she normally wore, but attractive with just a slightly different look.

Once she was back in her own clothes and feeling much more comfortable and relaxed, she gathered the gown and the additional items together and carried them to the front of the shop. Marie took them from her as Creighton spoke with the photographer who handed him the SD card from his camera, but frowned when he did. Sandra watched Creighton hand the man several bills of paper money and saw the pleased expression cross his face as he smiled to Creighton, bowing slightly to Sandra and left the store.

“Once Marie has the dress packaged we’ll take it to the airport and meet up with my pilot. I have to call Sabrina,” he told her handing her a bottle of water and motioning to her to sit on a chair near the platform. He took the phone from his pocket and pushed a button, winking at Sandra.

“Hey, it’s me,” he said into the phone. “We just finished with the photos. I’ll send the gown with Davies in about an hour.” He paused and glanced to Marie who stepped out of the back, two large boxes in her hands. Sandra stood to help her while Creighton backed away toward the door, lowering his voice. Marie began to motion to the boxes trying to communicate what was in them with her hands. Sandra nodded, unsure how to answer her other than
. She really wished Creighton would hurry up with his phone call and come translate for her, but when she turned around to ask him for help she found him facing the front window, his back to the room and his voice lowered to barely above a whisper. She watched him for a few moments unable to hear what he was saying, while Marie shuffling around the counter, but was relieved when he disconnected the call and turned back to her.

Creighton spoke with Marie, accepted the boxes she handed him and smiled as she set a third on top. He said something else to her that made her eyes light up, then quickly kissed both of her cheeks and stepped back out of the way as Marie wrapped Sandra into a warm, motherly embrace, saying something in French, the only part Sandra understood was
merci beaucoup.
Marie kissed both of her cheeks in turn and waved as the couple stepped out the shop and back into the bright afternoon sun.

“My sister wants you to know how grateful she is for this,” Creighton said, leading the way to the car. He opened the trunk and set the boxes inside, smiling at Sandra as he closed it and reached for her hand. “She’s very eager to meet you, as are the rest of my family.”

“You’ve told them about me?” she frowned.

“Of course. That ring you’re wearing belonged to my maternal grandmother. I inherited it when she passed away. I had to explain to my mother why I wanted her to send it to me.”

“When did you get this?” she frowned again, looking at the beautiful stones sparkling on her finger.

“This morning. I had my mother send it to my office and my PA sent it along with the car.”

“You are full of tricks, aren’t you?” she asked, receiving a warm chuckle in response.

“You should know first-hand, my love.” He leaned down and kissed her, their lips pressed tightly against each other for a few moments before he broke away reluctantly and smiled at her.

“You are amazing,” he told her in a deep husky tone. “I love that you would help my sister without having met her and I love that you look so incredible in the gown. You were an angel, a vision to behold and I’m very happy I was there to witness such a delightful event.”

“You are a romantic,” she told him after he offered her another brief kiss, tuning her to the car door and opening it.

“And you my darling are the only one who has ever brought out that side of me.”

The ride back to Nice was quite relaxing and very pleasant. The afternoon had sped by quicker than Sandra could imagine. They dropped the packages off at the airport, assured that they would arrive in London by evening and Creighton called Sabrina to inform her that the gown was in route and he would e-mail the photos to her once he had the chance to look them over, later that evening.

He called ahead to Captain Shaw instructing him to meet them in
Cote d’Azur
, informing him that they would return to the ship after they picked up Sandra’s belongings at the hotel and that they would be there in time for supper. Sandra found her nerves mounting with each mile that fell behind them. Creighton had hinted at teaching her a few new tricks and she was more excited than apprehensive, as she would have been a few days ago. Since then she had discovered her own desires, learned her own body’s abilities and had even become engaged.
Good Lord
, she thought suddenly,
how was she to explain all of this to Cathy



Warmth touched her cheek and Sandra opened her eyes, unaware that she had fallen asleep on their ride back to her hotel. Creighton smiled at her softly, kissing her lips and caressing her cheek with his long fingers.

“Sleep well my love?” he asked.

“I’m so sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he told her with a chuckle. “After the events of the last couple of nights, you needed your rest. At least you should be able to stay awake a little longer tonight.” Sandra’s eyes widened as the night before registered through her foggy conscious.

“I just remembered I fell asleep last night before I released you.” Creighton laughed at her expression of fear and horror.

“Good thing I know how to use the cuffs, isn’t it? Besides, you were exhausted. I didn’t mind, I like watching you sleep, it’s very peaceful.” He stepped out of the car and walked around to the passenger door, holding it open for her. Sandra looked around them; he had used the covered parking rather than the valet, as though he knew his way around easily. They walked to the lift and pressed the button before Sandra had the courage to look at the man, frowning slightly.

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