Trueblood 01-The-Consolation-Prize (9 page)

BOOK: Trueblood 01-The-Consolation-Prize
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Since his father had told the family to hide, Luka had never fully trusted anyone, but he felt he could trust Chloe. Blood surged into his groin. His cock filled and uncurled like a fast-action sprouting shoot on a nature program. Luka glared at it. His dick continued to grow, swelling, hardening, throbbing.

“Shit,” he hissed.

“What?” Chloe sprang upright. “Whazza matter?” Her gaze followed Luka’s. “Oops.”

Luka wasn’t sure he liked “oops” as a response to his erection. He preferred “wow.”

“It’s your fault,” he said.

“I didn’t touch you.” She paused. “Did I? If I did it was an accident.”

She stared straight at him, and he watched as her gaze lowered and focused on his hard-on.

“Wow,” she whispered.

Luka smiled and then frowned. This was not good. Then he looked at Chloe’s lips. Maybe it was good.

“You’ve got to get rid of that.” She leapt off the bed.

“Leave the bolt cutters where they are,” he said.

“Oh, very funny.” She flapped her hands in the air in a haphazard semaphore. “Stop thinking whatever it is you’re thinking.”

“What do you think I’m thinking?”

“How should I know?”

Luka stared at her until realization dawned. Her mouth opened, her shoulders and hands dropped, and she gulped.

“Me? You’re thinking about me?” She looked horrified for a moment and then pleased.

“Only, it is a problem.” Luka watched the smile crumple. “Now that I have sex on my mind, it’s going to be harder to resist them.”

She stared at his cock and Luka could have sworn he grew harder, longer. His balls tightened and began to ache.

“How about if I…er…help you out. It takes a while to…er…regenerate, right?”

He could almost see her mind clicking into gear. His had been in the right place eons ago.

“I could make you…um…” She licked her lips.

“Come,” Luka said.

The prospect of Chloe putting her hands on his dick and massaging him to release almost made starvation, being chained to a bed, lashed by a siltrane, and facing certain death, worth it. Only, she had to hurry. Him hurrying was not an issue.

Chloe couldn’t look at him. Her shyness was endearing but he needed her to be bold. She raised her head and put her shoulders back.

“Okay,” she said.

Another twitch from his cock. “I’d like that.” He’d more than like it. He had to come. He ached with the need. His cock purred at the idea of imminent sex. If the vamps came in now, they’d get what they wanted whether he liked it or not.

“Please,” he said, remembering his manners.

“Do you need me to strip?” Chloe whispered.

Luka’s heart did a backwards flip. “I’d love it, sweetheart, but I think you need to be ready to run in case they come back.”

She sat on the bed and slid her hand down his chest, over his navel, and through the line of dark hair. His skin quivered under her touch. Chloe caressed him as lightly as a butterfly but he felt the warmth from her fingertips seep into his body and begin a journey towards his heart.

Watching her touch him was as much a turn on as feeling her. Those bright eyes and the way the tip of her tongue flicked over her upper lip made him forget he was chained, and he tried to reach her.

The word “hurry” was on his lips. Luka didn’t utter it. He knew he should, but this might be the last time he felt that rush of pleasure, the last kind act anyone did for him. Suddenly her fingers were tight around his cock, squeezing hard. They both gasped at the same time and then laughed.

“My heart’s dancing a jig in my chest,” she whispered.

“It’s dancing with mine.”

Luka knew their heartbeats matched, her blood pulsing at the same rate as his. He heard it in his head.

She squeezed more gently and moved her hand to bring his wrinkled foreskin over the crown of his cock. “You’re so soft.”

“And hard,” Luka added.

She grinned and drew her hand down his shaft.

“Very hard,” she said.

The fingers of her other hand grazed his hip as she began to pump his cock. Luka groaned when her thumb rolled over the swollen tip. Then she swept her hand down again, tightening her hold as she reached the less sensitive root. His mind was telling him the faster he came the better, but his cock disagreed. Every inch of him reveled in her touch. Chloe drew her hand back up and loosened off as she came to the head. As her fingers played with the top of his cock, Luka watched a spurt of precum swell from the slit in his glans. This felt so good, he never wanted it to stop, yet he had to come as fast as he could. The irony of it hurt.

When Chloe dropped her head into his lap, Luka stopped breathing. He hadn’t expected that.

He’d thought she’d use -- he groaned. Her sweet lips wrapped around him and Luka hissed through his teeth. Her mouth was soft and warm. Her tongue flickered from the tip of his cock, over his balls to the sensitive strip of flesh beyond, and his hips rose from the bed in newfound energy. He trembled in delight.

“God, Chloe. I wish I could hold you.”

One of her hands stretched up to grasp his and Luka felt as though an arrow had hit his heart.

Pain segued in an instant to delight. Why was she affecting him in this way? Had he been deprived so long he was ultrasensitive to the touch of an innocent woman? Luka entwined his fingers with hers, rubbing his thumb against her palm. He watched as her lips moved back to the reddening tip of his cock. When her tongue lapped at another pearl of precum, he gave a deep groan. She looked up as she sucked and Luka felt the tug again in his heart, the one that told him Chloe was his.


Was she really the one? His love? Or the one he needed now? Luka tried to think but he couldn’t get beyond what Chloe was doing to his body. She took him deep into her mouth, moving her head up and down his cock, lapping and sucking, and every action made Luka’s balls tighten and tighten. He wondered if it was possible to die from too much pleasure. Her touch was so delicate, yet she knew when to be firm. Forget men knowing what they were doing, women knew better.

This woman did.

He was going to come. The orgasm built in his body, a fire being stoked, firing nerve endings, sending his pulse jumping. One more suck -- then her mouth was gone and Luka’s heart lurched.

A trick? This was a fucking trick
? Were the vamps coming now? Were they waiting outside, ready to rush in and impale themselves on his dick? He turned his furious eyes on Chloe.

“Is it okay to swallow?” she whispered, her fingers playing in the crease of his groin. “You don’t have -- I mean, it won’t hurt me?”

Luka almost whimpered. He was wrong. She wasn’t trying to trick him. “Nomhhgsyygmy.” He tried again. “No, my seed won’t harm you.”

She sucked once more. Her teeth teased him, her tongue, her lips dancing circles around his cock, and then his balls. Her hair drove him mad because he wanted to sink his fingers into it and pull her head down harder. Just as he finished the thought, she went down hard, a couple of deep sucks so he was sure he felt the back of her throat, and Luka came, jetting into her mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut as the sensation overwhelmed him, ripples of ecstasy flashing from his brain to his groin and on to every part of his body with each wrenching spasm. The relief made him boneless. If he hadn’t already been lying down, he’d have fallen.

Chloe continued to suck gently until he was spent, then caressed him with her mouth, licking him clean.

“Kiss me,” Luka pleaded, angry that his motivation was as much to check she’d swallowed and wasn’t about to rush off and spit into some turkey baster than it was to have her lips linked to his.

She crawled up the bed and kissed him. Luka’s tongue shot out and he tasted himself, a salty tang. How could he have doubted her? He wanted to hold her, wrap his arms around her, bring her pleasure, and instead she had to hold him. Chloe cupped his cheeks and pressed her mouth harder against his, their tongues fighting for control. Luka was so wrapped in delight he almost missed the warning signs. He dragged his mouth away.

“Chloe, they’re coming. Get out of here. Now.”

Chapter Ten

The secret panel slid closed behind Chloe a split second before the door opened. Eve was on her own. Two steps inside the room she slammed to a halt and sniffed.


Oh fuck
. Luka watched her carefully. She sniffed again.

Eve strode to the bed, dropped her head to Luka’s crotch, and sniffed a third time. Wrinkles creased her brow as she checked the sheet around him.

“What have you been doing?”

Luka went with the safest answer. “Nothing.”

“I smell your seed. But I don’t see it.” She lifted Luka’s dick between two fingers and let it drop back to its nest of curls. “What have you done?”

“How can I have done anything? I’m chained to the bed.”

“You smell of sex.”

He kept his face expressionless.

“The light’s on.”

“Krista was here,” Luka said.

Eve raised her eyebrows. “Krista?”

She stripped off her pale blue dress. There was nothing beneath. Luka wished he could have seen Chloe’s body. He’d imagined what it looked like under her T-shirt and jeans, imagined running his hands, then his lips over every inch of her, especially that hidden jewel between her legs.

He’d suck that until she came on his mouth.
No. Stop that
. It was a mistake to think about Chloe.

He’d be hard in seconds.

He needed to distract himself, fill his brain with something boring. Immediately, his mind went blank.
Boring. Boring
. He’d like to bore into Chloe, drive his --
. What was the name of that awful book he’d read where a car dropped off a cliff with the hero inside and the vehicle miraculously developed a parachute? Luka felt like he’d fallen off a cliff with Chloe, he’d --

damn it
. Long division. Two thousand and -- that’s how many times he’d like to make love to Chloe only it wouldn’t be enough.

Eve rolled a glass bottle down his chest and over his dick. “Massage oil. I’ve warmed it.”

Luka hardened his heart, hoping the hardness didn’t spread elsewhere.

She unscrewed the top and let the oil drip down his cock. It spread to his groin and ran down his balls and inner thighs. Luka held his breath as her fingers smoothed the soft liquid over him.

Another long division. With decimals. Nine point three into five thousand seven hundred and
sixty nine…er

Ten minutes later, Luka’s brain hurt but his cock lay limp despite Eve’s best efforts. She’d sprawled on top of him, rubbed the oil over him with her breasts and then her body, and he made sure not one part of him moved.

Luka sensed the rage building inside her. Her eyes darkened and narrowed; her face tightened.

“How dare you defy me, you pathetic worm!”

Her fangs were out. The simmer turned to a boil.

“You have to do this. I need your sperm.”


“None of your business.”

Her gaze was fixed on his throat. She was going to bite him and there was nothing he could do.

“Go fuck yourself,” he said.

When her fangs went into his neck, Luka flinched and kept his mind blank. Blood taken in anger brought more pain than pleasure. But she sucked too long. He could feel his essence draining as she fed in fury and not love. Luka’s limbs began to shake and a chill flashed through him. When she pulled back, blood dripping down her chin, his vision was blurred.

“Give me what I want and I’ll let you feed,” she whispered.

“I can’t.” He hated how weak he sounded.

She raised one sharp fingernail and scratched an arc above her breast. A thin line of bloody beads appeared, a tempting ruby necklace. Luka’s fangs tried to drop.

“Do you want to die?” She wiped her finger along the blood and rubbed it on his gums. He sucked in a reflex action, the taste sending the muscles in his mouth into spasm.

“I’m already dead.”

She snorted. “You know what I mean. Look, if you’re impotent, give me the name of another who can do this.”


Eve stroked his hair, running her finger down his cheek. “You can’t survive much more.”

Luka turned his head and closed his eyes.

“Call to them. They’ll come for you,” she whispered.


Her fangs sank back into his neck.

“Be strong.”

Luka gave no reaction, but that voice had not come from Eve. Who was talking to him?

Chloe had watched the scene unfold with increasing horror. Several times she’d been on the point of rushing into the room. But if they caught her, Luka would be trapped. Chloe was the only one who could help him. Maybe she could have tackled one woman, hit her over the head with the flashlight; only if the other had come in, Chloe wasn’t strong enough to deal with two.

The other thing that held her back was that Luka’s cock stayed unresponsive despite the woman writhing all over his body. He was fighting back all on his own. When she’d seen the bitch latch onto Luka’s neck and his body had trembled beneath her, Chloe began to think something was very wrong.

Her theory about this being a place where people got together and played at being vampires only worked if Luka wasn’t one of them. He’d told her all that stuff about his clan so either he was as mad as the rest of them, or there really was such a thing as a vampire.

Chloe gasped as Luka cried out. There had to be something she could do. Rush in with a wooden stake and scare her off? Pretend to be a ghost and tap on the walls? She sent a thought to Luka’s mind with no hope that he’d hear her.

“Be strong.”

When the woman left the room, Chloe breathed a sigh of relief only to groan when moments later the silver-haired one took her place. When she dropped to Luka’s neck and bit him like the first, Chloe bolted back upstairs. The freaking idiots were going to kill him.

Chloe came straight out of her room and made for the sauna. Two minutes later the whole building was filled with the ear-splitting sound of fire alarms ringing and Chloe was on her way back upstairs. The place shot into immediate chaos. Screaming women ran everywhere -- naked, wet, dry, oily, muddy, covered in seaweed, one with a snake around her neck – eek! -- and a few lucky ones wrapped in towels. Chloe darted back into her room, put the chain on the door, and dashed down the passageway.

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