Trueblood 01-The-Consolation-Prize (8 page)

BOOK: Trueblood 01-The-Consolation-Prize
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“I’m not gay,” Luka blurted.

Simon faltered. “You run a gay club. How can you not be gay?”

“Ignore him, he’s pretending,” Eve said, waving a handful of banknotes in front of Simon’s face.

He smiled and lay down on the bed alongside Luka, snuggling against him, his tongue sneaking licks of blood. Luka could feel Simon’s erection pressing against his thigh, rubbing against him, coating his skin with precum.

“I like you,” Simon whispered.

Luka gritted his teeth as a hand swept down his chest and grabbed his cock. At the same time, Simon’s mouth moved to Luka’s neck and licked a path to his chin. Luka shuddered, annoyed he didn’t feel pure disgust.

Simon’s firm hands began to manipulate Luka’s flesh, sweeping up and down his cock, gentle at the crown, stronger at the root, squeezing and twisting. Appalled by the flutters of pleasure spiraling through his stomach, Luka wondered how come this guy was better at this than any woman who’d touched him. The obvious answer that men knew what they were doing, brought no comfort.

I am not gay
. Luka willed himself to respond no further.
Oh God, Simon’s mouth on his neck felt
good. Really good
. Luka pulled against the chains, made them cut into his wrists. He could smell fresh blood and knew Simon could too because the hand on his cock slowed and fangs grazed his neck.
. Luka could feel his one-track-minded cock begin to react. The women exchanged excited glances.

“Please,” Luka whispered. “Don’t do this.”

“You’re getting hard,” Simon whispered back. “You know you want me.”

Luka groaned, sank his teeth into his tongue, and swallowed the wash of blood. Simon’s fangs pierced his neck and Luka flinched, then sighed as pleasure took over. He didn’t want to feel good. He didn’t want this. He struggled to drag his mind back.

Was Chloe watching? He couldn’t tell; he had to concentrate on staying limp. As Simon continued to fondle his pathetically eager dick, Luka threatened it with a bath of ice cubes if it dared to grow harder. Hardly a practical deterrent but it worked. No brain in his cock.

Simon drew back. “You told me he was gay. He’s not.”

“He’s confused about his sexuality,” Eve said.

“I don’t want to do this.” Simon stood up.

“Yes, you do.” Eve’s voice changed, her tone sultry but commanding. After a moment the young vamp moved back to Luka, his eyes glazed.

Luka knew he had one chance to stop this. Simon was young and still biddable.

“Kiss me,” Luka whispered, his voice a soft hiss.

As the boy’s slender neck came within reach, Luka sank his teeth into his skin and sucked hard.

He managed a few delicious teaspoonfuls before Eve jerked Simon away.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Simon demanded and tried to get back to Luka.

Blood dribbled onto Simon’s collarbone. Luka’s gaze followed the trail down his chest. He ached with the need to feed. Krista wiped her lips across Simon’s neck and sealed the gash.

“Get dressed and get out of here,” Eve said to Simon.

“What about my money?”

Eve threw the notes at his chest.

Luka’s cock finally gave up in disgust and deflated like an old balloon. He couldn’t have been more relieved.

* * * * *

Chloe was determined not to go anywhere near Luka again. If he wanted to play stupid games it was up to him. Maybe he’d bitten off more than he could chew.
Ha, that was a good one
. He had her going there for a while, making her wonder if vampires really might exist. But the guy was a prick. A big prick but still a prick.

On the other hand, she couldn’t stop thinking about him, chained up, helpless. She’d have loved to take a photograph of him. More than one. Okay, a whole film. One huge advantage of developing her own pictures, no one to bat an eye at shot after shot of a naked hunk. She sighed.

Maybe he was so deep in his game he didn’t know what was good for him anymore. Maybe he thought she was part of the game. Chloe sat up. That was it. The idiot thought she was pretending.

She hadn’t even given him a drink, just made that stupid crack about him only needing blood.

The guy was crazy, seriously crazy and if she had any sense she’d be getting as far away from this place as possible. Some people just didn’t know how to accept help.

“No, they don’t.”

Chloe didn’t miss that barb; only it was hard to see how dragging her back to Washburn Hall was good for her. She chewed her nail. Not good for her, maybe good for Luka. Was that it? Was he the reason she was here?

First thing in the morning, she was going to drive to a hardware superstore and buy a chainsaw.

Did chainsaws cut metal? Well, she’d ask an assistant.

Chloe lay down again. In spite of everything, she still fancied him. If she could get him to act like a normal guy, she wouldn’t mind going out with him. She rolled over. Sleep was impossible.

She was wound tight as a violin string and she knew just how tight they were. Once the thinnest string had snapped as she’d played and cut her face. Chloe turned on to her stomach. Maybe she could watch TV.

There was no TV. She hadn’t noticed before. That was very odd. Chloe couldn’t think of anywhere she’d stayed that didn’t have a TV in the room. So what else could she do? Her hand already had a plan. It was sliding under her thigh. She’d feel more relaxed if she’d had a mind-blowing orgasm.
. That would be a first. An everyday orgasm would work equally well and she had the perfect guy to imagine with her. Okay, his brain wasn’t perfect but his body was if she ignored the cuts.

Chloe shoved the covers to the end of the bed with her feet and shifted onto her back. She rolled her hands down her body, sliding them over her thighs, reaching as far as she could without sitting up, then swept them back up, featherlight caresses, circling her breasts, tormenting herself until her nipples stood up in sharp relief and she could see them in the gloom.

She imagined Luka standing at the end of the bed, no marks on his skin, his eyes fixed on her, wanting her, his cock rigid with blood, angled towards her, glistening with need. He crawled onto the bed, focused on her breasts, his strong, muscular body pressing on hers as he leaned over and took a nipple between his lips. Chloe’s hips arched off the mattress. She felt hot and wild. The only thing to make this perfect would be Luka actually there.

His mouth teased her sensitive breasts, one after the other, swapping in a blur of motion that was too fast for Chloe to control. She snapped her eyes open needing to check he wasn’t actually in the room. Then his tongue traced a path over her collarbone, up the column of her throat until he reached her mouth. Chloe licked her lips, sucked his tongue inside her mouth, pulled until she could have dragged all of him inside her. One hand slid down to grasp his cock, the other to glide lightly over her wet slit.

She ran her fist up and down his length as the fingers of her other hand began to play in her folds, gentle strokes, little nips. He was so big. Would he fit? Chloe cupped his tight balls and squeezed, coaxing a groan from his throat. She wanted them in her mouth, wanted to tease them apart, suck them, feel them harden and draw up as his climax came on. But this was her fantasy and she also didn’t want to move.

Chloe let him take her ankles and pull her legs further apart. One finger slipped inside her. It was hers but then his joined hers, so they plunged together side by side. A whimper slipped from Chloe’s throat. Deep in the thrall of passion, Luka became more substantial in her mind. She could feel his finger inside her, feel his steel-hard erection pressed against her leg.

“You want my cock inside you, Chloe?”

“Fuck me,” she whispered.

The fingers pulled back and the smooth knob of his cock nudged the entrance to her body.

“Can you take all of me?” he asked.


Her clit throbbed with need. She felt the little pearl emerge as the hood slid back and Chloe flicked the sensitive mound with a finger. Two hands. One finger flicking, rubbing, circling. Two fingers diving, thrusting, jerking. Now three.
Oh God
. Chloe could feel release coming. It was there, lurking in the background but she had to stay focused. She was wet, dripping, desperate.

“Fuck me,” she gasped. “Luka.”

As she called his name, there was an explosion of sensation inside her. In her mind Luka touched her everywhere. He kissed her toes, mouthed her instep, licked her knee, bit her hip, cupped her breast, laved her stomach, and pumped inside her, his cock pounding into her as fire took hold in her veins. Her hips bucked as rapture overtook her. Chloe stopped breathing and fell into the inferno. Each burning ripple that cascaded through her body was echoed by the clenching of her pussy. She wanted it to last forever even as it faded away.

“Ssshit,” Chloe hissed. Maybe she
do mind-blowing on her own. She rolled onto her side, pulled up the covers, and fell fast asleep.

Luka watched in bewilderment as his dick thickened. The veins snaking along its length darkened as they filled with blood. Within seconds he was hard as a rock. What the hell was happening? He dropped his head back to the pillow and groaned. Maybe he was hallucinating.

He looked again. A tiny drop of precum slid from the tip.
Oh fuck, this was not good

Eve and Krista weren’t even in the room attempting seduction, so why was he aroused? The answer came in a flash. Chloe. Her face appeared in front of him and he closed his eyes. He still saw her. More of her. She had her hands between her legs and she was bringing herself off.

Sweet breasts and long, long legs. Luka wanted to bury himself between those legs and suck her till she saw stars, constellations, galaxies. His balls drew up, hit the base of his cock, and he felt the spurt of precum. Impossible. No one was touching him. What magic was this? What had they done? Chloe was close to orgasm, her breath choppy as she rubbed her clit. She tensed and Luka caught his own breath. She called his name, the climax crashed over her, and he almost came undone.

For a while, Luka was afraid to open his eyes. When he lifted his head to look at his dick it lay limp on his dark curls. No sign of precum. Had he been dreaming?

“He’s as awkward as Chloe.”

“Phoebe, no one is as awkward as Chloe.”

“But she’s beginning to get it, Angel. He’s the prince in the dungeon she has to set free. They’re
ideal for each other.”

“Get out the violin.”

“Shut up, Rufus.”

Chapter Nine

Luka smiled as Chloe crawled into the room. She dragged a set of bolt cutters that were almost as long as her.

“You came back,” Luka said.

She got to her feet and walked across to him. “I decided you don’t know what’s good for you.”

The hint of a smile flashed across her face. She sat on the edge of the bed and brushed the hair out of his eyes. His miserable pulse fluttered. He could smell her need; it scented the air with an unmistakable, irresistible musk; only it
resistible because there was nothing he could do about it.

“They’ve taken off most of the chains, that’s good,” she said. Her fingers hovered over his chest then fell away. “They didn’t manage to --”


Another little smile and Luka’s heart began to warm.

“I bought more cutters.” She held them up. “I had to drive all the way to York. The guy said a chainsaw wouldn’t be any use.”

“Chloe, they’re not going to work.”

“’Course they will. These are tougher and there’s more room to maneuver now.”

She trapped a link between the blades and squeezed. The muscles in her arms bulged with the effort, but as Luka expected, there was no snapping sound, just Chloe’s heavy breathing and rather inventive cursing. She really did know a lot of Russian swear words. After a prolonged struggle, she gave up.

“There’s not the faintest mark. How can that be? The man said these would cut through anything.”

“Not this chain.”

“Then I can’t free you?”

He shook his head. A tear formed in her eye and she wiped it away. Luka’s temperature continued to rise. She cared. This wasn’t an act.

“Can I give you a hug?” she asked.

“A hug?” His voice was thick because his throat had closed up.

“You know, a feel better hug.”

He nodded, no longer able to speak. Chloe lay alongside him, not touching at first, and then allowing her arm to slide across his chest. She snuck in a little closer and settled her body next to his, resting her head against his shoulder. His arm started to itch.

“I’m sorry I can’t get you free,” she whispered. “If you don’t want me to tell anyone, I don’t know what else to do.”

Luka held himself motionless. Her scent was intoxicating, the feel of her hair against his cheek scintillating. The faint draft of her breath sent sparks flying to all parts of his body. He could hear the blood pounding through her veins and wanted it pounding through his own. The touch of her fingers against his chest made his heart throb. He didn’t want to believe this was a trick, another ruse to make his cock swell. The trouble was, it had begun to swell. Brought to life by a fantasy Chloe, it wasn’t going to stay down for the real thing.

With no small effort, Luka tried to send his mind on a different journey, pictured himself doing his taxes. How could that be sexy? Only he couldn’t divert his brain. All he could think about was Chloe, this green-eyed mortal with a kind heart, lying fully clothed next to his naked body.

He waited for her hand to creep lower, not sure what he wanted but calmed by the sensation of being comforted. It might be the last pleasure he had. Any moment Eve and Krista would burst through the door. They were probably watching through the hole they’d shown Chloe, frigging themselves into a state of readiness.

When Luka heard Chloe give a quiet snuffle, he thought she was crying. A moment later, her breathing even, he realized she’d fallen asleep. He gave a quiet laugh. Now he knew he was wrong. Chloe hadn’t been sent by the witches of Washburn. She really did want to help him.

BOOK: Trueblood 01-The-Consolation-Prize
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