What the hell? Was he Superman?
Shaking his head, Sam realized that Lola made him feel like some kind of superhero and it was about time he admitted to the truth. He was falling in love with her. He might be in for a world of hurt when all was said and done but he wasn’t the kind of man who could lie to himself.
By the time more than thirty minutes had passed, Sam was getting downright fidgety when he heard Lola call to him through the closed bathroom door.
“You ready for me, Sam?”
Ready for whatever she had in mind, he sprawled back in the chair but then his body got a hard jolt when Lola walked into the room.
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All six feet of Lola Lamont had been transformed into at least six feet five inches of sexy, sensual, showgirl. Sam was bedazzled the second she lifted her head high and with the grace of a queen walked slowly into the center of the room. Her blonde hair was slicked back dramatically from her face further emphasizing her perfect bone structure. Pink, fuzzy looking feathers had been placed into her hair in the back, looming large and outrageous.
Sam couldn’t speak. The spit completely dried in his mouth.
How many pairs of fake eyelashes was she wearing? Two? Her lids were painted with heavy sparkling color and a cluster of hot pink gemstones had been applied near the corners of her eyes and near the edges of her high cheekbones. Lola’s face was as pale as white china, her lips were glossy with pink color. Something glittery had been sprinkled over every inch of her mainly bare body.
Sam went instantly hard, his cock throbbing with a violent ache behind the fly of his jeans.
She had applied some kind of large patch over each of her nipples. Gemstones matching those near her eyes sparkled there and Sam adjusted his position in the chair.
Her head high, Lola moved toward him to the rhythm of the music, her body sinuous and sultry. Lifting one arm gracefully over her head, she gave him an unsmiling, unblinking stare and struck a pose that screamed
come fuck me
. He also suddenly understood why she waxed the hair from her pussy. The miniscule thong which also glittered with tiny pink stones twinkled as if taunting him. It was beyond skimpy.
Did she wear this in her show?
Lola lowered the arm she held high above her head then sinuously raised the other.
Cocking her hip, she straightened one leg until the toe of one shiny pink stiletto was pointed in his direction.
“So, Sam,” she practically purred. “What do you think of your Pink Flamingo Girl?”
Silence fell.
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When he managed to speak, he sent his gaze over the long length of her body, his blood pumping hot and heavy through his veins. “I’m speechless. I’ve never seen anyone like you before, Lola.”
A tiny smile curled her lips as she lowered her arm, did a graceful turn and looked at him over her shoulder. Her back was completely bare with only a tiny pink string breaking the plane of her hips. Striking a provocative pose she broadened her smile.
“Part of my costume is missing though,” she whispered. “I don’t have my headdress. Heavy sucker. Lots of pink gems and big, billowy feathers going everywhere.” Her eyes drifted over him lingering for a moment on his lips. She smiled slightly. “Stuff is missing back here, too. Normally there are several layers of pink tulle covering my butt. It would fall all the way to the floor and float behind me when I walked across the stage with the other girls.”
Imagining it, Sam feasted his eyes.
Taking in the smooth curve of her ass, the length of her legs, he reached for the snap and zipper of his jeans. If he didn’t get relief soon, he was in big trouble. The rasp sounded loud in the room. To hell with it. With no finesse or explanation, he pulled his cock from his jeans and fisted his hand around the base of it. “Dance for me.”
From that moment on, it didn’t matter what song was playing on the radio or that he was sitting here jacking off. All he cared about was watching her as she moved slowly around the room, her movements at once graceful and seductive. She shimmied.
She swayed. Inching ever closer, Lola undulated, swiveling her hips and then finally she straddled him, her body only inches from his face.
Sam released his cock and reached for her. He wanted to lick every bit of that shiny, glittery stuff from her body and remove that naughty looking g-string from her with his teeth. He wanted to eat her pussy until she screamed his name. He needed to devour her and not stop until they were both too limp to breathe, much less move. Wild lust whipped through his body until he ached with it.
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Filling his hands with her ass, Sam frowned as Lola laughed softly and teasingly backed away. “Uh-uh-uh, Sam. Not yet,” she whispered, taunting him.
“Don’t do this.”
“Why not? Do you think you can get me that easily?”
Falling into the game, Sam scowled. “You’re gonna pay for this, sweetheart.”
“Jeez, ya think?” Lola spun away giving him another hot glance at her gorgeous, flawless butt. Sliding her hands down her sides, she looked at him over her shoulder and gave him a naughty wink. “What man wants an easy woman, Sam?”
“You’re not easy,” he growled. “Not a damn thing easy about you.”
In response, Lola smiled before she spun again then did a low back bend that further emphasized her flexibility. Her body formed a perfect sensual curve and he wondered how she managed it while wearing those high, high stilettos. When she lifted to spin again, he’d had it. Just had it!
Standing abruptly, he jerked off his jeans and tossed them aside. Within two strides he had her. Sam wrapped her up in his arms, ignoring her startled squeak, and carried her back to the chair. “Think you’re boss, Miz Lola? Think you can tease me like this and get away with it?”
He fell back into the chair and yanked her over his lap. Her body settled warm against his thighs and belly and his cock rose up high and hard between them. No time to think about his aching cock now. He had to touch her. Sam sent his hand over her back, touching the soft flesh and gathering bits of shiny stuff on his fingers. It glittered diamond-bright on his palms. Her ass was canted provocatively over his lap and helplessly, he stroked the firm, pale globes.
“You are a bad woman for teasing me like this.”
Lola went still.
Sam felt her ribs expand against his leg when she breathed.
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Teasing her the way she’d tormented him, he skimmed one finger over the slender string that bisected her hip then trailed in further, sending it between the shadowy crease of her ass.
Lola sucked in a breath.
“Spread your legs. Just a little bit. Good girl.” Sam moved his fingers lower, dipping them beneath the tiny scrap of shiny fabric that comprised her thong. “You’re wet. But not wet enough.” Sending two fingers deep into her pussy, he felt Lola stiffen.
Vaginal walls squeezed tight against his probing fingers. Hell, she was tight. Wet and tight.
“Thought you could play games with me, honey?” Sam didn’t expect an answer but he damn sure wanted her squirming and ready for him. He withdrew his fingers abruptly and smacked one pale ass cheek with the palm of his hand.
He spanked her again, harder this time and finally, Lola started to writhe. Over and over he smacked her gorgeous ass until it was warm and pink, the color mingling with the sparkles she’d powdered all over her body. Lola was breathing hard and wanting to test her, he dipped his fingers back into her cunt. “You’re drenched, darlin’. God, I love the feel of your cream on my fingers.” Pumping into her repeatedly, he felt her giving flesh go hotter than a flame, and he didn’t stop until his hands were wet and glistening.
“Stand up now, darlin’.”
Lola got to her feet and looked at him, none too steady on her feet. Sam reached for her, filling his hands with her warm ass and drew her close until she stood between the spread of his thighs. With an economy of motion, he snagged her thong and drew it down her legs. “Step out.”
Lola complied and Sam looked his fill at her pussy. It was shiny and plump from his attentions and her clit peeking out at him was rosy red. Angling his head, he dragged his tongue over the morsel, flicked it, sucked it. Lola responded instantly by sinking her fingers into his hair and widening her stance.
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“You’re one delicious woman,” he whispered in a voice gone rough. “Gonna eat you out, Lola.”
Sam slid his tongue over her slit gathering her cream on it. The scent of her perfume and the silky powder she’d applied to her body curled through his head, instilling a powerful hunger deep in his belly. Growling against the tender flesh, he stiffened his tongue to prod her opening then drew up again to suck her clit. Lola quivered beneath his hands, her kittenish whimpers burning him like fire. Finally, she cried out as orgasm carried her over the edge. Sam gentled his grip on her ass changing the touch to a soft stroking. Lola slumped over him and he held her like that for a moment.
When she finally managed to stand, he joined her. Sick of dicking around, he picked her up and carried her to his bed.
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Lola was still gasping for breath when Sam managed to draw down the covers and place her in the center of his big bed. She probably looked goofy as hell lying there wearing her stage makeup, glitter and feathers but at this point, she didn’t really care.
She just wanted more of what Sam had to offer. He loomed near the side of the bed, dark and gloriously hard. Lust marked the planes and angles of his face as his hungry gaze swept her body. Maybe for the first time in her life, she was totally speechless with desire.
“Don’t move an inch,” he said.
Lola watched him walk into his closet and return with several pairs of handcuffs and some ties. Her eyes went wide. Sam gave her a slightly evil grin that had frantic fingers of expectation zipping over her body. “Um, Sam…”
“Hush. You’ve played with me enough tonight. It’s my turn.” The handcuffs were real, not the pink fuzzy kind that she had in her black velvet “bag o’ tricks”. Sam dropped them with a clatter onto the end table. He wasted no time in binding her hands together over her head, snapping on a cuff and attaching the other end to the headboard. “Too tight?”
“No,” she whispered, amazed at how the semi-helpless feeling ratcheted up her desire. Fresh cream drenched her pussy. Sensitive nerve endings pounded out a beat in her body. She wanted Sam and damn it, she wanted him now but he was the guy currently calling all the shots. He gave her a single hot, hungry look and grabbed up a handful of steel cuffs before heading to the foot of the bed.
“Better take these off but I hate to,” he said. “These are
sexy shoes, honey.”
Lola looked at Sam, watching as he unhooked her shoes and tossed them to the floor. He grabbed one ankle, snapped on the cuff with a quiet snick then attached it to a 64
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post on the footboard. Realizing she would be spread-eagle on the bed inched her tension level up a notch. When he’d finished with the other ankle, Sam climbed onto the mattress with her clutching the black bag full of sex toys in one big fist. Sitting on his haunches between her spread thighs, he sent his gaze over every inch of her body.
“Now I have you just where I want you. You comfortable?”
“Um. Yeah, I’m okay. Whew.”
A slow smile stretched his beautiful lips as he set the bag on her belly and prowled through the contents. Lola closed her eyes and listened to the sounds of Sam rummaging through the bag.
“Ah, here we go.” Lola opened her eyes in time to see Sam hold up a satiny blindfold. “You okay with this?”
“Whatever you want, Sam.”
“I like hearing that. Okay, hold still.” He leaned forward and before she could blink, he tied the black cloth over her eyes, plunging her world into darkness. Lying there, anticipation singing through her veins, she heard a whir of sound and then it shut off. She knew he was looking at her. She felt it like an invisible caress and then his hands were on her thighs, stroking over the tops of them, his thumbs moving lightly on the insides. Lola stilled at the aching pleasure of his touch. “You’re so beautiful. Your skin is as soft as the velvet of that sexy little bag of yours.”
Sam transferred his touch completely to her inner thighs. She knew she was wet there but couldn’t care as his fingers plied her flesh then began to stroke her pussy.
Sensitized from the oral sex, she caught her breath, as he spread her labia and began to circle her clit slowly.
“Sam, please. More.”
His laughter was dark and infinitely sexy. With the darkness enveloping her, every stroke, every touch was intensified. Lola jerked a little when his lips found her clit again and briefly he sucked her. The low whir sounded again.
Did he have her vibrator or the clit stimulator?
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Ah yes.
Lola felt the cool press of rounded metal on her clit and cried out softly. “God!”
“Hang on, honey. Tell me if I press too hard.” He kept the buzz going on her clit then she heard a little snick and the buzzing intensified. As if she weren’t already dying here, Sam had increased the speed. Pleasure ripped through her pussy causing her back to arch on the bed. She yanked at the cuffs anchored to the bed and a blast of cool air swept across her belly as the air conditioner kicked on. Her nipples, beneath the tight-fitting, glittery body ornaments, pulsed in tandem with her pounding heartbeat.
The stimulator did its work as she writhed on the bed. And then suddenly the sound stopped. Another whirring noise, this one louder, buzzed through the air. She gasped when Sam sent the vibrator deep. She wanted to bend her legs so she could move more freely but then it didn’t matter. Sam sucked her clit as he pushed and rotated the vibrator in her pussy and Lola screamed as another orgasm grabbed her and pulled her under.