Trust Me (21 page)

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Authors: Kristin Mayer

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Trust Me
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I wink at him. “I thought you might like them.”

For the second time that morning, Damien and I make love outside in our screened-in area.

I know it’s not going to be as easy as I think. We still have a lot of hurdles to overcome. For now though, I am going to enjoy this moment. The rest will come in time.

Sam and I have been buffed and shined within an inch of our lives. With the amount of makeup that has been caked and sculpted on my face, I could probably open up a beauty supply store. I look completely transformed from just an average Joe to someone who is actually worthy to be on Damien’s arm.

My dress is beautiful. I chose a pale pink halter dress that is fitted through the bust and flows from the waist down. Paired with silver translucent heels, I feel like a princess waiting to meet her Prince Charming. Sam has gone with a sexy updo, showing off her bare shoulders and nearly bare back in her emerald long dress. Simply put, she is stunning.

“Girl, we’re gonna drop it like it’s hot.” She gives little snaps and hits her booty to mine.

As she continues to do her little dance moves, I joke back, “Sam, behave. Pace yourself. You’re about to be surrounded by a lot of athletes.”

“Hmm, I’d love to get sacked tonight.”

I hit her on the shoulder and laugh.

She asks, “Do you even get the double meaning in that?”

Double meaning?
My brow bunches. “Doesn’t it just mean you’re getting laid tonight?”

She gives me one of those adoring little pats. “Just checking. Seems I’m going to win this bet with your boy toy.”

I roll my eyes at her as I figure the term
has something to do with sports.

As we are walking down the stairs, I look up and freeze midway. At the bottom landing, Mr. Prince Charming himself is waiting for me in his sleek custom black tux that fits his toned body like a glove. His tousled black hair and blue eyes top off the delicious sight perfectly. I wish we didn’t have to go, so I could take him back to our room and slowly peel his clothes off his body. When he holds out his hand, my body immediately begins to move toward him.

Belatedly, I realize Sam has made herself scarce to give us some privacy. As I reach the bottom step, Damien closes the gap to where we are almost touching but not quite. My body is alive, zinging with want from being near him.
I can never get enough of this man.

“You are so beautiful. Part of me wants to keep you hidden from the world, and the other cannot wait to show you off this evening.” His reverent tone melts my insides.

“Thank you, but I’m afraid that I’ll turn back into a pumpkin after midnight. Then, you’ll be stuck with plain ole me again.”

“You could never be plain. You are exquisite in every way, regardless of the situation.”

I cannot help the blush that creeps up through my several layers of makeup.
I still don’t get what he sees in me, but I’m not going to complain about why he loves me.
“Thank you. You are quite dashing yourself. Shall we?” I hold up my arm.

“We shall.” He links his arm with mine, and we are off.

The gala is the most formal event I have ever attended. Damien was right about the photographers. They are more focused on the sports legends who really bring in the money shots. A few flashes go off as we walk up the red carpet, but then they quickly move on to other guests. As we step into the ballroom, the room is flowing with champagne and hors d’oeuvres.

Beside me, Sam grabs my arm. “For all that is holy, there is some hot ass in here.” The way she says it with admiration in her voice makes Damien and me chuckle. “I’ll catch you guys later.” After giving us a big wink, she’s off to work the room.

Damien keeps me by his side as we continue to make our way deeper into the crowd.

“Wales, glad you could make it. Who’s this lovely lady?” The man is an older gentleman with graying hair, and he’s slightly heavy around the middle section.

“Harry. This is Allison Scott, my girlfriend. Allison, this is Harry Walters. He’s the sports physical therapist for the team.”

I extend my hand, and Harry gives it a kiss. Damien’s grip tightens infinitesimally on me.

“Nice to meet you, Harry.”

“Likewise, Allison. Wales is one lucky man.”

Blushing, I retrieve my hand as he gives me a warm smile.

Looking at me adoringly, Damien steps in and responds, “That I am. It was good seeing you.”

“Likewise,” Harry says.

As the night progresses, it’s amusing to see how Damien introduces me to people. With any unattached guys, his hand is possessively around my waist, giving me barely enough room to shake their hand. The unattached women look at me with almost hate in their eyes as if I have stolen their favorite toy.
I must admit that he is a very fun toy to have in my toy box.

In a lull of conversation, I spot Sam over on the other side of the room. She can definitely be the socialite of the party, and she has several guys eating out of her hand.

Catching sight of where I’m looking, Damien states his observation to me, “Seems Sam can hold her own with these jocks.”

I laugh. “Yes, you should bring her on as an undercover secret weapon to get your deals cheaper. They’d never know what hit them.”

Damien chuckles beside me, and he continues to watch her interact with the athletes. His wheels are turning, but I don’t know what he’s thinking about.
I bet that poor man’s brain never gets to sleep.
My thoughts are interrupted by Ben’s approach.

“Sir, there’s an urgent matter that needs your attention.”

The way Ben says the word
flares my curiosity a little.

Before he even has a moment to ignore his responsibility, I say, “Damien, please go. I’ll hang out with Sam for a bit and give those poor unsuspecting guys a break. It’ll be fine. I’ll be fine.”

He’s about to object, and I decide to give him my no-nonsense look.

“Don’t be difficult. The sooner you deal with whatever it is, the sooner you’ll be back.”

He leans down and gives me a kiss on my neck. “I’ll be back soon,” he whispers.

“Sounds good.”

Damien makes his departure and disappears behind a door across the room. I turn and work my way over to Sam. Without Damien by my side, it is substantially easier to move about. Sam is talking to an incredibly toned blond guy. He’s lean and not bad-looking, and he has green eyes that are all for Sam.

When I walk up, I give Sam a little bump on the shoulder.

She makes introductions. “Hey, girl. Allison, this is Mark. He’s the quarterback for Damien’s team. Mark, this is my best friend and Damien Wales’s girlfriend, Allison. ”

Subtle, Sam, very subtle.

Mark extends his hand and shakes mine briefly. “Nice to meet you, Allison.”

He’s being pleasant to me, but his eyes are all for Sam.
She should come with a warning label.

“Nice to meet you, too.”

He turns toward me again. “Hopefully, Sam will get to come with you to some of the games.”

I know that look, and that look tells me he wants my friend in a major way.

Sam puts her finger up to her chin as if she’s thinking. “Which team was it that sacked you four times in the same game last year? Maybe that’s the game I should attend.”

He just looks at her, smiling, like she can do no wrong.

She gives him a little pat on the arm, like a teacher would give a student. “It’s okay. We can’t win them all.”

The way Sam is goading Mark is funny, and I have to work really hard not to laugh. I’m sure he’s used to fans falling all over him, so Sam’s attitude must be all that more endearing to him.

Feeling like a third wheel in this flirtatious game they are playing, I take the opportunity to leave and find a secluded area where I can get some space. “Hey, Sam, I’m going to go freshen up a bit. Can I bring anything back for you guys?”

“We’re good. See you after a while.” She gives me a wink.

I know she’s about to sink her teeth into her next victim.
Yes, victim…because he’ll never be the same.

“Okay. Nice meeting you, Mark.”

“Likewise, Allison.”

Trying to repress my laugh, I smile at his excitement over having Sam all to himself again. I like him.

I grab a glass of champagne from a passing waiter as I make my way across the room. I take a seat at a nearly vacated table in the corner.

“Excuse me, miss. Is this seat taken?”

Gah, I cannot seem to find any place to just be alone to think for a few minutes. I smile politely and shake my head. Maybe if I don’t start speaking, he will let me be.

“You’re here with Damien Wales, correct?”

No such luck. Oh no, buddy, you will not get any brownie points with Damien through me. I smile and nod cordially. Please, please take the hint.

This guy is somewhat attractive, and there seems to be something familiar about him. I could swear I’ve seen him somewhere. Fairly tall, he’s lean and toned with brown eyes and sandy blond hair that is pulled back.

“You don’t say much, do you? How long have you and Damien been together?”

“Just a few weeks.” It’s actually been just right at two weeks, but I’m not getting too specific with this ass-kisser. Then, realization dawns.
Oh shit, this is the guy Damien was arguing with in the hotel in Miami.
I knew I had seen him before. My guard immediately goes up.

“Damien and I used to be business associates. I’m Martin Mills.”

My eyes scan the crowd, searching for Damien, because I’m not sure how to proceed with this guy. In Miami, Damien seemed absolutely livid with Martin, but it’s not like Damien and Ben have the closest relationship either.

I decide to be pleasant for now. “Allison Scott. Nice to meet you. How long have you known Damien?”

I extend my hand, and he takes it with both of his hands. He holds on just a little too long.
Okay, that’s a little weird and too friendly.
I firmly retract my hand and grab my glass of champagne.

He puts his hand to his chin. “Oh, let’s see, we were good friends back in school, and we worked together for a few years, so I’ve known him for a while.”

“That’s nice.”

“Yes, people used to mistake us for brothers all the time. We started off as the best of friends as children, and as time passed, our friendship evolved into a business partnership.”

He leans his glass in to toast mine. I clink my glass to his, prior to taking a small sip.

“I haven’t seen Damien so captivated with someone in a long time. I can’t believe he left you alone, considering how possessive he’s been all evening.”

I really don’t know how to respond to that. It’s creepy that he’s been observing us at all.

“I’m really glad he’s finally trying to move on after the last four years.”

Just remain neutral, Allison. You can talk to Damien about this later.

“I probably shouldn’t have said anything. I’m just relieved that Damien has finally found someone to take his mind off his ex.”

Taking a minute to respond, I look him over as he’s watching me. He gives me the feeling that he’s trying to stir the pot, so to say. This is something Damien and I should discuss. I should not be listening to his ex-business partner.

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