Trust Me (26 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Trust Me
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Creighton caressed her with his hard shaft until she began to wiggle beneath him and then smoothly pressed the tip of his penis against her moist opening, slipping easily into her, matching her moan with one of his own. Their bodies began to pick up a rhythm that they both knew well,
working in unison with the other, moving perfectly together as though synchronized with long hours of chorography. Their mouths continued to worship the other while their bodies made magical memories; spiraling them toward the gates of Eden and far beyond the boundaries of heaven, tipping them into a pool of endless passion. As they became consumed with desire, their souls reached out and touched the other, joining to form one union.

Sandra moaned deeply, feeling cherished as no one had ever made her feel before and tears sprang to her eyes, her body answered his demand for release, joining with him in a whirlwind of lust and love more vast then time or space. As she began to relax beneath him, she realized without hesitation that they were one; she had found and joined her soul with a mate that would last an eternity and she would never again question the hand of destiny, for it was fate that had brought them together, that much she was certain of.

Creighton leaned up on his elbows, his breath a menagerie of pants, his skin moist with sweat. He looked into her eyes and smiled; gently brushing her tears aside, and kissing her lips in the tenderest touch she had ever felt.

“I love you,” he whispered and she caught her breath knowing they had just made love, real love, for the first time.

“I love you,” she told him, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly, holding him to her heart.



Sandra sat next to Creighton in a late model black Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Roadster convertible. The soft sounds of Kenny G echoing from the speakers, the warm sun shone through the open roof against her face and shoulders. Her hair hung loose, blowing freely in the breeze from the drive, the sights serene and breathtaking.

The yacht had anchored in Nice where Creighton met with a delivery boy who brought the car to him. They drove along the middle coast road; he told her was known as
Moyenne Corniche
, or Highway 7, passing through
Grande Corniche
. Creighton told her they would stop in
for lunch before going into
to meet with his sister’s seamstress. Sandra felt relaxed and happier than ever remembered feeling. France was a marvelous place and she could easily envision herself coming back here.  

“What are you thinking?” he asked her over the sounds of the saxophone from the stereo and the wind from the drive.

“I was thinking about how beautiful France is,” she told him honestly. “I think I’m going to plan another trip here.”

“How about a honeymoon?” he asked her with an enthusiastic, childlike grin.

“I haven’t agreed to anything yet, remember? After all, we’ve only known each other for five days.”

“You know me better than most of my own family,” he said with a warm chuckle. “And I know everything there is to know about you.”

“Like what? You don’t know anything except what I’ve told you.”

“I know more than you think I do. But there will be plenty of time for telling secrets. Right now, we need to think about lunch, I’m starving. What do you feel like eating?”

“Surprise me,” she told him. “Just no insects or uncooked meat.” Creighton laughed as he pulled the car off the main highway and onto the road that took them into the recreation district of Fontvieille. He drove along the streets to a café overlooking the port of Fontvieille. She sighed as he pulled into the parking and stepped out for the valet to come around to open her door.

“Where are we?” she asked standing out of the car.

“Constantine’s,” he told her with a wide smile. “Italian.”

“You are determined to make me fat, aren’t you?”

“I would never make you fat; besides, I know how to help you work off the extra calories.” He smiled at her blush as they walked into the restaurant and to the Maitre’d who greeted them. He said his name and the man immediately snapped his fingers for the waiter who appeared and took them to their table on the covered balcony.

“Does everyone do what you say when you snap your fingers?” she asked once the waiter had taken their drink order and hurried away.

“One of the benefits of money,” he told her proudly. “I work hard for it and people know I’m worth the extra effort. I pay well for the added attention.” Sandra was silent for several moments as she pretended to look at the menu, unable to read a single syllable.

“What’s the matter?” he asked after a moment.

“If I ask you a question, would you tell me the truth?” she asked with a steady gaze, locking his eyes to hers.

“I have never lied to you and I never will.”

“When you said it’s your company, you honestly meant
your company
, didn’t you?” Creighton drew a deep breath and smiled.

“I own the company, yes. Does that bother you?” Sandra drew a deep breath and frowned. Did it bother her?

“I don’t know,” she said after a few moments. “I don’t know if I like the idea of dating someone who has an endless supply of cash.”

“It’s not endless,” he assured her. “Once my company started making money, I decided to pay myself a monthly salary, albeit a very handsome salary. I pay taxes, invest in a retirement plan
and a savings account, I buy stocks and bonds and plan for my future; you know all the normal stuff.”

“I can’t imagine you doing anything normal.” She assured him.

“I’m a very normal guy; it’s just that I have a nice bank account.” They sat silent for a few moments as she absorbed what he was telling her. “Look, when I made my first hundred thousand, I was still in school. I used it to pay off my parents’ mortgage on the farm and reinvested it in my company. The next hundred thousand I used to buy a car and more inventory for my business. By the time I graduated, I had a flat in London with all the toys and niceties one would need to live comfortably. After that, spending money became sort of boring, so I just started banking it. My plan now is to buy a farm in Yorkshire, marry you and raise a family, maybe get a dog or two to chase the kids.”

The waiter’s arrival put a halt to their conversation, making the tension that was building between them grow slightly thicker. Creighton ordered their lunches, speaking in French to the man and waited as he set their drinks in front of them, irritated at the obvious attention he paid to Sandra, not to mention the flirtatious smile he offered her. Once he walked away, Creighton cleared his throat.

“I really don’t like that,” he said softly causing her to look at him strangely.


“I don’t like other men staring at you. It bothers the hell out of me.”

“They weren’t looking at me; they were looking at me with you. There’s a difference.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” It was his turn to look at her strangely.

“They look at me, wondering how someone as plain as I am could get a man as handsome and rich as you. I’m sure there are many ideas passing through their minds.”

“Are you daft, girl?” he asked, causing her to look up into his eyes in surprise. “Have you ever looked in a mirror? You are the most beautiful woman in this place and far more attractive than any ten put together. You are absolutely stunning; you have a knock out body and a killer smile. You have an aura about you that radiates innocence, honesty and purity that is both alluring and intriguing to anyone who looks at you.” Sandra sat silently staring at the man, not knowing what to say.

“You really don’t see it, do you?” he asked after a moment, reaching for her hand and lifting it to his lips. “Sandra, you are breathtaking, intelligent, kind, loving, and gentle and I am the luckiest man in the world for having you in my life. I could lose everything I own tomorrow, but as long as I have you by my side, I will never be poor.” Sandra’s eyes filled with tears as she looked at him and he smiled, resting his palm against her cheek.

“I love you Sandra,” he said softly. “This morning when we made love, I felt like our souls touched; we became one. I know in my heart that you are my soul mate and I will never stop loving you.” The tears spilled onto her cheeks unchecked and he leaned across the table, kissing her lips tenderly for several long moments. It wasn’t until that moment that she realized the restaurant was nearly filled with patrons who had suddenly become quiet watching them. As Creighton released her lips, his hand reached for hers and lifted it up for her to see.

Somewhere between his confession to her and his kiss he had slipped a white gold diamond and sapphire ring onto her left hand, causing her to gasp. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen; the diamond was at least five karats, surrounded by a circle of small sapphires with a second circle of small diamonds. It glistened with the light from the sun and she suddenly felt warm and strangely happy.

Sandra looked into the dark blue eyes that watched her, her tears flowing freely down her cheeks. She couldn’t help but wrap her arms around his neck, as the customers broke into a round of applause and cheers. Creighton pulled her onto his lap and hugged her against him tightly. At that moment in time, there was nothing that could come between them. Sandra knew he was right. They were soul mates, and she had a feeling she was about to embark on an incredible adventure of a lifetime.



Two hours had passed before Sandra felt comfortable enough to think about the world around her. She had eaten her lunch in a daze while Creighton ordered champagne to be shared with the restaurant’s customers and staff. She barely noticed the people who congratulated them, offering them their wishes for the future or the way those nearest them hugged her and patted Creighton on the back.

Once their lunch was eaten, Creighton walked her to the car and kissed her briefly before closing the door behind her. He climbed into the driver’s seat and easily pulled the car out onto the street. She sat staring at the ring, amazed at how beautiful it was; rather old fashioned in design, it fit like a glove and she couldn’t help but smile happily.

“Do you like it?” he asked her from across the seat. Sandra looked up to him feeling slightly giddy.

“It’s so beautiful,” she whispered, leaning her head against his shoulder. “But don’t you think we’re rushing things a bit?”

“No I don’t. My parents used to tell us about their whirlwind romance and how they fell in love after only one date. They knew they belonged together, they knew their love would withstand time. They married quickly, I think it was because my mum got pregnant with my brother Derek, but it didn’t matter. They were in love and wanted to be together. I always thought it was insane; people didn’t fall in love like that, but when I saw you I knew without a doubt that you were the one for me. All I have to do is convince you of it.” Sandra giggled as she listened to him. It was like something out of one of her books.

“You are crazy, you know?” she told him, her tone light and filled with love.

“Yes I am, crazy about you.” He pulled the car into the parking lot of the dressmaker’s shop and shut off the engine, tuning to her.

“There is a lot we need to discuss and a lot I need to tell you, but all in good time. Right now I want to get my duty to my little sister over with, get your stuff from the hotel and get back to the yacht where we can celebrate our engagement in private.”

“I suppose private means handcuffs and vibrators,” she giggled.

“Very likely; along with moans and cries of passion and lots, and lots of heated sex. I like making you come and I plan on teaching you a few new tricks, just enough to keep you exhausted so you miss your plane flight back to Kansas.” He kissed her lips hard and quick, his hand resting on her hip and squeezing with a hidden promise, then he climbed out of the car and walked around to open her door.

“I have to admit, you are a very good teacher,” she teased him as he held out a hand to help her out of the vehicle.

“Just wait darling,” he promised her with a wink as he shut the car door and reached for her hand. “I’m working on a final exam that will blow your mind.” Sandra blushed as they stepped through the door of the small shop, feeling happy and eager to study with him for many long hours.

Monsieur Ashford
,” the pale faced, middle age woman said from the counter in the middle of the room. Creighton smiled and began to speak with her in French as Sandra looked around them. The shop was larger than it appeared from outside, allowing many plastic mannequins to be displayed, each adorned with a different outfit. There were long dresses and short ones, formal and every day, pants, blouses and shorts and all in different colors, but not one was the same as another. One side of the shop had a wall of mirrors with a round platform in the center; another wall had shelves of materials, all different colors and textures. The counter the woman stood behind was very small with only a notebook and a laptop computer of bright florescent pink. Behind her was another counter, this one with a fax machine and multiple large books of designs and patterns. In the open shelves beneath were more books, more bolts of fabric and a number of pink and purple boxes.

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