Trust Me (35 page)

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Authors: Kristin Mayer

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Trust Me
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I beam at him as I give him a wink. “You’re a good student. I’ll be sure to work on your next lesson.”

He laughs as the plane begins to descend.

When we arrive at the stadium, I am amazed at how much work goes into preparing for football Sunday. I figured it was a big deal, but it’s really quite the production. It started last night with the team dinner, and today, we are attending back-to-back events.

It’s becoming more and more apparent how much Damien has underneath his empire. When he walks into a room, everyone wants a moment with him. Everyone also knows who I am, too, and I find this unnerving, considering I’m just the girlfriend.

“Hey, baby, I need to do a few interviews.”

As I take in the surroundings, I see the camera crews are all lined up. Instantly, fear shoots into my heart as I think about all the public attention. Although my makeup conceals the small remnants of the bruises on my face, I do not want to chance being on national television. I’m glad I brought my camera with me to keep me occupied while Damien worked.

When Damien follows my glance, I respond, “I may just stay here and take some pictures. I can practice taking candid and action shots since all I currently photograph are inanimate objects.” I say a silent prayer, hoping that he doesn’t ask me to go over there with him.

He gives me a quick kiss. “Sounds good. Security is all around us. If you need anything, just say the word.”

“Will do. Go. National television awaits you.”

After giving me a wink, he takes off toward the cameras. They are all pointing at him as the reporters start to speak. I cannot stop myself from admiring his fine ass as it moves underneath his slacks. He looks back once and smiles at me, making my tummy flip as I think about how incredible he is.

I shake my head as I crouch down, and then I start getting lost behind the lens.




Currently, the kickers are practicing long-distance kicks. The control they have is incredible.




I catch the second string in action as they run through a few last-minute plays.

“Allison, right?”

When I glance up, I see a giant towering over me. His brown hair is slightly windblown. He’s dressed in khakis and a blue polo shirt with the team logo on it. He must sense I don’t remember his name from the dinner last night.

“I’m Dustin.”

“Oh, right. I’m sorry. I’m terrible with names. How are you doing?”

He is one of the many players I met last night at the team dinner. I stand and extend my hand, and he grabs it and holds on a little longer than necessary. He seems a little too friendly, and there’s something off about him. I have to jerk my hand away to release his hold. When his eyes move up and down my body, I instinctively take a step back.

“I’m good. Where’s Damien?”

“He’s off doing interviews.”
Short and sweet. Hopefully, he leaves me alone.

I quickly realize I’ll have no such luck as he continues the conversation.

“I’ve been following the news. You were in college, but you dropped out to be a photographer for a magazine, right?”

This guy is coming across a little too friendly, and he knows way too much about my personal life. He gives me a creep vibe. Taking precautions, I glance around until I find the nearest security guard. Since the Brad incident, my nerves are a little more on edge.
Last night at the team dinner, he seemed normal when we briefly talked.

I don’t want to encourage more conversation, so I give a simple answer. “Yes.”

When he takes a step closer, I take a step back.

“Do you want me to show you around while Damien’s occupied? I’d like to get to know you better. My family lives in Atlanta. I’m there frequently.” His tone implies that he wants to do more than just physically show me around.

My throat tightens. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice that Mark, the team’s quarterback who was enamored by Sam at the Vegas gala, has stopped talking to a fellow teammate. With his eyebrows bunched in concern, he is now watching Dustin and me, which makes me feel better.

“Thank you, but I’m going to stay right here on the sidelines. Damien will show me around.” Holding on to my camera like a shield, I move further away from Dustin.

Quicker than lightning, Dustin grabs my elbow, and my heart rate escalates. I’m about to yank myself free, set this asshole straight, call for security, or whatever else I need to do when I hear a familiar voice behind me.

“Dustin, I’ve got my girlfriend from here. I’m sure the reporters are ready to go through your pregame interviews with you. With all this free time you seem to have, I expect that you’ll perform on top of your game tomorrow,” Damien says, his tone filled with steel and ice.

Oh, he’s pissed.
I notice that Mark has also started to walk this way, but then he stops. I can tell he’s ready to back Damien up if need be, and this endears him to me.
Sam needs to get her head out of her ass and go after this guy.

Pure distaste goes through Dustin’s eyes, and I move back into Damien’s embrace.

Sarcastically, this guy replies, “Sure, Mr. Wales. Allison, it was great to see you again. Rain check on the tour? Maybe I’ll give you a call for a photography session when I’m in Atlanta.” He doesn’t wait for me to respond before he winks, turns, and jogs across the field.

Oh boy, he has some balls.

I look over at Damien. He’s outwardly unaffected, but I know he’s raging internally.

“What did he mean by

Damien’s in uber-protective mode, and I’m trying to stay calm as this was really my first encounter alone with another man since the Brad incident.

“He came up to me last night at dinner when you went to the restroom. He just introduced himself and left. That was it.” I attempt to make my voice sound as blasé as possible even though my insides are trembling.

Damien’s eyes close briefly. When he reopens them, he sounds resigned as he says, “I can’t take you anywhere. I’ll have to think about adding additional security.”

I massage my temples. “More?”

After storing my camera, Damien takes me by the waist and starts to move us off the field. “Don’t worry about it now. We’ll talk about it later.” He gives me a little squeeze as he continues, “I can’t catch a break. You’re like a siren to all of them.”

That does it. That last comment causes my tension to leave as I start to laugh as near walkway at the end of the field. “You’re a funny, delusional guy. Trust me, every girl in this place is waiting for you to get tired of me and move on. Remember, I was a virgin when I met you. Guys are not after me like you think. Even if they were, it wouldn’t matter.”

We stop walking and he gives me a kiss for everyone to see. I taste his signature wintergreen flavor as my hands go to his taut stomach. I love the feel of his tongue inside my mouth.

He pulls back. “First off, I’m incredibly lucky that you were a virgin. I’m sure you had no idea the amount of attention you were probably receiving on a daily basis. It drives me mad, thinking I could have missed you if I wouldn’t have looked up as I was leaving that hotel. Second, another girl capturing my heart will never, ever happen. I don’t give a shit what they want. I’m yours.”

Each and every day, he continues to find ways to melt my heart, ensuring that I am his.

“Same goes for you, Mr. Wales.”

We start walking again and enter the connecting walkway to the stadium exit when he asks, “So, have you thought any more about us getting married?”

Oh, wow!
I freeze on the spot, halting our progress. He picks the most awkward places to discuss these topics.
I wonder if he does it on purpose.
He knows I won’t freak out when we’re in public.

Unsure of where he is going with this, I simply say, “Um, some, yes.”


His blue eyes are staring at me, trying to suck my thoughts out of my head, and his black hair is a little disheveled from the wind. This only adds to his sexiness.
I will never get enough of this man.

Cautiously and slowly, I respond, “I’m warming to the idea.”

He starts smiling at me, which causes me to do the same. We look like love-struck teenagers.

He’s still holding something back from me, and I’m not sure what it is, but I need to know before I’m completely ready to say yes.

He puts his nose against mine. “I like that response a lot, baby. You’re getting closer. You’re not there yet, but you will be soon.”

He places his hand on the small of my back, and we head for the exit to get into the awaiting car.

With his free hand, he pulls his phone out of his pocket and sends a text.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“Back to the hotel. I need to give you a refresher lesson before the game tomorrow.”

At his deep, rough tone, my inner muscles start to spasm, ready to have him inside me.

Teasing him, I respond, “What if I’m a naughty student?”

He gives me a devilish grin. “Well then, I’ll have to penalize you with a personal foul.”

A small shiver runs up my back, and I make a mental note to be very naughty.

“I like what you’re thinking, baby. Just hold those thoughts until we get to the hotel, and then I’ll give you a play-by-play of the man-to-man play.”

It’s game day, and Damien’s makeshift office in our suite is in absolute pandemonium. We’ve been up since the crack of dawn, and the game starts this afternoon. From the breakfast alcove where I’m sitting, I can see security escorting people to and from Damien’s office area for interviews, press releases, and who knows what else.

Since I had known so many people would be coming in and out of our suite, I got ready for the game as soon as I woke up. After adding large loose curls to give my hair more body, I decided on a wraparound dark blue sheath dress sans hose—
I hate hose
—with black heels and chunky black jewelry that stands out and makes a statement. Blue and black are the team’s colors, and I thought I would blend in while showing my support for the team.

After the front door of our suite closes, a woman with a tight updo and spiked heels comes walking through the hallway.

“I was not informed of this increase in security. What is going on?” she asks, clutching her clipboard.

I bet she’s all sugary sweet in front of Damien.

In a businesslike tone, the security guard replies, “This way, ma’am.”

I smile into my coffee as she scoffs, and her little heels go
on the tile.

As I continue editing my photos from yesterday at the stadium, I let out a huge yawn.
Who would have thought being an A+ student could be so exhausting?
I giggle to myself, thinking about what Sam’s face will look like when I unleash my knowledge on her. I’m not quite ready yet, but I will be soon.

My email pings, and I open the message from my boss.

This makes me smile. I feel like I’m making a difference while earning the respect of my peers.
I’ll reply to him in a little bit.
After compiling the best shots from yesterday, I email them to Damien.
Who knows? Maybe he’ll find one he can use for something.

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