True Colors (19 page)

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Authors: Melissa Pearl

BOOK: True Colors
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“It’s perfect.” I gave him a weak grin as I reached for it. Wrapping my fingers around the warm mug, I felt myself slowly start to relax.

Eric studied every inch of my face as I sipped at my tea. His thumb was gentle as he caressed my grimy cheek. I winced.

“Sorry.” He grimaced. “Do you have a first aid kit or something? It might be a good idea to put some antiseptic on your face.”

I nodded and pointed to the kitchen. “In the top shelf of the pantry.”

He walked back into the kitchen, agitation radiating from him. I was surprised he’d managed to hold out this long. If it were the other way around, I would have been badgering him for answers the second we got into the car. He’d just stayed quiet...calm and quiet. His knuckles had been white on the steering wheel, so I knew it wasn’t quite that simple, but he’d known what I’d needed.

He returned with some cotton balls, a bowl of water, and a little tube of antiseptic cream.

“Face me,” he murmured. I put down the mug and turned towards him, our knees brushing together. “Where are your parents?”

“They left for Hawaii this afternoon.”

His eyebrows rose as he dipped the cotton into the water.

“They’re gone for ten days, so I have the place to myself. I was going to tell you tomorrow, kind of like a surprise.” My chuckle died quickly.

Looking into his tender gaze made my heart want to melt. There was something deeper there too, but I forced myself not to read it. I winced and grabbed his thighs as he patted my cheek clean. It stung. His brow was furrowed with concentration as he cleaned me up. I didn’t want to look in a mirror. I gingerly touched my cheek and figured it must be a small graze. It stung badly, but it felt like a quick healer.

I rubbed my tender stomach and eased back onto the couch.

“Do I need to take you to the hospital?”

Drawing my hand away from my stomach, I shook my head. “No. I’m okay. He just punched me in the stomach a couple of times and squashed my face into the ground. It hurt, but as far as injuries go, it feels pretty minor.”

Eric studied me in silence until I tried to smile at him, and then his face bunched with an anger I wasn’t expecting.

“Who did this to you? What did they want?”

“I don’t know.” I kept my voice soft. “I didn’t see his face.”

“Was he trying to rob you or something?” Eric swallowed, tortured agony flashing over his features. I could only guess what his mind was conjuring. I sat forward, wanting to ease his frustration, but knowing the truth probably wouldn’t.

“It was a warning.”

“Against what?”

“He wants me to stay away from Liam Donovan.”

Eric’s face paled, his usually gentle eyes growing hard. “What the hell have you been doing with Liam Donovan?”

“Nothing. Just asking a few questions.”

That answer didn’t satisfy him. His fingers were gripped together so tight I thought his bones might snap and his left leg bobbed uncontrollably.  “You told me you were going to be careful, Caity. You promised.”

Guilt stripped my insides bare. I hadn’t seen this one coming, but I probably should have. Liam’s phone call had been about me. The idea made me flinch.

“I didn’t think I was being unsafe.” I sighed, placing my hand on his knee. He stood, moving away from my touch. “You’re angry with me.”

He scowled. “Are you reading me right now?”

I nearly laughed. “I don’t need to read you to see you’re mad. It’s obvious.” I blinked, hating this conflict and desperately needing it to end. I didn’t understand why he was so pissed. “I’m sorry.”

“I just can’t believe you lied to me.”

His mask fell away before I could stop it and I glimpsed a hurt boy who’d been let down by almost everyone he cared for. I quickly shoved the layer back into place, unnerved by his vulnerability. “I didn’t lie to you, Eric... and I promise you I never will.”

His gaze jumped to mine and I made sure my expression was open and true. “I was going to tell you everything tomorrow. You’re the only person I can talk to about this stuff, and I didn’t want to tell you over the phone. I had no idea this was gonna happen to me. Do you honestly think I would have ambled around after dark on my own if I thought I was in any kind of danger?”

The anguish on his face was heart-wrenching. “Someone hurt you, Caity...and I wasn’t there to stop them.” He sank back down on the couch, lightly cupping my cheek. “I’ve never driven so fast to find someone before.” He swallowed. “And when I saw you huddled against that dumpster, I thought my heart might break.”

His voice hitched making my eyes glisten. I leaned towards him and placed my lips on his cheek.

“I’m sorry for not being more careful.” My voice shook. “I didn’t know I was such a threat to them. I only asked a few questions. I just wanted to help Indie. She’s scared, Eric.” My lips bunched together as I tried to ward off the tears. “I don’t know what Liam’s doing to her, but it makes me feel sick. She’s suffering and I want to help her, but I don’t know how.” I was losing the tear battle. They streamed down my face in a torrent of liquid anguish. The attack scared the life out of me, and I knew I should back away, but what about Indie? What did she face every time she was alone with Liam? If that guy who attacked me was the one Liam was talking to on the phone, then he’d obviously given Indie a beating last weekend as well. “How can I walk away and forget what I’ve seen? What kind of person does that make me?” I blubbered.

Eric caressed the tears from my face with the back of his fingers. “Caity, I need you to stop and go back to the beginning. I want to know every single detail of your week.”

“Okay.” I nodded. “But can I ask you to do one thing first?” I grasped his free hand, threading my fingers through his. “Can you stay with me tonight?” I swallowed. “I don’t want to be on my own.”

His thumb was soft as it brushed over my cheekbone. “I wouldn’t leave even if you wanted me to.”

I breathed out a relieved sigh.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

I led him up to my room without saying a word. At first he seemed reluctant, but it only took a gentle tug to get him onto my bed. Snuggling against him, I laid my head on his shoulder. His reticence vanished as he wrapped his arm around my back and rested his chin on my head.

“Now talk,” he whispered.

I told him everything I could think of. He knew some of it already, but I noticed his grip around me got tighter every time I spoke about Liam. When I mentioned the murder, he squished me so hard my stomach hurt.

“Sorry. Sorry.” He pulled away, trying to get off the bed.

“You didn’t hurt me, I’m okay.” I wrapped my arm around him, trying to hold him in place, but he was stronger. Standing up from the bed, he ran his hand through his hair and paced to the window. “I want to kill that guy for hurting you.”

“It’s over, Eric. I’m alright.”

“No, it’s not. He said it was a warning. Caity, you have to stay away from this.”

“But what about Indie? I can’t just ignore what I saw. Liam needs to be stopped.”

Eric spun with a fierce look in his eye. “I want you to stay away from Liam. You have to promise me you will.”

“I don’t know if I can do that.” I felt bad saying it, but I told him I’d never lie.

His face crested with anger and sorrow. “I don’t want you to get hurt again.”

“I won’t. I’ll be more careful, more aware.”

He looked unconvinced.

“Eric, tonight scared the shit of me. I’m not going to do anything careless, I swear.”

This calmed him, but he still wasn’t satisfied. “I still think you should call the police.”

“I know...and I will, eventually. I just want to figure out a little more first. They’re not going to follow a lead on some teenage girl’s hunch. I need some sort of evidence.”

He shook his head. I could tell he was annoyed with me. I so didn’t want to lose him over this, but I couldn’t just walk away from what I’d seen. I wanted to. I wanted to run for the hills...or Wyoming, but I’d seen too much now and I couldn’t walk away. I’d never be able to live with myself if I turned my back on people who so desperately needed help.

Curse my good soul.

Why couldn’t I just be a selfish cow?

Eric’s agitated pacing was starting to drive me nuts. I hated anger. It stressed me out. We needed to end this conversation for the night or we’d never get any sleep, something we both probably needed. I did, anyway. Exhaustion was tugging at my brain, the aftershock of my attack making me queasy. I just wanted to lie in his arms and pretend none of this had happened.

“Please don’t be mad with me,” I whispered. “There’s nothing more either of us can do tonight. I’m safe,” I said the word safe as emphatically as I could. “Please, Eric, just come back to bed.”

He stopped with his hands on his hips, his expression a mixture of longing and regret. “Caity, I was expecting to sleep on the couch.”

Without warning, tears filled my eyes. “Please don’t,” I breathed. The idea of sleeping alone left me feeling bereft. I blinked at my tears, embarrassed by my fragile state.

With a soft sigh, Eric stepped back towards the bed. “Don’t cry. It’s okay.” Carefully untying my shoes, he placed them on the floor. He then took his off and lay down on the bed beside me.

“Thank you.” I kissed his cheek. Grabbing his hand, I rolled away from him, pulling his arm over me and tucking it beneath my waist. He kissed the back of my head and shuffled forward so our bodies melded against each other. I ran my fingers down his bare forearm and closed my eyes. His solid form against me eased my rattled nerves, helping me to put the trauma of my day aside.

I was in Eric’s arms. I was safe.

With that knowledge, I drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 21

My head was aching as my mind worked towards wakefulness the next morning. Hands gripping me and hurting me slammed into my brain and I came to with a jerk. The arm around my waist squeezed tight.

“You okay?” And the voice behind me made my insides sing.

He’d stayed. All night, he’d slept beside me.

My hero. I internally giggled at my swooning self. In spite of yesterday’s events, I now felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

“My silver lining,” I muttered.

“What?” Eric’s head popped up. He rested his stubbly chin lightly against my ear. Rolling over, I ran my fingers down his perfectly carved face and grinned.

“You’re my silver lining,” I whispered again, bringing my lips to his.

Morning kissing is the best way to wake up. I’d never done it before, but it didn’t take more than a micro-second to come to this conclusion. Eric’s tongue wrapped around mine as his arms slid up my back. I flung my leg over his hip, pulling him closer, relishing the feeling of his firm body against mine.

Finding an opening, I wriggled my fingers beneath his T-shirt, spreading my hand flat against his back and gliding over his skin. Each curve of his strong muscles felt divine, and I was once again struck by the unbelievable notion that Eric Shore wanted me. With a soft groan, he pushed me onto my back, his weight pressing me into the bed. Running his hand from my knee to my thigh, he cupped my butt before sliding his hand beneath my shirt. His lips worked down my chin and over my neck, sending spikes of pleasure running through my system.

I held him tightly to me, lost in the intoxicating dance. My temperature was rapidly soaring as our breath mingled together, our kissing growing urgent with our mounting desire. I started to tug at his shirt, wanting easier access to his amazing skin...his entire body. But then he jerked and pulled away.

I felt naked as he leapt off me. He ran a hand through his hair as he breathed in through his nostrils. The light brown tendrils fell around his face and he tucked them behind his ear.

“I have to um...” He pointed behind him. “Mind if I take a shower?”

My confused frown must have been interpreted as a yes, because he spun and left my room. Thirty seconds later I could hear the water running.

What the hell?

I frowned, slowly getting off the bed. I rubbed my slightly tender stomach that I had blissfully forgotten about, feeling fragile and worse for wear. Padding down to the second bathroom, I braved a look in the mirror and was pleased to see the grazing on my face was quite minor. My skin was a little puffy and there was definitely a bruise, but it was pale and would hopefully fade quickly.

My fingers shook as I ran the tips over my wound, but it wasn’t because of yesterday. It was because my hot next-door neighbor just leapt off my bed and looked as though the last thing on earth he wanted to do was have sex with me. The thought was a depressing lump in my gut. I clutched my shirt, noticing how dirty it was. Whipping it off, I threw it into the laundry as I walked past, unzipping my fly on the way to my room. I wiggled out of my jeans and was tempted to waltz into the bathroom in my underwear just to gauge Eric’s reaction, but I didn’t want to see the look on his face. Would it be disgust?

Fighting tears, I reached for a comfy pair of sweatpants and my pink Roxy T-shirt. They were both a little tatty, but I didn’t care. Eric obviously didn’t want me, so it’s not like I needed to dress to impress.

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