True Colors (18 page)

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Authors: Melissa Pearl

BOOK: True Colors
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“And be sure to lock the door each night before you go to bed. Check the windows as well.”

“Mom, I’m not an imbecile.” I rolled my eyes in the back seat. Thankfully we were nearly at the airport so I wouldn’t need to listen to this for too much longer.

“She knows that, dear. We just want you to be safe.”

Reaching forward, I squeezed Dad’s shoulder. “I will be. I’m not a little girl anymore. I’m eighteen and capable of looking after myself. Besides, Layla and Seth are both around if I need them.” I didn’t want to need them at all, but I knew the reminder would be a comfort to my fretting parents.

I guess I should be fair. This was the first time they’d left me alone for this long. They’d done a few weekends here and there, and I’d been away from them, but I could tell Mom felt guilty for leaving me. Not because she didn’t want to go to Hawaii, but because she was torn. She felt a responsibility to me, and as much as it hurt, I knew for a fact that she sometimes lamented the fact that she was way too old to have a child still at home. They had already moved past the baby stage when I came along. I knew they loved me, but it still must have been a hard pill to swallow. I saw through her watery smile as she turned in the seat to glimpse me.

“You guys are doing the right thing. You only see Holly once a year and I know she’s desperate for you to meet her new boyfriend. She needs you more than I do right now. I’ll be fine. You don’t have to worry.”

They were silent after that, both comforted by my encouragement. Dad parked the car and unloaded the bags, nervously handing the keys to me.

“Drive it straight home. You use your Mini while we’re away. I’m only letting you drive it this one time because of your mother’s inability to pack sensibly.”

“Craig.” My mother’s warning tone made Dad grin. He winked at me as he walked to the trunk and helped unloaded the two big suitcases that never would have squished into my little car.

“Do you guys want me to stick around until you’ve checked in?” I slammed the trunk shut.

“No, that’s okay sweetie. We don’t want you to be lumped with a big parking fee. You just get going.” Dad’s eyes glistened. I could see he was proud of me. His little girl was all grown up. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him, trying not to let my glee at their departure show too much.

“Love you, Dad.”

He squeezed me tight. “Love you too, Peanut.”

I stepped into Mom’s embrace and whispered yet again, “I’ll be fine. Please trust me.”

She pulled back and held my face in her hands. “Promise you’ll call Seth or Layla if you need them.”

“I promise.”

And with that, they finally let me go. I leaned against the car, waving at them until they had hauled their bags onto a trolley and headed inside. You’d think they were leaving for a year the way they kept looking at me.

With a little jump of glee, I slid into the driver’s seat and enjoyed the power of Dad’s engine igniting.

“Sweet ride,” I whispered, tempted to drive it the longest way home possible.

I didn’t. I played the good girl, knowing that when Dad called from Hawaii, he’d ask. I pulled the car into the garage as instructed and noticed that Eric’s Jeep wasn’t in his driveway.

Why would it be? He’d already texted to tell me he’d be home on Saturday morning as he was going out with Dale tonight. For once, Dale wasn’t heading north to see his girlfriend, Nicole. She was coming to him and since Dale had a free night, he asked if Eric wanted to hang out. Eric wasn’t the biggest socialite and seemed to have a very small group of friends, from what I could tell. Dale must be a really great guy if Eric was willing to give him a whole evening.

I hoped they had fun, in spite of my disappointment. I’d so much rather spend my evening with Eric and having to wait was a total downer. But I refused to be a needy girlfriend...not that I was his girlfriend...yet. I grinned.

I thought about texting Stella, but what was the point? She basically hadn’t spoken to me since I told her she wasn’t the only person in the world. It was getting super awkward hanging out with the group. Her evil glares and scoffing tone whenever I spoke was getting old super-fast. Between Chase and her, I was getting major outcast vibes and I knew it wouldn't take much more until I spent my lunchtimes hanging out alone. The thought was far from appealing, but I hated the subtle cold-shouldering that was in play. It made me feel like such a loser.

I decided I was cool with my own company outside of school though. It’d give me time to think. I was still trying to work out what kind of business Liam was into. I wouldn’t put it past Liam to be involved in some sort of cheating ring within the school. Like maybe the smart kids were somehow helping Liam and his buddies get good test scores or something?

It was only a theory and didn't really have time to flourish because another thought hit my like a bullet in the night...Liam had said, "blood on your hands." What had he meant by that? Was the guy he’d been talking to a murderer?

Dashing up to my computer, I pulled up the history I’d found on Liam. I decided to try searching in the Burbank local paper again, this time looking for anything involving murder about two years ago. I found four articles —one shooting, two robberies and a domestic violence case. It was horrible reading the meaty details, but I was able to rule out two that had already been solved. The shooting and one of the robberies remained a mystery. In fact the robbery wasn’t even a robbery; it was attempted. The owner of the car had been bashed over the head with a blunt instrument, but the weapon and the culprit were never found. The article suggested that the person was trying to steal the car, the victim tried to stop him, and then it got messy. I couldn’t help wondering if there was a link to the other car thefts happening in the area at the time. There were a couple more articles I found about the case, but it quickly went cold.

I exited the screen and sat back with a sigh. Reading about those murders had really unsettled me. I felt jittery and my house suddenly felt ginormous and cold. Not really wanting to kick around by myself all night, I decided to walk to the nearest shops. I should have taken my car, but I loved this time of day. The sun hadn’t set yet and the air was refreshing. I was hoping it would clear my head and help me sleep.

Wandering down Montana Avenue, I stopped to buy an ice cream and sauntered past the shops, watching people out of the corner of my eye. I wasn’t in the mood for reading, so I kept people’s masks in place and found the task easy. It was such a relief to know I could switch off if I wanted to. I pretended for a while that I was just an ordinary girl, licking on an ice cream and in no particular hurry to go anywhere. My nerves stopped clanging together and my mind shifted from murder mode into swoon mode. I started thinking about Eric and what we might do over the weekend. I was thinking a Saturday-morning surf followed by a little make out session on the beach. We could then go home, get cleaned up and spend the afternoon chillin’ at my place...just hanging out on our own.

I blushed, wondering if Eric would show me what he meant by getting lucky.

Crunching down the last of my ice cream cone, I wiped my hands and threw the napkin away, deciding I should probably get home before it got too late. I was just starting back when someone yanked my arm from behind and pulled me into the alleyway.

The shock gave me no time to respond and it wasn’t until he was shoving me behind the dumpster that I even had the notion to scream. I opened my mouth to let it rip when what felt like a cannonball struck my stomach. I doubled over, struggling for air as pain radiated though my abdomen. He pulled his fist back and thrust it into me again, my feet lifting off the ground with the force of the impact.

I wanted to cry, to scream, to do anything! But I couldn’t breathe. He let me go and I crumpled to the ground, my hair covering my face like a discarded blanket.

I tried to spot his face through my tendrils, but tears were blurring my vision. He pressed my face into the concrete, his thumb digging painfully into my cheek. I thought my heart might explode; it was thrumming so loudly. The rough ground cut into my cheek as he leaned over me, pushing until my skull felt ready to splinter.

I whimpered as he brought his lips to my ear.

“This is a warning.” His voice was harsh and gravelly. “Keep your nose out of Liam Donovan’s business or the next time I find you, you’ll really understand the meaning of pain.”

He pushed up off my head and strode away, his black shoes not making a sound. Tears gathered in my eyes as I strove for some kind of composure. I knew I had to get up and go home, but I was too scared to move. My insides hurt and my limbs were shaking. Pushing myself up, I drew my knees to my chin. Wrapping my arms around my legs, I tried to quell the tremors and get my brain to function. I couldn’t stay tucked behind this dumpster. I needed to get home. But the idea of walking was too painful...and petrifying.

I reached for my phone and ran my thumb over the screen. I could call Stella; she’d probably come and get me if I asked nicely. In spite of her cold attitude, I knew she still had a heart. But then she’d want details, plus I’d owe her for all eternity.

My next thought was Seth, but he’d just freak out and call my parents who would freak out even more and fly home again. I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to have to explain any of this to anybody. No, there was only one person I should be calling, because he already knew everything...but I really didn’t want to ruin his night with Dale.

My lips quivered as I held my shaking finger over Eric’s contact details. Would he freak out? Would he tell me off for taking things too far? Would he make me go to the police? I didn’t want to. What could I tell them? That a guy with black shoes attacked me? That’s all I had. For someone with the power to read people, I was pretty damn useless.

Tears stung. I pressed the back of my hand against my right eye, my lips trembling as they fought against the sobs. My limbs were shaking uncontrollably and I was on the brink of losing it.

I wanted Eric. I needed Eric and even though we’d only been dating for a little while, I knew he’d want to know. He’d want to be the one to come and get me...and look after me. That was just the way he was.

Pulling in a trembling breath, I dialed his number and pressed my lips together as it rang.

“Hey, gorgeous girl.” Eric’s voice was light and cheerful.

I couldn’t talk. Tears popped out of my eyes, dribbling down my face as I tried to find a voice. All I could muster was another trembling breath.

“Caity?” Eric’s tone rang with urgent concern. “What’s the matter? Where are you?”

“I need your help.” I managed.

“Are you hurt?”

I shook my head in spite of the pain radiating through me. “Can you come and get me?”

“Tell me where you are and I’ll be there.” I could tell he was already moving. I could hear shuffling in the background. “Dale, sorry man, I gotta go. Where the hell are my keys?” More shuffling, muffled conversation. “I’ll let you know.” A door banged shut and I flinched. “Okay, where are you?”

I gave him directions, but he already knew where I was talking about.

“I’m sorry to ruin your night.”

“Caity, stop it. Just sit tight. I’ll be there soon.”

He hung up and I clutched the phone in my hand, peeking out past the dumpster to make sure the guy with the gravelly voice wasn’t coming back for round two.

I sat in agonized silence, mustering the courage to get up and walk to the street where I told Eric I’d be waiting. But I couldn’t stop shaking and I didn’t want anyone to notice me. Anyone could see I was in shock and I didn’t want to explain myself.


Eric’s voice made me jump. I peeked out past the dumpster and saw him standing on the street. He looked frustrated and scared as he pulled the phone from his pocket. The phone in my hand began to sing “Kiss You” and Eric spun around, his eyes wide and his face pale under the streetlights. He raced into the alley, following the sound of my ringing phone and found me huddled on the ground.

“What happened?” His words were breathy as he crouched in front of me.

I wiped my dribbling nose with the back of my hand and shook my head, tears bubbling over once more as I launched towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. His strength encircled me as he gently stood, bringing me with him. We didn’t move for a while; he just held me tightly against him and let me sob into his shoulder. Finally when my hiccuping tears had eased, he lifted me into his arms and carried me to his car.

Chapter 20

Eric drove me home and carried me inside. I told him I could walk, but he wouldn’t listen; he just tucked his arm beneath my knees and walked me to the front door. I shakily punched in the code and then he carried me to the sunken lounge, propping cushions behind me before taking off to the kitchen and making himself at home.

Five minutes later, he gently placed a steaming mug on the coffee table in front of me. “I hope you like Orange Blossom tea. I’ve never seen such a huge range of herbal tea before; I just went for the first one I recognized.”

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