Trust (17 page)

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Authors: Terry Towers

BOOK: Trust
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I let out a ragged sigh with a wide grin on my lips as he lapped up my nectar, giving my clit a little tease with the tip of his tongue before straightening up behind me. I sighed again, needing a minute to relax and bask in my orgasm, but he wasn’t giving me even a moment as his cock immediately replaced his tongue and he slammed into me violently, stretching my barely used pussy to maximum capacity. I groaned as my chest was pushed back into the mattress. His thrusts came hard and fast; each time I tried to raise my chest from the mattress to look back at him the power of his thrust forced me back down.

“Damn, your pussy is so addicting.
Only mine.”

Eventually I gave up tr
ying to get onto all fours, closed my eyes and concentrated on the feel of him. His cock fit so well – nice and snug, as if I were made for only him. His groans were like erotic music to my ears, arousing me almost as much as the feel of the head of his cock stroking my inner wall.

“You’re so tight, beautifully tight. Fucking amazing.” His growl was so deep and feral, as if he were holding himself back.

“Don’t hold back,” I groaned, “I need it.”

I began to move with him, rocking back and forth, meeting each of his thrusts. Our bodies quickly became one, movi
ng and rocking in perfect sync, gaining in speed and force until the waves of pleasure seemed to become one and I was thrown into a state of mind-numbing anticipation and bliss.

Just when I was about to explode over his cock, he suddenly pulled out.

“What?” I pushed myself up onto my elbows and was about to look back at him, when he grabbed my waist and flipped me over to my back. Pulling my bottom to the edge of the bed, he slipped my legs over his shoulders so my bottom was suspended in the air and my opening was aligned with the head of his erection.

“I want to watch you come,” he explained, slamming
into me.

He didn’t have to wait long
; his single forceful thrust sent me spiralling over the edge. Closing my eyes I cried out, fisting the blanket under me, and bucked against him as my core exploded over his shaft.

“Open your eyes.” His command made my eyes spring open and I looked up into his blue depths as my body trembled. The hunger was so intense in his eyes that I was sent into a second orgasm.

He groaned with me as he began to thrust into me with such speed and force I couldn’t do anything but lie there and enjoy the ride, watching his cock disappear and reappear within me. I became mesmerized watching him as our bodies united. By the time his cock throbbed in me, his balls tightening against my bottom and he let out a final loud groan as he shot his seed deep within me, I was completely spent.

“My God, I never imag
ined it could be this good,” I purred, a wide smile spread across my lips at the feel of pressure within me as he filled me with his cum.

Lance lowered my legs from his shoulders, grabbed my hand and pulled me into a sitting position as he dislodged hi
mself from me. “Neither could I. You have no idea how much I fucking love that I’m the only man who will ever be in you.”

Under different circumstances I may have given consideration to his word choice, but when he lowered his lips to mine all thought was lost and primal need, once again, took over.



Chapter 18


I was
awakened by the sound of voices arguing in the other room. Reacting on instinct I hunkered down under the blanket, but perked my ears up, listening to the argument. I immediately recognized the two voices, Lance and The Boss.

The Boss: What were you thinking stringing Connor up in the dungeon? Didn’t you consider how that undermines the authority of m
y men in the eyes of the slaves?

Lance: I don’t give a shit how they view him. There were stric
t orders – orders put out by you, by the way – that she wasn’t to be touched while I was gone. She’s mine and she’s off limits. He chose to ignore your orders and needed to be taught a lesson.

The Boss: It isn’t up to you to discipline
my men; that’s my job and on my orders only, how dare you take it upon yourself!

Lance: I dare because apparently Connor doesn’t listen to your orders.
Besides, the fucker deserved it. She’s my property and nobody touches what’s mine. It was only out of respect to you that I didn’t put a bullet into his skull.

The Bos
s: Speaking of the girl, what is she doing up here?

Lance: S
he’s not going back down, Father. I tried it your way and Connor proved even with all the other girls to choose from that he can’t be trusted. She stays here. Besides, considering the amount of money I just made for this organization, and the position I carry within it, I would think a little courtesy on the matter is in order.

The Boss: I’ll admit, I’m impress
ed by the deal you brokered. Three million is certainly a good number, more than I expected, but that’s beside the point.

Lance: Damn right it is. There’
s no way any of those idiots could have arranged such a transaction and we both know it. The slaves aren’t the main source of income, they’re your fucking hobby and amusement for the buyers more than anything. They’re insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

The Boss:
It’s all income and all piece of the same pie, and you know it’s what separates us from the rest of the pack.

laughed, a cold and distant sound that sent a chill through me: one-stop shopping for death and debauchery.

The Boss: Don’t be smart. To get back the matter of the girl.
I don’t want the slaves wandering the house and compound. You know that’s not acceptable and a rule that I will not sway on regardless of how many deals you broker.

Lance: I assure you she won’t be leaving the room.

The Boss
huffed: And what’s stopping her from slitting your throat in your sleep?

Lance: She won’

The Boss laughed:
And how do you know that, you’ve only had her under your care for a few weeks, hardly enough time to properly train her.

You’re wrong. She’s trained. Beautifully trained. Perhaps not for any handler, but as far as I’m concerned she knows her place. She wouldn’t even attempt it.

The Boss: That’s a cocky statement
, son.

As I’ve told you in the past, excessive violence isn’t necessary to create the perfect submissive. If you’d followed my advice on the hard ones from the beginning then there would have been far less waste of beautiful, sellable women. The training needs to be adjusted based on the temperament and disposition of the slaves. All I had to do was show her a little affection and let her think I gave a damn about her well-being and she was putty in my hands.

I bit down on my lower lip, to keep from gasping or even worse stating my upset for what he’d just said
and bringing attention to the fact I was there and awake, hearing everything that was said. Was I some psych project for him? An experiment? Was anything he said to me real or was he just an expert puppet master with me attached to the strings?

The Boss:
Prove it. If you can prove it to me then she can stay here, locked in at all times and without access to the rest of the compound, of course.

Lance: Alright, what do you have in mind? As I’ve said she’s perfectly submissive to me, but I refuse to allow any of the men to touch her. She’s bought and paid for, and for all intents and purposes mine and only mine to do with as I please.

The Boss: I have some matters to attend to, but bring her down to my office in a bit and we’ll see just how obedient the little cheerleader has become.

I heard retreating footsteps and the door to the apartment opening and closing and let out a sigh of relief.

“You can get up now, he’s gone,” Lance stated.

“How’d you know I was awake
?” I asked, peeping my head up and looking across the room at him, lazily reclined against the bedroom wall, arms crossed over his bare chest, jogging pants riding low on his hips, giving me a teasing hint of hair that began below his bellybutton and disappeared under his jogging pants.

“I could tell by your breathing
. I spent a good portion of the night watching you sleep.”

“If anyone else said that to me it would be extremely creepy.” I sat up fully in the bed, holding the blanket tight to my chest, covering my breasts.

Lance’s eyes wandered downward and a smirk spread across his lips seeing my act of modesty. “Are we reverting back to you being my shy little virginal cheerleader again?”

A warmth spread across my cheeks as I forced myself to release the sheet, allowing him a view of me naked from the waist up.

He pushed himself off of the wall and strode over to me. “Much better.” Standing at the side of the bed, he grasped my neck, his thumb stroking the front and then following the line of my collarbone. “I know every inch of you. I just need to close my eyes and can recall every scar, every birthmark…”

I inhaled sharply, as his index finger travelled lower, to leisurely tease my nipple, turning it into a tight rosy nub.

“Is it true?”

“What?” His eyes lifted from my breast
s to meet mine.

“You were only nice to me because you thought it would be the best way to mould me into what you need. Am I just some sort of experiment to you? A guinea pig to test your theories on?”

Lance sighed, dropping his hand from my breast, and sat down next to me. “At first, yes. I figured that if I was going to get involved in the process then I might as well try things my way and hope it could be a less painful process for both parties.”

I gasped and lowered my gaze, not expecting the brutal truth from him. So foolish, I was such a foolish girl.
How could I have mistaken deception for affection? I was truly gullible.

I didn’t anticipate it backfiring on me and developing feelings for you,” he continued. “I thought I could keep myself distanced.”

“Don’t get emotionally involved with the slaves…” I mimicked one of the first things he’d said to me.

“Normally I don’t. I have an agenda, Gwen, I –”

“Does it have to do with the deal you made for your father?”

His jaw clenched and he nodded. “Something like that.”

“Are you some sort of drug dealer? You had those pills…”

He laughed. “Nope. Not a dealer, distributer or anything of the sort. The organization has its hands in a lot of pots, but drugs isn’t one of them, although it can factor into some deals. Both the people who produce them and the buyers are volatile people. More so than the people we deal with for other things. Getting into the drug business is more risk than The Boss would ever take, not when he’s so profitable in other areas.”

“What did you mean by it was his hobby – the slaves, I mean?”

“I meant that in my opinion the slaves are more of a hindrance than they are worth to have around. His other business endeavours makes much more, without the maintenance the slaves require. But he considers it an add-on feature of the business. A bonus service, if you will.”

I couldn’t believe Lance could be so cold when talking about the slaves. “They’re human beings, not add-on services!”

He let out a frustrated groan, thrusting a hand into his hair in agitation. “Look, I didn’t say I felt that way. You asked and I’m explaining my father’s opinion on the matter. The fact is he enjoys having the women of his choosing at his disposal. It gets him off. I’m in no position to question it, just as you’re in no position to continue asking these types of questions.”

I held his gaze and nodded. He’d said more than he ever had before and by the look in his eyes, he’d said all he planned on – at least for now anyhow. A part of me had hoped after last night that maybe things had changed enough that he’d let me in. I’d told him I loved him, he’d professed his devotion to me, but he couldn’t let me in on the secrets he undoubtedly had?

“I’ve never lied to you, Gwen, and I don’t plan on starting now.”

“But you don’t let me in fully. You said you trusted me.” I pled him with my eyes to open up.

“I do. But there are some things you don’t need to know, not at the current time.”

He hadn’t fully closed down on me. A part of me hoped if I handled the conversation delicately he’d open up. I had to try, even if I was taking
a chance on making him angry. I shifted on the bed, sitting back on my knees and placing my hands on his bare chest. “Why?”

Lance brushed a lock of hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. “Maybe I’m not ready for you to see the man that I
really am, the monster I’ve become. Maybe I enjoy the look of admiration and devotion in your eyes and how it makes me feel human again.”

I frowned, not sure what to say at this point.

“You said you trust me. Then trust me a little longer.”

I lowered my hands from his chest. There was no point in pushing it, I had nothing but time anyhow. “Al
l right.” The second thing that had me worried sprang to mind – his father’s request. “What about what The Boss said about proving myself to him; what am I going to need to do?”

His eyes darkened and he gave hi
s head a shake. “You’re not going to be doing a damned thing.”

“I heard him
, Lance. I don’t think you digging your heels in and refusing is an option and I don’t want to go back down there.” I’d had the best sleep since I arrived at the compound the previous night. Cuddled next to him, with his arms around me in a protective embrace made me feel safe and secure. I couldn’t lose that feeling now. I’d do anything to make sure I didn’t go back to the fear and horrors that lived below the surface of the compound.

Lance jutted his chin out, a look of pure defiance in his expression. “I promise you that you won’t be going back.”

“You don’t need to worry about me. I can handle it. You told me to play my role last night and if it means I can be safe here with you, then I know I can take whatever he has planned.”

“I know you can, I’m just not sure I can.”


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